1、Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit Lets enjoy it! Can these pictures ,people and video make you laugh? Dad, cat! Run, run, run! Take it easy, baby! Miao 1.图片对齐 在我们插入PPT图片或是输入文字的时候,为了整齐都需要将插入的文本框对齐 ,但是又不想一个一个的进行操作,这时按住Ctrl键将需要进行对齐的文本选中 ,点击开始排列对齐垂直居中即可; 2.巧用格式刷 在制作PPT的时候为了保证PPT风格的统一,很
2、多任通常会使用复制粘贴来确保 每一页PPT格式相同,这样对于少页数来说可以进行操作,但是碎玉多页面的话 就有点麻烦了,其实我们可以巧用格式刷:首先,在开始菜单栏下方有一个格式 刷,点击格式刷,很快就能看到效果; 3.去除所有动画效果 很多人在制作PPT的时候都是直接在模板库里下载模板进行使用的,但是下载的 模板大多数都是有幻灯片的,这样在演讲的时候很不方便,怎样将其进行去除呢 ?单击幻灯片放映选择设置幻灯片放映,放映类型选择演讲者放映;换片方式 选择手动即可; 4.PPT快键 PPT逼格提升技巧逼格提升技巧 SITUATION COMEDY what kind of things can ma
3、ke you laugh? What makes people laugh? funny movie s humorou s stories jokes comedie s interesting books Brainstorming Sharing information Look at the posters and have a talk with your partner about each one. How can we put more laughter in our lives? read funny stories, watch funny movies and surround yourself with funny people develop your own sense of humor Discussion Extensive reading Read the passage titled “The British sense of humor” on page 102 as quickly as possible. Then answer questions below it.