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1、LOGO平台起重机平台起重机(Offshore Pedestal Mounted CranesOffshore Pedestal Mounted Cranes)2011.11.30平台起重机(offshore crane)平台起重机(offshore crane)平台起重机(offshore crane)目录1.概述2.设计条件3.设计标准和规范4.技术要求5.钢结构6.机构及一般机械零件7.液压系统8.控制系统9.安全系统1.概述(General)1.11.1 海洋平台起重机(海洋平台起重机(Offshore Pedestal Mounted CranesOffshore Pedestal

2、Mounted Cranes)主要是在海洋平台上主要是在海洋平台上使用的起重机,是一种海洋平台使用的起重机,是一种海洋平台装卸货物和吊运人员到平台上面的设备,是海洋石油装卸货物和吊运人员到平台上面的设备,是海洋石油生产中最重要的生产和安全设备之一,其安全可靠性、生产中最重要的生产和安全设备之一,其安全可靠性、可维修性、可抗风性及耐腐蚀性要求很高。可维修性、可抗风性及耐腐蚀性要求很高。1.21.2 它具有起重能力大,操纵方便,耐冲击,制动性能好,它具有起重能力大,操纵方便,耐冲击,制动性能好,安全可靠,装卸货效率高与对货物的适应性好等特点。安全可靠,装卸货效率高与对货物的适应性好等特点。1.3

3、1.3 它和陆用起重机的执行标准不同,由于海面环境恶劣它和陆用起重机的执行标准不同,由于海面环境恶劣所以海洋平台起重机采用的安全系数比陆用起重机高所以海洋平台起重机采用的安全系数比陆用起重机高很多很多。1.概述(General)1.4 1.4 在在20002000年以前,世界上的海洋平台起重机市年以前,世界上的海洋平台起重机市场基本上是由欧美等少数制造业发达国家所场基本上是由欧美等少数制造业发达国家所垄断。在亚洲,日韩企业也很少涉足,而在垄断。在亚洲,日韩企业也很少涉足,而在中国,则依赖从国外进口,其价格非常昂贵。中国,则依赖从国外进口,其价格非常昂贵。1.5 1.5 型式型式 (TypesT

4、ypes)1.5.1 1.5.1 海洋平台起重机从动力方面分类有电动和海洋平台起重机从动力方面分类有电动和液压两种,现在的平台吊机以液压驱动为主。液压两种,现在的平台吊机以液压驱动为主。根据具体的平台布置及其使用情况,液压驱根据具体的平台布置及其使用情况,液压驱动分电动液压和柴油机液压两种。动分电动液压和柴油机液压两种。1.概述(General)1.5.2 1.5.2 根据布置形式可分如下图五种类型(摘自根据布置形式可分如下图五种类型(摘自API2CAPI2C):):1.概述(General)1.概述(General)1.6 1.6 海洋平台起重机技术特点海洋平台起重机技术特点 offshor

5、e pedestal crane offshore pedestal crane characteristics characteristics u Pedestal basePedestal base(基座固定)(基座固定)u Revolving superstructure(Revolving superstructure(可回转的上部结构可回转的上部结构)u Common three motions,hoist,slewing,Common three motions,hoist,slewing,luffingluffing/boom hoist(/boom hoist(三个三个基本动作

6、,提升,回转,变幅)基本动作,提升,回转,变幅)u Main hoist and Main hoist and auxiauxi.hoist(.hoist(主吊钩与副吊钩)主吊钩与副吊钩)u Hydraulic drive system(Hydraulic drive system(液压传动系统)液压传动系统)u Engine or electric power prime mover(Engine or electric power prime mover(发动机或电动机动力单发动机或电动机动力单元)元)1.概述(General)u Onboard and Onboard and offbo

7、ardoffboard lift modes(lift modes(甲板与舷外提升两种模式)甲板与舷外提升两种模式)u Support bearing:roller bearing or kingpost(Support bearing:roller bearing or kingpost(支承模式:回转轴承支承支承模式:回转轴承支承或者中柱旋转支承)或者中柱旋转支承)u Boom suspension:pendant and bridle system,continuously Boom suspension:pendant and bridle system,continuously re

8、evedreeved system.(system.(臂架悬挂方式:拉杆与动绳组合方式,全动绳变幅模式)臂架悬挂方式:拉杆与动绳组合方式,全动绳变幅模式)u Brake type:disk or ban brake.(Brake type:disk or ban brake.(制动类型,制动类型,diskdisk或带式制动)或带式制动)u AuxiAuxi hoist in single rope hoist in single rope reevingreeving and main hoist in 2 or 4 or 6 part main and main hoist in 2 or

9、4 or 6 part main block.(block.(副钩单绳倍率与主钩副钩单绳倍率与主钩2/4/62/4/6绳倍率)绳倍率)u Boom angle limitation and hooks anti-blocking.(Boom angle limitation and hooks anti-blocking.(臂架角度限制与吊钩臂架角度限制与吊钩防撞)防撞)u Emergency lowering system.Emergency lowering system.(应急释放系统)(应急释放系统)2.设计条件2.1 船级(Class):ABS、DNV、LRS、GLR、CCS、BV等

10、2.2 平台资料概况:u环境温度Designed atmospheric temperature u海水温度Seawater temperatureu最大相对湿度Maximum relative humidityu设计风速Design wind speed:2.3 危险区域 hazardous area,Yes or No2.4 招标文件无明确规定的可以参考设计规范要求。3.设计标准和规范 Design rulesuISO 国际标准委员会uFEM 起重机设计规范 2008u海上平台起重机规范(海上平台起重机规范(Specification for offshore Specification

11、for offshore pedestal mounted cranepedestal mounted crane)API 2C-2004API 2C-2004u船舶与海上设施起重设备规范(船舶与海上设施起重设备规范(Rules for lifting Rules for lifting appliances of ships and appliances of ships and offshoreinstallationsoffshoreinstallations)CCS CCS 20072007uLifting Appliances DNV 2008Lifting Appliances D

12、NV 2008uCode for lifting appliances in a marine environment Code for lifting appliances in a marine environment 2003 LRS2003 LRSu美国钢结构焊接规范(AWSAWS)200220024.技术要求技术要求主要有:技术要求主要有:u技术参数技术参数u工作级别工作级别u机构工作级别机构工作级别u设计参数设计参数4.1技术参数u驱动方式驱动方式:柴油机驱动柴油机驱动 or or 电动电动u电源:电源:AC220V 50HZ or AC440V 60HZ AC220V 50HZ

13、or AC440V 60HZ u回转范围:回转范围:360360(无限全回转)(无限全回转)u额定回转速度:额定回转速度: r/min1.2 r/minu筒体总高度(回转法兰面到平台外底板):筒体总高度(回转法兰面到平台外底板):5-24m5-24mu主钩参数:主钩参数:u主钩起升负荷:主钩起升负荷:10t100t 10t100t?m?mu主钩起升速度:主钩起升速度:21m/min(21m/min(需满足船级社规范需满足船级社规范API 2C API 2C 要求)要求)u主钩最小工作半径:主钩最小工作半径:?m mu主钩起升高度:主钩起升高度:?米?米u最大幅度处起吊能力:最

14、大幅度处起吊能力:?吨吨u副钩参数:副钩参数:u副钩起吊能力:副钩起吊能力:?t?t?m?mu副钩满载起升速度:副钩满载起升速度:?m/min?m/min u副钩最小工作半径:副钩最小工作半径:?m?mu注:副钩应能满足起吊登离船的人员要求。注:副钩应能满足起吊登离船的人员要求。摘自DNV 4.2 平台起重机的工作级别:(Crane group)4.3 机构工作级别uAPI 2C 整机及机构不分工作级别,满足整机及机构不分工作级别,满足2500hs。机构机构 使用等使用等级级载荷状载荷状态态机构工作机构工作级别级别起升起升变幅变幅回转回转4.4 设计参数摘要摘自摘自 API2CAPI2C5.钢

15、结构(structure steel)u平台起重机的钢结主要包括:平台起重机的钢结主要包括:吊臂(吊臂(boom,jib)回转体(回转体(Crane house,A frame)筒体(筒体(pedestal)梯子栏杆等(梯子栏杆等(Handrail)5.钢结构(structure steel)钢结构钢结构5.1 一般要求u结构件设计应合理,在工作及非工作状态下,结构件设计应合理,在工作及非工作状态下,均有足够的强度、刚度和稳定性。均有足够的强度、刚度和稳定性。u受力明确,传力直接,尽量降低应力集中的影受力明确,传力直接,尽量降低应力集中的影响。响。u构件的外形设计便于维修、保养、除锈和涂漆。构

16、件的外形设计便于维修、保养、除锈和涂漆。u构件不积水,所有需要检查、维修的地方设置构件不积水,所有需要检查、维修的地方设置检查孔。检查孔。u设计制造上考虑工作环境对结构的腐蚀影响。设计制造上考虑工作环境对结构的腐蚀影响。5.2 5.2 吊臂(boom,jib)u 吊臂有箱型梁结构和格构式结构两种,箱型梁结构多为油缸变幅,格构式结构多为钢丝绳变幅。u The crane jib consists of one hydraulic operated luffing jib section.The jib element is built of steel plate.u The jib is co

17、nnected to the crane house structure by two main bearing at top of the crane house and to the rod bearing in the end of hydraulic cylinder in the low end.u The jib section is hydraulic operated by double acting,heavy duty marine cylinder.The cylinder is connected to the jib system with spherical bea

18、ring.u 平台起重机吊臂是由一台液压驱动变幅臂架单元组成。臂架是由钢板制作。臂架由回转体顶部的两个主轴承和液压缸低端的连杆轴承与回转体的结构相连接。臂架是由液压双作用的重型船用油缸驱动。油缸与臂架系统由球面轴承连接。5.2 5.2 吊臂(boom,jib)箱型吊臂(主臂)箱型吊臂(主臂)5.2 5.2 吊臂(boom,jib)箱型吊臂(辅臂)箱型吊臂(辅臂)5.2 5.2 吊臂(boom,jib)格构式吊臂格构式吊臂5.3 5.3 回转体(Crane HouseCrane House)u The rotating crane house is installed on top of the

19、 rotating slewing bearing.回转体是安装在回转支承顶部。u The crane house acts as the main structure between the pedestal and the jib.The luffing cylinder is connected to the lower part of the crane house while the jib is connected to the top of crane house.回转体是筒体和吊臂之间的主体结构。变幅油缸连接到回转体的下部,而臂架连接在回转体的顶部。u The crane ho

20、use structure houses the hydraulic oil reservoir and general machine room where most of control valves are fitted.回转体结构内部有液压油储存装置和配备大部分控制阀的机房。u Access to this machine room is ensured by a hinged door at cabin side.控制室侧面的铰链门能确保出入机房。u The maneuvering platform structure with the operators cabin is fitt

21、ed at left or right hand side of the crane house.A set of internal fitted,fully integrated slew gears are fitted to the crane house,with its output pinions in conjunction with the inner geared slew bearing ring.Each slew gearbox has built in failsafe brakes and each are fitted with an axial piston m

22、otor of fix displacement.带有操作室的维修平台结构是安装在回转体的左边或右边。一套高度集成的内齿式回转驱动装置安装在回转体内部,它的输出齿轮与回转支承的内齿轮啮合在一起。每个变速箱配有失效安全制动器和轴向定量柱塞马达。5.3 5.3 回转体(Crane HouseCrane House)回转体回转体5.4 筒体(Pedestal)u Crane Pedestal Including Equipment Fitted in Pedestal.起重机筒体包括安装在筒体内的设备。u The crane pedestal consists of a circular colum

23、n fabricated from ship plated or equivalent material.A mounting plate is welded on top of column for bolting the inner race of slew ring.The bottom of column is to be welded onto the deck structure or lower pedestal supplied by others.u 起重机筒体由船用钢板或等效材料制造的圆形柱。焊在筒体顶部的法兰盘通过螺栓连接到回转支承的内环上。筒体的底部焊接在甲板结构或下部

24、筒体上,此下部筒体不在供货范围内。u The pedestal contains vertical mounted electric slip ring for transferring of all electric supply to the rotating part of the crane.The electric interconnection from vessel is connected at the junction box at slip ring.u 筒体装有垂直安装的电滑环,通过此电滑环向回转部分的所有用电装置供电,通过安装在电滑环附近的接线箱与船上的电力接口。u T

25、he pedestal manhole is provided for access inside of pedestal.The outside of the pedestal is to be equipped with a top mounted platform for entering inside of pedestal via the man hole.筒体人孔是进入筒体内的入口。筒体外部安装一个顶部平台,确保通过人孔能进入筒体内部。u Normally,the lower pedestal is a tapered cylindrical cone which allows t

26、he crane to connect to the platform pedestal.通常,下部的筒体是使起重机与筒体平台连接的一个圆锥体。5.4 筒体(pedestal)筒体(筒体(Pedestal)6.机构及一般机械零件平台起重机的机构主要包括:起升机构(hoisting)变幅机构(luffing)回转机构(slewing)6.1 起升机构(Hoisting)u起升机构,由液压(电动)马达、减速器、制动器、支座、卷筒组等部件组成。u起升机构分为主起升机构和辅起重机构。6.1 起升机构(Hoisting)uThe winch is designed for operating in a

27、marine and offshore environment.The winch consists of a steel drum with flanged on gearbox.The gearbox is driven by a variable displacement hydraulic motor.The gearbox is fitted with a failsafe multi disc brake.The brake is dimensioned to take the full load plus any addition dynamic forces acting on

28、 the winch.In the case of a hose or pipe failure,the brake blocks the load immediately.A set of counter balance valve are mounted in the winch loop to ensure smooth and accurate winch operation independent of winch load.u平台起重机使用海上专用绞车。绞车的钢质滚筒通过法兰连接到齿轮箱上,该齿轮箱通过变量液压马达驱动。齿轮箱上安装有失效安全的多片盘式制动器。制动器设计要充分考虑滚

29、筒上全部静荷载和额外的动态荷载的联合作用。管道失效时制动器立即工作。安装在绞车液压回路上的反向平衡阀确保绞车平稳、准确的工作,不会受外载荷变化的影响。uThe winch is suitable for personnel transfer operation.The winch is equipped with a galvanized,none rotating,high quality wire rope and a counterweight/swivel/hook block of required capacity.Line load monitoring is through a

30、 load cell fitted in one of the wire sheave.The hook with load can be lowered manually in case of emergency.u平台绞车也可以用来进行人员运输。绞车用表面镀层,防旋转的高质量缆绳,同时配备需要的吊钩组、转环、配重块。通过安装导向滑轮上的测力销实现线载荷的实时监控。如遇紧急情况,可以手动释放吊钩及负载。uThe winch is equipped with an MOPS(Manual Overload Protection System)system.u平台上安装手动过载保护系统6.1 起

31、升机构(Hoisting)起升绞车起升绞车6.2 变幅机构(luffing)变幅机构主要有两种形式:u 钢丝绳变幅(图A)u 变幅油缸(图B)图A 图B6.2 变幅机构(luffing)u钢丝绳变幅机构主要包括:变幅绞车、变幅钢丝绳、导向滑轮组、安全装置等 The crane boom is luff up/down with a wire luffing winch mounted on top of the A Frame。起重机吊臂变幅中的起升和下降是通过安装在A形架顶部的变幅绞车实现的。A spring loaded boom kick back prevents the boom f

32、rom over luffing.一个弹性缓冲限位器阻止变幅机构的超幅动作。6.2 变幅机构(luffing)变幅绞车变幅绞车6.2 变幅机构(luffing)u变幅油缸变幅机构主要包括:变幅油缸、油缸铰链、液压附属用品 The jib section is hydraulic operated by double acting,heavy duty marine cylinder.吊臂部分变幅通过液压控制实现工作,液压系统中使用双作用、能进行重型作业的海洋油缸。The cylinder is connected to the jib system with spherical bearing

33、.通过球面轴承进行油缸与吊臂处的连接。6.2 变幅机构(Luffing)变幅油缸变幅油缸6.3 回转机构(Slewing)u 回转机构主要包括:回转驱动机构、回转支承机构uSlewing gears/slew bearing:u回转齿轮机构/回转轴承uThe slew gear system consists of required number of hydraulic driven planetary gears with built in fail-safe multi disc brakes.The brakes are dimensioned to take the full loa

34、d at the maximum list,plus any additional dynamic force acting on the slew gears.In the case of hose or pipe failure,the brake blocks the slewing immediately.A heavy duty hydraulic motor is flanged on to each gear box.The slew motor,which is controlled by the main control valve,and the counter balan

35、ce valve in the loop,gives smooth and accurate slewing of the crane.u回转齿轮机构主要有一系列液压驱动的行星被动齿轮和一些失效安全的多片盘式制动器组成。起重机遇不正常状态,制动器工作实现制动。制动器设计要充分考虑滚筒上全部静荷载和额外的动态荷载的联合作用。管道失效时制动器立即工作。每个减速箱通过法兰连接在液压重型马达上。被主控阀控制的回转机构马达和安装在绞车液压回路上的反向平衡阀确保起重机平稳、准确的回转工作。uThe slew bearing is a heavy duty offshore/marine slew ring

36、 equipped with internal gearing for transfer of the slew torque from the output pinion of the slew gearbox.u回转轴承用海洋专用能承重载的轴承。轴承内安装内齿轮轮,用来传递回转减速箱出来的回转扭矩。6.3 回转机构(Slewing)u回转驱动机构主要包括:驱动马达、减速机、制动器、回转小齿轮、液压附属系统等。回转驱动6.3 回转机构(Slewing)u回转支承主要包括:支承环、滚动体及润滑系统等,有内齿式、外齿式和无齿式三种。内齿式 外齿式6.4 司机室(Operator cabin)uC

37、losed operator cabin made of steel fully insulated.u封闭的司机室完全绝缘。uThe cabin is located on right side of the crane house.The cabin is bolted to the steel foundation,which is part of crane house structure.Rubber vibration damper is mounted between the cabin and steel foundation to reduce vibration and n

38、oise level.u司机室安装在起重机机器房的右边,通过螺栓固定在钢基础底座上,这个基础是机器房结构的一部分。橡胶减震器安装在司机室和底座之间,用来减少震动和噪音。uThe cabin is equipped with an ergonomic operator chair with all main operation handles of joy stick type located in arm rests at side.Main handles are of spring centered type.u司机室内配备根据人类工程学设计的操作员椅子,所有的主操作手柄安装座椅侧面位置。

39、主要手柄都是弹簧复中位的.uThe cabin is equipped with widow wipers,signal horn,internal light,air conditioning/heating system and houses the main cabinet(柜橱)for the crane control system.A local emergency stop is installed closed to the operator.u司机室内装有雨刷,报警喇叭、内部照明灯、空调、加热系统、起重机控制柜。紧急停止系统就近安装在操作员边上。uThe load indic

40、ated system is a LCD screen based control system.It gives the crane operator all required information for both crane system status and operation.u载荷信息在显示在一个基于控制系统的LCD屏上,该屏幕能给操作员提供有关平台起重机状态和工作状态的信息。uIt features the following function:-屏幕能实现以下功能 Reading actual load in the hook 读出大钩实际载荷 Reading actual

41、radius of hook 读出大钩实际变幅半径 Reading max allowable load in actual position 读出在目前位置最大许用载荷 Audible warning of 110%safe working load(SWL)both internally and externally of the operator cabin Automatic stop hoisting at 110%SWL 当载荷达到110%安全工作载荷时,司机室内外都能听到相应的警示。当载荷达到110%安全工作载荷时,起重机停止起升。6.4 司机室(Operator cabin)司

42、机室7.液压装置及系统u 平台起重机的液压装置及系统主要包括:液压泵站、液压马达、液压管路及附件、液压阀等。7.1 液压泵站(Hydraulic power pack)u 液压泵站包括:液压油箱、液压泵、液位计、空气过滤器、液压油滤清器、放泄阀等。u Hydraulic oil tank/hydraulic pumps:u The hydraulic oil tank of required capacity is integrated as part of the rotating crane house structure.u The oil tank is equipped with v

43、isual oil level indication glass,breather filter,oil filling filter,and a drain valve for use when changing oil and cleaning of the oil tank.u The hydraulic main pumps are of high pressure,load sensing and variable displacement type.u Both oil level and oil temperature switches are measuring the hyd

44、raulic oil status continuously and will give information to the crane operator if any abnormal value is registered.u Access to tank is possible through inspection hatch in side of crane house.u The hydraulic oil is not included in scope,however a list of recommended hydraulic oils will be provided.u

45、 A well dimensioned oil return filter system is installed in the system to remove any impurities from the hydraulic oil returning from the system to the tank.In addition to return oil filtration by main flow,a separate circulation pump is installed in a separate circulation system to remove any cont

46、amination in hydraulic oil,continuously.The filtration level is 5 micron nominal and system contamination level is set to NAS class 8.Note:NAS=National Academy of Sciences(美国国家科学学会)7.1 液压泵站(Hydraulic power pack)u液压泵站包括:液压油箱、液压泵、液位计、空气过滤器、液压油滤清器、放泄阀等。uHydraulic oil tank/hydraulic pumps:液压油箱/液压泵uThe h

47、ydraulic oil tank of required capacity is integrated as part of the rotating crane house structure.要求容量的油箱是回转体结构的一部分。uThe oil tank is equipped with visual oil level indication glass,breather filter,oil filling filter,and a drain valve for use when changing oil and cleaning of the oil tank.油箱配有液位计、空气

48、滤清器、过滤器和用于换油和清洁油箱的放泄阀。uThe hydraulic main pumps are of high pressure,load sensing and variable displacement type.主泵是高压的、载荷敏感的变量泵。uBoth oil level and oil temperature switches are measuring the hydraulic oil status continuously and will give information to the crane operator if any abnormal value is r

49、egistered.液位计和温度计连续检测油液状态,如果发生异常情况,将向司机发出信息。u Access to tank is possible through inspection hatch in side of crane house.通过回转体旁边的检查舱门可以到达油箱的位置。uThe hydraulic oil is not included in scope,however a list of recommended hydraulic oils will be provided.液压油不在供货范围内,但要提供推荐使用液压油清单。uA well dimensioned oil re

50、turn filter system is installed in the system to remove any impurities from the hydraulic oil returning from the system to the tank.In addition to return oil filtration by main flow,a separate circulation pump is installed in a separate circulation system to remove any contamination in hydraulic oil


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