1、 Your alarm goes off.A new day begins.What will you wear?What will you do?Your answers depend on the weather.THE RESTLESS AIR You probably talk about the weather at least once every day.Just what is weather?In simple terms,weather is what is happening in the air around you.WEATHER?at least 至少至少 Weat
2、her affects our lives in many different ways.Airline pilots know how fast and from what direction winds are blowing before they take off and land.People who fish are aware of storms brewing out at sea.Farmers wait for dry weather to start harvesting their crops.WEATHERaffect 影响影响harvest 收获收获crop 庄稼庄
3、稼WEATHER or CLIMATE Weather is powered by the sun heating Earth.This heat energy is responsible for creating different climates in different places on Earth.While weather changes from day to day,climate is a regions general pattern of weather over a long period of time.pattern 模式模式International Kite
4、 FestivalWEATHER FORECAST If you want to know what the weather will be like tomorrow,you can find a forecast in the newspaper,on TV,or on Internet.Until about 150 years ago,however,forecasts were made by people observing their surroundings.They paid a lot of attention to the clouds and the winds.Tod
5、ay,forecasting tomorrows or next weeks weather is the job of meteorologists(气象学家),scientists who study the weather.Modern weather forecasting depends on collecting enormous amounts of informationall around the world.TORNADOTORNADO A tornado is a violent storm whose centre is a cloud in the shape of
6、a funnel(漏斗).Tornados can always make very strong circular winds.Winds inside a tornado may reach speeds of more than 400 kilometers an hour.A tornado may suck up cars,trees,and even buildings only to smash them back down to Earth.Tornados usually last less than ten minutes.However,they can leave be
7、hind a trail of severe destruction.After a tornadoAfter a tornadoADVICE WEBSITE TO VISIT:1.National Weather Service:www.nws.noaa.gov 2.The Weather Channel:1、考前物质准备 考试前一天要整理好学习生活用具。首先是准考证;其次是钢笔、铅笔、圆规、直尺、量角器、三角板、橡皮等;再次是必要的如手绢、清凉油和生活用品。2、考前心理准备 成绩优秀的考生应记住:“没有常胜将军”、“不以一次成败论英雄”;成绩不太好的考生要有“破釜沉舟”的决心。3、高考当天早晨,应有良好的心理暗示 如“我很放松,今天一定能正常发挥”、“今天我很冷静,会考好的”等。4、注意早餐 早晨一定要吃丰盛的早饭,但不能过于油腻。5、浏览笔记、公式、定理和知识结构 主要是浏览一下重要的概念、公式和定理,或记一些必须强记的数据。6、进考室前10分钟 在考室外最好是一人平静地度过,可就近找个地方坐一会儿,或看一下笔记,再次浏览知识结构。设法避开聊天设法避开聊天。