2019版高考英语一轮复习 精细化学通语法 第十讲 定语从句讲义.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 第十讲 定语从句 全面理解先行词 先行词 和关系词是定语从句的两个重要概念,定语从句的核心内容是围绕先行词和关系词展开的。正确理解定语从句的关键就是 “ 找到先行词 ” 。只有先正确找出先行词,才能明白定语从句所修饰的究竟是什么成分,才能正确理解句子前后各部分之间的逻辑关系,分清句子结构,从而正确理解句子意思。尽管我们把定语从句所修饰的对象称为先行词,但先行词并不一定都是一个 “ 词 ” ,先行词可以是: 1一个词 (通常是名词,也可以是代词 ) This is the place which is worth visiting. 这是值得参观的地方。 He lau

2、ghs best who laughs last. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。 2一个短语 Many life s problems which were solved by asking family members, friends or colleagues are beyond the capability of the extended family to resolve. 许多以前可以通过询问家庭成员、朋友或者同事就能解决的生活问题,是现在的大家庭无力解决的。 3一个分句 The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had so

3、me connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people have realized how diverse languages could be. 希腊人认为,语言结构和思维过程之间存在着某种联系。这一观点是在人们尚未认识到语言的千差万别以前就早已在欧 洲扎下了根。 4一个完整的句子 I found an old man lying on the ground and I took him to hospital in a taxi immediately, which wa

4、s why I was late that morning. 我发现一个老人躺在马路上,我乘出租车立即把他送到了医院,这就是那天上午我迟到的原因。 正确使用关系词 (一 )关系代词 【 精品教育资源文库 】 关系代词 先行词 句法功能 who 人 主语、宾语 (限制性定语从句中可省略 )、表语 whom 人 宾语 (限制性定语从句中可省略 ) whose ( of whom/ of which) 人或物 定语 that 人或物 主语、宾语 (限制性定语从句中可省略 ) which 物 主语、宾语 (限制性定语从句中可省略 ) as 人或物 主语、宾语 Each graduate standi

5、ng on the playground, who was accompanied by a parent, would be awarded a diploma by the headmaster. 每个毕业生 都由父亲或母亲陪伴着站在操场上,等待校长给他们颁发文凭。 My daughter, whose job requires her to do a lot of travelling, is always away from home. 我的女儿总不在家,她的工作需要经常出差。 1关系代词 that 与 which 的用法 (1)限制性定语从句中只用 that 的情况: 先行词是不定代

6、词或者先行词被不定代词所修饰时,关系代词通常只用 that。 Do you have anything that you want to say for yourself? 你有什么要为自己说的吗? 先行词被序数词、形容词最高级, the only, the very, the last 等修饰时,关系代词通常只用 that,不用 which。 This is one of the most exciting football games that I have ever seen. 这是我见过的最激动人心的足球比赛之一。 This is the only thing that we can

7、do now. 这是我们现在唯一能做的事情。 先行 词既有人又有物时,关系代词只用 that,不用 which。 The scientist and his achievements that you told me about are admired by us all. 我们所有人都钦佩你告诉我的那位科学家和他所取得的成就。 在 which 或 who 的特殊疑问句中含有定语从句时用 that。 Which is the bike that you lost? 哪辆是你丢的自行车? 【 精品教育资源文库 】 Who is the boy that won the gold medal?

8、赢得 金牌的那个男孩是谁? 有两个定语从句时,其中一个关系代词宜用 which,另外一个宜用 that。 They secretly built up a small factory, which produced things that could cause pollution. 他们偷偷地建了一家小工厂,这家工厂生产的东西可能会造成污染。 当先行词在主句中作表语,而关系代词也作表语时,用 that 不用 which 引导。 Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be. 上海不再是过去的那座城市了。 主句是 there be 句型且关

9、系词在从句中作主语时,用 that 不用 which 引导。 There is a seat in the corner that is still available. 在那个角落还有一个座位可坐。 (2)只用 which 的情况: 引导非限制性定语从句。 Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, which, of course, made the others envy him. 海伦对她最小的儿子比对其他的儿子好得多,这当然让其他的儿子嫉妒他。 关系代词充当介词的宾语,且介词位于关系代词之前。 This

10、is the house in which Lu Xun once lived. 这是鲁迅曾住过的房子。 先行词为 that, those 时。 What s that which was put in the car? 放在车子里的那个东西是什么? 2 which 与 as 引导非限制性定语从句的区别 which as 位置上 只能放在先 行词的后面 位置灵 活,可位于句首、句中也可置于句末 搭配上 无动词的限制 谓语动词通常是表示感觉或心理活动的动词,如 see, hear, know, expect, remember 等 意思上 意为 “ 这一点 ” 表示 “ 正如 ? ,正像 ? 的

11、那样 ” She married again, which was unexpected. 她再婚了,这是始料未及的。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 She married again, as we expected. 正如我们预料的那样,她再婚了。 名师指津 as 引导限制性定语从句常用于下列句式 : such 名词 as(像 ? 一样的 , 像 ? 之类的 ); such(pron.) as(像 ? 一样的 , 像 ? 之类的 ); the same 名词 as(和 ? 同样的 )。 We have found such materials as are used in their fact

12、ory. 我们已经找到了像他们工厂里用的那种材料。 I have the same book as he has. 我和他有同样的书。 (二 )关系副词 1关系副词的分类 关系副词 先行词 句法功能 when 时间 时间状语 where 地点 地点状语 why 原因 原因状语 (只引导 限制性定语从句 ) I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. 我还记得第一次来北京的那一天。 The Voice of China has set up a big stage for young people with a talent fo

13、r music, where some have stood out among them. 中国好声音为有音乐天赋的年轻人建立了一个大舞台,在这个舞台上一些人从中 脱颖而出。 The reason why he failed in the exam was that he didn t study hard. 他考试失败的原因是他学习不努力。 名师指津 当先行词为 situation, case, stage, point 等,且关系词在定语从句中作状语时,用关系副词 where 引导定语从句。 They have reached the point where they have to s

14、eparate with each other. 他们已经到了必须分手的地步。 2关系代词和关系副词的辨析方法 准确判断引导词在定语从句中所作的成分 (主语、谓语、宾语、定语和状语 ),从而正确【 精品教育资源文库 】 判断出是填关系代词还是关系副词。 This is the museum where we saw the famous painting.(引导词在从句中作状语 ) 这就是我们看到那幅名画的博物馆。 This is the museum which we visited last summer.(引导词在从句中作宾语 ) 这就是我们去年夏天参观的那个博物馆。 对点练 1 用适

15、当的关系词填空 The train ran over and killed a boy and his dog that were just crossing the track. When facing hardships, only those who are confident will achieve success. That evening, which I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late. We live in an ag e when more information is availab

16、le with greater ease than ever before. The next day, my brother and I went to the beach where we watched some people play volleyball. “ 介词关系词 ” 引导的定语从句 1.“ 介词关系词 ” 引导的定语从句 构成 句法功能 用法指津 名词 (代词 )介词关系代词 主语 可转化为 “whose 名词 ” 结构 数词 (形容词最高级 ) of关系代词 主语 数词还可以用 some, many, most, each 等不定代词替换 介词 (短语 )关系代词 状语

17、关系代词只能用 which 或 whom 且不能省略,但可与关系副词互换 介词关系代词名词 状语 关系代词常用 which 和 whose 介词关系副词 状语 有时为了表达清楚,还可以在关系副词 where/when 前加介词 from 或 to Recently, I bought an ancient vase, the price of which was very reasonable. 最近,我买了一个古董花瓶,它的价格很合理。 He has ten cousins, the youngest of whom is very clever. 他有十个表兄弟,最小的那个很聪明。 We

18、are looking for the person to whom the book belongs. 我们正在寻找这本书的主人。 【 精品教育资源文库 】 Lily might possibly come, in which case I ll ask her. 莉莉可能会来,要是那样的话我就去问她。 There is a big window in my room, from where I can see the railway station. 我的房间有一个大窗户,透过它我可以看到火车站。 2 “ 介词关系代词 ” 引导的定语从句的 2 个考查点 (1)考查该结构中关系代词的选用 若介词放在关系代词之前,关系代词指人时常用 whom,指物时常用 which。 (2)考查该结构中介词的选用 一般来说,确定关系代词前的介词,可以从以下三方面入手:先行词的意义;从句中动词的固定搭配;句子的意思。 对点练 2 用 “ 介词 关系词 ” 填空 He wrote many children s books, nearly half of_which were published in the 1990s. I wish to thank Professor Smith, without_whose help


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