


1、新目标七年级下册新目标七年级下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? (Revision) 自主学习自主学习 合作交流合作交流 (一)复习自检一)复习自检(2分钟分钟) 1.向上向上 2.起床;站起起床;站起 3.穿衣服穿衣服 n.连衣裙连衣裙 4.穿上衣服穿上衣服 5.刷刷;刷净刷净 n.刷子刷子 6.牙齿牙齿 7.淋浴淋浴;淋浴器(间)淋浴器(间) 8.洗淋浴洗淋浴 9.通常地;一般地通常地;一般地 10.四十四十 11.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀 12.从不;绝不从不;绝不 13.早(的)早(的) up get up dress get dressed brush t。

2、Section B (2a-2c) Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Knowledge objectives: we will review expressions for giving directions. Ability objectives: we will practice our reading and writing skills. Emotional objectives: we will learn to talk about our neighborhood. clothes store post office bookstore school supermarket bank Check() the places near your home. I live near a . There is a in my neighborhood. 2020/6/4 go straight turn left turn right on the left on the right go along LON。

3、Section B (2a-2c) Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Knowledge objectives: we will review expressions for giving directions. Ability objectives: we will practice our reading and writing skills. Emotional objectives: we will learn to talk about our neighborhood. clothes store post office bookstore school supermarket bank Check() the places near your home. I live near a . There is a in my neighborhood. 2020/6/9 go straight turn left turn right on the left on the right go along LON。

4、Knowledge objectives: well grasp some new expressions for giving directions. Ability objectives: well improve our listening and speaking skills. we can ask for and give directions in English. Emotional objectives: well reach a consensus that when others need help, we should give a hand. Can you think of the prepositions of the places? Say the prepositions as quickly as possible on under in near next to in front of behind across from Long Street between and Is there a pay phone/hospital in。

5、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? To learn to use There be structure To learn to use prepositions to describe the position of the place To learn to ask and give directions Rule: 看中文,说出对应的英文。看中文,说出对应的英文。 医院医院 银行银行 Rule: 看中文,说出对应的英文。看中文,说出对应的英文。 Rule: 看英文,说出对应的中文。看英文,说出对应的中文。 hotel Rule: 看英文,说出对应的中文。看英文,说出对应的中文。 behind Rule: 看文字或图片,说出相应的中文看文字或图片,说出相应的中文/英文。。

6、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section A 1a-2c Master words of some places(地点名词地点名词) . Master prepositions of position(方位介词方位介词). Master the sentence patterns(句型句型). -Is there a post office near here? -Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street. There is a Near my house, There is a Near my house, There is a Near my house, There is a Near my house, There is a Near my house, police station /pli:s / There is a . Near my house, hotel /hutel/ There is a . Near my house, post of。

7、Unit 6 Im watching TV. 教学设计 Section B Self Check 本课时的教学内容是人教版七年级下册英语第六单元的第四课时,重点在于 引导学生熟练地运用单元现在进行时进行填空描述图片内容,书写描述照片或图 片的短文,以及复习动词的现在分词的构成以及现在进行时的特殊疑问句和一般 疑问句的构成和回答。以阅读填空和短文书写的任务驱动学生,引导学生复习描 述正在做什么的动词和句型,对图片上的人物正在做什么进行描述,写出书面短 文,对本单元学习的动词现在分词的构成以及现在进行时的特殊疑问句和一般疑 问句进行总结和梳理。因此,教师可。

8、The Present Continuous Tense 教学年级:教学年级:七年级(下) 课题名称:课题名称:现在进行时态 教材版本:教材版本:Go for it! (人教版) 课型:课型:复习课 (一)学情分析(一)学情分析 1. 七年级的学生有着学习英语的浓厚兴趣和愿望,乐于参与各种游戏、调查、 采访、表演等互动活动。到了下学期, 学生已具备一定的英语基础。 2. 学生有较为明确的学习动机和积极主动的学习态度。能积极和他人合作、相 互帮助、 共同完成任务。 遇到问题敢于主动向老师和同学请教, 能克服羞涩心理, 大胆模仿和运用英语实际交流。 (二)教材分。

9、Teaching design Unit6 Im watching TV. Section B 1. Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1) have a further understanding and mastery of Present Progressive Tense in a certain context. 2) describe a picture by using Present Progressive Tense correctly. 3) write a short passage according to a certain context. 2. Students analysis: Students have had a general understanding of Present Progressive Tense, they know the structure of it. But sometimes they make mistakes w。

10、Unit 6 Im watching TV Section B(2a-2c) 一、教学目标 1.要求掌握的重点词汇:dragon, Dragon Boat Festival, any, other, o ther, young, child, children, miss, wish, delicious, still . 2 阅读文章,了解文章大意,学会翻译句子 3.复习巩固本单元所学知识,用所学描述他人正在进行的活动。 二、教学重难点 1.掌握、熟练本单元所学单词、词组及句型; 2.掌握本单元的重点-现在进行时态; 三、 教学准备 投影仪,PPT 等。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Greeting and Warming-up T: Im so happy to be your teacher in the class. You can call 。

11、教学设计教学设计 Steps Teachers Activity Students Activity Purpose Step 1 Free talk Step 2 Presentation Step 3 Further discussion. Ask and answer about the daily life. Introduce a friend Lisa, she is a student from America. Today she is eating a kind of Chinese traditional food. She wants to know something about Chinese traditional Festival. 1. Link to the topic, ask and answer :what festival does Lisa talk about? What do Chinese people do that day? What other activities do you know about the fe。

12、1 人人教版英语七年级下教版英语七年级下 Unit 6 I am watching TV. 第第 3 课时课时(Section B 2a-2c) 教学教学 目目 标标 知识与技能:知识与技能: 1. 词汇:Dragon Boat Festival, host family, miss, children, American, race 等。 2. 句型:学习使用现在进行时描述正在发生的动作。 3. 了解关于端午节、时差、留学生活的文化背景知识。 过程与方法:过程与方法: 运用关键词和思维导图的方式引导学生的思维活动。 情感态度价值观:情感态度价值观: 引导学生热爱家庭、热爱家乡、热爱祖国。 教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 重点:重。

13、Unit 6 Im watching TV. Period 3 SectionB(1a-1e) Teaching Aims Knowledge Objects (1)Key vocabulary: pool, shop, supermarket. (2) Target language: -Is Alice playing basketball? -No, she isnt. Shes Ability Objects Learn to talk about what people are doing. Moral objects To cultivate the cooperation spirit of the students. Class type New lesson Period Period 3(SectionB1a-1e) Teaching Key Points Present progressive tense. Teaching Difficult Points The usage of present progressive tense。

14、Unit6 Im watching TV.(writing) 一教学目标 1. 复习本单元单词。 2. 熟练运用本单元的句型。 二教学内容 1. 巩固本单元的重点词汇。 2. 现在进行时态。 3. 现在分词的构词法。 三教学重难点 1. 正确运用现在进行时来谈论正在进行的动作。 2. 现在分词的构词法。 四教学过程 1.导入 (1)展示图片复习本单元句型。 (2)提问以往的写作方法。 (3)出示英语写作“六步法” 。 Step1 1. 审题的方法指导。 2. 师生问答,发散思维。 3. 抓要点的方法指导。 4. 参考词汇与内容要点结合。 Step2 1. 写简单句,出示句型。 2. 扩句方法指导。 3. 。

15、采用读写结合采用读写结合 培养培养写作写作能力能力 -英语(新目标)Go For It七年级下册 Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section B(3a Self check 2)教学设计 一、全面整体设计,明确思路一、全面整体设计,明确思路 英语课程标准对语言技能中的读、写等技能提出五个级别的不同目标要 求。读写即是写的内容,也是学习的手段。语言技能目标不仅有利于调动学生的 学习积极性,促进学生语言运用能力的提高。 本节课我采用了读写结合的办法, 设计了 PWP 的写作活动, 即 Pre-writing、 While-writing and Post-writing: 写作前,通过学生对话复。

16、1 Teaching Design Topic Why do you like pandas? Lesson type Writing Class/level Junior 1 Time 40minutes Profile of the class 1. The junior 1 students are about 13 years old, they only have some basic abilities of reading and writing , so their abilities of using English need to be improved. 2. Most students rely on teachers to learn, so practicing their ability of self-learning and cooperating is important, too. Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge aims (1)To comprehend how to talk about their favorite。

17、教学设计教学设计 课题课题 Unit 6 IUnit 6 Im watching TV m watching TV 学科学科 英英 语语 适用年级适用年级 七年级七年级 学时学时 1 1 课型课型 阅读课阅读课 教材教材 七年级英语教材人教版七年级英语教材人教版 【学习者分析】【学习者分析】 七年级学生经过将近一年的学习,对英语的学习大部分已经入门,对单词和句型等基础知七年级学生经过将近一年的学习,对英语的学习大部分已经入门,对单词和句型等基础知 识的掌握已有一定的方法,对老师的教学模式已熟悉在心,大部分同学对英语已经有了浓识的掌握已有一定的方法,对老师的。

18、1 人教版人教版 go for it!七七.下下 Unit6 Im watching TV. SectionB(2a-2c) Teaching plan Teaching and Learning aims: 1.Ss are able to use the new words: race,host 2.Ss read the TV report and finish the tasks. 3.Ss go on learning to use the Present Progressive Tense(现在进行时). idea Steps Contents Teachers Activities Students Activities Time (min) Purpose Pre- Reading warming-up ,lead-in 1 lead-in play a video about boat race watch and think the question 2 warming-up and lead-in,interest learn b。

19、教学设计教学设计 所选教材 人教版新目标七年级下册 一、教材分析教材分析 这套教材采用任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。与原教材相 比还增加了文化背景和学习策略等部分,并增加了任务型学习成分和语篇的输入。本书每个单元都列出明确的语言目标、主要的功 能项目与语法结构、需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为 A 和 B 两部分。A 部分是基本的语言内容,B 部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运 用。 二、学习者特征分析二、学习者特征分析 1、起点水平:预备能力分析:由于七年级学生刚学。

20、Unit 6 I am watching TV. Section B (1a-1e) Teaching aims: 1. Master these target words: pool, supermarket, man, swimming, running, shopping 2. Master the target language 1. what is he/she doing? She/ He is 2. Is she/ he? Yes, she/ he is. No, she/ he isnt. 3. Emotional goals: No matter what we do or where we are, just enjoy our lives. Teaching importance: 1. Master the target words, phrases and the expressions. 2. Help students do more speaking and listening practice. Teaching difficulties。

21、Unit 6 IUnit 6 Im watching TV.m watching TV. 一、一、学习目标学习目标 1 1 情感态度价值观目标情感态度价值观目标 通过对本单元的任务性活动,我的目的是能培养培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣,乐于 参加各种活动的积极情感,乐于合作,培养学生团结合作的精神。 2 2 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 询问别人正在哪里干某事,继续学习某人正在干某事句型。 3 过程与方法目标 本节课将在课堂活动中让学生围绕着课堂任务在小组中分工合作, 在活动中相互探讨、 相互交流、相互合作,从而获得知识、技能和情感体验,发展他们的能力。 二、二。

22、七年级下册 Unit6 Im Watching TV 一:Teaching aims and demands 1. The knowledge aims: Students can learn the new words and expressions: washing the dishes,talking on the phone,using the computer,making soup; Students can know how to add V-ing. Students can use the sentence structure to ask and answer what people are doing. “what is he/she doing? She/He is+V-ing” “What are they/you doing? They/We are+V-ing” 2. The ability aims: Students can listen the conversation about what people are doing;。

23、1 ( ( 七年级下七年级下 ) Unit ) Unit 6 6 Im watching TV. Im watching TV. 教学设计教学设计 ( (现在进行时现在进行时) ) 一、学情分析:所教学的对象是初一学生,大部分学生的英语基 础都不好, 学习有很大的不稳定性, 他们学习英语既感到好奇又担忧。 因此我在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来, 通过互动与合作学 习,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,使各层次的学生都有所收获。 学生的基础知识和口语表达能力比较好,大部分学生热爱英语,喜欢 表达自己的观点,但有一部分学生基础比较差,接受能力较弱。 二、知识背景:学生已经。

24、- 1 - 人教版七年级下英语教学设计人教版七年级下英语教学设计 Unit 6 IUnit 6 Im watching TV.m watching TV. 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本 单 元 是 人 教 版 Go for it 七 年 级 下 册Unit6 。 主 要 围 绕 “What are you doing?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,Section A 部分主要 围绕 “日常活动” 展开。 通过主题图片展现同一时间人们进行不同的活动的场面, 将学生带入谈论日常活动的话题中。 1a1c 展示了日常活动的图片和大量的动作短语,通过创设日常生活真实的 情景自然引出本单元的重要语法结构现在进行时,然后让学生根据图片内。

25、课题:Unit 6 Im watching TV Section A(1a-1c) 一、教学内容分析 In this period, Ss can master the basic sentence patterns of the present progressive tense through learning some activities and use the structure,”be(is, am, are)+V-ing”, to discuss the things people are doing. 二、学情分析 This is a new tense the Ss are going to learn, but most Ss in Class 1, Grade 7 have solid foundations. They have a good perception, so we will have a lively class atmosphere in teaching, which makes English study。

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