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1、2020级高三上学期期末校际联合考试英语试题第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AHigh school programs at the National Gallery of Art value depth over breadth, exploring original works of art through a single specific question or theme.High School Studio WorkshopsSingle museum visit

2、, 2.5 hoursThese half-day art workshops include an in-depth examination and discussion of works of art in the galleries, followed by behind-the-scenes access to the Education Studio, where students create a related art project.During the workshop, National Gallery of Art educators will encourage stu

3、dents to look carefully at works of art and then share their responses and develop theories based on their observations.Students will have the opportunity to create a work of art in the studio inspired by what they have in the galleries.Museum Marker: Exploring Art and MuseumsThe Museum Makers progr

4、am explains how museums operate and what they have to offer. It gives upper-level high school students the tools to experience, understand and interpret art. Participants will gain an insiders view of how and art museum works.Students meet for seven Saturday sessions from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Comple

5、tion of the program requires attendance of all seven sessions.Creative Writing in the GalleriesStudents will provide a voice for their personal responses to art through creative writing while looking at a selection of artworks in the galleries. Using close observation, group discussion, and personal

6、 reflection, they will be guided through exercises that use different writing forms, including free-form poetry.A maximum of 30 students will be accommodated at each session.1What can students do at High School Studio Workshops?ADiscuss with artists about their works.BGet basic graining as an artist

7、.CPut forward their own art theories.DDeliver lectures on artistic works.2What can students get from Museum Makers?ATools to create artworks.BKnowledge about how museums work.CFull credits for all sessionsDChances to voice their personal responses.3What is the text?AAn art program introduction.BA pl

8、an for an art tour.CAn ad for an art companyDA schedule for art classes.BKieran Moise, 18, started growing out his hair in the eighth grade, after losing a friend to brain cancer. He had seen people donate their hair to children who had lost theirs during medical treatment and wanted to do same.“Kie

9、ran has always been known for his hair. It was a big part of his personality and who he was,” said his mother, Kelly Moise. “But he has always been the most compassionate and caring person. Since he was 6 years old, he somehow had the mindset of raising money and giving it to people who need it, and

10、 that never changed.”In May, Moise graduated from high school with an impressive 19-inch Afro (非洲发式). But with him set to enter the U.S. Air Force Academy, it was finally time for the big cut.To maximize his impact, Moise organized a live event at a local brewery in Huntsville and an online fundrais

11、ing campaign called “Kierans Curls for Cancer”, where he aimed to raise $1,000 per inch cut.On May 29, nearly 100 people attended the event, where they watched Moise get his hair braided and snipped off. His hair was donated to Children With Hair Loss, a non-profit organization in Michigan that make

12、s free wigs for kids and young adults facing medically related hair loss.By the end of the day, the event raised $20,000 for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital and has continued to raise money online. As of Saturday, it was more than $39,000.“Charitable giving comes in many forms, from direct acts

13、 of kindness to impactful public statements that motivate others to come together to support a cause,” Richard CShadyac Jr., President and CEO for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, told CNN, “Kierans simple act of kindness exemplifies (例证) the power of younger generations and is something to cel

14、ebrate, a selfless decision that will make a direct impact on the lives of the kids at St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital and children everywhere for years to come.”4What contributed to Kieran Moises starting growing out his hair?AHis high-quality fine hair.BThe death of one of his friends.CHis wi

15、tness of childrens painDThe encouragement from his mother5Why does Kieran Moises mother mention his childhood?ATo introduce his kind deeds in the past.BTo prove his unique personalityCTo praise him for his contributionsDTo show that he is kind from an early age6Whats mainly talked about in the last

16、paragraph?AKierans kindness benefited himselfBKierans love will be richly rewardedCKierans deeds will inspire more kindnessDKierans behavior showed a new form of charity7Which of the following can best describe Kieran Moise?AKind-hearted and creativeBKind-natured and tolerantCGood-natured and ambiti

17、ous.DGood-tempered and considerateCModern life is full of things that can influence your ability to be sensitive and responsive to your child. These include extra work, lack of sleep, and things like mobile devices. Some experts are concerned about the effects that distracted (分心) parenting may have

18、 on emotional bonding and childrens language development, social interaction, and safety.If parents are inconsistently available, kids can get distressed and feel hurt, rejected, or ignored. They may have more emotional outbursts and feel alone. They may even stop trying to compete for their parents

19、 attention and start to lose emotional connections to their parents.“There are times when kids really do need your attention and want your recognition,” explains Crnic, a psychologist. “Parents need to communicate that their kids are valuable and important, and children need to know that parents car

20、e what theyre doing,” he says.It can be tough to respond with sensitivity during tantrums, arguments, or other challenging times with your kids. “If parents respond by being bad-tempered or aggressive themselves, children can copy that behavior, and a negative cycle then continues to upgrade,” expla

21、ins Dr. Carol Metzler, who studies parenting at the Oregon Research Institute.According to Crnic, kids start to regulate their own emotions and behavior around age three. Up until then, they depend more on you to help them regulate their emotions, whether to calm them or help get them excited. “They

22、re watching you to see how you do it and listening to how you talk to them about it,” he explains. “Parents need to be good self-regulators. Youre not only trying to regulate your own emotions in the moment, but helping your child learn to manage their emotions and behavior.”As kids become better at

23、 managing their feelings and behavior, its important to help them develop coping skills, like active problem solving. Such skills can help them feel confident in handling what comes their way.“When parents engage positively with their children, teaching them the behaviors and skills that they need t

24、o cope with the world, children learn to follow rules and regulate their own feelings,” Metzler says.8What may distract parenting according to the text?AWorking overtime.BToo much sleep.CNegative emotions.DSocial interactions.9What is the second paragraph mainly about?ABad habits of ignored children

25、.BBad effects of parents absence.CThe outcome of parents availability.DThe behavior of emotional children.10What does the underlined word “tantrums” in paragraph 4 probably mean?AMental relaxation.BExtreme anger.CHeated discussions.DDesperate hunger.11Which of the following can be the best title for

26、 the text?ABe strict with your childrenBRegulate your emotionsCStay available to your childrenDSet a good example for childrenDInsurance companies are starting to use smartbox technology, so good drivers can benefit from cheap insurance rates.The smartbox, similar to a black box for airplanes, recor

27、ds details about how your car is driven, which can result in cheap car insurance for responsible drivers. The device is connected to the electronics in your car and collects a wide criterion of information such as time, speed, braking, cornering, acceleration and location. Its like having an insuran

28、ce agent sitting beside you while driving.The smartbox data is wireless transferred in real time to the insurance company and provides a profile of when, where and how you drive. This profile is then used to compare insurance rates and to reward low-risk driving behavior with cheap insurance rates.D

29、rivers are high-risk when they drive irresponsibly such as speeding, frequent lane changing, driving in high-risk locations or at high-risk times such as in heavy traffic or late at night.These new electronic inventions are intended to replace the standard practice of categorizing drivers into group

30、 behavior to determine insurance coverage and premium (保费) payments. For example, young drivers are more likely to drive fast, drive at night and use a cell phone while driving. Statistically, young drivers are more likely to cause an accident, so insurance companies charge them higher rates to cove

31、r the costs of accident claims. So even if youre a young, responsible driver, you will pay high insurance rates because of group behavior.This technology allows you to provide proof that your driving behavior doesnt fit the pattern of your demographic (统计) group.All the information collected about y

32、our driving can be viewed online including what youre doing well and what could be improved. Your insurance premium is then calculated according to your driving profile.12What will a good driver benefit from the smartbox?AFewer traffic accidents.BBetter traffic order.CLower insurance payment.DLess p

33、etrol used in driving.13How does the insurance company monitor the driving?ABy checking the device in the car.BBy sitting beside the driver.CBy watching the traffic on the roads.DBy collecting the driving data online.14What will the use of smartboxes bring about?ABetter service for cars.BLower price

34、s of petrol.CMore convenient transport.DMore reasonable insurance charge.15What can we infer about the smartbox from the text?AIt requires better driving habits.BIt saves the drivers a lot of time.CIt helps the drivers use less energy.DIt takes the place of the traffic police.第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5 分,满分12

35、.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Public transport is in deep water in some countries. To those who have to squeeze onto the number 25 bus in London, or the A-train in New York, the change might not be noticeable. _16_Although transport agencies blame it on things like roadworks and brok

36、en signals, it seems more likely that they are being outcompeted. _17_ Other upstarts like dock-less bicycles and battery powered “e-bikes” are also spreading. Mass transport, on the other hand, is much less flexible.This is a headache for the operators of public transport systems. _18_ But like it

37、or not, public transport does some things very well. It provides a service for people who are too old, too young, too fearful or too drunk to drive or ride a bike. Trains and subways cause less pollution than cars and move people at far higher densities (密度).So, how to deal with the problem? _19_ So

38、me cities have created congestion (拥堵) charging zones, but that is a hopelessly crude tool. Most congestion zones in effect sell daily tickets to drive around as much as you like within the zoneand charge vehicles such as taxis and minicabs nothing._20_ Although new forms of transport often compete

39、with old ones, they ought to go well with each other. Taxi services and app-based cars could get people to and from airports and ports, which are often far from the urban core.AIt is also a problem for cities.BIt is probably the secret to keeping cities moving.CTransport agencies should also accept

40、the upstarts.DTo some extent, pricing road use properly can be a solution.EBut passenger numbers are flat or falling in many countries.FApp-based taxi services are more convenient than trains or buses.GBuilding a platform to allow that is hard, and requires joint efforts.第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题

41、;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As the foreign English teacher at my school in Japan, I have a weekly English music broadcast where I showcase different English songs. I try to get the students to _21_ songs to me for the broadcast. At the broadcast, I usually announce who recom

42、mended the song and then play it for everyone to _22_ during lunch time. I give everyone a chance to share themselves through their music, including one _23_ student of mine. This student constantly gets into _24_ with the other students, doesnt study, and brings down the energy of the class. Most o

43、f the other teachers and students push him away. I knew though that he just needed a friend, _25_ at least someone he can connect with.I could tell he was warming up to me over the last year. I told him to think of a song he likes that has some English words in it and that Ill _26_ it on the broadca

44、st for him. He _27_ recommended a song. I actually really liked the song so I put in on the broadcast and made sure to announce his _28_, so everyone knew that he contributed and recommended such a great song. Needless to say, the boy was extremely _29_, and hes been much happier and _30_ in English

45、 class ever since. While everyone else _31_ him and pushed him away, I saw right through and knew that he just needed someone who _32_ him and gave him a chance. Theres still a language barrier between us, but words arent needed, you can always _33_ where youre at with someone. He recently walked by

46、 me and gave me the most genuine _34_ that Ive ever seen.“I gave him a(n) _35_, through just one song.” I told my coworkers.21AcomposeBrecommendCsingDperform22AreadBactCenjoyDfollow23AcruelBslowCcleverDtough24AfightsBdebtsCchaosDconnections25AbutBorCandDso26AplayBsingCexplainDintroduce27Aunwillingly

47、BrandomlyCeventuallyDhurriedly28AworkBstruggleCsongDname29AinterestedBfrightenedCannoyedDexcited30AacceptedBaccustomedCfocusedDdetermined31AdesertedBmisunderstoodCcriticizedDenvied32AacknowledgedBsupportedClovedDhelped33ArememberBsenseCpredictDvalue34AsmileBkissCglanceDnod35AexperienceBjobCchanceDposition第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The drum _36_ (accompany) Chinese civilization for thousands of years and has a deep spiritual meaning which takes its existence far beyond a musical instrument. Confu


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