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1、小小学学英英语语牛牛津津译译林林版版五五年年级级下下册册 Unit 6 In the kitchen 测测试试题题(含含听听力力音音频频 和和答答案案) 听听力力部部分分(40 分分) 一一、听听录录音音,选选出出你你所所听听到到的的单单词词。(10 分分) ()1、A、knifeB、forkC、chopsticks ()2、A、tomatoB、potatoC、vegetable ()3、A、gameB、meatC、mushroom ()4、A、have toB、hungryC、angry ()5、A、clothesB、catchC、check 二二、听听录录音音,判判断断所所听听内内容容与与

2、下下列列图图片片是是(T)否否(F)相相符符。(10 分分) ABCDE 1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_ 三三、听听录录音音,给给所所听听问问句句选选择择恰恰当当的的答答语语。(10 分分) ()1、A、Yes , he isnt .B、Yes , he is .C、No , Im not . ()2、A、Yes , he is .B、No , she isnt .C、No , they arent . ()3、A、Hes drinking water . B、Shes eating the meat . C、Im cooking dinner . ()4、A、Yes , he does .B

3、、No , he does .C、No , Im not . ()5、A、Yes , it is .B、Its nice .C、I love it . 四四、听听录录音音,把把句句子子补补充充完完整整。(10 分分) 1、Im cooking _ . 2、Shes washing some _ . 3、Hes cooking meat with _ . 4、She is looking for some _ . 5、I eat with a _ and _ . 笔笔试试部部分分(60 分分) 一一、按按要要求求写写单单词词。(10 分分) 1、smell(第三人称单数)_2、cook(现在分词

4、)_ 3、tomato(复数)_4、potato(复数)_ 5、some(同义词)_6、vegetable(复数)_ 7、drink(现在分词)_8、have(第三人称单数)_ 9、do(第三人称单数)_10、catch(第三人称单数)_ 二二、英英汉汉互互译译。(10 分分) 1、赶走_2、寻找 _ 3、在冰箱里_4、做午饭 _ 5、做肉_6、orange juice _ 7、wash vegetables _8、drink water _ 9、in the evening _10、a football game_ 三三、单单项项选选择择。(10 分分) ()1、His parents _d

5、inner in the kitchen . A、cookingB、are cookingC、is cooking ()2、Liu Tao _home from a football game . A、comingB、comeC、comes ()3、_you cooking meat ? No, Im not . A、AreB、IsC、Am ()4、Im cooking meat _potatoes . A、forB、inC、with ()5、Im washing some _. A、vegetablesB、vegetableC、a vegetable ()6、_there any apple

6、 juice in the fridge ? A、AreB、IsC、Be ()7、Theres _orange juice . A、aB、someC、any ()8、_is the meat ? Its yummy . A、WhereB、HowC、What ()9、_is washing vegetables ? A、WhatB、WhoC、Whose ()10、I eat _chopsticks . A、withB、useC、in 四四、选选择择配配伍伍。(10 分分) ()1、Are there three tomatoes in the fridge ?A、Yes , she is . (

7、)2、Are you cooking dinner ?B、My mother . ()3、Is he looking for some juice ?C、Yes , there are . ()4、Whos cooking meat ?D、He is looking for some potatoes ? ()5、Whats Liu Tao looking for in the fridge ?E、No , Im not . 五五、根根据据要要求求写写句句子子。(10 分分) 1、There is some apple juice in the fridge .(改成一般疑问句) _ 2、ea

8、ting , he , meat , the , is(连词成句) _ 3、The meat is yummy .(对划线部分提问) _ 4、He is drinking water .(对划线部分提问) _ 5、There are some apples in the fridge.(改为单数形式) _ 六六、阅阅读读短短文文,判判断断正正(T)误误(F)。(10 分分) It is six oclock in the evening . Liu Tao comes home from a football game . His parents are cooking dinner in t

9、he kitchen . His mother is washing some vegetables . She wants to cook some tomato soup . His father is cooking meat with potatoes . ()1、Its six oclock in the morning . ()2、Liu Taos mother is cooing meat . ()3、Liu Taos father is cooking meat with potatoes . ()4、Liu Taos parents are in the kitchen .

10、()5、Liu Taos mother wants to cook some tomato soup . 听力材料 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1、 chopsticks2、tomato3、 meat4、angry5、catch 二、听录音,判断所听内容与下列图片是(T)否(F)相符。 1、potatoes2、meat3、bread4、flowers5、noodles 三、听录音,给所听问句选择恰当的答语。 1、Is your brother looking for some juice ? 2、Are your parents in the kitchen ? 3、What are y

11、ou doing ? 4、Does Liu Tao like the meat ? 5、Hows my soup ? 四、听录音,把句子补充完整。 1、Im cooking meat . 2、Shes washing some vegetables . 3、Hes cooking meat with potatoes . 4、She is looking for some tomatoes . 5、I eat with a knife and fork . 听力答案 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1、Cchopsticks2、 Atomato3、Bmeat4、Cangry5、 Bcatch

12、 二、听录音,判断所听内容与下列图片是(T)否(F)相符。 1、Fpotatoes2、Tmeat3、Tbread4、Fflowers5、Fnoodles 三、听录音,给所听问句选择恰当的答语。 1、BIs your brother looking for some juice ? 2、CAre your parents in the kitchen ? 3、CWhat are you doing ? 4、ADoes Liu Tao like the meat ? 5、BHows my soup ? 四、听录音,把句子补充完整。 1、Im cooking meat . 2、Shes washin

13、g some vegetables . 3、Hes cooking meat with potatoes . 4、She is looking for some tomatoes . 5、I eat with a knife and fork . 笔试答案 一、按要求写单词。 1、smells2、cooing3、tomatoes4、potatoes5、any 6、vegetables7、drinking8、has9、does10、catches 二、英汉互译。 1、drive.away2、look for3、in the fridge4、cook lunch5、cook meat 6、橙汁7、洗蔬菜8、喝水9、在晚上10、一场足球比赛 三、单项选择。 1、B2、C3、A4、C5、A6、B7、B8、B9、B10、A 四、选择配伍。 1、C2、E3、A4、B5、D 五、根据要求写句子。 1、Is there any apple juice in the fridge ? 2、He is eating the meat . 3、How is the meat ? 4、What is he doing ? 5、There is an apple in the fridge . 六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 1、F2、F3、T4、T5、T


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