上海市2020年高考最后冲刺卷(一) 英语试题含答案.docx

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1、1 上海市 2020 年高考最后冲刺卷(一) 英 语 I . Listening Comprehension Section A Directions : In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After y

2、ou hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. The woman didnt know the man was going away. B. He didnt know that the woman was leaving. C. He didnt tell the woman about the

3、 party beforehand. D. The woman didnt tell the man about the surprise party. 2. A. Jane has pretty eyes. B- Jane hasnt collected posters. C. Jane looks like someone in the posters. D. The posters are attractive. 3. A. Leave his wife another dish. B. Dont wash the dishes. C. Wash his wifes dishes. D.

4、 Help his wife wash dishes. 4. A. He had a baby. B. His wife was sick. C. He went to see a doctor. D. He was seeing his sister. 5. A. The tape recorder doesnt need batteries. B. The batteries in the tape recorder need to be changed. C- They would get a new tape recorder* D. The tape player is made o

5、f plastic. 6. A. She doesnt understand the question. B. She will not be graduating. C. She likes to travel. D. She does not plan to travel. 2 7. A. They should turn the fan off first, B. He has to go to his music class. C. He wonders what kind of fan the woman is. D. He5d like to listen to classical

6、 music* 8. A. He enjoyed the exhibition too. B. He has read about the exhibition. C. He knows many local artists. D. He needs to finish his reading first. 9. A. He was wrong about Carols wedding date, B. Carols wedding has been postponed till July. C. He cant remember when Carol got married. D. Caro

7、l has only been married since June. 10, A. The man is a graduate student. B. The man is relocating. C. The man is living at the college. D. The man is a professor. Section B Directions : In Section B, you will hear two short passages and a longer conversation, and you will be asked some questions on

8、 the passages and the conversations, 丁 he passages and the conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through

9、 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. To take a shower. B. To meet friends, C. For comfortable sleep. D. For enjoyable meals, 12. A. Ringing his way to sell telephones. B. Encouraging strangers to shop with credit cards. C. Working his way for potential buyers. D. Persuading strangers into

10、a credit card debt. 3 13. A. A homeless beggars life. B. A current journalists life. C. A former urban professionals living. D. A diplomats economic condition. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. Over $100 million. B. Over $4.5 billion. C. It has almost tripled on the

11、past decade. D. It has almost quadrupled since 1995. 15. A. The source of tuition. B. The arrival of more students. C. Subjects students major in. D, The rise of students wealth. 16. A. Growth of the Chinese economy. B. Exchange of culture, ideas and skills. C. More and more Chinese students in the

12、U. S. D. Chinese students favorite subjects. Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. 17. A. Maths and reading skills. B. Writing skills C. Critical thinking. D. Physical development 18. A. For intellectual benefit. B. For boost in confidence C. For better health, D. For quai

13、lity education 19. A. Ifs easier to go to college on football. B. A good chess-player helps to play football better. C. A good footballer helps to play chess better. D. Ifs easier to go to college on chess. 20. A. Chess-playing is a waste of time. B. Chess-playing will ensure a scholarship. C. Child

14、ren should keep playing chess even without a scholarship. 4 D. Children should keep playing chess if they can win a scholarship. II Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks

15、with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word ; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. My Campus Life I spent my freshman year at Tulane University culture-shocked and out-of-place, desperate to leave. It wasnt known to me anyone else who was on

16、scholarship,I (21 )_(surprise) by the racism and sexism on campus. (22)_(do) poorly my first year of college was terrible; 1 felt stupid and unworthy. This feeling was terrible because I had attended a famous math and science public high school in New York (23) grades meant everything. But changing

17、colleges (24)_ the move was forced and unplanned set the stage for me to find my passion and, eventually, a career. When I picked up the pieces after Tulane and enrolled in a state college in Albany, New York , I was still raw from my freshman year experience. I drank a lot, didnt know ( 25 )_ class

18、es to take and generally felt lost,It wasnt (26 ) _ I took my first womens studies class an introductory feminist course that I found my footing. Suddenly I could see the ways that everything from pop culture and politics devalued women, and I understood more fully (27 )_ injustices werent random bu

19、t systemic. Most importantly, however, I realized that there was nothing wrong with me. Nothing is wrong with being loud or opinionated. These were just characteristics not valued in women. Once the personal validation took hold, the broader political implications followed. I became active in campus

20、 causes,joined a womens studies (28) _(teach) collective and started to get good grades in my classes -and not just the feminist ones. Finding genuine enthusiasm for a topic one that related so directly (29)_ the world around me gave me a drive that I (30) _ (not experience) before. And it has not s

21、topped since. 5 Section B Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. resolved B. specifically C. council D. fashionably E. similar F. difference G. rainy H. advertise I. case j. identify K

22、. approached The citizens who testified at city hall last week were far younger and, arguably, far more persuasive than those who usually come before the D. C. Council. The four of them, officers of the student 31_at Alice Deal Middle School in Northwest, had 32 this year to take on something bigger

23、 than parties, spirit days and other typical student government fare. They wanted to effect change, leave a legacy. Very 33_, they wanted to give their classmates a covered Metro bus shelter on Nebraska Avenue near Deal, a place where students could get out of the wind and driving rain while waiting

24、 for a ride home each afternoon. “ When we were elected,we said, 4 We want to make some change, , said Ben Kom, an eighth-grader and the council s president. “ We didnt want to take on something too big,but something big enough to make a 34_. ” Speaking before the D, C,Councils Committee on Transpor

25、tation and the Environment at the John A. Wilson Building on Thursday, Ben told of a cold and 35_fail afternoon that found him waiting more than an hour and a half for his M4 bus. Unlike the regions suburban school systems, the Districts public schools do not have their own fleet of buses, and most

26、students take public transportation to and from school. “By the time I got home,it was dark,and I was cold and wet, said Ben UI know my fellow officers here today and the rest of the Deal student body have faced 36 situations. That is why we are here. 6 Ben and his colleagues came up with the idea f

27、or the bus shelter and 37_the D. C, Council with the guidance of their principal, James Albright. The students met with Andrew Newman, a staffer for council member and transportation committee chairman Mary M. Cheh ( D- Ward 3 ) , who suggested that they present their 38 at a public roundtable downt

28、own. With students efforts , the District struck a deal with Clear Channel Communications in 2005 that calls for Clear Channel to build up to 788 bus shelters in return for the right to 39_ on them. So far, theyve built 745, leaving room for the Deal shelter. “Its a win-win for all parties at no cos

29、t to D. C. taxpayers. This was a lesson in not getting everything you ask for, but the students were brave. They had also learned another lesson, how to 40_a problem, find a solution and take action. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions : For each blank in the following passage there are four

30、words or phrases marked A, B, C and D, Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. In Venice, it is not uncommon to see tourists carry suitcases through waist-high water, or sit at tables in Piazza San Marco in their swimsuits. Pictures of Venice in the most dramatic flood

31、ing are really 41_. We are used to thinking of Venice as a city in 42_,a glorious relic (古 迹)of human creativity that is about to 43 any day and suddenly the end looks closer. However, as climate change makes extreme weather more 44_, Venice looks less like a 45_f the sea and more like an old surviv

32、or that can teach the rest of the world how to live with water. People barely notice how 46 the art treasures of Venice are kept on the upper floors of palaces and museums, even on a dry summer day. It is also 47_to worry about all the art in churches because no other city has such a sharp 48_of pro

33、tecting itself from water. In their art, the people of Venice are as happy on water as on 49_. Vittore Carpaccio s painting Hunting on the Lagoon shows young Venetians standing 7 easily 50_ in low-sided boats to shoot arrows at water birds. In a Gentile Bellinis painting, priest(牧师)Swim in the canal

34、 searching for a lost relic. Titian portrays(描绘)a woman bathing in open water in his painting. Hunting and fishing, swimming and bathing, Venetians always know how to 51_water. The palaces built in Venice are also good examples of the prevention of 52_.Each has its living spaces on upper floors, oft

35、en with a courtyard on the ground floor that 53_ water instantly. The danger of Venice is real and this treasury of civilization does need protecting. But it is not all bad news. Or 54_,as the news gets worse for the entire planet, Venice has some lessons to teach about how to55_the sea. 41. A. alar

36、ming B. frustrating C. positive D. reasonable 42. A. luxury B. desperation C. fun D. danger 43. A. flow B. shift C. sink D. blow 44. A. basic B. frequent C. predictable D. demanding 45. A. victor B. victim C. contributor D. loser 46. A. willingly B. plentifully C. smartly D. loyally 47. A. needless

37、B. necessary C. tasteless D. similar 48. A. brain B. endurance C. contrast D. awareness 49. A. sea B. continent C, land D. soil 50. A. reserved B. bored C. preserved D. balanced 51. A, enjoy B. highlight C. protect D. survive 52. A. flood B. fire C. risk D,resource 53. A. contains B, drains C. store

38、s D. rejects 54. A. contrarily B. consequently C. moreover D. rather 55. A. care for B. hold up C. live with D. sail on Section B 8 Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,

39、 B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (A) In an early survey conducted in 1888, a billion and a half people inhabited the earth. Now, the population exceeds seven billion. This means that the world must accommodate a new popu

40、lation roughly equal to that of the United States and Canada every three years Even though the rate of growth has begun to slow down, most experts believe the population size will still pass eight billion soon. If we examine the amount of land available for this ever-increasing population, we begin

41、to see the problem. K everyone on the planet had an equal share of land, we would each have about 50,000 square metres. This figure seems to be quite encouraging until we examine the type of land we would have. Not all land is useful to humans as it cannot produce food. We can cut out about one fift

42、h of it because it is permanently covered by snow and ice* Then we can cut out another one fifth because it is desert. Another fifth is too mountainous or is too great a height above sea-level. A tenth doesnt have enough soil for crops to grow it is bare rock. Now the position begins to look rather

43、mom bleak (荒凉)! Obviously, with so little land to support us, we should be taking great care not to reduce it further. But are we? We are consuming its “ capital” , which means its nonrenewable fossil fuels and other mineral deposits that took millions of years to form but which are now being destro

44、yed in decades. We are also doing the same with other vital resources not usually thought of as being nonrenewable such as fertile soils, groundwater and the millions of other species that share earth with us. The birth of a baby in, for example, Hong Kong, imposes more than a hundred times the amou

45、nt of stress on the worlds resources as a baby in India. Most people in India do not grow up to own cars or air-conditioners. Nor do they eat the huge amount of meat and fish that the Hong Kong child does. Their life-styles do not require vast quantities of minerals and energy. Also, they are aware

46、of the requirements of the land around them and try to put something back into nature to replace what they take out. 56. Why does the author mention the example of America and Canada? 9 A. To emphasize that world population has to be reduced. B. To give a brief history of the population growth, C. T

47、o stress how quickly the world population is rising. D. To point out what a large population they have. 57. According to the author, how much per person of the earths surface can be used to produce food? A, 15 ,000 square metres. B. 25,000 square metres. C. 30,000 square metres. D. 40,000 square met

48、res. 58. Which of the following belongs lo vital resources? A. Fossil fuels. B. Mineral deposits, C. Chemical fertilizer. D. Groundwater. 59. When can learn from the passage that _. A. different lifestyles require similar quantities of resources B. a Hong Kong baby consumes more resources than an Indian baby C. tropical forest are being better used for pastureland D. nature is powerful enough to destroy an aggressive man Parcel Post Rates Zones Weight 1 pound and no exceeding (pounds) local 1&2 3 4 5 Up to 150 to 300 to 600 600 to 1400 10 150 miles 300 miles miles miles 2 3 4


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