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1、1Unit 9 Insurance9.1 Introduction of Insurance 9.1.1 The Parties of Insurance 9.1.2 Risks,Losses and Expenses 9.1.3 Ocean Marine Insurance Under C.I.C.9.1.4 Insurance Documents9.2 Specimen Letters of Insurance保险的种类 2-财产保险-责任保险-信用保险-人身保险进出口货物运输的保险实务进出口货物运输的保险实务 选择恰当的保险险别选择恰当的保险险别一般应考虑以下因素:一般应考虑以下因素:1

2、 1、货物的性质和特点、货物的性质和特点2 2、货物的包装、货物的包装3 3、货运航线、停靠港口及装卸货的损耗情况、货运航线、停靠港口及装卸货的损耗情况4 4、运输季节、气候及安全因素、运输季节、气候及安全因素5 5、货物的残存规律、货物的残存规律49.1 Introduction of Insurance9.1.1 The Parties of Insurance被保险人被保险人the insured/投保人投保人applicant保险人保险人Insurer/承保人承保人 underwriterInsured amount保险金额保险金额(Insurance)premium:保险费:保险费p

3、remium rate 保险费率保险费率 货物运输保险保障的范围货物运输保险保障的范围风险风险损失损失费用费用69.1.2 Risks,Losses and Expenses Coverage of InsuranceLossesRisksExpensesinsurance coverage;risks covered 保险范围保险范围海上风险Perils of the Sea外来风险Extraneous Risks自然灾害Natural Calamity意外事故Fortuitous accidents一般外来风险General Extraneous Risks特殊外来风险Special Ex

4、traneous风险Risks8LossesActual Total LossConstructive Total LossParticular AverageGeneral AverageLosses Total LossPartial Loss二、损失二、损失 Losses损失Losses海上损失Perils of the Sea其他损失全部损失Total Loss实际全损Actual Total Loss推定全损Constructive Total Loss部分损失Partial Loss共同海损General Average 单独海损Particular Average一般外来损失特殊

5、外来损失10u 1.Total Loss (1)Actual total loss(实际全损)The actual total loss occurs where the insured goods have been totally lost or damaged,or found to be totally valueless on arrival.(2)Constructive total loss(推定全损)Constructive total loss is found in the case where an actual total loss appears to be unav

6、oidable or the cost to be incurred in recovering or reconditioning the goods together with the forwarding cost to the destination named in the policy would exceed their value on arrival.(一)全部损失:Total Loss一张保险单下包括多张提单的货物,其中一张或几张提单货物的完全灭失一张保单所保货物的完全损失一条驳船所载货物的完全损失装卸过程中一个整件货物的完全损失1、实际全损 Actual Total Lo

7、ss被保险货物的实体已经完全灭失被保险货物遭到严重损害,已丧失了原有的用途和价值被保险人对保险货物的所有权已无可挽回地被完全剥夺载货船舶失踪,达到一定时期仍无音讯2、推定全损、推定全损 Constructive Total Loss1 1、保险标的损失严重,构成实际损失已无法避、保险标的损失严重,构成实际损失已无法避免。免。2 2、为了防止保险标的的实际全损而需要支付的、为了防止保险标的的实际全损而需要支付的费用将超过保险标的的价值。费用将超过保险标的的价值。3 3、被保险货物受损后,修复费用、整理费用以、被保险货物受损后,修复费用、整理费用以及续运到目的地的费用,将超过其到达目的地及续运到目

8、的地的费用,将超过其到达目的地的价值。的价值。4 4、保险标的遭受保险事故,使被保险人丧失了、保险标的遭受保险事故,使被保险人丧失了对其享有权,而收回该所有权所需费用,将超对其享有权,而收回该所有权所需费用,将超过保险标的价值。过保险标的价值。14u2.Partial Loss Partial loss refers to the loss of part of a consignment.According to different causes,partial loss can be further divided into:(1)general average(共同海损)and;(2)p

9、articular average(单独海损).共同海损与单独海损的区别共同海损与单独海损的区别比较项目单独海损损失的内容致损原因损失的承担者共同海损受损者自己承担除保险标的外,还包括支出的特殊费用受益各方根据获救利益的大小按比例分摊保险标的物为解除或减轻风险,人为地有意识地造成由所承保的风险直接导致船、货受损16ExpensesExpensesSue and Labor expenses Salvage charges三、费用三、费用Expenses1、施救费用、施救费用 Sue and Labor Expenses2、救助费用、救助费用 Salvage Expenses3、特别费用、特别费

10、用 Special Expenses 运输工具遭受海难后在避难港卸货所引起的损失,以及由运输工具遭受海难后在避难港卸货所引起的损失,以及由于卸货、存仓、运送货物所产生的费用。于卸货、存仓、运送货物所产生的费用。4、额外费用、额外费用 为了证明损失、索赔成立而支付的费用。为了证明损失、索赔成立而支付的费用。18 1.Sue and labor expenses These expenses are the expenses arising from measures properly taken by the insured,the employee and the assignee,etc.f

11、or minimizing or avoiding losses caused by the risks covered in the insurance policy.The insurer is held responsible to compensate for such expenses.2.Salvage charges Salvage charges are expenses resulting from measures properly taken by a third party other than the insured,the employee and the assi

12、gnee,etc.199.1.3 Ocean Marine Insurance Under C.I.C.China Insurance Clause(CIC):中国保险条款 There are three kinds of basic risks under Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses(海洋运输货物保险条款):Basic Risks F.P.A.(Free from Particular Average)平安险;W.P.A.(With Average or With Particular Average)水渍险;All Risks 一切险.Additional ris

13、ks:General Additional Risks 一般附加险 Special Additional Risks 特别附加险基本险别Basic Coverage附加险别Additional Coverage一切险(AR)平安险(FPA)水渍险(WPA/WA)一般附加险General Additional Coverage特殊附加险Special Additional Coverage 平安险平安险(F.P.A.):Free from Particular Average是海上货物运输保险中责任最小的一种是海上货物运输保险中责任最小的一种险别,一般适用大宗、低值、粗糙,无险别,一般适用大宗、

14、低值、粗糙,无包装的货物,如废铁、木材、矿砂等的包装的货物,如废铁、木材、矿砂等的海上运输。海上运输。水渍险水渍险(WPA)With Particular Average保险责任排除了货物的锈损、碰损、破碎保险责任排除了货物的锈损、碰损、破碎及散装货物的部分损失。它一般适用于不及散装货物的部分损失。它一般适用于不易损坏或不因生锈而影响使用的货物,如易损坏或不因生锈而影响使用的货物,如五金材料,旧的汽车、机械、机床、散装五金材料,旧的汽车、机械、机床、散装金属原料等。金属原料等。水渍险水渍险=平安险平安险+自然灾害引起的部分损失自然灾害引起的部分损失一切险一切险(AR):All Risks承保范

15、围最广泛,因而适宜于价值高、可遭承保范围最广泛,因而适宜于价值高、可遭受损失因素较多的货物投保。受损失因素较多的货物投保。一切险一切险=水渍险水渍险+一般外来原因造成的损失一般外来原因造成的损失(一般附加险)(一般附加险)二、附加险二、附加险 Additional Coverage不能单独投保,只能在投保了基本险的基础上加保。不能单独投保,只能在投保了基本险的基础上加保。(一)一般附加险(一)一般附加险General Additional Coverage(二)特殊附加险(二)特殊附加险Special Additional Coverage25一般附加险(一般附加险(General Addit

16、ional Risks)1.Theft,Pilferage and Non-delivery(TPND)偷窃、提货不着险偷窃、提货不着险 2.Freshwater and Rain Damage 淡水雨淋险淡水雨淋险 3.Risk of Shortage 短量险短量险 4.Risk of Intermixture and Contamination 混杂、玷污险混杂、玷污险 5.Risk of Leakage 渗漏险渗漏险 6.Risk of Clashing and Breakage 碰损破碎险碰损破碎险 7.Risk of Odor 串味险串味险 8.Damage Caused by Sw

17、eating and Heating 受潮、受热险受潮、受热险 9.Hook damage 钩损险钩损险 10.Loss and/or Damage Caused by Breakage of Packing 包装破包装破裂险裂险 11.Risk of Rusting 锈损险锈损险26特别附加险(特别附加险(Special Additional Risks)1.Failure to Deliver Risk 交货不到险 2.Import Duty Risk 进口关税险 3.On Deck Risk 舱面险 4.Rejection Risk 拒收险 5.Aflatoxin Risk 黄曲霉素险6

18、.War Risk 战争险 7.Strike Risk 罢工险 8.Fire Risk Extension Clause for Storage of Cargo at Destination Hong Kong,Including Kowloon,or Macau 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责火险责任扩展条款任扩展条款 279.1.4 Insurance Documents Insurance policy保险单/大保单 Insurance certificate保险凭证 Combined certificate联合凭证 Open policy预约保单 Endorsemen

19、t批单 28 Examples of insurance clauses in the sales contract 1.Except in cases where the insurance is covered by the Buyers as arranged,insurance is to be covered by the Sellers with a Chinese insurance company.If insurance for additional amount and/or for other insurance terms is required by the Buye

20、rs,prior notice to this effect must reach the Sellers before shipment and is subject to the Sellers agreement,and the extra insurance premium shall be for the Buyers account.292、Insurance:To be covered by the Seller against.(risk)according to Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the Peoples Insurance Compa

21、ny of China dated January 1,1981.3、As our usual practice,insurance covers basic risks only,at 110 percent of the invoice value.If coverage against other risks is required,such as breakage,leakage,TPND,hook and contamination damages,the extra premium involved would be for the buyers account.Theft,Pil

22、ferage and Non-delivery(TPND)偷窃、提货不着险 签定国际货物买卖合同中的保险条款应注意的签定国际货物买卖合同中的保险条款应注意的问题:问题:1 1、应明确按什么保险条款进行投保、应明确按什么保险条款进行投保2 2、应明确不同保险条款的生效日期、应明确不同保险条款的生效日期3 3、应明确投保险别、应明确投保险别4 4、应明确何方负责投保、应明确何方负责投保5 5、应明确投保加成率、应明确投保加成率6 6、如加保战争险,应明确、如加保战争险,应明确“若发生有关保险费率调若发生有关保险费率调整,所增加的保费由买方负担整,所增加的保费由买方负担”相关专业词汇Insured被

23、保险人被保险人 Strike Risk罢工险罢工险Underwriter保险人保险人 Warehouse to Warehouse Clause仓至仓条款仓至仓条款Total Loss全部损失全部损失 Overland Transportation Risks陆运险陆运险Partial Loss部分损失部分损失 Overland Transportation All Risks陆运一切险陆运一切险Particular Average单独海损单独海损 Insured Amount保险金额保险金额General Average 共同海损共同海损 Insurance Premium 保险费保险费Fr

24、ee from Particular Average,FPA 平安险平安险 Insurance Policy 保险单保险单With Particular Average,WPA 水渍险水渍险 Insurance Certificate 保险凭证保险凭证All Risks,A.R.一切险一切险Combined Certificate 联合凭证联合凭证General Additional Risk 一般附加险一般附加险 Insurance Cargo Clause,ICC 协会货物条款协会货物条款Special Additional Risk 特殊附加险特殊附加险War Risk 战争险战争险32

25、Specimen Letter:Insurance Dear Sirs Thank you for your letter of June 28,in which you inquired about the insurance of your Order No.447.Generally speaking,if goods are sold on CIF basis,as it is in your case,we insure goods against All Risks for 110%of the invoice value.Should the buyer require broa

26、der coverage,the extra premium is for buyers account.33We would like to inform you that there are three kinds of basic insurance coverage under the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the Peoples Insurance Company of China dated January 1,1981:F.P.A.(Free from Particular Average),WA or W.P.A.(With Average

27、 or With Particular Average),and A/R(All Risks).A/R is the broadest form of coverage.34The insurance terminates when the goods reach the consignees warehouse at the destination named in the policy.It is limited,however,to sixty days after completion of discharge of the insured goods from the seagoin

28、g vessel at the final port of discharge if they dont reach the above-mentioned warehouse or place of storage.PICC enjoys high reputation in settling claims promptly and equitably.It has agents in almost all major cities and ports all over the world to handle claims.35It will be very convenient to fi

29、le claims for the loss of or damage to the goods with the insurance agent at your end.In case of the claim,the insured is required to submit the following documents:*Original Policy or Certificate of Insurance*Original or copy of B/L*Packing List and Invoice*Certificate of Loss/Damage,or Short-lande

30、d(短卸)Memo,and Survey Report*Statement of Claims 36Please feel free to contact us again if you have any further questions or you may contact the agent of PICC at your end at (phone number,followed by the address).Yours faithfully37Explanation:A.Generally speaking,if goods are sold on CIF basis,as it

31、is in your case,we insure goods against All Risks for 110%of the invoice value.1.insure:vt.保险,投保 投保,办理保险 Cover insurance Effect insurance Arrange insurance Provide insurance Take out insurance 38 insurance后介词的用法:1.表示投保的险别。后接 against。如:Insurance against all risks 2.表示保额。后接for 如 insurance for 110 of t

32、he invoice value 3.表示保险费或费率,后接at如:insurance at a slightly higher premium,insurance at the rate of 54.表示向某保险公司投保,后接with,如:insurance with PICC39B.Should the buyer require broader coverage,the extra premium is for buyers account.coverage:n.承保范围,保险险别 We are glad to say we can provide such coverage.货物溢短单

33、(Over-landed/Short-landed Cargo List)货物溢短单是指船舶卸货完毕后由理货长将卸货记录汇总而编制的表明货物所卸的数量与提单或其他有关单证所载数量比较,溢卸或短缺情况的书面证明。40ExercisesThe client thinks it more convenient for the insurance to be covered(to be taken care of)by you than by himself.Please effect insurance for 150%of the invoice value against All Risks a

34、nd War Risk,as requested by the buyer.We can only cover insurance for 110%of the invoice value according to the contract stipulations and therefore we regret being unable to comply with your requestThis insurance policy covers us against TPND.If you desire us to insure against a special risk,an extr

35、a premium will have to be charged.41客户认为由你方办理保险比他们自行投保更为方便。客户认为由你方办理保险比他们自行投保更为方便。按照买主的要求,请按该货发票金额的按照买主的要求,请按该货发票金额的150%150%投保一投保一切险和战争险。切险和战争险。我们只能根据合约规定按照发票金额的我们只能根据合约规定按照发票金额的110%110%进行保进行保险,因此,报歉难按你方要求办理。险,因此,报歉难按你方要求办理。该保险单为我们保了偷窃、提货不着险。该保险单为我们保了偷窃、提货不着险。如果你方需要我方投保特殊险,则需要收取额外保如果你方需要我方投保特殊险,则需要收

36、取额外保险费。险费。技能实训技能实训将下面的保险条款翻译为中文:将下面的保险条款翻译为中文:The amount insured of all transactions on the basic of CIF is 110%of the invoice.The risk is decided by the stipulations in the sales contract.If the buyer require adding the amount insured or the covering range,the consent shall be from the seller before the shipment and the extra premium shall be born by the buyer.


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