《文化万象:英语视听说(中国篇)》课件Chapter 2 Chinese Food1.pptx

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1、Chapter 2 Chinese FoodPart A Lead-in1.Some famous quotes Do you know some famous quotes about Chinese food?And can you translate them into English?The master did not indulge in refined cereal or delicious meat.He did not eat long-exposed,sour food,nor did he eat rotten fish or meat.He did not eat wh

2、at looked or smelt bad,nor did he eat anything not properly prepared or not served at meal time.He did not eat meat which was not rightly butchered.He did not eat food without its appropriate sauce.Plenty of meat as there was,he did not take it to exceed the due proportion for the rice.What he did n

3、ot limit himself was only wine,but he did not allow himself to get drunk.He did not help himself to wine and dried meat that were bought in the market.He rejected no ginger,but did not take too much.Analects of Confucius 食不厌精,脍不厌细。食饐而餲,鱼馁而肉败,不食;色恶,不食;臭恶,不食;失饪,不食;不时,不食;割不正,不食;不得其酱,不食。肉虽多,不使胜食气。唯酒无量,不

4、及乱。沽酒市脯,不食。不撤姜食,不多食。论语 The way of providing for the aged is that,though there are hundreds of foods,dont make food and drink miscellaneous and mixed,because five tastes interfere with each other.SUN Simiao 人之养老之道,虽有水陆百品珍馐,每食必忌于杂,杂则五味相扰。孙思邈 The appetite of the mouth,the poor.Every thrift is the way t

5、o prolong life.SU Shi 口腹之欲,何穷之有。每加节俭,亦是惜福延寿之道。苏轼2.Pair work Have a discussion with your partner and name some famous Chinese dishes.(If you dont know how to say them in English,use the Internet.)Lets have a look at some of themDo you know how to say the following dishes in Englsih?Chinese Name:北京烤鸭P

6、eking DuckChinese Name:饺子DumplingsChinese Name:糖醋排骨Sweet and Sour SpareribsChinese Name:宫保鸡丁Kung Bao Chicken(Spice Diced Chicken with Peanuts)Name:春卷Spring Rolls Chinese Chinese Name:火锅 Hot Pot Chinese Name:蛋炒饭 Fried Rice with Egg Chinese Name:麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu Chinese Name:馄饨 Won Ton Chinese Name:炒面 C

7、how MeinPart B.Listening and Speaking PracticePass 1.MatsutakeVocabulary plateau plt n.高原 abundant bndnt adj.大量的,丰富的 nestle nesl vt.抱 elf elf n.小精灵 fungus fs n.菌类 surge s:d vi.急剧上升;飞涨 scent sent n.气味;香味 fragrance frerns n.芳香Task 1:Word Hunting Directions:Watch the video clip,and look for the English

8、 expression of the following Chinese words and phrases.1.丰富多元的自然景观 2.海岸线 3.物种 4.自然的馈赠 5.精灵般的食物 6.松茸 7.珍贵的食用菌 8.香味浓烈袭人 1.丰富多元的自然景观 2.海岸线 3.物种 4.自然的馈赠 5.精灵般的食物 6.松茸 7.珍贵的食用菌 8.香味浓烈袭人 1.varied natural landscapes 2.coast lines 3.species 4.gifts from nature 5.elf-like food 6.matsutake 7.precious and edib

9、le fungus 8.an intense scentTask 2:Short Answer Questions 1.What do Chinas various geographical features and climate conditions have helped to form and preserve?2.What is the air like in the ancient forest nestled by snowy mountains in the rainy season?3.What are Zhuoma and her mother looking for in

10、 the forest?4.In what kind of areas can matsutake survive?5.How much will a dish of roast matsutake cost at restaurants in the big cities?1.Widely different species.2.Wet and cool.3.An elf-like food.4.Certain high-altitude mountain areas that are free of pollution.5.1,600 yuan.Task 3:Blank FillingCh

11、ina has a large(1)_ and the richest and most varied natural landscapes in the world.Plateaus,forests,lakes and coast lines,these various geographical features and climate conditions have helped to form and preserve widely different species.No other country has so many(2)_ food sources as China.By co

12、llecting,fetching,(3)_ ,hunting and fishing,people have acquired abundant gifts from nature.Traveling through the four seasons,well discover a story about nature and the people behind delicious Chinese foods.Shangri-la,Yunnan.In the ancient forest nestled by snowy mountains,the air is wet and cool i

13、n the rainy season.Its not easy to(4)_ Danzhen Zhuoma in the forest of pines and oaks.Zhuoma and her mother are looking for an elf-like food.Zhuoma has found matsutake under the(5)_.It is a precious and edible fungus,only surviving in certain high-altitude mountain areas that are free of pollution.W

14、e can usually only find one matsutake every kilometer.Matsutake(6)_ were once high,but the price was low.Its production has fallen this year,while the price has surged.Matsutake is very expensive.At restaurants in the big cities,a dish of roast matsutake will cost 1,600 yuan.Matsutake has an intense

15、 scent.After being lightly roasted,its spicy,(7)_ fragrance floats out.People who live far from nature regard the matsutake as some kind of(8)_ .China has a large(1)population and the richest and most varied natural landscapes in the world.Plateaus,forests,lakes and coast lines,these various geograp

16、hical features and climate conditions have helped to form and preserve widely different species.No other country has so many(2)potential food sources as China.By collecting,fetching,(3)digging,hunting and fishing,people have acquired abundant gifts from nature.Traveling through the four seasons,well

17、 discover a story about nature and the people behind delicious Chinese foods.Shangri-la,Yunnan.In the ancient forest nestled by snowy mountains,the air is wet and cool in the rainy season.Its not easy to(4)catch up with Danzhen Zhuoma in the forest of pines and oaks.Zhuoma and her mother are looking

18、 for an elf-like food.Zhuoma has found matsutake under the(5)pine needles.It is a precious and edible fungus,only surviving in certain high-altitude mountain areas that are free of pollution.We can usually only find one matsutake every kilometer.Matsutake(6)yields were once high,but the price was lo

19、w.Its production has fallen this year,while the price has surged.Matsutake is very expensive.At restaurants in the big cities,a dish of roast matsutake will cost 1,600 yuan.Matsutake has an intense scent.After being lightly roasted,its spicy,(7)mineral-like fragrance floats out.People who live far f

20、rom nature regard the matsutake as some kind of(8)treasure.Task 4:Oral Practice Directions:Look at the following topic carefully and then deliver a short(13 minutes)presentation on it.Tibet is the home of mastutake and lots of other precious plants and animals.What do you think you should not do in

21、order to remain the place as it is if you travel in Tibet?Pass 2 Flour as Staple FoodVocabulary diverse dav:s adj.不同的,多种多样的 staple food steIpl fu:d 主食,主粮 powder pad(r)vt.磨成粉末 millstone mlstn n.磨石 unearth n:vt.出土 sieve sv vt.筛,筛选 coarse k:s adj.粗糙的Task 1:Word Hunting Directions:Watch the video clip a

22、nd look for the English expressions of the following Chinese words and phrases.1.多样的主食 2.四季变换 3.最古老的村落 4.谷物加工 5.粗粮 6.多山少川 7.副食 8.餐桌上的美食 1.多样的主食 2.四季变换 3.最古老的村落 4.谷物加工 5.粗粮 6.多山少川 7.副食 8.餐桌上的美食1.the diverse staple foods 2.the change of four seasons3.the most ancient village 4.cereal processing 5.coar

23、se grains 6.rich in mountains while lacking rivers 7.the non-staple food 8.delicacies on the tableTask 2:Back Translation Directions:Watch the video clip again and translate the following sentences into English.1.从南到北,主食千变万化,提供了人体所需的大部分热量。2.山西丁村是中原最古老的村落。3.附近曾经出土过最古老的石磨盘。4.山西多山少川,蔬菜品种少。5.家庭主妇们没有条件在副

24、食上进行调剂,为了提高全家人的食欲,只好变着花样制作 各种不同的面食。1.From the south to the north,the diverse staple foods provide energy for human bodies.2.The Ding Village in Shanxi is the most ancient village in the Central Plains.3.The most ancient millstone was unearthed just nearby.4.Rich in mountains while lacking rivers,Sha

25、nxi is scarce in its vegetable varieties.5.Housewives cannot do much to enrich the non-staple food,so they figure out different ways of making flour food to increase the familys appetiteTask 3:Blank Filling Directions:Listen to the video clip again and fill in the following blanks.China has diverse(

26、1)_ conditions across its land.As a result,Chinese people living in different areas enjoy(2)_ different but rich staple food.From the south to the north,the diverse staple foods provide energy for human bodies.Moreover,they(3)_peoples feelings towards the change of four seasons and enrich the lives

27、of the Chinese.The Ding Village in Shanxi is the most ancient village in the Central Plains.Housewives here are best at making food out of flour.Local people call the(4)_cereals as flour.Cereal processing has a history of over 10,000 years.The most ancient millstone was unearthed just nearby.Today,m

28、illstones of the same(5)_are still being used.Millstones grind up cereals into powders.(6)_ out the coarse grains.Then the real flour food appears.Rich in mountains while lacking rivers,Shanxi is scarce in its vegetable varieties.Housewives cannot do much to enrich the non-staple food.So they(7)_ di

29、fferent ways of making flour food to increase the familys appetite.Flour is(8)_into various delicacies on the tableChina has diverse(1)natural conditions across its land.As a result,Chinese people living in different areas enjoy(2)absolutely different but rich staple food.From the south to the north

30、,the diverse staple foods provide energy for human bodies.Moreover,they(3)influence peoples feelings towards the change of four seasons and enrich the lives of the Chinese.The Ding Village in Shanxi is the most ancient village in the Central Plains.Housewives here are best at making food out of flou

31、r.Local people call the(4)powdered cereals as flour.Cereal processing has a history of over 10,000 years.The most ancient millstone was unearthed just nearby.Today,millstones of the same(5)shape are still being used.Millstones grind up cereals into powders.(6)Sieve out the coarse grains.Then the rea

32、l flour food appears.Rich in mountains while lacking rivers,Shanxi is scarce in its vegetable varieties.Housewives cannot do much to enrich the non-staple food.So they(7)figure out different ways of making flour food to increase the familys appetite.Flour is(8)processed into various delicacies on th

33、e table.Task 4:Oral Practice Directions:Look at the following topic carefully,and then deliver a short(13 minutes)presentation on it.China is a big country.There are different staple foods in different parts of China.Please name some of them and say something about your favorite staple food.Pass 3 S

34、ugarVocabularycuisine kwzi:n n.菜肴,烹饪 linguistics lwstks n.语言学 encapsulate nkpsjulet vt.概述 gustatory sttri adj.尝味的,味觉的 olfactory lfktri adj.嗅觉的 incite nsat vt.刺激 bud bd n.萌芽,蓓蕾 ancestral nsestrl adj.祖先的,与祖先有关的 pastry pestri n.糕点 jerky d:ki n.肉干 vinegar vn(r)n.醋 tonic tnk n.滋补品 pulp plp n.酱;果肉 render

35、rend(r)vt.致使,造成Task 1:Word Hunting 1.味觉和嗅觉 2.味蕾 3.著名的传统甜食 4.当地隆重的节日 5.红糖 6.混合香料 7.原料 8.腌制好的鸭子 1.味觉和嗅觉 2.味蕾 3.著名的传统甜食 4.当地隆重的节日 5.红糖 6.混合香料 7.原料 8.腌制好的鸭子 1.gustatory and olfactory 2.taste buds 3.a famous traditional dessert 4.a grand local occasion 5.brown sugar 6.mixed spices 7.ingredient 8.preserve

36、d ducks Task 2:Back Translation Directions:Watch the video clip again and translate the following sentences into English.1.“味”之于中国人,不仅关乎口鼻,还关乎心灵。2.糖葱薄饼是潮州著名的传统甜食。3.他从父亲那里继承了这种方法。4.在中国,它通常被当作营养品,而潮汕人则偏爱用这种原料来腌制食物。5.要找到这些材料并不难,大型的甘蔗田距离阿植家不到 20 公里。1.For the Chinese,taste is a matter of not only the ton

37、gue and nose,but the heart.2.Sweet onion pancakes is a famous traditional dessert in Chaozhou.3.He inherited the method from his father.4.In China,it is often used as a tonic while the Teochew people use it as an ingredient for preserving food.5.The material is easy to acquire.Big sugar cane fields

38、are less than 20km away from A Zhis home.Task 3:Listening Comprehension Directions:Watch the video clip again and choose the best answer from the choices marked A),B),C)and D).1.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the word“taste”?A)It can refer to a lot of different feelings.B)It can

39、 refer to something that the tongue can feel.C)It can refer to something that the nose can smell.D)It can refer to all feelings.2.For the Chinese,sweetness is used _.A)to satisfy their taste buds B)as an excuse to eat more sugar C)to cover the feeling of sadness D)to explore the feeling of joy and h

40、appiness 1.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the word“taste”?A)It can refer to a lot of different feelings.B)It can refer to something that the tongue can feel.C)It can refer to something that the nose can smell.D)It can refer to all feelings.2.For the Chinese,sweetness is used _.A

41、)to satisfy their taste buds B)as an excuse to eat more sugar C)to cover the feeling of sadness D)to explore the feeling of joy and happinessTask 4:Blank Filling Directions:Listen to the video clip again and fill in the following blanks.To YAO Jinghong,sugar means a lot.In the early morning he start

42、s a big fire to(1)_sugar.Sweet onion pancakes is a famous traditional(2)_ in Chaozhou.Yao masters(3)_ cooking skills.Today Yao plans to make more pancakes than usual.Tomorrow it is Winter Festival,a grand local occasion.Yaos pastry shop sits on Suzhou Street in ancient Dahao Town.Here,time seems to

43、have stopped centuries ago.In the nearby Xiashan Town,A Zhi is busy working by a fire in his smoked duck jerky store.The barrel in front of him exudes a sweet smoky flavor.He has been familiar with that smell since childhood.A Zhi has(4)_ his familys 300-year tradition of making duck jerky.He inheri

44、ted the method from his father.Brown sugar,mixed spices,vinegar,salt.The sauce made from these(5)_ can satisfy the taste buds of Teochew people.It has always been so.Brown sugar is(6)_ sugar extracted from sugar cane.Not refined,it almost contains all the nutrients in the sugar cane juice.In China,i

45、t is often used as a(7)_ while the Teochew people use it as an ingredient for preserving food.After being roasted for 40 minutes in a wooden roaster,the preserved ducks fully absorb all the flavors of the sauce.Now its time for the(8)_ process.To everyones surprise,the smoke comes from burning of su

46、gar cane pulp.The traces of sugar in the pulp can(9)_ up the ducks skin.It also renders the duck a nice dark color.The store(10)_ about 40 kg of sugar cane pulp every single day.The material is easy to acquire.Big sugar cane fields are less than 20km away from A Zhis home.To YAO Jinghong,sugar means

47、 a lot.In the early morning he starts a big fire to(1)melt sugar.Sweet onion pancakes is a famous traditional(2)dessert in Chaozhou.Yao masters(3)ancestral cooking skills.Today Yao plans to make more pancakes than usual.Tomorrow it is Winter Festival,a grand local occasion.Yaos pastry shop sits on S

48、uzhou Street in ancient Dahao Town.Here,time seems to have stopped centuries ago.In the nearby Xiashan Town,A Zhi is busy working by a fire in his smoked duck jerky store.The barrel in front of him exudes a sweet smoky flavor.He has been familiar with that smell since childhood.A Zhi has(4)maintaine

49、d his familys 300-year tradition of making duck jerky.He inherited the method from his father.Brown sugar,mixed spices,vinegar,salt.The sauce made from these(5)ingredients can satisfy the taste buds of Teochew people.It has always been so.Brown sugar is(6)raw sugar extracted from sugar cane.Not refi

50、ned,it almost contains all the nutrients in the sugar cane juice.In China,it is often used as a(7)tonic while the Teochew people use it as an ingredient for preserving food.After being roasted for 40 minutes in a wooden roaster,the preserved ducks fully absorb all the flavors of the sauce.Now its ti


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