1、Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material1Training MaterialRise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material222221111444333312Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material3Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material4前后选择键操作面板紧急开关STOP键Feeder台车更换键伺服开关键Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material5机器启机器启动动后主画面
2、后主画面Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material6输输入工程入工程师级别师级别密密码码Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material7进进入工程入工程师师模式模式生产按钮生产设定生产信息生产维护数据编辑机器配置Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material8开机生开机生产产解解锁键锁键+开始按开始按钮钮条件贴装测试模式Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material9开机自开机自检项检项目目Rise to the Challenge
3、!NPM Training Material10进进入生入生产产运行画面运行画面缺料信息取料信息当前生产画面Table画面循环停止生产数量生产点数Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material11生生产产缺料信息缺料信息Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material12抛料趋势图Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material13抛料信息抛料信息趋势图趋势图时间轴线抛料颗数Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material14拼板贴装单点贴装
4、单站贴装单个table贴装Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material15测试测试模式模式设设定定Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material16进进入生入生产设产设定画面定画面机种切换程序管理设定配置生产计划Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material17生产程序生产读取程序选择Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material18第一台机器上第一台机器上选选取取Line,所有的机器自所有的机器自动读动读取取Rise to the
5、Challenge!NPM Training Material19吸嘴配置Support配置吸嘴移除吸嘴安装吸嘴确认feeder配置Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material20吸料位置示校料站安装确认料站配置Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material21吸料位置示校Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material22料带前进位置识别识别完成灯光调节前后料站Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material23蓝色表示正常黄色表示错误
6、Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material24Support 交换宽度调整传板确认Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material25输输入入宽宽度度执执行行调调整整Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material26点击确认轨道有无PCBRise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material27生生产计产计划数量划数量Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material28信息保存信息清除Rise to th
7、e Challenge!NPM Training Material29错误错误信息信息Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material30维护维护信息信息Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material31维护维护信息信息Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material32各各轴轴加油加油维护维护Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material33CPK测试测试Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Materia
8、l34PCB相关数据相关数据设设定定贴片最大厚度载具使用传板速度反面最大厚度生产数据Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material35选择PCB markFeeder和吸嘴资料库数据Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material36选择PCB mark类型选择PCB mark尺寸选择PCB mark REF选择PCB mark 灯光Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material37Feeder 料站信息跳过Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training
9、Material38元件数据资料Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material39吸料坐标调整吸料间距和贴片间距调整识别高度和排出高度Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material40元件取料数据设定Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material41元件贴片数据设定Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material42元件贴片识别设定Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material43元件吸嘴使用设定R
10、ise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material44Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material45Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material46Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material47Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material48生产数据之吸嘴资料库信息Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material49生产数据确认Rise to the C
11、hallenge!NPM Training Material50生产数据之吸PCB Mark 识别Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material51元件识别TeachPart选择条件设定吸取元件示教元件识别Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material52元件识别Teach元件选择Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material53单次识别多次识别稳定测试识别高度Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material54元件识别Test结果Ris
12、e to the Challenge!NPM Training Material55元件识别校正数据Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material56排出识别元件Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material57元件吸料位置偏移量示教Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material58坏标记board识别Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material59贴片位置示教Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Ma
13、terial60Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material61Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material62Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material63Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material64Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material65Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material66Rise to the Challenge!
14、NPM Training Material67Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material68Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material69Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material70Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material71Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material72Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material73Rise to
15、 the Challenge!NPM Training Material74Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material75Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material76Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material77Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material78Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material79Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Ma
16、terial程序数据 1 点数Max.10000 点机器主机正常使用电源:3 相 AC 200 V/220 V 10 V、3相 AC 380 V/400 V/420 V/480 V 20 V频率:50/60 Hz单相AC 100 V AC 240 V 频率:50/60 Hz供给气压 0.5 MPa 0.8 MPa(运转空气压力为0.5 MPa 0.55 MPa)供给空气量 100 L/min(A.N.R.)外形尺寸 805 mm(W)2448 mm(D)1444 mm(H)(不含信号塔和彩色接触面板)主机质量 1380 kg(不含标准构成的交换台车 4 100 kg)质量 2 交换台车 4 质
17、量 100 kg(每1 台)托盘供料器 4 质量 200 kg(每1 台)标准构成质量 1580 kg(1 台主机、2 台整体交换台车 4)120 kg(每1 台)50 kg(每1 台)环境条件 温度:10C 35C湿度:25%RH 75%RH(但应无结露)搬运和放置条件 温度:20C 60C湿度:75%RH 以下(但应无结露)高度 海拔1000 m 以下噪音 70 dB(A)NPM基本基本规规格格Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material基本性能基本性能Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training MaterialRise to the Challenge!NPM Training MaterialPCB Spec.Rise to the Challenge!NPM Training MaterialNozzle TypeH16/H128 KindRise to the Challenge!NPM Training MaterialNozzle Type H8 10 KindRise to the Challenge!NPM Training Material