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1、 北京生物能源产业发展情况The Development of Bioenergy Industry in Beijing北京市科学技术委员会 副主任Beijing Municipal Science&Technology Commission Vice Chairman伍建民Wu Jianmin2015年11月4日Nov.4,2015【案例1】奥运村再生水源热泵工程Case 1:Olympic Village Reclaimed Water Source Heat Pump Project将污水处理厂处理后的再生水引到换热站,在换热站内利用再生水作为热泵的冷热源,并在奥运村内通过热泵系统实现

2、制冷供热。Lead the reclaimed water of the sewage treatment plant to the heat exchange station where the reclaimed water is used as the cold and heat source for the heat pump for cooling and heating in the Olympic Village through the heat pump system.为奥运村内约41万平方米的建筑供热制冷,再生水经换热器换热后退回河流,实现循环利用。Provide the h

3、eating and cooling for about 410,000 square meters of buildings in the Olympic Village,while the reclaimed water runs back into the river,through the heat converter,for recycling.每年可减少用煤1500吨,减排二氧化碳约3600吨,二氧化硫和氮氧化物约60吨。Annually,1,500 tons of coal can be saved and emission can be reduced for CO2 by a

4、bout 3,600 tons and for SO2 and NO by about 60 tons.污水源热泵系统流程示意图Flow Chart of Sewage Source Heat Pump System北京奥运村再生水源热泵系统Beijing Olympic Village Reclaimed Water Source Heat Pump System【案例2】德青源利用畜禽粪便制取沼气、沼气发电、沼气提纯制备压缩天然气(CNG)Case 2:DQY Ecological makes biogas with livestock manure,generates power wit

5、h biogas and extracts and prepares Compressed Natural Gas 2009年5月,德青源鸡粪沼气发电厂正式竣工并网发电。In May 2009,DQY Ecological Chicken Manure Biogas Power Plant was duly completed for grid connection and power general.大型沼气发电工程每年可以生产沼气700 万立方米、发电1400 万千瓦时。Large-scale biogas power generation project can annually pro

6、duces 7 million cubic meters of biogas and generate 1400MWh.2009年4月,被列为联合国“全球大型沼气发电技术示范工程”。In April 2009,it was listed as UN“Global Big Biogas Power Generation Technology Demo Project”.开发了沼气纯化技术,去除沼气中的二氧化碳、硫化氢等成份,将沼气甲烷浓度从55-60%提高到95%以上,并压缩为压缩天然气(CNG)。It develops the biogas purification technology to

7、 eliminate CO2 and H2S from biogas,increase the concentration of biogas methane from 55-60%to more than 95%and compress it into CNG.建成中国第一条沼气提纯天然气成套装备示范线,每天生产压缩天然气10000立方米,供应约1万户农民家庭生活用气。It has built the first biogas-into-CNG equipment demo line,which can produce 10,000 cubic meters of CNG daily,as

8、household domestic gas for 2 towns and 39 villages of Yanqing County,covering about 10,000 peasant families.德青源公司获得了美国规模最大的生猪及猪肉供应商史密斯菲尔德公司10年内向德青源采购5亿美元成套装备的订单,在美国建成年产300万立方米沼气的示范工程。DQY Ecological has received an order from Smithfield,the biggest supplier of pigs and pork in USA for complete equipm

9、ent of USD 500 million in ten years,for a demo project of producing annually 3 million cubic meters of biogas in USA.德青源公司沼气发电系统DQY Ecological Biogas Power Generation System德青源沼气发电场竣工庆典(2009年)Completion Ceremony of DQY Ecological Biogas Power Plant(2009)大型沼气联合供应给多个村庄(Large-scale biogas joint-supply

10、for villages)n 2009年12月正式建成。Established duly in December 2009.n 改变了传统沼气以村或户为单位的建设方式,为生物质能规模化示范与应用提供了新的模式。Changing the construction mode of conventional biogas with village or household as unit and providing a new model for large-scale demonstration and application of biomass.n“绿色燃气”进入规模化实施阶段的重要标志。An

11、 important symbol for“Green fuel gas”in the stage of large-scale implementation.10万吨生物质燃料工程(100,000t biomass fuel project)l 按照“不破坏环境、就近消纳、循环利用、规模发展”的原则,以试点示范为先导,有序发展生物质燃料。In accordance with the principle of“destroy no environment,absorb locally,recycle for utilization and develop on a large scale”,d

12、evelop biomass fuels in an orderly way with pilot demon leading.l 充分利用农业废弃物、林业废弃物、餐厨垃圾等生物质资源,在资源和应用条件较好的地区,选择重点村镇供暖及苗圃、温室大棚等农业设施,推进生物质成型燃料供暖示范项目建设。In the areas with proper conditions of resources and application,select key village and town heating and nursery,greenhouse and other agricultural facili

13、ties for advancing the construction of heating demo projects with biomass molding fuel,by utilizing comprehensively agricultural residues,forest residues,kitchen refuses and other biomass resources.l 示范建设餐厨废弃油脂生产生物柴油和燃料乙醇等生物质液体燃料项目。Construct demo projects for producing biodiesel,fuel ethanol and oth

14、er biomass liquid fuels with kitchen waste oil fat.20万千瓦生物质发电工程(20MW biomass power generation project)建设一批生物质规模化发电项目,逐步扩大生物质发电装机容量。Construct a number of large-scale biomass power generation projects,gradually expand the installed capacity of biomass power.推进城市生活垃圾资源能源化利用,建设垃圾焚烧和填埋气发电工程。advance the u

15、tilization of municipal solid waste resources as energy and construction clean and efficient waste incineration and landfill gas power generation projects.在大中型畜禽养殖场实施沼气发电工程。Implement biogas power generation projects at medium and large-size livestock farms.在农林废弃物集中的郊区县建设生物质热电联供工程。Construct biomass t

16、hermal-power projects in suburban counties with centralized farm and forest residues.【案例3】鲁家山垃圾焚烧发电厂Case 3:Lujiashan Solid Waste Incineration Power Plant投资20多亿元人民币,亚洲最大的垃圾焚烧发电项目,2013年建成运行。The biggest solid waste incineration power generation project,with the total investment of more than RM 2 billio

17、n and completed for operation in 2013.每天处理垃圾3000吨,年处理生活垃圾100万吨,处理北京市西部地区经分类分选后的垃圾。Daily solid waste treatment of 3,000 tons and annual domestic refuse treatment of 100 tons,including the classified and selected solid waste in the western region of Beijing.每年利用余热发电4.2亿度,相当于每年节约14万吨标煤。Annual power gen

18、eration of 420 million kWh,with residual heat,saving annually 140,000 tons of standard coal.北京鲁家山垃圾焚烧发电厂Beijing Lujiashan Solid Waste Incineration Power Plant鲁家山垃圾焚烧发电厂工作车间Workshop of Lujiashan Solid Waste Incineration Power Plant1000万立方米沼气区域联供工程(10M m3 biogas regional joint-supply project)依托规模化畜禽养殖

19、场,建设一批区域联供和多村联供的大中型沼气集中供气工程,为农村地区提供优质、清洁的炊事燃气。Based on large-scale livestock farms,construct a number of medium and large-size centralized biogas supply projects for regional joint-supply and multi-village joint supply to provide the rural areas with quality and clean cooking fuel gas.【案例4】生物燃气产业科技示

20、范工程Case 4:Technological Demo Project of Bio Fuel Gas Industry研发沼气高效生产和综合利用关键技术,进一步提高生物质能源的利用效率。Carry out R&D on efficient production of biogas and comprehensive utilization of key technologies to promote further the utilization efficiency of biomass energy.加强关键工艺技术的研究,建立和完善规范化的工艺流程,开展规模化生物燃气工程的设计研发、

21、装备制造和专业化服务。Strengthen the research on key process technologies,establish and perfect the regular process flow,and undertake the design,R&D,equipment manufacturing and professional service for large-scale bio fuel gas projects.探索商业模式创新,推广多元化、市场化的商业模式,制定标准并探索建立专业化运营服务体系。Explore for the innovation in c

22、ommercial models,promote multi-element and market-based commercial models,stimulate standards and explore for the establishment of profession operation service system.德青源生物燃气产业科技示范工程Technological Demo Project of DQY Ecological for Bio Fuel Gas Industry德青源沼气提纯制造压缩天然气成套装备DQY Ecological Complete Equipm

23、ent for Biogas Extraction and CNG Making【案例5】垃圾填埋气开发利用示范工程Case 5:Demo Project for Development and Utilization of Solid Waste Landfill Gas北京现有16个卫生垃圾填埋场,全部配备垃圾填埋气收集装置,每天收集填埋气约48万立方米(甲烷含量约50%),相当于每年生产天然气约8760万立方米。In Beijing,there are now 16 solid waste landfill yards,all equipped with collectors of la

24、ndfill gas,collecting daily about 480,000 cubic meters of landfill gas(containing 50%),equivalent to annual production of 87.6 million cubic meters of natural gas.开发了垃圾填埋气高效收集工艺及装备、填埋气制压缩天然气和液化天然气成套装备。Process and equipment for efficient collection of solid waste landfill gas and complete equipment f

25、or making CNG and LNG with landfill gas are developed.2011年初,建成垃圾填埋气制造液化天然气示范工程和制取二甲醚中试装置,每年生产液化天然气239.4万立方米,作为车用燃料在环卫车上使用。In early 2011,the demo project for making LNG with solid waste landfill gas and pilot unit for preparing dimethyl ether were completed,producing annually 2.394 million cubic met

26、ers of LNG as fuel for sanitation trucks.垃圾填埋气提取天然气处理装置Solid Waste Landfill Gas Treatment Plant for Extraction of Natural Gas环卫车在垃圾场内补充气体燃料Sanitation trucks are filled up with Gaseous fuel in the solid Waste Yard昔日的垃圾场,如今变成了生态园Ecological Park Built on Previous Solid Waste Yard北京生物能源利用总量目标(Total Util

27、ization Target of Bioenergy)到2015年,北京新能源和可再生能源开发利用总量为550万吨标准煤,占全市能源消费总量的比重力争达到6%左右。其中:By 2015,the total development and utilization of new energy and renewable energy in China is equivalent to 5.5 million tons of standard coal,sharing about 6%of the total energy consumption in the city:生物质发电装机容量达到20

28、万千瓦。Installed capacity of biomass power generation:200MW.年产沼气总量达3600万立方米。Annual output of biogas:36 million cubic meters.生物质燃料50万吨标准煤。Bio fuels:500,000 tons of standard coal.【案例6】生物质发电价格政策Case 6:Pricing Policy for Biomass Power Generation 生物质发电厂所发电力可以全额上网,电网公司全额接受生物质发电企业的上网量。The power generated by b

29、iomass power plants can be fully accessed to the power grid and the power grid companies will accept fully the accessed load of biomass power generation enterprises.新建农林生物质发电项目,统一执行上网电价每千瓦时0.75元。New farm and forest biomass power generation projects shall be generally subject to the grid-access price

30、 of RMB 0.75 per kWh.以生活垃圾为原料的垃圾焚烧发电项目,每吨生活垃圾折算上网电量暂定为280千瓦时,并执行全国统一垃圾发电标杆电价每千瓦时0.65元(含税)。As for the solid waste incineration power generation projects with domestic refuses as raw materials,the accessed load for each tonnage of domestic refuses will be provisionally defined as 280kWh and subject to the national benchmark power price of RMB 0.65 per kWh(inclusive of tax)for solid waste power generation.


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