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1、小小学学英英语语牛牛津津译译林林版版五五年年级级下下册册 Unit 3Asking the way 测测试试题题 (含含听听力力音音频频 和和答答案案) 听听力力部部分分(40 分分) 一一、听听录录音音,选选出出你你所所听听到到的的内内容容。(10 分分) ()1、A、turn rightB、turn leftC、on the right ()2、A、shopB、stopC、sport ()3、A、getB、letC、next ()4、A、lateB、lakeC、take ()5、A、get onB、get toC、get off 二二、根根据据所所听听内内容容给给图图片片排排序序。(10

2、分分) ABCDE 1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_ 三三、听听录录音音,给给句句子子排排序序。(10 分分) ()1、How many stops are there ? ()2、Great . How do we get there ? ()3、There are three . ()4、Lets go to the park tomorrow . ()5、We can take a bus . 四四、听听录录音音,把把句句子子补补充充完完整整。(10 分分) 1、Lets _the metro . 2、Turn _at the traffic lights . 3、_ _ this str

3、eet , you can find it . 4、How do I get to the _ on Moon Street ? 5、My home is _ _the cinema . 笔笔试试部部分分(60 分分) 一一、根根据据图图片片完完成成单单词词或或短短语语。(10 分分) 1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_ 二二、英英汉汉互互译译。(10 分分) 1、在.旁边 _2、上车_ 3、到达 _4、向右转 _ 5、在你的右侧 _6、ask the way _ 7、get off_8、excuse me _ 9、traffic light_10、ask.for help_ 三三、单单项项选选择

4、择。(10 分分) ()1、_do I get to your school ? You can take take the metro . A、WhereB、WhatC、How ()2、You can get on the metro _Park Station . A、atB、onC、in ()3、There _a bookshop on the street . A、isB、areC、am ()4、My home is next _my school . A、inB、toC、at ()5、Yang Ling asks a policeman _help . A、ofB、forC、with

5、 ()6、Turn right _the traffic lights . A、onB、inC、at ()7、You can see the hospital _your right . A、onB、inC、at ()8、They wait _the bus at the bus stop . A、atB、forC、on ()9、Lets go to the cinema _taxi . A、inB、onC、by ()10、There _ too many cars in the street . A、areB、isC、be 四四、连连词词成成句句。(10 分分) 1、along , go ,

6、 this , street _(.) 2、can , see , library , the , you , your , right , on _(.) 3、cant , find , I , bookshop , the _(.) 4、asks , a , he , for , help , policeman _(.) 5、do , how , your , home , I , get , to _(?) 五五、用用所所给给词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。(10 分分) 1、There are too many _(car)in the street . 2、How do I ge

7、t to _(Sam)home ? 3、You can see the park on _(you)left . 4、I can _(ride)a bike now . 5、How _(do)his sister get to the cinema ? 六六、阅阅读读对对话话,判判断断正正(T)误误(F)。(10 分分) Yang Ling: How do I get to your home , Su Hai ? Su Hai: You can take the metro . You can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at C

8、ity Library station . Then , walk to Moon Street . Theres a bookshop on the street . My home is next to it . Yang Ling:All right . Su Hai: Yang Ling comes out from City Library Station . She is on Sun Street . She find the bookshop .And she gets to Su Hais home . ()1、Yang Ling can get to Su Hais hom

9、e by train . ()2、Yang Ling can get on the metro at City Library station . ()3、Yang Ling can walk to Moon Street . ()4、There is a hospital on the Moon Street . ()5、Su Hais home is next to the bookshop . 听力材料 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 1、turn right2、stop3、next4、late5、get off 二、根据所听内容给图片排序。 1、Yang Ling gets off

10、the metro . 2、Yang Ling turns right at the traffic lights . 3、Yang Ling asks a policeman for help . 4、Yang Ling gets on the metro . 5、Yang Ling walks along Sun Street . 三、听录音,给句子排序。 1、Lets go to the park tomorrow . 2、Great . How do we get there ? 3、We can take a bus . 4、How many stops are there ? 5、

11、There are three . 四、听录音,把句子补充完整。 1、Lets take the metro . 2、Turn right at the traffic lights . 3、Walk along this street , you can find it . 4、How do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street ? 5、My home is next to the cinema . 听力答案 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 1、Aturn right2、Bstop3、Cnext4、Alate5、Cget off 二、根据所听内容给图片排

12、序。 1、EYang Ling gets off the metro . 2、BYang Ling turns right at the traffic lights . 3、AYang Ling asks a policeman for help . 4、CYang Ling gets on the metro . 5、DYang Ling walks along Sun Street . 三、听录音,给句子排序。 (4)1、How many stops are there ? (2)2、Great . How do we get there ? (5)3、There are three .

13、 (1)4、Lets go to the park tomorrow . (3)5、We can take a bus . 四、听录音,把句子补充完整。 1、Lets take the metro . 2、Turn right at the traffic lights . 3、Walk along this street , you can find it . 4、How do I get to the bookshop on Moon Street ? 5、My home is next to the cinema . 笔试答案 一、根据图片完成单词或短语。 1、turn left2、ci

14、nema3、get off4、hospital5、get on 二、英汉互译。 1、next to2、get on3、get to4、turn right5、on your right 6、问路7、下车8、打扰了 9、交通灯10、向.求助 三、单项选择。 1、C2、A3、A4、B5、B6、C7、A8、B9、C10、A 四、连词成句。 1、Go along this street . 2、You can see the library on your right . 3、I cant find the bookshop . 4、He asks a policeman for help . 5、How do I get to your home ? 五、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、cars2、Sams3、your4、ride5、does 六、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。 1、F2、F3、T4、F5、T


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