2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Music课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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1、? 填准记牢 快速掌握 写一写 写作词汇 1 rela ti ve n 亲戚,亲属 2 shrink v . 变小,减少 3 honour v . 尊敬,敬重 4 present v . 赠送,颁发 ( 礼物、奖品等 ) 5 the refore ad v . 因此,所以 6 handl e n . 柄,把手 7 rela y v . 转播;接转 认一认 阅读词汇 1 chara ct erist ic n . 特征,特性,特质 2 int erval n . 间隔,空隙 3 vaca nt a dj . 空的,空缺的 4 signif y v . 表示,表明 5 m y thol og y

2、n . 神话 6 herit age n . 遗产 记一记 拓展词汇 1 int erpret v 诠释,解释;翻译 int erpret er n 口译员 2 com bine v 结合,联合 com bina ti on n 联合 3 depre ss v 使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷 depressin g adj .令人沮丧的 depresse d adj . 沮丧的 4 am bit ion n 志 气,抱负,雄心 am bit ious adj . 有志气的,有野心的 5 regula te v 规定,管理,整顿 regula ti on n 规则,条例 regula r ad

3、j . 有规律的 irregul arly ad v . 不规则地 6 reli ef n ( 痛苦、忧虑等的 ) 解除,减轻,调剂 reli eve v 解除,减轻,缓和 7 rela x v 使放松,使轻松 rela x ed adj . 放松的 rela xing adj .令人放松的 8 col le ct ion n 收藏;收藏品 col le ct v 收藏,收集 9 char m v 吸引,使陶醉 char m ing adj . 有魅力的,迷人的 练一练 语境应用 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 He seem ed a bit depressed about his depres

4、sin g work situa t ion, which al so d epressed m e.(depre ss ) 2 His m othe r strict ly reg ula te s how m uch T V he ca n watch a nd he m ust obey th e regula ti on or he will be punished.(re gula te ) 3 After the exam , I felt a sense o f rel ie f beca use I was reli eved of anxi et y and pressure

5、. (reli ef) ? 高效识记 稳固根基 写一写 高频短语 1 m ake _ cont act _ with 与 ? 进行来往 2 al l _ of _ a _ sudden 突然间 3 give _ li fe _ to 赋予 ? 生命 ( 生命力,活力 ) 4 dance _ to _ the _ m usic 伴着音乐跳舞 5 (be) _ true _ of/for 与 ? 情况相同 6 be _ conne ct ed _ with 与 ? 有关 7 depend _ on 依靠,依赖 8 in _ addi ti on _ to 除此之外 9 be _ sure _ of

6、 一定会,肯定会 10 (be) _ the _ sam e _ with 与 ? 情况相同 11 dra w _ u pon 利用,凭借,依赖,临近 12 give _ co ncert s 举办音乐会 练一练 语境应用 选用以上短语填空 1 What m a de the audi ence surprise d is tha t the hero disappe ared al l _ of _ a _ sud den . 2 W e need to draw _ upon/on the successful pract ic es of the Europea n co untri e

7、s in t his proces s. 3 He depe nded _ on/upo n his uncl e for his scho ol fees afte r his fathe r s death. 4 Em pty sp ace s give _ li fe _ to the who le pai nti ng and al low peo ple to c om e i nto the pic ture. 5 In _ addi ti on _ to our da il y expen ses, we have to s pend quit e a lot on our da

8、ug h te r s further educ at ion. ? 典句背诵 夯基提能 背一背 经典句式 1 It is the same w ith. . ? 也是如此 It s the sam e with c la ss ic al Chine se m u sic. 中国古典音乐也是如此。 2 the m om ent. 一 ? 就 ? The m o m ent the y start to pla y , it is cl ear the m e mbe rs of T welve Girls Band a re am ong the m ost gift ed m usici ans in the world. “ 女子十二乐坊 ” 一开始演奏,就立刻证明了她们位于世界上最有天赋的音乐之系列。


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