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1、小小学学英英语语牛牛津津译译林林版版五五年年级级下下册册期期中中测测试试题题(含含听听力力音音频频和和答答案案) 听听力力部部分分(40 分分) 一一、听听录录音音,选选出出你你所所听听到到的的单单词词。(10 分分) ()1、A、doctorB、dentistC、beside ()2、A、hospitalB、bookshopC、cinema ()3、A、clothesB、becauseC、prince ()4、A、streetB、stopC、shop ()5、A、outB、overC、our 二二、听听录录音音,给给下下列列图图片片排排序序。(10 分分) ABCDE FGHIJ 12345

2、6789 10 三三、听听录录音音,给给下下列列句句子子排排序序。(10 分分) ()1、Whats wrong with you ? ()2、Why is Li Qiang not at school today ? ()3、Tom should eat a lot of things before bedtime . ()4、I go to school by bus . ()5、How do I get to your home ? 四四、听听录录音音,给给所所听听问问句句选选择择恰恰当当的的答答语语。(10 分分) ()1、A、Its Bobbys .B、Hes Bobby .C、It

3、s a coat . ()2、A、I feel cold .B、I have a cold .C、I have some sweets . ()3、A、Yes , I do .B、No , Im not .C、By bike . ()4、A、Because he is ill .B、Cinderella .C、Shes happy . () 5、 A、 I often play basketball .B、 I am a teacher .C、 I can draw trees . 笔笔试试部部分分(60 分分) 一一、英英汉汉互互译译。(10 分分) 1、不得不 _2、试穿_ 3、脱下 _4

4、、到达 _ 5、下车_6、on your left_ 7、turn right _8、take medicine _ 9、drink water _ 10、far from_ 二二、单单项项选选择择。(10 分分) ()1、My brother s hand_ . A、hurtB、hurtsC、hurting ()2、My father _on a ship . A、workingB、workC、works ()3、I come to school _taxi . A、byB、onC、in ()4、He likes _TV . A、watchesB、watchingC、watch ()5、Yo

5、u can take bus No.3 and get _at the Park Station . A、onB、offC、down ()6、Hes _the traffic lights . A、atB、onC、in ()7、_are you in bed now ? Because I am ill . A、WhereB、WhatC、Why ()8、Lets _the metro now . A、takeB、takesC、to take ()9、Its ten oclock . I _go to bed noe . A、canB、have toC、do ()10、We _a good ti

6、me at the party . A、haveB、hasC、are 三三、选选择择配配伍伍。(10 分分) ()1、Why are you sad ?A、No , there isnt . ()2、Is there a story book in your desk ? B、I live on Moon Street . ()3、How do you feel now ?C、Because Im ill . ()4、How can I get to the zoo ?D、Im sorry to hear that . ()5、Bobby is ill .E、By bike . ()6、Wha

7、t do you like doing ?F、I feel headache . ()7、Do you have any books ?G、Yes , please . ()8、Would you like some apples ?H、You can take a bus . ()9、How do you come to school ?I、I like reading books . ()10、Where do you live now ?J、Yes , I do . 四四、用用所所给给单单词词的的正正确确形形式式填填空空。(10 分分) 1、Can you _(draw)a tree f

8、or me ? 2、Lin Ling _(try)on her new shoes . 3、Let _(he)take the bus to the zoo . 4、Nancy likes _(read)books in the evening . 5、Helen _(go)to school every day . 五五、根根据据汉汉语语提提示示完完成成句句子子。(10 分分) 1、她的叔叔在一艘大轮船上工作。 Her uncle _on a big _. 2、这个医院就在动物园的隔壁。 The hospital is _ _the zoo . 3、让我们乘坐火车到达书店。 Lets _ _

9、the bookshop by _ . 4、海伦发烧,躺在床上。 Helen has a _ , she is in _. 6、艾米每天都乘坐公交车去上学吗? _Amy go to school by _every day ? 5、DoesAmy go to school by bus every day ? 六六、阅阅读读短短文文,根根据据短短文文内内容容填填空空。(10 分分) Li Yang _a headache . He _ cold . He _ to _ the doctor . The doctor let him _ a rest at home . He _ drink s

10、ome warm water . He cant _off her clothes . 听力材料 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1、dentist2、 cinema3、clothes4、street5、our 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。 1、 on foot2、 train3、 get on4、ship5、 bike 6、 taxi7、 turn right8、 brush ones teeth9、turn left10、 bus 三、听录音,给下列句子排序。 1、Tom should eat a lot of things before bedtime . 2、Whats wrong

11、with you ? 3、How do I get to your home ? 4、Why is Li Qiang not at school today ? 5、I go to school by bus . 四、听录音,给所听问句选择恰当的答语。 1、Whose coat is this ? 2、Whats wrong with you ? 3、How do you come to school ? 4、Why is Bobby at home ? 5、What can you do ? 听力答案 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1、 Bdentist2、 Ccinema3、Aclot

12、hes4、 Astreet5、Cour 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。 1、 Con foot2、 Jtrain3、 Fget on4、 Iship5、 Abike 6、H taxi 7、G turn right8、E brush ones teeth9、D turn left 10、Bbus 三、听录音,给下列句子排序。 (2)1、Whats wrong with you ? (4)2、Why is Li Qiang not at school today ? (1)3、Tom should eat a lot of things before bedtime . (5)4、I go to s

13、chool by bus . (3)5、How do I get to your home ? 四、听录音,给所听问句选择恰当的答语。 1、AWhose coat is this ? 2、BWhats wrong with you ? 3、CHow do you come to school ? 4、AWhy is Bobby at home ? 5、CWhat can you do ? 笔试答案 一、英汉互译。 1、have to2、try on3、take off4、get to5、get off 6、在你的左边7、向右转8、吃药9、喝水10、离.远 二、单项选择。 1、B2、C3、A4、

14、B5、B6、A7、C8、A9、B10、A 三、选择配伍。 1、C2、A3、F4、E5、D6、I7、J8、G9、H10、B 四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1、draw2、tries3、him4、reading5、goes 五、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1、Her uncle works on a big ship . 2、The hospital is next to the zoo . 3、Lets get to the bookshop by train . 4、Helen has a fever , she is in bed . 六、阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。 Li Yang has a headache . He feels cold . He has to see the doctor . The doctor let him have a rest at home . He should drink some warm water . He cant take off her clothes .


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