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1、高考英语作文句式提升高考英语作文句式提升 教学目标教学目标 1.学会运用高级句式 2.培养英语写作思维什么样的作文是一篇好作文什么样的作文是一篇好作文 无遗漏信息点(审题)无遗漏信息点(审题)篇章条理清晰:分段和过渡词篇章条理清晰:分段和过渡词句式多样句式多样地道的高级词汇和恰当的词组地道的高级词汇和恰当的词组思考:你能想到的好句式有哪些?思考:你能想到的好句式有哪些?推荐高考写作推荐高考写作10种句式种句式一、主动句与被动句的互换。一、主动句与被动句的互换。1.People grow rice in the south of China.Rice is grown in the south

2、of China.2.They have printed one and a half million copies of the dictionary since 1986.One and a half million copies of the dictionary have been printed since 1986.二、将陈述句改为倒装句。二、将陈述句改为倒装句。1.I could hardly understand the importance of English at that time.Hardly could I understand the importance of

3、English at that time.2.We did not realize our mistakes until at that time.Not until at that time did we realize our mistakes.三、将简单句改为强调句三、将简单句改为强调句1.Smoking did great harm to his health.It was smoking that did great harm to his health.2.Our money is earned through hard work by our parents.It is thro

4、ugh hard work that our money is earned by our parents.3.He went there yesterday.He did go there yesterday.四、将两个简单句合并为并列句四、将两个简单句合并为并列句1.You can do it.I can do it.One of us must do it.you I must do it.2.I want to buy this bike.I dont have enough money.I want to buy this bike,I dont have enough money.

5、Eitherorbut五、将两个简单句合并为复合句五、将两个简单句合并为复合句1.同位语和同位语从句同位语和同位语从句1)Liu Xiang is an excellent athlete.He won the first prize in Mens 110 Hurdle Race in the 2004 Olympic Games._,_,won the first prize in Mens 110 Hurdle Race in the 2004 Olympic Games.2)The word is true.The president will give our school a sp

6、eech._ is true _ the president will give our school a speech.Liu Xiangan excellent athleteItthat高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】2.定语从句定语从句 1)The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing,and its slogan is One World,One Dream,The 2008 Olympic Games,_ _2)In my opinion,the Great Wall

7、 and the Summer Palace are well worth visiting.In my opinion,the Great Wall and the Summer Palace _3)Yesterday,we went to the East Gate,and we bought a lot of clothes.Yesterday,we went to the East Gate,_ _One Dream,will be held in Beijing.are the two places which are well worth visiting.where we bou

8、ght aWhose slogan is One World,lot of clothes.高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】3.主语从句主语从句1)His wonderful performance on the stage impressed me.most was his wonderful performance on the stage.2)It satisfied me.The dining hall provides us with a large variety of kinds of dishes.the di

9、ning hall provides us with a large variety of kinds of dishes.3)I learned from the story that as long as we have patience,confidence and perseverance,we can realize our dreams.as long as we have patience,confidence and perseverance,we can realize our dreams.What impressed meWhat satisfied me is that

10、What I have learnt from the story is that高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】推荐句型推荐句型 What surprises astonished satisfied impressed me is that What I would like to suggest advise put forward is that What matters most is that What I learnconclude from the story is that高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件

11、32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】4.表语从句表语从句推荐句型:推荐句型:is no longer what it used to be.1)我的家乡不再像以前那样了。我的家乡不再像以前那样了。My hometown is no longer what it used to be.2)他不再是以前那样了。他不再是以前那样了。He is no longer what he used to be.高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】5.状语从句状语从句 结果、程度结果、程度 sothat;such tha

12、t让步让步 no matter how what when where.=whatever,however,whenever,wherever时间时间 was doingwhen,as soon as,the moment,the next time,every time高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】1)不管前面有多少困难,我们都要学会独立的不管前面有多少困难,我们都要学会独立的克服他们。克服他们。_ _,we should learn to overcome them independently.2)我正沿着马路走,突然我

13、听到有人叫我。我正沿着马路走,突然我听到有人叫我。I _ along the road _ suddenly I heard my name called.was walkingwhenNo matter how many difficulties there are ahead of us,高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】六、将两个简单句合并为一个由六、将两个简单句合并为一个由which引引导的非限制性定语从句导的非限制性定语从句1.Recently many students spend their money on un

14、necessary things.Different people have different opinions about it.Recently many students spend their money on unnecessary things,about different people have different opinions.2.Many boys learn to smoke.It does harm to their health.Many boys learn to smoke,_ _whichwhich does harm totheir health.高考英

15、语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】七、七、it作形式主语或形式宾语句型作形式主语或形式宾语句型1.You pretend to know what you dont know.Its no good.Its no good pretending to know what you dont know.2.It is easy to get on with Pam.I find.I find it easy to get on with Pam.高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优

16、质课】八、分词结构代替状语从句八、分词结构代替状语从句1.If you work harder,you will do better in the exam next time._,you will do better in the exam next time.2.Because my friend was frightened of losing his job,he said nothing to the police._,my friend said nothing to the police.Working hard Frightened of losing his job 高考英语

17、作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】九、九、with 引导的短语或者复合结构引导的短语或者复合结构 With+宾语宾语+adj./adv./介词短语介词短语/to dodoingdone 常用句型常用句型 with a population of.with a total area of with a long history of years高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】1)这个地区占地这个地区占地2000平方千米,人口平方千米,人口10万。万。This area c

18、overs an area of 2000 square kilometers,_2)我们学校周围种了很多花,吸引了大量的我们学校周围种了很多花,吸引了大量的学生来参观。学生来参观。_,it attracts a large number of people.3)我们学校是一所有我们学校是一所有100多年历史的名校。多年历史的名校。Our school is a famous one _ _ with a population of 100,000.With many flowers surrounding our school with a history of over 100 years

19、.高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】4)没有做完作业,这个小孩不敢去上学。)没有做完作业,这个小孩不敢去上学。_,the boy dared not go to school.5)这两个男人早早就睡了,蜡烛烧了一晚上。这两个男人早早就睡了,蜡烛烧了一晚上。The two men went to bed early,_ _.6)他睡觉的时候嘴巴张得大大的。他睡觉的时候嘴巴张得大大的。He sleep _.with candles burning a night long With homework not finished wit

20、h his mouth wide open 高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】实战操练:实战操练:最近,你校同学正在参加某英文报组最近,你校同学正在参加某英文报组织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:公园要不要收门织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:公园要不要收门票?请你根据下表提供的信息,给报社写一封信,票?请你根据下表提供的信息,给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨论情况。客观地介绍讨论情况。60%的同学认为的同学认为1、不应收门票、不应收门票2、公园是公众休闲的地方、公园是公众休闲的地方3、如收票,需建大门、围、如收票,需建大门、围墙,会影响城市形

21、象墙,会影响城市形象40%的同学认为的同学认为1、应收门票,但票价不、应收门票,但票价不宜高宜高2、支付园林工人工、支付园林工人工资资3、购新花木、购新花木注意:注意:1、信的开头已为你写好、信的开头已为你写好2、参考词汇:门票:、参考词汇:门票:entrance fee高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】160的同学的同学认为认为公园公园不应该不应该收费。收费。Sixty percent of the students think that the park should not charge entrance fees Six

22、ty percent of the students hold the view that entrance fees should not be charged 被动句被动句Sixty percent of the students have the idea that people should be allowed to enter parks without charge.In the opinion of 60of the students,people can enter parks for free 高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教

23、学课件32【优质课】2公园是公众休闲的地方。公园是公众休闲的地方。A park is a place for the public to rest and enjoy themselves A park is a place where people rest and relax 定语从句定语从句高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】3如如收门票收门票,需建大门围墙,会,需建大门围墙,会影响影响城市城市形象。形象。If entrance fees are charged,it will be necessary to build g

24、ates and walls,which will affect the appearance of the city(which指代上文)指代上文)With entrance fees charged,it will be necessary to build gates and walls,which will do harm to the appearance of the city 高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】440%的同学认为应收门票,的同学认为应收门票,但票价不宜高但票价不宜高。40 of the studen

25、ts think that entrance fees are necessary,but the prices should not be high There are 40of the students who think that entrance fees should be charged,but fees should be low(定语从句)(定语从句)In the opinion of 40 of the students,entrance fees should be charged low高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件

26、32【优质课】5门票收入支付园林工人工资购买新花木。门票收入支付园林工人工资购买新花木。The income from entrance fees is used to pay the gardeners and buy new plants and flowersThe money from entrance fees is made use of to pay garden workers and buy new plants With money from entrance fees,the gardeners are paid and new plants as well as you

27、ng trees are bought (With的短语)的短语)(被动句)(被动句)高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】ExerciseNot only.but alsoMeilanfang:He developed the opera.He created a lot of works.Confucius:He set an example to me.He improved my personal virtue.Yuefei:He helps me learn bravery.I know that a man must s

28、houlder the responsibility.高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】非谓语1._(面对困难),we should believe ourselves and never give in.(Maozedong)2._(hear)that his country has been defeated by the Qin,he was desperate and threw himself into the Miluo River.3._ (受他鼓舞),I form the habit of diligence.F

29、aced with difficultyHearingInspired by him高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】It is/was.that.His flexible mind and strong confidence in himself impressed me most.so.that./so that1.As he was loved by the people,fishermen beat drums and threw Zongzi into the water2.Fish would not eat his

30、 body.He made great contributions to our country.All the people respect him.高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】定语从句1.My favourite is Maozedong.He is the first chairman of China.He created our new Cina.2.Maozedong is a great person.The Republic of China have been built successfully.3.C

31、onfucius is a famous educator.He wrote many books such as LunYun.He made a great contribution to education.高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】4.Lishizhen was optimistic about life.He became an outstanding doctor.He saved a lot of peoples life.5.Yuefei is a hero.He defended his country

32、 from Jin.He is a general.6.Luxun is a famous writer in the world.He wrote plenty of books all his life.He contributed a lot to China.7.Sunzhongshan is wellknown in the world.We built Zhongshan Park in honour of him.高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】Homework某中学生英语报社正开展一场题为“Young teac

33、hers or elderly teachers,which do you preper?”大讨论。请你依据下面表格所提供的要点写一篇短文,向该报社投稿,汇报你班讨论结果并发表自己的看法。老年教师老年教师青年教师青年教师教学耐心 讲解细致 经验丰富精力充沛 教学活泼 用于创新你的观点.高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】1.才能提高行政水平和工作效率,减少和防止工作失误;2.才能防止滥用权力,防止以权谋私、权钱交易等腐败行为,保证清正廉洁;3.才能真正做到权为民所用,造福于民,从而建立起一个对人民负责、为人民服务、具有权威和公信力

34、的政府。4.是政府及其工作人员要科学决策、依法行政、审慎用权、优化公共服务,完善社会管理,要自觉接受人民监督,与人民群众保持和谐关系。5.政府及其工作人员要有良好业绩。政府工作人员应成为科学发展观的忠实执行者、社会和谐的积极促进者,脚踏实地不断创造经得起实践、人民、历史检验的业绩,切实实现好、维护好、发展好人民的利益。6.政府工作人员要重品行、做表率,坚持权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋。他们应该是社会主义荣辱观的自觉践行者。7.、国际组织是国家、地区或民间组织团体出于各种特定目的,通过签订条约或协议的方式,建立的有一定规章制度的团体高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】高考英语作文句式提升 PPT教学课件32【优质课】


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