2019高三英语一轮复习 模块八 Unit 4 Films and film events课件 牛津译林版.ppt

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1、Unit 4Films and film events(主题语境:人与社会文学、艺术与体育),-3-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,1.expose vt.使接触,使体验,使面临;暴露,显露,揭露经典例句 His study shows that when robins are exposed to light at night in the lab,it leads to some genes being active at the wrong time of day.他的研究表明,当实验室里的知更鸟在晚上暴露于灯光下时,就会导致一些基因在一天中的错误时间里变得活跃。(1)expose st

2、h./sb.to.把暴露在之下expose oneself to sth.使面临,使遭受expose a secret/a plan泄露秘密/计划(2)exposed adj.无遮蔽的be exposed to.置身于;暴露于(3)exposure n.面临;揭露,-4-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练(1)You could be to unnecessary risks when driving alone.独自开车可能会使你面临不必要的风险。(2) to light while sleeping can increase a persons chances of getting

3、cancer.睡觉的时候暴露在光线下会增加一个人患癌症的几率。(3)These units children to many viewpoints of a given issue.这些单元让孩子们接触到有关某特定问题的多种观点。,exposed,Exposure,exposed,-5-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,2.contradict vt.与相矛盾,相反经典例句 All evening her husband contradicted everything she said.整个晚上她说什么丈夫都跟她拌嘴。(1)contradict oneself自相矛盾(2)contradicti

4、on n.反驳,驳斥in contradiction to与相矛盾/对立contradiction between A and BA和B之间的矛盾(3)contradictory adj.相互矛盾的,对立的,-6-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练(1)In his confusion,he kept himself.慌乱中,他不断地说出自相矛盾的话来。(2)His private actions are in direct to his publicly expressed opinions.他私下的行为与公开表达的观点完全是两码事。(3)There were versions of

5、what happened.对所发生的事说法相互矛盾。,contradicting,contradiction,contradictory,-7-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,3.overlook vt.忽略,未注意到;不予理会;俯视经典例句 We tend to blame TV,he says,for problems it doesnt really cause,overlooking our own roles in shaping childrens minds.他说,我们往往把实际上不是电视造成的问题归咎到电视上,忽视我们自己在塑造孩子思想上所起的作用。overlook sb./

6、sth.忽视某人/事overlook the fact that.忽略的事实overlook sp.俯视某地易混辨析overlook与ignore,-8-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练写出下列句中黑体部分的含义(1)He overlooked a spelling error on the first page.(2)It was our home,small and charming,overlooking a quiet lake.用overlook,ignore填空(3)Tom greeted her,but she him and carried on with her wo

7、rk.(4)An experienced and responsible teacher never the slower students.,忽视,俯视,ignored,overlooks,-9-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,4.preference n.偏爱,偏好经典例句 If we knew our own minds,why would we need to guess what our preferences are from our behavior?如果我们了解自己的心智,为什么我们不该猜猜我们的喜好来自我们的行为呢?(1)have a preference for更喜欢giv

8、e(a)preference to给以优惠;优待in preference to优先于(2)prefer vt.更喜欢,-10-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练(1)His father was a farmer and he had a for outdoor life.他父亲曾是一位农夫,他更喜欢户外生活。(2)Brazilians are social, face-to-face communication over emails or phone calls.巴西人爱好社交,和邮件或电话相比,他们更喜欢面对面的交流。,preference,preferring,-11-,高频单

9、词,重点短语,难点句型,5.disappointment n.失望;沮丧;令人失望的人或事物经典例句 Surely,there will be setbacks and disappointments in life;boldness in itself is no guarantee of success.当然,人生中会有挫折和失望,仅仅靠大胆并不能保证成功。(1)to ones disappointment令某人感到失望的是(2)disappoint vt.使失望;使扫兴disappoint sb.使某人失望(3)disappointed adj.对感到失望的disappointing a

10、dj.令人失望的be disappointed at/by sth.因感到失望be disappointed at/with sb./sth.对失望,-12-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练(1)The next day,we got a message that another buyer had offered a much higher price.第二天,我们听说另一个买主给出了更高的价格(打算购买房子),这个消息对我们来说自然很是失望。(2)I hate you,but Im just not interested.我不想使你扫兴,但我确实不感兴趣。(3)If you thi

11、nk Ill agree to that,youre going to be sadly .如果你认为我会赞同,你会大失所望的。(4)He left the station in great,for she wasnt in the train.他极其失望地离开了火车站,因为她不在火车上。,disappointing,to disappoint,disappointed,disappointment,-13-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,1.in defence of为辩护;防卫经典例句 They are soldiers who died in defence of their count

12、ry.他们是为保卫祖国而献身的战士。(1)in ones defence=in defence of sb.为某人辩护(2)defend v.为辩护;保卫defend.from/against保护使不受,为辩护,-14-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练(1)The traveler may fire at a wild beast to in case he is attacked.游客可以向野兽射击来保护自己以免受到攻击。(2)All the people were fighting against the flood their own homes.所有的人都在与洪水作斗争,保卫自

13、己的家园。(3)Dont him anymore.He deliberately destroyed the fence of the garden.不要再为他辩解了。他是故意破坏花园的篱笆。,defend himself,in defence of,defend,-15-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,2.show off炫耀,卖弄经典例句 Mike has only driven to the pub to show off his new car.迈克开车来酒吧的目的是为了炫耀他的新车。show.out带出去show sb.around/round领某人参观show.in带或领进来sho

14、w/turn up出现;露面;到场四维热练(1)The moment we arrived,the host .我们一到达,主人就把我们领进来了。(2)He promised to attend the meeting,but he hasnt yet.他答应出席会议,但是他还没来。,showed us in,showed up,-16-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,3.give thought to认真考虑,思考经典例句 Chinese should give enough thought to noise.Westerners also need to understand that s

15、peaking loud is the Chinese culture,not a sign of aggression.中国人应该好好地想一想噪声,而西方人也需要理解大声讲话就是中国文化,而不是一种挑衅的信号。be lost in thought 陷入沉思without thought 不假思索have thought of.有的打算thought for.对的体谅/关怀on second thought经过重新考虑,在仔细考虑后deep in thought陷入沉思,-17-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练(1)Take it easy.Our leaders are sure t

16、o your problem.请放心,我们的领导一定会认真考虑你的问题的。(2)Please dont what she said.请不要在乎她说什么。(3)I hope youll it.我希望你再考虑考虑。(4)Alice had been so that she walked past her car without even seeing it.艾丽斯陷入深深的思考之中,甚至连经过自己的车都没看到。,give enough thought to,give much thought to,give a second thought to,deep in thought,-18-,高频单词

17、,重点短语,难点句型,1.We make no restrictions on the kinds of films we showas long as a films quality meets our standards,we include it.我们对我们所放映的电影的种类不作限制只要影片的质量符合我们的标准,就接纳它。(Page 50)as/so long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。as long as还可意为“长达,和一样长久”。as far as远至;就而言as soon as一就,-19-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练(1)You can go out to p

18、lay you stay in the backyard.只要不出后院,你可以出去玩。(2) I know,hell be away for three months.据我所知,他将外出三个月。,as long as,As far as,-20-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,2.Whether you think the Academy Awards really resemble a film festival or not,everyone agrees that the Oscar is the best-known award a film can receive.不论你是否认为奥斯卡金像奖真的像电影节,人人都赞同奥斯卡金像奖是电影能获得的最著名的奖项。(Page 53)句中whether.or not.为固定句型,意为“不管是否,不管是还是”,引导让步状语从句,此外,它还可以引导名词性从句。,-21-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练(1)It is beneficial to some people,while it puts others into a dilemma over whether


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