《文化万象:英语视听说(中国篇)》课件chapter 3 Chinese philosophy.pptx

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1、Chapter 3 Chinese PhilosophyOral practice:free discussion+sight interpretation+story retelling+summaryListening tasks:textbooks+supplementaryIntroduction:teachers lead-inWhat is philosophy?The word philosophy has a Greek origin,meaning the love of wisdom.Philosophy is the study of knowledge,or“think

2、ing about thinking.”It has been defined and illustrated from different perspectives,including:-it is the search for knowledge and truth,especially about the nature of man and his behavior and beliefs.-it is concerned with questions of how one should live;what sorts of things exist and what are their

3、 essential natures;what counts as genuine knowledge;and what are the correct principles of reasoning(logic)(Wikipedia)Further reading,visit:https:/ Philosophy and Western Philosophy Philosophy is such a huge subject that it is difficult to know how to break it down into manageable and logical sectio

4、ns.Perhaps the most basic overall split at the highest level is geographical,between Eastern Philosophy and Western Philosophy(with,arguably,African Philosophy as a possible third branch at this level).Warm-up pair discussion1.Do you have in mind one or two great Chinese philosophers?Who are they an

5、d what do you know about them and their thoughts?2.“He who learns but does not think,is lost.He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”What is your understanding of this famous quote by Confucius?3.Someone found one of his/her classmates was cheating in the final exam,but he/she did not c

6、hoose to tell the teacher on the spot.He/she posted this cheat in the weChat moment.What is your comment on this?Paragraphs for sight interpretation Sima Tan was said to have made the first real attempt to classify Chinese thinkers into six major schools:Yin-Yang,Confucianism(Rujia),Mohism(Mojia),th

7、e School of Names(Mingjia),Legalism(Fajia),and Daoism(Daojia).As the history of Chinese philosophy evolved,more categories were added to these six.据说司马谈首度尝试将中国的思想家划分为六大家,分别是阴阳家、儒家、墨家、名家、法家和道家。随着中国哲学史的发展,除了这六大家之外,纳入了更多的哲学门派。Based on the development of Confucianism in history,the following concepts fr

8、om the Analects can be identified with confidence as central to Confuciuss thought and contribution to Chinese philosophy:ren(humaneness,benevolence);junzi(exemplary person,gentleman);yi(righteousness,appropriate behavior for the situation),xiao (filiality),and li (ritual propriety).根据儒家的发展历史,毋庸置疑可将

9、论语中提出的以下概念视为儒家思想的核心,且对中国哲学贡献颇丰,它们是:仁、君子、义、孝和礼。Although it is little known and not influential today,the“Mohist School”was one of the most influential movements in pre-Qin China.According to the Records of the Historian(Shiji)by Sima Qian,Mozi was an official of the state of Song,and he lived just af

10、ter Confucius.Arguably,the central moral idea of Mozi is jian ai(兼爱),which may be rendered as“universal love”or“impartial concern.”尽管墨家如今少为人知且不那么具有影响力,但却是中国先秦时期最有影响的哲学学派。据司马迁的史记记载,墨子是宋国官员,孔子去世之后才出生。墨子最核心的伦理思想是“兼爱”,可以理解为“博爱天下”或者“使天下普遍受利”。Try to translate the following expressions into English 三教 易经 论

11、语 孟子 弟子 the three teachings(sanjiao):Confucianism,Daoism,and Buddhism.Classic of Changes(Yijing)Analects Mencius disciple(s)Answers to Part 2:background knowledgePart 2:background knowledge(1)1)This is a government-sponsored survey on spirituality in China and it has found the number of religious be

12、lievers among China is far higher than generally known,amounting to as many as 300 million.This finding is based on a poll of 4,500 people conducted by professors at East China Normal University in Shanghai,a research commissioned by the Education Ministry of China.2)The survey suggests that populat

13、ion growth was part of the explanation,and that another reason is due to the expanded freedom of belief in China.(2)1)The Year of the Pig is going to be mixed for Trump,according to the fengshui masters.Some say Trump will get his border wall funded by August.But,then again,he could face impeachment

14、 in the inauspicious month of March.The presidents fortunes are bound to improve because of his earth-heavy nature.He said that last year couldnt be worse for strong earth like Trump,and that things will turn around for him this year.Pass 1:the Hidden Meanings Behind the Yin Pass 1:the Hidden Meanin

15、gs Behind the Yin and Yang and Yang VocabularyVocabulary tattoo ttu n.纹身 swirl swl n.旋涡;涡状 seed sid n.起源;原由 relative to 相对于 vibration vabre()n n.振动 crest krest n.波峰 trough trf n.波谷 shady ed adj.背阴的;阴凉的 pitch pt n.v.投掷;投球 berserk bzk adj.狂怒的 back up 后退(一小段距离)undo ndu v.取消;撤销 Taoism tazm n.道教;道家学说 Dar

16、th Vadar 黑武士(电影星球大战中的人物名)Luke 路加(基督教早期信徒之一)Q&A What are the description and meaning of the symbol the yin and yang?According to Taoists,what is the universe made of?Which is is harder,stronger,brighter and faster,the yin or the yang?What does Taoism teach us?Please name some mentioned suggestions in

17、 the passage.Answers to task 2,pass 1:1.The symbol comes from Taoism.The yin is the dark swirl and the yang is the light one and each side has a dot of the opposite color,which gives a clue to the meaning of yin and yang,which means that everything contains the seed of its opposite.2.Taoists believe

18、 that the universe is made up of energies,vibrations and matter which behave differently in different contexts.3.The yang is.4.Listen more,argue less.Be ready to back up or undo something,and you will make even faster progress.Dont worry about being the best,be who you are.Live simply.Task 3:True or

19、 False.Directions:Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true or false(T/F).()Darth Vadar and Luke are mentioned because it is intended to make it clear that yin and yang are not total opposites.()An eggshell is yang,and the egg inside is yin.()Yin starts an action and Yang com

20、pletes the action.()Taoists believes that“Tao”is a power in the universe and its higher,deeper,and truer than any other force.()Taoists believe that living in harmony with“Tao”,a person will not have to fight against the universes nature flow.(T)(T)(F)(T)(T)transcript You might have seen this symbol

21、 before,whether its as a temporary tattoo,or at a Chinese temple.Its called the yin-yang symbol.It comes from Taoism,a religion born in China and it has far more meaning than you probably realize.The yin is the dark swirl and the yang is the light one and each side has a dot of the opposite color,wh

22、ich gives a clue to the meaning of yin and yang.Everything contains the seed of its opposite.Darth Vadar has the seed of goodness,and Luke has the potential to follow his father to the dark side.Like Luke and his father,yin and yang are not total opposites.They are relative to each other.Taoists bel

23、ieve that the universe is made up of energies,vibrations and matter which behave differently in different contexts.Something can be yin or yang depending on,well,depending on lots of things.So,while wheat thats growing is yang,when its being reaped,its yin.A waves crest is yang,and the trough is yin

24、.Villages on the sunny side of a valley in China have names like Luyang or Shenyang,but on the shady side,for example,of the Yangtze River Valley,theres Jiangyin.The brake is yin to the gas pedals yang.An eggshell is yang,and the egg inside is yin.You think youre getting it?Yang is harder,stronger,b

25、righter and faster,but one can turn into the other or are two sides of the same coin.The sunbeams are yang in comparison to the shadows.The pitch is yang.The catch is yin.The yang starts an action,and the yin receives it,completes it.Yin is the inside space of a cup;it wouldnt be a cup without it.Ya

26、ng is the cup.The coffees heat,however,is yang and its blackness is yin.Yang goes berserk sometimes,but theres some very powerful yins,too,if they dont quite go berserk.Yin is the darker swirl,the female,but there is white dot in it.And yang is the lighter,the male,but it has a black dot.Water flowi

27、ng calmly in a river is yin,but when it goes over the waterfall,its very yang.Toothpicks are yin,compared with a telephone pole.The back of a person is more yin than the front.The top of a person is the yang end.Taoism teaches that there is a power in the universe.Its higher,deeper,and truer than an

28、y other force.They call it“the Tao.”It means the way.Like the Force in the Star Wars,the Tao has two sides.Unlike other religions where the higher power is all good,and perhaps has an all-evil rival,Taoism teaches that we need to learn from both yin and yang.And unlike religions with gods that are p

29、ersonal,the higher power in Taoism is not.Taoists believe that living in harmony with the way,a person will not have to fight against the universes nature flow.So,for example,listen more,argue less.Be ready to back up or undo something,and you will make even faster progress.Dont worry about being th

30、e best,be who you are.Live simply.Complications take you away from the Tao.“The wise person is flexible,”Taoists say.Learning to use the Tao,is what Taoism is all about and thats why you should know your yin from your yang.Pass 2 Buddhists Making Their Spiritual JourneyPass 2 Buddhists Making Their

31、Spiritual Journey Vocabulary pilgrim plgrm n.朝圣者 epic epk n.史诗 adj.史诗般的,宏大的 crawl krl v.爬行;匍匐行进 journey dni v.旅行 set off 启程;出发 mission m()n n.使命,任务 summon smn v.召唤 harsh h adj.严酷的;严峻的 temporary tmp()rri adj.暂时的,临时的 substance sbst()ns n.物质 barley bl n.大麦 see sb.off 送行;送别 humility hjmlti n.谦卑;谦逊 piety

32、 pati n.虔诚 the Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原 Buddha bud n.佛;佛陀;佛祖 Tibet tbet n.西藏 Tibetan tIbetn adj.西藏的;藏族的 n.西藏人 Buddhism bdz()m n.佛教 the Tibetan Buddhism 藏传佛教 the Jokhang Monastery 大昭寺 the Potala Palace 布达拉宫Task 1 MatchingAB 1.Buddhisma.someone who journeys to a sacred place as an act of religious devotio

33、n2.missionb.very imposing or impressive;surpassing the ordinary(especially in size or scale)3.Tibetanc.a religion which teaches that the way to end suffering is by overcoming your desires4.pilgrimd.an important task that people are given to do5.epice.a native or an inhabitant of Tibet 1.c 2.d 3.e 4.

34、a 5.bTask 2 word hunting 1.藏传佛教 2.朝圣者 3.双手双膝着地匍匐而行 4.临时搭起的帐篷 5.向佛祖表达虔诚keys1.藏传佛教Tibetan Buddhism2.朝圣者pilgrim3.双手双膝着地匍匐而行crawl on their hands and knees4.临时搭起的帐篷one temporary tent 5.向佛祖表达虔诚 show piety to the Buddha Task 3:True or Task 3:True or FalseFalse1)().Lasa,the place of God,is a destination for

35、 millions of Tibatan Buddhists.2)().The pilgrims have no fear of death because they think the Buddha will bless them and protect them in their next life.3)().The pilgrims can not afford better food than the barley-based food called tsampa.4)()Experiencing harsh conditions is a way to show humility i

36、n front of the Buddha.T T F Ttranscript Actually,all across Tibet,the power of religion still runs strong.Many Tibetans follow Tibetan Buddhism.Its spiritual center,Lhasa,means the place of God.It is a destination for millions of pilgrims.For many of them,its an epic journey made in a very unusual w

37、ay.Han Peng reports.Its another day of their journey.These four pilgrims have crawled thousands of miles on their hands and knees from their hometown in Gansu.So far,theyve been journeying like this for two months and five days.Most of them are over 60 years old.Before Gelsang Drolma set off,her eld

38、erly parents tried to change her mind.But she was always confident in her mission.We encourage each other when were extremely tired.I pray for my old parents,and I myself have no fear of death because the Buddha will bless me and protect me in my next life.Its a spirit summoned by the Tibetan Buddhi

39、sm.For centuries,the epic pilgrimage is a mission that defines their very existence.Their destination,the heart of old Lhasa,the Jokhang Monastery.The Potala Palace and the Jokhang Temple Monastery)But how do they survive,when conditions get harsh?The answer is simple.One temporary tent provides war

40、mth and shelter for all four;and for substance a simple barley-based food called tsampa.“Our relatives gave us better food and tents when they saw us off.But we didnt bring them,because experiencing harsh conditions is a way to show our humility in front of the Buddha.”Before they sleep,a final show

41、 of piety to the Buddha,in gratitude for keeping them safe on another day of their journey.Every year,tens of thousands of pilgrims like them leave their home for Lhasa.Some eventually made it,some failed,and some even died on the road.But its the same story about faith being played out all over the

42、 Tibetan Plateau,along this sky road to their holy land.Han Peng,CCTV,still 300 miles away to Lhasa.Pass 3 the Mysterious MercuryPass 3 the Mysterious MercuryVocabularyVocabulary mercury mkjri n.水银;汞 chemist kemst n.化学家;药剂师 accumulate kjumjlet v.累积;积聚 alchemy lkmi n.炼金术 ore cinnabar 矿石朱砂 cinnabar sn

43、b n.朱砂;赤色硫化水银 mortar mt n.研钵 pestle pes()l v.用杵捣;用槌磨 pigment pm()nt n.色素;颜料Task 3:Task 3:Word HuntingWord Hunting1.毕生热爱研究水银2.几个世纪以来积累的知识3.炼金术4.自远古以来 5.形态的显著变化 immemorial mmrl adj.远古的,古老的 undergo ndg v.经历;历经 condensation kndense()n v.冷凝;凝结 vaporize vepraz v.蒸发 coat kt v.覆盖的表面 flask flsk n.烧瓶;(试验或工业用)

44、容器 silvery slv()r adj.银色的 quicksilver kwkslv n.水银;汞 mirrored mrd adj.装有镜子的;如镜子般的 sulfur slf n.硫黄;硫黄色 regenerate rdenret v.使再生;重新产生 metaphor metf n.隐喻;暗喻 elixir lks n.灵丹妙药,长生不老药Task 2:Task 2:MatchingMatchingAB 1.alchemya.turn into gas;decrease rapidly and disappear2.mercuryb.long past;beyond the limi

45、ts of memory or tradition or recorded history3.immemorialc.a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity4.vaporized.a silver-coloured liquid metal that is used especially in thermometers and barometers5.meta

46、phore.a form of chemistry studied in the Middle Ages,that was concerned with trying to discover ways to change ordinary metals into gold1.毕生热爱研究水银with a lifelong love of mercury2.几个世纪以来积累的知识centuries of accumulated knowledge 3.炼金术alchemy4.自远古以来 from time immemorial5.形态的显著变化a remarkable transformatio

47、nTask 4:Listening ComprehensionTask 4:Listening Comprehension1.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A)Ancient Chinese had a very different understanding of chemistry.B)Ancient Chinese indulged themselves in performing remarkable feats like alchemy.C)Cinnabar,the blood-colored

48、pigment has captured peoples imagination from time immemorial but has not been used by them.D)The cinnabar undergoes a remarkable transformation when it is heated.C2.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about mercury according to the passage?A)You can transform the beautiful red cinnabar into the weir

49、d silvery mercury.B)Quicksilver is another name used to refer to mercury.C)If you heat up the mercury simply without adding any other substance,you can regenerate the astonishing red material cinnabar.D)Ancient Chinese believe that by repeating the mercury/cinnabar cycle,they could control time and

50、cheat death.CTask 5:Shadow Speaking PracticeTask 5:Shadow Speaking PracticeListen to the last paragraph of the passage a couple of times,and repeat the words that youve just heard sentence by sentence.Then,retell the paragraph first on your own and then check it with your partners.Finally report the


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