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1、高二英语试卷共 9 页 第 1 页 延庆区 20222023 学年第一学期期末试卷 高 二 英语 2022.12本试卷共 9 页,三大部分(共 100 分),考试时间 90 分钟。本试卷共 9 页,三大部分(共 100 分),考试时间 90 分钟。第一部分 知识运用 第一部分 知识运用 第一节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)A One of my favourite episodes was Mr Bean in a fancy restaurant.After being seated at his table,Mr Bean takes out a card,

2、writes a few words on it,puts it 1 an envelope and places it on the table.After a moment,he 2 (look)back at the envelope but this time he looks surprised,as if he did not know it was there.He opens it to find a birthday card and very 3 (happy)puts it on the table for everyone to see.B In the last 50

3、0 million years,there have been five mass extinction events on Earth.In the third event,4 is known as the“Great Dying”,90%to 96%of all species died out.Of course,species died out due to many 5(cause).But nowadays,human activity has affected all types of species that we depend on for living.We need t

4、o take action 6(avoid)the sixth mass extinction.We should take steps to save endangered animals and plants,and set up special areas to take care of them 7 the next extinction comes that may wipe out the entire species.C Legos are popular with kids.But 8(make)them can hurt the environment.Why?Legos a

5、re made of plastic.The plastic is made from oil.That is a nonrenewable resource.Recently,Legos 9 (introduce)earth-friendly pieces.They are made of plastic taken from sugarcane(甘蔗).That is a renewable material.The green pieces are part of a 10 (big)plan for Lego.The company plans to use renewable mat

6、erials in all its toys by 2030.The actions the company takes today can have influence on the planet of tomorrow.第二节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,共 15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。高二英语试卷共 9 页 第 2 页 Garbage men break down in tears when residents surprise them Saul Scruggs and Keon Ri

7、chardson have never missed a day of work picking up rubbish in Miami Beach.And they were especially 11 they were covering their route as a beautiful surprise awaited them.When their huge truck rolled down the street,they found scores of 12 whod gotten up early to line the street with signs and ballo

8、ons,all to 13 say“we love you”.Jennifer Elegant wanted to show her familys 14 so she organized a“thank you”celebration to 15 the essential workers whom she called“extraordinary”.Even the Miami Beach Mayor,Dan Gelber,16 to express respect to thembecause Saul and Keon do more than pick up rubbish.“The

9、y bring an incredible,positive 17 to the entire neighborhood,”Jennifer told GNN.“They spread joy.”What is particularly 18 is the positive energy these two men bring with them.They always wear smiles and never miss a(n)19 to say hello and 20 someones day.They help others and expect nothing 21 .One da

10、y,Saul spent 45 minutes helping a neighbor look for her lost wedding ring.He also waited over an hour with another neighbor who was having heart issues and needed a(n)22 .Jennifer is impressed with these amazing workers.“They continue to maintain their 23 attitude even during this stressful COVID-19

11、 pandemic,24 their own safety in order to keep our city 25 and beautiful,”she said.11.A.careful B.glad C.confident D.curious 12.A.officers B.colleagues C.strangers D.residents 13.A.simply B.accidentally C.anxiously D.surprisingly 14.A.expectation B.motivation C.appreciation D.happiness 15.A.award B.

12、complain C.blame D.honor 16.A.showed up B.brought up C.gave up D.looked up 17.A.achievement B.energy C.talent D.emotion 18.A.hopeful B.interesting C.mysterious D.special 19.A.meeting B.day C.opportunity D.reason 20.A.change B.sharpen C.widen D.brighten 21.A.in turn B.in short C.in return D.in sight

13、22.A.operation B.ambulance C.discussion D.friendship 23.A.optimistic B.pessimistic C.negative D.independent 24.A.giving B.treasuring C.seeking D.risking 25.A.clear B.strong C.clean D.rich 第二部分 阅读理解 第二部分 阅读理解 高二英语试卷共 9 页 第 3 页 第一节(共 14 小题;每小题 2 分,共 28 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

14、A Below is a list of activities that will get you excited and add a bit of fun into your schedule at the same time.Ready,set,play!Join a team sport Playing sport as part of a team can help you get active while making friends and feeling part of your community.This list of links will lead you through

15、 to sports clubs and fixtures across the state,or you can use the My Community directory to search for your sport of choice.Make date night active night Date night(or anytime you hang with loved ones or friends)doesnt have to be spent sitting in a cinema.Get active on your next date by going bowling

16、,playing laser tag or paintball,or sinking balls at minigolf.Catch and kick Anyone with kids will know that sometimes entertaining them takes priority over looking after your own health.Kill two birds with one stone and take them to the park to kick a footy or throw a ball back and forth.Once everyo

17、nes practised their kicking,throwing and catching skills,take things to the next level by asking them to throw or kick long and make you run for it.Take the stairs An oldy but a goody,taking the stairs instead of a lift is great for working the major muscle groups in the legs.It might not seem like

18、the most fun option for a workout,but you can fit a surprising amount of activity into every day by taking the stairs whenever they are an option.And if you get hooked(喜欢上),you can even become a competitive stair climber.26.Where is this text probably taken from?A.Public health and wellbeing.B.Resea

19、rch and reports.C.News and events.D.Strategic direction.27.What is the advantage of Join a team sport?A.You have more time for morning exercise.B.You have a better way of communication.C.It is a way to work the major muscle in legs.D.You will get expert direction in the group.高二英语试卷共 9 页 第 4 页 28.Wh

20、ich would a father choose if he wants to play with his 5-year-old son?A.Join a team sport B.Take the stairs C.Catch and kick D.Make date night active night B The Cloud Runners Today,the first thing you see when you drive into the small town of McFarland,California,is a welcome poster.“Home of the St

21、ate Champions,”it says proudly.Written across the bottom are the names of the members of the running teams that have brought McFarland nine state championships over the past twenty years.Today,this little farming town is the“home of champions”,but things werent always like this.It all began with a g

22、roup of seven young men,who were McFarland High Schools first running team.They were called“cloud runners”because it looked like they were floating on a brown cloud of dust as they carved paths through the surrounding fields.They werent a very good team.But the turning point came one hot summer afte

23、rnoon when the young men were doing hill practice.As there were no hills in McFarland,their coach,Jim White,made them run up and down large piles of nut shells covered in white plastic sheets.“Enough!”one of the young men cried.The sound of breaking shells could be heard as he beat his fists on the

24、sheet.The plastic tore and a river of nut shells poured out.“Do you know what these are,Mr White?Theyre almond(巴旦木)shells.Do you know where they come from?My family has been working on farms picking almonds for forty years.You and your family,living in your big comfortable home,eat these without giv

25、ing a single thought to where they came from.And now you are making us run on them!Ive had enough!”“Were losers,Mr White,not winners,”another young man continued,his face wet with tears and sweat.“Nothing has changed here for forty years and nothings ever going to change!Running is for rich kids in

26、private schools in the big city,not for us poor farm boys.We cant even afford real shoes for running.We belong in the fields,picking.Were pickers.Im going home!”Something in Jim Whites heart changed that day.He went into the fields and worked with the“pickers”.He bought running shoes for the boys.He

27、 spent evenings having dinner with the boys families.His wife baked and sold cookies to raise money.One small act of kindness led to another.Other families began to take notice,and slowly,the entire town 高二英语试卷共 9 页 第 5 页 came to support Mr White as he helped these young men change from farm workers

28、 to champions.29.Why is the small town of McFarland called“Home of the State Champions”?A.Because Jim White became state championship.B.Because the running teams got nine state championships.C.Because a group of seven young men got championships.D.Because Mr.White changed the farm workers to champio

29、ns.30.What made the boy cry in the practice?A.The tiredness of running.B.The pain of training.C.The difficulties of living.D.The sound of breaking shells.31.Which of the following can best describe Jim white?A.Ambitious and strict.B.Understanding and kind.C.Optimistic and persistent.D.Responsible an

30、d confident.C Back in the early 2000s,lots of people couldnt have imagined life without alarm clocks,CD players,calendars,cameras,or lots of other devices.But along came the iPhone and other smartphones,and they took over the functions of dozens of things we used to think were essential.The smartpho

31、ne story could even be a model for fighting climate change;not because smartphones use a small part of the energy of all the things they replacealthough they dobut because they represent a different approach to design in general.And that approach is to focus on function rather than form.That require

32、s focusing on understanding the underlying problem,and then engineering a wide range of potential solutions.This approach could revolutionize how we think about energy efficiency.Traditionally,improvements in energy efficiency have mostly focused on individual devices,which can be quite fruitful.But

33、 focusing on individual devices is like if Apple had spent effort inventing a better alarm clock,a better CD player,a better calendar,and a better camera.Now with an iPhone,we dont need the standalone devices at all,because it can function as all of them.So when it comes to using energy efficiently,

34、rather than just installing a more efficient heater,some people have focused instead on the desired function:staying warm.They designed and coated their house so well that they could get rid of their heater altogether,letting them heat their house with 99%less energy.高二英语试卷共 9 页 第 6 页 In the same wa

35、y,rather than just making cars more efficient,what if we focus on the desired functiongetting where we want when we wantand create an efficient transportation system where we can drive less or get rid of our personal cars entirely?The most energy efficient car or heater is no car,or no heater,while

36、still being able to get around and stay warm.In other words,its not thinking efficient,its thinking different.32.What makes the iPhone a good example of environmental protection?A.Perfecting individual instruments.B.Combining possible functions.C.Choosing a simplest design.D.Reducing the energy cons

37、umption.33.According to the passage,what is the most important part of improving energy efficiency?A.Using recyclable materials.B.Improving technologies.C.Figuring out various solutions.D.Concentrating on the necessary needs.34.What does the author think of traditional practices in energy improvemen

38、ts?A.Classical.B.Out-of-date.C.Useless.D.Perfect.35.Which of the following does the author want to tell us?A.Think out of the box.B.Differences make it unique.C.Be economical with energy.D.Step out of the comfort zone.D The secret to happiness is keeping busy,research has found.Keeping the mind occu

39、pied with tasksno matter how meaninglesskeeps off negative emotions,the study found.However,the bad news is that humans are seemingly born to be lazy in order to save energy,according to Professor Christoper Hsee,a behavioral scientist at Chicago University.In a study,98 students were asked to compl

40、ete two surveys.After they had completed the first,they were made to wait 15 minutes to receive the next one.They were given a choice of either handing in the first survey nearby or at a more distant location they had to walk to.No matter which choice they made,they received a chocolate bar.It turne

41、d out that about two-thirds(68 students)chose the lazy option.Those who had taken the walk reported feeling happier than those who had stayed put(呆在原处).Prof.Hsee concluded that keeping busy helped keep people happy.He said the findings,reported in the journal Psychological Science,might have an effe

42、ct on policies.高二英语试卷共 9 页 第 7 页 “Governments may increase the happiness of idle citizens by having them build bridges that are actually useless,”he suggested.As for ordinary people,he advised,“Get up and do something.Anything.Even if there really is no point to what you are doing,you will feel bett

43、er for it.”He added,“Thinking deeply or engaging in self-reflection can be regarded as keeping busy,too.”“You do not need to be running around,You just need to be engaged,either physically or mentally.”36.Keeping busy can make people happy because _.A.it can help people get rid of laziness B.it can

44、make people sleep better C.it can help get rid of negative emotions D.it can give people a sense of achievement 37.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Policies may be influenced by the findings.B.The officials have taken Prof.Hsees advice.C.In the study half students

45、 handed in the first survey nearby.D.Governments can increase citizens happiness by building bridges.38.What can we infer from the passage?A.Everybody is born to be happy.B.Only by keeping working all the time can you gain happiness.C.Prof.Hsees finding was published in Psychological Science.D.Keepi

46、ng busy goes against human nature.39.What is the best title for the passage?A.What is Happiness B.The Secret of Happiness:Keeping Busy C.The Finding of Research:Do What You Like D.Take Life correctly 第二节:阅读并回答问题(共 4 题;40-42 题每小题 2 分,43 题 4 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文和问题,根据短文内容和每小题后的具体要求,在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息,完成对该

47、问题的回答。答语要意思清楚,结构正确,书写工整。Pranks(恶作剧)are a popular way of making fun of others and getting a laugh.While some experts point out potential negatives,pranking can also decrease stress,raise a smile,and strengthen relationships.Prank Aliens,a best-selling book,tells a story about a boy named Max who is s

48、earching for the greatest prank of all time.His author Matt Stanton once said that pranking 高二英语试卷共 9 页 第 8 页 in the home can build strong relationships between parents and kids.“Some of the best relationship-building moments I have with my own kids are when I enter into their space,”Stanton said.“A

49、n adult joining in their games can be surprising for kids and bring wonderful moments of joy.Its a great way to demonstrate to our kids that we can laugh at ourselves and still feel loved and safe,”he added.But playing tricks can come with unintended consequences,said psychiatrist Mark Cross.Pranks

50、that are intended to harm or embarrass can anger the target and even ruin a relationship.However,Cross also added“Pranking can be good when the outcome is laughter for everyone,including the pranked person.It can be a great release of stress.When you laugh,you breathe deeper,which helps ease anxiety


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