人教版(七下)Unit 5 Why do you like pandas -Section B 2a—2c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:22350).doc

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人教版(七下)Unit 5 Why do you like pandas -Section B 2a—2c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:22350).doc_第1页
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1、Lesson Plan of Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section B (2a-2c) 1. Design ideas(设计思路)(设计思路) 这节课的实施过程分为四部分:导入、语言材料的输入与内化、 目标语言的输出、 升华。 在输入的过程中设计不同的任务, 层层递进, 为下一步输出奠定基础。学生要经历阅读、思考、发现和整理信息的 思维过程,属较深层次的语言输出。要求学生不仅要利用本节课所学 知识,还要结合现实生活和自己的真情实感,是本课的拓展。 2. Analysis of teaching background(教学背景分析)(教学背景分析) a.

2、Analysis of the teaching contents (教学内容分析) Its the fourth period of this unit. This period is aimed to train the students skills of reading and speaking. In this period, students are required to read and retell the website article elephants. By the end of the section, students will realize the impor

3、tance of protecting animals . b. Analysis of the students (学生情况分析) Their English foundation is not very good but they are active and eager to learn. They show great interests and passion in English. Whats more, they like the topic about animals. 3. Analysis of teaching objectives(教学目标分析教学目标分析) a. Th

4、e knowledge objectives(知识目标) The students can read the article fluently and complete the reading task. b. The ability objectives(能力目标) The students can say something about elephants. c. Emotion and attitude goals(情感与态度目标) Its very important for the students to know several animals are seriously in d

5、anger ,Its important that we can help protect them by not buying food or medicine that is made with animal ingredients . 4. Analysis of teaching focus and difficulties(教学重点、难点分析)(教学重点、难点分析) Improve the skills of reading by reading the website article. The students can say something about elephants a

6、nd other animals. 5. Teaching procedures and ways(教学方法)(教学方法) practicing, cooperating , discussing and communicating 6. The design of teaching process(教学(教学过程过程设计)设计) Step 1 Warming-up Guessing game: 1.Listen to the sound, guess what animal is it. 2. According to the description, guess what they are

7、. (设计意图:用声音、猜词的形式回顾单词,激发学生学习兴趣,使 其积极参与到教学活动中来。 ) Step 2 Lead-in Watch a video about protect animals. Ask the students which animals are in great danger. Show some pictures of elephant and ask the Ss what elephant can do. (设计意图:通过视频导入濒危动物阅读主题,再用大象的图片引出 阅读内容,更好的吸引了学生的注意力,调动了学生学习积极性,为 接下来教学做了很好的铺垫。 ) S

8、tep 3 Fast-reading Read the article follow the computer, circle the new words and new phrases. Check the best title for the article after reading it. (设计意图:通过跟读课文,在快速阅读的同时模仿发音,强化听力 练习。 因为学生基础薄弱, 所以要求阅读同时圈出不懂的单词和短语, 不仅可以培养学生自主学习的能力,还扫清了学生阅读时的盲点。通 过选择最佳标题,以要求学生达到掌握文章大意的目的。 ) Step 4 Carefully-reading 1

9、. Read the article again then ask and answer the questions in pairs. 2. Read the article again and complete the mind map. (P29-2c) (设计意图:让学生带着任务去阅读,更好的达到精读的效果。 ) Step 5 Post-reading Ask Ss to retell the article according to the pictures and map in 2c. (设计意图: 英语课文复述对提高教学效果和培养学生的综合语言运 用能力都具有举足轻重的作用。通过

10、复述的形式对阅读做以升华,培 养学生的英语思维能力和创新能力。 ) Step 6 Homework 1. Remember the new words and expressions learned in this period. 2. Ask Ss to retell the article according to the map in 2c. 教学反思:教学反思: 新目标英语课程标准提出要激发和培养学生学习英语的兴 趣,教学形式新颖有趣可以更好的激发学生的积极学习情感,学生才 能真正成为学习的主人。所以这节课我从 guessing game 入手,运用 声音, 图像, 视频多种形式导入新

11、课, 极大地刺激了学生的兴奋神经, 学生们都跃跃试试,积极配合。本节阅读课通过泛读、精读、读后活 动,每个环节都设有相应的阅读任务,难度层层推进,逐渐深入,学 生变被动为主动,引发学生思考、记忆,体现了学生的主体性,教师 的指导性。但以后在设计小组活动任务时,要做到尽量每一个小组成 员都有事可做,使所有学生都可以参与到小组活动中来,教师要兼顾 到班级的各个层次的学生,使所有的学生都能学有所得。多媒体的运 用,增加了学习趣味性。阅读后注重情感输出,引导学生热爱动物, 保护动物。 Blackboard design Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ? Section B (2a-2c) Elephants Thailand s symbol smart/ abilities in great danger save (the trees and not buy things made of ivory)


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