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1、 Read the text quickly and choose the best answer. 1. Miss Sullivan was Helens _. A. mother B. teacher C. student D. friend Read the text carefully and choose the best answer in the right order. 2. Choose the right order according to the text. a. Helen imitated Sullivan. b. Helen felt like a ship in

2、 a heavy fog. c. Helen was eager to learn. d. Miss Sullivan came. e. Helen suddenly knew that everything has a name. A. bcdae B. dabec C. bdaec D. bdeac True or false _ 1. Helen likes the ship in a heavy fog. _ 2. Miss Sullivan spelled “d-o-l-l” into Helens hand and Helen suddenly understand. _ 3. A

3、t first, Helen just imitated the spelling of words without understanding them. F F T _ 4. Helen realized that everything has a name after her teacher had been with her for several weeks. _ 5. While water flowed over one of Helens Hands, Miss Sullivan spelled the word “water” into her other hand. T T

4、 1. Skim the whole text and put each of the following sentences in proper brackets in the chart. 2. Read the text again carefully and complete the column of “her feeling” in the chart above. 1.图片对齐 在我们插入PPT图片或是输入文字的时候,为了整齐都需要将插入的文本框对齐 ,但是又不想一个一个的进行操作,这时按住Ctrl键将需要进行对齐的文本选中 ,点击开始排列对齐垂直居中即可; 2.巧用格式刷 在制

5、作PPT的时候为了保证PPT风格的统一,很多任通常会使用复制粘贴来确保 每一页PPT格式相同,这样对于少页数来说可以进行操作,但是碎玉多页面的话 就有点麻烦了,其实我们可以巧用格式刷:首先,在开始菜单栏下方有一个格式 刷,点击格式刷,很快就能看到效果; 3.去除所有动画效果 很多人在制作PPT的时候都是直接在模板库里下载模板进行使用的,但是下载的 模板大多数都是有幻灯片的,这样在演讲的时候很不方便,怎样将其进行去除呢 ?单击幻灯片放映选择设置幻灯片放映,放映类型选择演讲者放映;换片方式 选择手动即可; 4.PPT快键 PPT逼格提升技巧逼格提升技巧 Before Miss Sullivan c

6、ame Her feeling ( ) Being like _ _ After Miss Sullivan came Begi nning of hope The first day ( ) ( ) Being happy and _ The following days ( ) ( ) One day ( ) ( ) ( ) Being eager to learn and the _ child in the world B C H A E F G D a ship in a heavy fog proud happiest 拓展:拓展: 我生活的故事我生活的故事写于写于1902年,海伦

7、年,海伦 凯凯 勒以翔实生动的笔触记载了她的生活经勒以翔实生动的笔触记载了她的生活经 历。全书行文流畅,真实感人,是自传历。全书行文流畅,真实感人,是自传 文学中的佼佼者。文学中的佼佼者。 Helen Keller began writing The Story of My Life in 1902, when she was 22 years old and still a student at Radcliffe College, the sister school of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Story o

8、f My Life contains three parts. The first is Helen Kellers autobiographical (自传的自传的) account (叙述叙述) of her life from childhood to the beginning of her studies at Radcliffe. Part II contains Helens letters to her family and friends and documents her growth in thought and expression through her writin

9、g. The third part contains an account of Helen Kellers life and education written by John Macy, based on the most part on the records and observations of Anne Sullivan. The Story of My Life has become an enduring (不朽的不朽的) classic of American literature. It was always to be the most popular of Helen

10、Kellers works, with many editions published throughout the years. Today, the book is available in more than 50 languages. In the book, she wrote, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” Translate the underlined part in the p

11、assage into Chinese. 世界上最美好的东西不会被看世界上最美好的东西不会被看 到或者感觉到。它一定能用心到或者感觉到。它一定能用心 感受的到。感受的到。 1. I was like a ship in a heavy fog, and had no way of knowing where the harbour was. Why did Helen say so ? She had no goal in her life then. She had no interest in the world. She was very unlucky then. like: prep

12、. (介词介词) 1. _ They _ _ brothers and sisters. 他们就像兄弟姐妹一样。他们就像兄弟姐妹一样。 Dick acts _ a gentleman. 迪克的举止如同绅士。迪克的举止如同绅士。 are like like 像像 , 如如 2. (与与look, sound等连用等连用) _ It _ _ rain. 好像要下雨了。好像要下雨了。 3. (与与feel连用连用) _ I dont _ _ dancing now. 我现在不想跳舞。我现在不想跳舞。 像要像要;好像是好像是 looks like 想要想要 feel like as与与like比较比较

13、 like prep. 像像一样。后接一样。后接 _。 The robot cant work _ man. 机器人不能像人一样干活。机器人不能像人一样干活。 as conj. 像像一样。后接一样。后接 _。 All the plants and animals need air just _ they need water. 就像需要水一样,所有的动植物都需要空就像需要水一样,所有的动植物都需要空 气。气。 单词或短语单词或短语 like 句子句子 as as prep. _ Let me speak to you _ a father 让我以父亲的地位对你说说。让我以父亲的地位对你说说。

14、以以的身份,作为:充当的身份,作为:充当 as 2. and had no way of knowing where the harbour was. way 的后置定语的后置定语 1) 短语作定语(短语作定语(的方法)的方法) 2) 定语从句定语从句 the way (方式状语方式状语) in which that 不填不填 the way of doing sth the way to do sth 练习:练习: 1. There is no way _ solving the problem. 没有解决这个问题的办法。没有解决这个问题的办法。 2. Slowly, man found w

15、ays _ keep their mind calm. 慢慢地,人类找到了让自己心灵平静的慢慢地,人类找到了让自己心灵平静的 方法。方法。 3. I dont like the way _ he speaks to us. A. in that B. which C. x D. of which of to 3. How do you understand the word “light” in the sentence “light ! Give me the light!”? On the one hand, She was blind and could see nothing. She

16、 didnt know what “light” was. On the other hand, “light” here means “love” and “knowledge”. 4. and the light of love shone on me that very day. very可用作可用作_, 有“真正的有“真正的,正正 是是的的, 十足的”等意。例如十足的”等意。例如: You are the very person I want to see. 你你_我要见的人。我要见的人。 I will do it this very afternoon. 我我_在今天下午办这件事。在

17、今天下午办这件事。 He is a very fool. 他是个他是个_傻瓜。傻瓜。 形容词形容词 正是正是 就就 十足的十足的 the very + n. = just the + n. He is the very person ( just the person) we are in need of. 他正好是我们所需要的人。他正好是我们所需要的人。 5. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly succeed in doing 做成了某事做成了某事 The Chinese scientists succeeded

18、 in sending up a spacecraft onto the moon. 中国科学家成功地将一艘飞船中国科学家成功地将一艘飞船送上了送上了 月球。月球。 The spy failed to copy the secret paper and was caught and hanged. 间谍没能窃取机密文件,被抓住,绞间谍没能窃取机密文件,被抓住,绞 死了。死了。 练习:练习:The police _ the murderer. A. succeeded to catch B. failed catching C. succeeded caught D. failed to cat

19、ch fail to do 没能做成没能做成 6. But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything had a name. before做连词的用法总结做连词的用法总结 1) _We do want to buy something now before prices go up. 在物价上涨之前我们的确想买点东西。在物价上涨之前我们的确想买点东西。 在在之前之前 2)_It was midnight before he came back. 他半夜以后才回来。他半夜以后才回来。

20、 3) _ You should do it before it is too late. 趁现在还不算太晚,你应该赶快做趁现在还不算太晚,你应该赶快做 它。它。 以后才以后才 还没有还没有(来得及来得及)就就; 趁趁 练习:练习: Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _ I could answer the phone. (NMET2000) A. as B. since C. until D. before 【点拨点拨】本题句意为本题句意为:半夜里有人给半夜里有人给 我打电话我打电话, 可是我还

21、没来得及接可是我还没来得及接, 电电 话就挂断了。话就挂断了。 before在本题中译作“还没来得在本题中译作“还没来得 及及就就”, 故正确答案选故正确答案选D项。项。 7. What did Helen mean by saying “That living word awakened my soul, give it light, hope, joy and set it free!”? To her, the word “water” became a dividing line between the darkness and bright days. With this livin

22、g word, she knew that life was full of love, hope, joy and freedom. She opened a door to life through this word. 8. I stood still. still, quiet, silent, calm 辨析辨析 1). still 指“静止不动的”。指“静止不动的”。 Keep/Stay still while I take photos of you. 我为你拍照时,请勿动。我为你拍照时,请勿动。 2). quiet (环境环境)安静,无声响;安静,无声响;(性格性格) 安静。安

23、静。 They lived a quiet life in the countryside. 他们在乡村过着宁静的他们在乡村过着宁静的 生活。生活。 3). silent 寂静无声;沉默不语寂静无声;沉默不语 Youd better be silent about whats happened. 对已经发生的事,你最好保持沉默。对已经发生的事,你最好保持沉默。 The children went out, and the room was silent. 孩子们都出去了,房子变得寂静无孩子们都出去了,房子变得寂静无 声。声。 4). calm (心情心情)平静,镇定;风平浪平静,镇定;风平浪

24、静静 The sea was very calm. 海面很平静。海面很平静。 The doctor did what he could to make the girl calm. 医生尽力让那医生尽力让那 女孩平静下来。女孩平静下来。 比较:比较: Keep still. (=Dont move.) Keep calm. (=Dont be excited.) Keep quiet. (=Keep silent.) 9. I left the well-house eager to learn. 1.eager意为“热切的,渴望的,渴求的”,意为“热切的,渴望的,渴求的”, eager to

25、 do sth. eager for sth. eager for success 拓展拓展 2.eager beaver 干活特别卖力的人,对工干活特别卖力的人,对工 作极有热忱的人作极有热忱的人 3. eagerly adv. eagerness n. 即学即练即学即练 用用eager的适当形式完成下列的适当形式完成下列 句子。句子。 1. Hes a bright kid and _ to learn. 2. He could see the _ in her face. 3. The children were _ looking forward to the party. 4. Ru

26、ral towns are _ for any business they can attract. eager eagerness eagerly eager 10. Helen wrote “Everything had a name, and each name gave birth to a new thought.” Whats your understanding of “a new thoughts”? With the name of a thing, she came to a new look at the thing. She could recognize it and

27、 understand it better. give birth to 生;产生;引 起;造成 e.g. The woman gave birth to a pair of twins. 11. as I lay in my bed. 1) lielay-lain-lying vi. 躺躺,平放平放, 位于位于 His hat and gloves were lying on the table. 他的帽子和手套都放在桌上。他的帽子和手套都放在桌上。 He lay down for a rest. 他躺下休息一会。他躺下休息一会。 Japan lies to the east of Chin

28、a. 日本在中国的东面。日本在中国的东面。 2) lielied-lied-lying vi. 撒谎撒谎 He lied about his age. 他在年龄上撒了谎。他在年龄上撒了谎。 3) lay-laid-laid-laying vt. 放置放置; 下蛋下蛋, 产卵产卵 Please lay the packages on the table. 请把包裹放在桌上。请把包裹放在桌上。 The black hen lays an egg a day. 那只黑母鸡每天生一个蛋。那只黑母鸡每天生一个蛋。 12. and for the first time longed for a new d

29、ay to come. long for = look forward to渴望渴望 They long for a chance to visit Shanghai. 他们渴望有机会访问上海。他们渴望有机会访问上海。 He has been longing for her ever since she left. 自她走后自她走后, 他一直在想念她。他一直在想念她。 改错改错: They are long for good weather 去掉去掉 13.Read the last sentence of the text and share your understanding of Helens feeling with your partners. Read the passage on p16 first. What was her feeling? She was full of joy and hope. Homework Exercise 3 on page 3.


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