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1、2021 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题语数外一(1)2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一语文数学外语语文第 I 卷一、18 分,每题 3 分41以下词语中加点字的读音,完全正确的一组是A. 镌刻jun悭吝(jin)一曝十寒(p )歃血为盟shB. 炮制(po)拮据j鳞次栉比(zh )寡廉鲜耻(xin)C. 卓越zhu校对(xio)不肖子孙(xi o)喟然长叹(wi)D. 机械(xi)内讧(hng)言简意赅(gi)病入膏肓hung 42以下词语中没有错别字的一组是A记账敲竹杠惹是生非此 时 无 声胜有声B沉浸势利眼老太龙钟2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 0 页 共 13

2、页凭君传语报平安C. 必竟大杂烩悬粱刺股出师未捷身先死D. 豁达跑龙套破落霞与孤骛齐飞釜沉舟43. 依次填入以下各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一项为哪一项他把家里受苦的情况都讲了出来。到记者发稿时,在这次瓦斯爆炸事件中已有16 人遇难,4 人失踪,及善后工作仍在紧张有序地进行。中国交响乐团向海内外中国作曲家发出征集 交响乐、管弦乐的:作品题材、内容不限, 只求风格、手法为更多的听众喜闻乐见。A从营救启示B从抢救C在启示营救启事D在抢救启事44. 以下各句中,加点成语使用最恰当的一句是A. 最近,印度总理瓦杰帕伊率大型代表团访华, 中印两国终于结为秦晋之好。2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一

3、 第 1 页 共 13 页B. 虽然没有名角亲自传授指点, 但他常年在戏园子里做事,耳濡目染,各种戏路子都熟悉了。C. 中国女子柔道选手袁华在人声鼎沸的赛场上能做到充耳不闻、心静如水,而 一旦发力, 就令对手不寒而栗。D. 一些超市经营者不讲诚信, 为了销售过期食品,他们往往在包装上改弦更张,随意改变出厂 日期。45. 以下各句中表达得体的一句是A. 竭诚欢送不吝来稿, 我们一定鼎力相助。B. 我们邀请著名作家余华先生赴我校开设讲座。C. 酒店大堂设有效劳台, 欢送各位旅客垂询。D. 你荣幸地被我单位聘为参谋, 请届时与会。46. 填入下面横线处, 与下文衔接恰当、音节和谐的一项为哪一项,人人

4、都像塌了架, 丢了魂,一声长叹接着一声长叹。孩子不哭了狗不叫了鸡不啼了女人不笑了A.)毯)B.)毯)G)c.)D.)22002222 年年四四川川省省高高职职单单招招统统一一考考试试模模拟拟题题(一一 ) 第第 02 页页 共共 1133 页页二、12 分,每题 3 分阅读下面文言文,完成 4750 题。建陵侯卫绾者,代大陵人也。绾以戏车为郎, 事文帝,功次迁为中郎将,醇谨无他。孝景为太子时,召上左右饮,而绾称病不行。文帝且崩时, 属孝景曰:“绾长者,善遇之。及文帝崩,景帝立,岁余不诮呵绾,绾日以谨力。景帝幸上林,诏中郎将参乘,还而问曰:“君知所以得参乘乎?绾曰:“臣以车士幸得以功次迁为中郎将

5、,不自知也。上问曰:“吾为太子时召君,君不肯来,何也?对曰:“死罪, 实病。上赐之剑。绾曰:“先帝赐臣剑凡六, 剑,不敢奉诏。上曰:“剑,人之所施易,独至今乎?绾曰:“在。上使取六剑,剑尚盛,未尝服也。郎官有谴,常蒙其罪,不与他将争; 有功,常让他将。上以为廉,忠实无他,乃拜绾为河间王太傅。吴楚反,诏绾为将,将河间兵击吴楚,有功,拜为中尉。三岁,以军功,孝景前六年中封绾为建陵侯。其明年,上废太子,诛栗卿之属。上以为绾为长者,不忍。乃赐绾告归,而使郅都治捕栗氏。2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 0 页 共 13 页既已,上立胶东王为太子,召绾,拜为太子太傅。 久之,迁为御史大夫。五

6、岁,代桃侯舍为丞相, 朝奏事如职所奏。然自初官以至丞相,终无可言。 天子以为敦厚,可相少主,尊宠之,赏赐甚多。 为丞相三年,景帝崩,武帝立。建元年中,丞 相以景帝疾时诸官囚多坐无辜者,而君不任职,免之。其后绾座,子信代,坐酹金失侯。?史记卫绾列传?47对以下句中加点字的解释,不正确的一项为 哪一项A属孝景曰B常让他将属:嘱托让:责备C. 有功,拜为中尉拜:授官D. 天子以为敦厚,可相少主相:辅佐48以下各组句子中,加点词的意义和用法相同的一项为哪一项A. 文帝且崩时臣死且不避,卮酒安足辞B. 君知所以得参乘乎臣所以去亲戚而事2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 1 页 共 13 页君

7、者C. 乃拜绾为河间王太傅而陋者乃以斧斤考击而求之D. 久之,迁为御史大夫不知将军宽之至此也 49以下句子分别编为四组,全部表现卫绾“醇谨敦厚的一组是召上左右饮,而绾称病不行有功,常让他将将河间兵击吴楚,有功为丞相,朝奏事如职所奏 代桃侯舍绾以戏车为郎,事文帝,功次迁为中郎将丞相以景帝疾时诸官囚多坐无辜者,而君不任职,免之A B C D 50以下对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项为哪一项 A卫绾历任文、景、武三朝,为人醇厚谨慎。文帝时,有一次太子召请文帝左右近臣宴饮,卫绾借口生病推辞。 B景帝曾想赐予卫绾一把宝剑,被卫绾回绝。卫绾从不与人争功,景帝认为他品行端正。后因2022 年四川省高

8、职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 2 页 共 13 页平叛有功得以提升,又因军功而被封为建陵侯。C卫绾曾做太子太傅,后来代替桃侯刘舍做了丞相,他在朝廷上奏事,只举职分内例行的事上奏。从他开始做官直至官居丞相,始终没有提出过什么议论。 D武帝即位后,卫绾因在景帝卧病时滥杀无辜而被免去了官职。语文第二卷三、共 6 分51. 补写出以下名句名篇和文学常识的空缺局部。6 分1多情自古伤离别,!柳永?雨霖铃?2,泉涓涓而始流。陶渊明?3,长使英雄泪满襟。杜甫?蜀相?(4),不拘一格降人才。?己亥杂诗?四、(15 分)2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 3 页 共 13 页阅读下面的文字,完成 52

9、54 题。安于途中从起点到终点,其间的距离就是途中。感觉生命总是在途中。就像留鸟,总是从南飞到北,又从北飞到南。就像泉水, 总是从溪流人河,又从河流人海;就像花草,总是从春长到夏,又从夏长到秋。自从离开起点以后,生命就总是在途中。在时间与空间的途中。而且不管情愿与不情愿,总是日渐靠近某个可知和未可知的终点。有花开就有花谢,有日出总有日落, 有起点当有终点,这很自然。每一个具体的生命也都难逃此劫。但对一些具体的生命而言,似乎出发就是为了抵达,似乎付出就有结果,于是必经的过程成了漫长的等待,总是在途中成了生命最大的煎熬和无奈。然而抵达真的那么重要吗 ?终点就那么美好吗?等待或许会是一种煎熬,然而生

10、命总是在途中就真的只有无奈吗?2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 4 页 共 13 页水气抵达天空或许就成了彩虹,蛹到了生命的尽头或许就成了蝴蝶。但并不是所有的抵达样说的原因。(5 分) “这些指的是原因是54. 作者为何说每一个生命首先要做到 “安于途中?(5 分)五、9 分55. 下面是一副对联的上联,请对出下联。5 分荀子劝学,博学那么冰寒于水;56. 下面是一那么消息,请改写成一句话新闻,不得超过 15 个字。 (4 分)4 月 25 日,黑龙江省小兴安岭发生森林火灾。因当地遭遇 50 年不遇的严重干旱, 火场风力到达 6-7 级,阵风 8-9 级,火头随风多变,火借风势,

11、迅速蔓延,烧入附近宝山乡,241 户民房被烧毁。由于先制定了防火预案,及时转移居民,没有发生人员伤亡。经过 11 万余名森警官兵、专业扑火队伍2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 5 页 共 13 页和林业干部职工 7 昼夜顽强艰苦扑火,到 5月 2 日,火场明火全扑灭。火灾原因和损失正在调查之中。六、40 分57. 秦王开驰道,张骞使远方。炀帝凿运河,三宝下西洋。亚欧丝绸路,汉藏茶马香。古往今来, 交通都是国家的命脉,请以“路为话题,写一篇文章。要求:所写内容必须在话题范围之内; 立意自定,题目自拟;除诗歌外,文体不限; 不得少于 600;不得抄袭。2022 年四川省高职单招统一考

12、试模拟题一 第 6 页 共 13 页2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一语文数学外语数学第一卷第一题 选择题每题 4 分,共40 分,在每题给出的四个选项中,只有一项为哪一项符合题目要求。41.设集合A = x | -1 x 2,B = x | 0 x 4, 那么AB =A.0,2B.1,2C.0,4D.1,442. 如果,那么以下不等式中正确的选项a0,b0B.是A.| a | b |a2 b2-a bC.1 1D.ab43. 在等差数列a中,a = 2, a + a = 13, 那么a + a + a 等于()n123456A.40B .42C.43D.45=44. 函数yf (x)

13、的图像与函数g(x) = log x的图像关于轴对称,那么 ()2yA. f (x) =1log x2B. f (x) = log (-x)22022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 7 页 共 13 页aC. f (x) = - log (x)D. f (x) = - log (-x)45. 假设 a()( p 2 ,p2),sin= 3 , 那么 tan( 2a +5p ) 等于4A.1B.7C. 1D.777D=46. 设是的重心,记,那MABCaBCbCAcAB么AM = ()D. 1A. 1 2(c - b)B. 1 2(b - c)C. 13(c - b)(b - c)347

14、. 直线 ,mn选项是()与平面a ,b ,那么以下结论正确的A.假设m a , n b , m n ,那么a ba ba bB. 假设,那么b ,bnmnmnnC. 假设m a ,bm , b ,那么a D.假设m a , n b , m n ,那么a b48. 假设椭圆x2 + y22516= 1 上的点 A 到其右焦点的距离为 ,那么 到两准线的距离分别是4A. 20A8,3.B10,8C.10,6D. 10, 20349. 有6名女同学与名男同学,选53名男同学和32022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 8 页 共 13 页名女同学,使男女相间排成一排,不同的排法总数为()2A

15、.A3 A3B.2C 3C 3 A6C.A3 A36 55 6 66 5D.56 6C 3C 3 A650. 设奇函数在f (x)x (0,+)上为增函数,且f (1) = 0,那么不等式x f (x) 0A.的解集为()B.(-,-1) U (0,1)(-1,0) U (1,+)C.D.(-,-1) U (1,+)(-1,0) U (0,1)数学 第二卷第二题 填空题共 20 分,每题 5 分,把每题的答案写在横线上=51.x2 + x - 6。limx2x2 - 452. 函数y =x(x + 1) +x的定义域为。(2, -1)+1 = 053. 以点为圆心,截直线所得弦长为Cxy的圆的

16、方程是。2 254.pf (x) = sin x + 3 cos x, x 0,2, 那 么f (x)的 值 域是。2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 9 页 共 13 页第三题解答题 共 3 个小题, 共 40 分,解答时应写出必要的文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤55. 本小题总分值 13 分现有甲、乙、丙3 名大学毕业生同时应聘一个用人单位,其中甲、乙、两人被选中的概率都是2 ,丙被选中的概率为335求甲、乙、丙三人都被选中的概率;求甲、乙、丙三人中有且只有两人被选中的概率。56. (本小题总分值 13 分)设a 是等差数列,b 是各项都为正数的等比数nn列,且a1= b = 1

17、 ,a + b133= 21,a + b52= 13 .()求数列a 和b 的通项公式;nn()求数列an+ b n的前 n 项和Tn57. (本小题总分值 14 分)函数 f (x) =1 x3 + ax + b(a, b R) ,在3x = 2处取得极小值- 43求 a 和 b 的值;=求函数在处的切线方程及单调递增f (x)x02022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 10 页 共 13 页区间;假设对任意x , x -4,3时,都有12f (x ) - f (x ) m2 + m +1214 恒成立,求实数m3的取值范围。2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 11 页

18、共 13 页2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一语文数学外语英语第 I 卷第一题单项填空共 10 小题;每题 1.5 分,总分值 15 分从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Lilys bag is blue, butis red.A. herB. myC. mineD.shes2. In those days, the old womansit at the gate for hours, waiting for her son to return from the front.A. couldB. would C. might

19、 D. should3. Id like to invite you to a concert thisevening.Thankyou,butIllbefree Imnot sure at the moment.A. whileB. ifC. whenD. whether4. Payattentiontoroadsignwhile driving inforeign country.A. a; aB. the; theC. the; aD. a; the5. I always prefer starting early leaving2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 12 页

20、共 13 页everything to the last minute.A. rather thanB. in caseC. or elseD. for fear6. Youhavemadeafewmistakesinyour composition butyou have done well.A. on the wholeB.generally speakingC. on the other handD. first of all7. Who knocked at the door?Ive no idea. I just pretended nobody wasat home, so I d

21、idnt ask who was.A. heB. thatC. sheD. it8. Whats the matter with you?thewindow, my finger wascut unexpectedly.A. CleaningB. To cleanC.Iwas cleaningD. While I was cleaning9. Haveyoueverworkedwithataperecorder?Iitalotwhenlwasstudying English in school.A. usedB. was usedC. have usedD. had used10. You m

22、issed a good chance. Yes. Ithatjobwhenitwas offered.A. should takeB. must takeC.should have takenD. must have taken第二题完形填空共 12 小题;每题 2 分,总分值 24 分阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后人 112022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 13 页 共 13 页22 各题所给的四个选项A、B、C 和 D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。People think that factory workers are more likely to get h

23、urt at work than office workers.11, factories have very strict safety standards butsafetystandardsinofficesare oftenvery poor. This12thousands of office accidents and injuries happen every year.One of the 13 common problems in offices 14 air pollution. Poor ventilation (通风设施) and passive smoking are

24、 dangers to the 15 of all workers in the same office.16commonofficeproblemisbackand shoulderpain.Companiescanimprovethe situation17theyprovidespecially designedcomputerkeyboards18their workers. They can also19adjustable可调整的 chairs and desks in the office. Finally, office20can also happen if there ar

25、e wet floors or broken carpets. Workers may slip and fall if office maintenance is21.Many companies are more and more aware22officesafetyproblems.Theyaredoing something to improve the working conditions of their offices.11. A. SometimesB. AlthoughC. ThereforeD. Generally12. A. makesB. takesC. helpsD

26、. gets13. A. moreB. bestC.worstD. most2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 14 页 共 13 页14. A. areB. isD. to be15. A. headsB. healthD. brains16. A. OtherB. EveryD. Another17. A. ifB. whetherD. while18. A. toB. withD. for19. A. buyB. orderD. produce20. A. workersB. injuries personsD. people21. A. betterB. safeD. da

27、ngerous22. A. inB. ofD. onC. wereC. mindsC. AnyC. butC. byC. use C.C. poorC. with第三题阅读理解共 18 小题;每题 2 分,总分值 36 分阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、 B、C 和 D中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOneday, Ihappenedtofindawallet.I picked it up and opened it to see if I could findout the owners name. There was nothing insideit except so

28、me change and an old photograph a picture of a woman. I put the photograph back and took the wallet to the police station.2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 15 页 共 13 页That evening I went to have dinner with my auntanduncle.Theyalsoinvitedayoung woman so that there would be four people at the table. Her face w

29、as familiar. I was quite sure thatwehadnotmetbefore,butIcouldnot remember where I had seen her. While talking, however,theyoungwomanhappenedto mentionthatshehadlostherwalletthat afternoon. All at once I realized where I had seen her. She was the woman in the photograph, although she was now much old

30、er. She was very surprised, of course, when I was able to describe her wallet to her. Then I explained that I had recognized her from the photograph I had found in the wallet. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediately to get the wallet. As the policeman handed it over, he said tha

31、t it was amazing that I had not only found the wallet, but also the person who had lost it.23. Thewalletwhichtheauthorfound .A. was empty except a pictureB. had some money in it onlyC. had nothing but a woman in itD. had a few coins and a photograph in it24. Theauthorrecognizedtheyoungwoman because

32、.A. he had met her somewhere beforeB. she was the woman in the photographC. she had dinner with his aunt and uncleD. she looked like the woman in the photograph25. Theunderlinedword“amazing canbe2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 16 页 共 13 页replaced by .A. surprisedB. happyC. kindD. interesting26. Which of the

33、 following is the best title for this passage?A. Lost and FoundB.An Honest ManC. Woman or Girl?D.An Amazing Story27. When did the woman who lost the wallet probably take the photo?A. When she was bornB.When she was youngC. When she got marriedD.When she was beautiful28. Which statement is TRUE accor

34、ding to the story?A. The author might regret for what he had done.B. The author and the woman got married at last.C. The author and the woman might become friends later.D. The woman mistook that the author had taken her money.BWhen I asked my daughter what she would keep: the phone, the car, the coo

35、ker, the computer, the TV, or her boyfriend, she said “teh phone. Personally, I could do without the phone, which makes me unusual, because the2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 17 页 共 13 页telephone is changing our lives.Point 1 The telephonecreates theneedto communicate, in the same way that more roads create

36、 more traffic. My daughter comes home from school at4:00 p.m. andthen spends an hour on the phone talking to the very people she has been at school with all day.Point 2The mobile phone means that we are never alone. “The mobile saved my life, says Johnston. She had an accident in her Volvo ontheA45.

37、Trapped inside,shemanagedto make the call that brought in doctors.Point 3 The mobile removes our secret. It allows marketing manager of Deutsch to ring his sales staff all round the world to ask where they are, where they are going, and how their last meeting went.Point 4 The telephone separates us.

38、 Anton Ella in Rome says, “We worked in separate offices but I could see him through the window.It was easy to get his number. We were so nearbut we didnt meet for the first two weeks!Point 5 The telephone allows us to reach out beyondourownlives.Today wecantalkto several strangers at the same time

39、on chat lines. We can talk across the world. We can even talk to astronauts (if you know any) while theyre space-walking. And, with the phone line hooked up to the computer, we can reach the Internet, the biggest library on Earth.29. Howdoyouunderstand“Thetelephone2022 年四川省高职单招统一考试模拟题一 第 18 页 共 13 页

40、creates the need to communicate ?A. Peopledontcommunicatewithouttelephone.B. Peoplecommunicatebecauseofthe creation of the telephone.C. People communicate more since telephone has been created.D. Peoplecommunicatemorebecauseof more traffic.30. What may the authors daughter agree to?A. Mobile phones

41、are useless except the case of emergency.B. Mobilephonesbringconveniencebut secret to people.C. Mobilephonesarefashionableand expensive.D. Mobilephonesareamustinmodern times.31. Which point supports the idea that phones can prevent loneness away?A. Point 1.B. Point2.C. Point3.D. Point 4.32. Itispossibletotalktoseveralcomplete strangers at the same time through .A. the TV screenB.afa


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