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1、A Basic Course in Writing(020925)l Course:English Writing l Credits:2(with a total of 80 class sessions)l Textbook:A Basic Course in Writingl Instructor:JINLIANG-CHEN l Class:2ND-M-01/Fl Size:33l Classroom:136(north wing of the main building)l Time:14:00 15:50 pm,Sept.25,02(Wed.)Go on to p13(after b

2、reak)Effective SentencesAim:Qualities of an effective sentence and ways to achieve effectiveness.lCorrectness alone cannot make a good sentence because it may not express the idea it intends to express very clearly or forcefully.It has to be effective at the same time.lQualities of an effective sent

3、ence:Unity Coherence Conciseness Emphasis Variety Unity Unity means that there is only one main idea in a sentence;and that that idea is complete.(Unity does not mean a writer can write only simple sentences.)A long sentence expresses ideas that are closely connected.They are either A central idea s

4、upported or modified by various subordinate ideas,or Two or more related parallel ideas.e.g.The explorer who has just returned from the Antarctic is busy writing reports on his adventures on that ice-covered continent,where he did not see any animals except penguins.(The central idea:The explorer is

5、 writing reports on his adventures in the Antarctic.)unityuBorn in a small town in South China in the early 50s,he grew up to be a famous musician.(The two parts of the original sentence are not logically connected,because a man born in a small town in South China in the early 50s would not necessar

6、ily become a famous musician.)He was born in a small town in South China in the early 50s.In his childhood he liked to sing songs.Later he entered a conservatory.In the 70s he became a famous musician.uDream of the Red Mansions is the best-known novel.(This seems to be a correct sentence,but its mea

7、ning is not complete.“The best-known novel”should have been modified.)Dream of the Red Mansions is one of the best-known classical Chinese novel.Of all written before the 20th century Dream of the Red Mansions is perhaps the most popular.#Coherencen Clear and correct arrangement of the parts of a se

8、ntence(连贯,尤指各部分间逻辑的、有序的、完美的一致关系)Do not separate words that are closely related unless it is necessary.E.g.Do not use a dangling modifier or put a modifier far from the word it modifies.Do not use different forms to express parallel ideas.E.g.Do not make unnecessary shifts in person and number,and th

9、e voice,tense or mood of verbs.E.g.Do not make unnecessary or confusing shifts in person or number.Do not use a pronoun with ambiguous reference.Go on.Do not put a modifier far from the word it modifies.uI read an interesting story in a magazine about sportsmen.I read in a magazine an interesting st

10、ory about sportsmen.In a magazine I read an interesting story about sportsmen.uThe idea he mentioned at first sounded good.The idea he first mentioned sounded good.The idea he mentioned sounded good at first.uHe gave a reason for not attending the meeting,which nobody believed.He gave a reason,which

11、 nobody believed,for not attending the meeting.He gave a reason for not attending the meeting,a reason which nobody believed.BackDo not use different forms to express parallel ideas.uA man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds.A man is judged not only by his words but also by his

12、deeds.(?1)uWe thought she was charming,intelligent,and a very capable young woman.We thought she was charming,intelligent,and very capable.(?2)uWe have great faith and high hopes for her.We have great faith in and high hopes for her.uThis composition is quite good as far as the use of language is co

13、ncerned,but its content is poor.The language of this composition is quite good but its content is rather poor.(?3)BackDo not make unnecessary or confusing shifts in person,number,tense,mood,and voice.uStudents should learn to analyze and solve problems independently.Dont rely on your teachers help.T

14、hey should not rely on their teachers help.(mood)uThose who want to join the chorus should sign your name on this sheet or paper.their names(person and number)uHe looks up difficult words in his dictionaries,and it is very helpful.which is (person:wrong modifier/antecedent)uShe reviewed the lesson t

15、aught last week and all the exercises assigned by the teacher were done.did all the exercises assigned by the teacher.(person)Do not make unnecessary or confusing shifts in person,number,tense,mood,and voice.uThe explosion destroyed the building and a number of people were injured.The explosion dest

16、royed the building and injured a number of people.(person)(?1:voice agreement)In the explosion the building was destroyed and a number of people injured.(voice)uA lot of higher houses were built around hers in the past few years and she gets no more sunlight.A lot of higher buildings have been built

17、 around hers in recent years and as a result she gets no more sunlight.(tense)(?2:in any other way?)A lot of higher buildings were built around hers and as a result she got no more sunlight.(tense)#BackConciseness l Use only the necessary words,or as few words as possible so long as the meaning is f

18、ully expressed.l Use a pronoun instead of repeating a noun.l Use a word instead of a phrase with the same meaning,and use a phrase instead of a clause with the same meaning.l Do not repeat words or phrases,if possible,in a sentence or in one that follows.l Do not use different words or phrases with

19、similar meanings in the same sentence.l Do not repeat the same idea in different sentences except for emphasis.ConcisenessuHe gave many reasons for the failure,but the reasons he gave were not convincing.He gave many reasons for the failure,but none of them was convincing.uIn my opinion,I think your

20、 plan is feasible.In my opinion/I think,your plan is feasible.uThis machine was jointly designed by the old engineer in collaboration with some of his younger colleagues.This machine was jointly designed by the old engineer and some of his younger colleagues.uMr.Smith usually likes to drink all kind

21、s of wines that are produced in France.Mr.Smith prefers wines produced in France.Mr.Smith prefers French wines.ConcisenessuLi Qing,who was a first-year student of the college,would go to a park near her school every day in the morning.She would bring a small recorder with her.In the park she would f

22、ind a quiet corner and listen to a tape of English stories.Every morning,Li Qing,a first-year student of the college,would go to a nearby park,bringing a small recorder with her.There she would listen to a tape of English stories in a quiet corner.#(break)Emphasis n Ways of emphasis(to lay emphasis

23、on certain words or phrases)Placing e.g.Climatic sequence e.g.The verb and the active voice e.g.Subordination e.g.Repeating important words e.g.Short sentences e.g.Balanced sentences e.g.Periodic sentences e.g.Negative-positive statements e.g.Rhetorical questions e.g.Emphatic expressions e.g.Go onEm

24、phasisl Placing(I):The end and the beginning of a sentence usually attract the readers attention,so important elements of a sentence should be put at these two places,especially the end.l Compare:Spain is more interesting than France in many ways,some foreign tourists say.Some foreign tourists say t

25、hat Spain is more interesting than France in many ways.Spain,some foreign tourists say,is in many ways more interesting than France.Emphasisl Placing(II)n Only Qian Wen could have written such a nice essay,though there are fifty students in the class.Of the fifty students in the class,no one could h

26、ave written such a nice essay but Qian Wen.n What was common to all these heroes was that they did not fear death,danger and hardships.What was common to all these heroes was that they did not fear hardships,danger and death.BackEmphasisClimatic sequencel In enumerating things or ideas,we should sta

27、rt from the least important and end with the most important,or in the climatic sequence.l A biologist once said the ant is a symbol of wisdom,industry and efficiency.(?1)l He said he had lost interest in life,fame,position and money after that tragedy.(?2)l(1)A biologist once said the ant is a symbo

28、l of industry,efficiency and wisdom.l(2)He said after that tragedy he had lost interest in money,position,fame and even life.Emphasis:the verb and the active voicevVerbs vs Nounsa)She made a decision that she would not take the job.b)She decided not to take the job.l(shorter,clearer and more emphati

29、c.)vActive voice vs passive voicea)Television was watched by the whole family in the evenings.b)The whole family watched television in the evenings.l(more natural and emphatic)v but with important receiver of an action,PV is used:All the old buildings in this block have been pulled down and new hous

30、es will be built next year.BackEmphasis:subordination It means putting a minor idea in a dependent element of the sentence so as to give the main idea a prominent position.Compare:lThe professor walked into the classroom and he carried a bag of books with him.lThe professor walked into the classroom

31、,carrying a bag of books with him.lThe professor walked into the classroom with a bag of books under his arm.lThe professor walked into the classroom,a bag of books under his arm.Emphasis:subordinationv They were waiting for the meeting to begin.They talked with each other.They talked about the wome

32、ns football team.The team had won victories in Guangzhou.While waiting for the meeting to begin,they talked about the victories won by the womens football team in Guangzhou.v General Grant was an outstanding commander,but he was not a wise president.This is what our history professor said.According

33、to our history professor,General Grant,who was an outstanding commander,was not a wise president.Backv Repetition:Unnecessary repetition adds nothing new to the meaning of a sentence;therefore it should be avoided.But sometimes,in a proper context repeating a word or an idea in different words may b

34、e a means of emphasis.a.Bright,very bright,were the stars over the wild,dark Yenan hills.(Anna Louise Strong)b.Simplicity,simplicity,simplicity!I say,let your affairs be as two or three,and not a hundred or a thousand Simplify,simplify.Instead of three meals a day,if it be necessary,eat but one;inst

35、ead of hundred dishes,five;and reduce other things in proportion.(Henry David Thoreau)c.The good old days were gone forever,could never be got back again.d.She looked at the stranger with timid suspicion and uneasy doubt.BackShort sentencesa.The speaker asked the audience what they thought were the

36、main problems the city government was facing,and how these problems should or could be solved,and he eagerly waited for answers.No answer came.b.The plot is confusing,the characters are very queer people,and the dialogue is hard to understand.A strange film.vA series of short sentences used together

37、 express rapid movements or tension,and they are emphatic,too.c.He wetted his clothes.With a wet towel over his head,he dashed into the burning house.The smoke choked him.He ran into a room on the second floor.The most important papers were there.He grasped them and jumped out of a window.BackBalanc

38、ed sentencesv A balanced sentence is one that consists of two parts of the same structure and roughly the same length,and with contrasted(or similar)ideas.a.The gentleman values harmony,not uniformity;the small man values uniformity,not harmony.b.He likes smoking;his wife hates it.c.It is not easy t

39、o be like everyone else;it is harder to be different from everyone else.d.You can fool all of the people some of the time,some of the people all of the time,but you cant fool all of the people all of the time.BackPeriodic sentencesv A periodic sentence is one that is not complete in structure or mea

40、ning until it reaches the last word,which is the most important word of the sentence.a.She often said to her parents and friends that her greatest wish was to be an artist.b.It is generally acknowledged that the sole criterion of truth is practice.c.According to Taoism the universe was created by a

41、mysterious force called Tao.d.He said for buying a house he had prepared everything but money.Back Compare:(a)To be an artist was her greatest wish and she often talked about this with her parents and friends.Negative-positive statementsv When a negative statement is followed by a positive one,the m

42、eaning is emphasized by the contrast:a.Rather than love,than money,than fame,give me truth.b.The poor design of the building shows that he is not an architect-he is only a builder.c.He is not an ordinary scholar in this field;he is an authority.BackRhetorical questionsvThey are questions in form but

43、 emphatic statements in meaning.They are not asked to be answered,for example:Didnt I tell you not to come late?(I did tell you not be/come late and you forgot it.)Whats the use of feeling sorry about the mistake?Correct it.(It is no use feeling sorry about the mistake.)Isnt it beautiful weather?(It

44、 is indeed beautiful weather.)BackThe use of emphatic expressionsa.This is the very dictionary I have been looking for.b.The director himself told me the news.c.Do tell us about your recent Antarctic expedition.d.His latest novel is by far the best he has ever written.e.Im so hungry that Ill eat wha

45、tever food I can find.f.What on earth are the children doing in the next room?g.I dont like the play at all.h.Many peasants have motorcycles,not to mention TV sets and recorders.(let alone)i.You can buy everything under the sun in this department store.j.It was Josephine who told Mrs.Mallard the sad

46、 message.k.This theatre is far better than the one we went to last time.#VarietyvVariety is achieved whenShort sentences are used in between long ones,Simple sentences in between compound and complex ones.Periodic sentences in between loose ones.An occasional question,command,or exclamation among st

47、atements.#l I have to declare the decision of His Majestys Government-and I feel sure it is a decision in which the great Dominions(英联邦自治领)will in due course concur(赞同)-for we must speak out now at once,without a days delay.I have to make the declaration,but can you doubt what our policy will be?We

48、have but one aim and one single irrevocable purpose.We are resolved to destroy Hitler and every vestige(残余)of the Nazi regime.From this nothing will turn us.Nothing.We will never parley(谈判);we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang.We shall fight him by land;we shall fight him by sea;we

49、 shall fight him in the air,until,with Gods help,we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its people from his yoke(束缚).Any man or state who fights on against Nazidom will have our aid.Any man or state who marches with Hitler is our foe That is our policy and that is our declaration.It follo

50、ws therefore that we shall give whatever help we can to Russia and the Russian people.We shall appeal to all our friends and allies in every part of the world to take the same course and pursue it,as we shall faithfully and steadfastly to the end.Variety vVarious sentences are observed in the exampl


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