
上传人(卖家):淡淡的紫竹语嫣 文档编号:504011 上传时间:2020-05-04 格式:PDF 页数:8 大小:710.99KB
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1、1 译林社数字化助教资源库 英语 (五年级下册) Test for Unit 1 (B) 姓名 班级 得分 听力部分 30% 一、听录音, 选择与所听内容相符的图片。(听两遍)5% ( ) 1 A B C ( ) 2 A B C ( ) 3 A B C ( ) 4 A B C ( ) 5 A B C 二、听录音,给下列图片标序号。(听两遍)5% A B C D E ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 译林社数字化助教资源库 英语 (五年级下册) 三、听录音,选出合适的应答句。(听两遍)5% ( ) 1 A Because I cant find my English book. B B

2、ecause there is a party. C Because I get a present from my mum. ( ) 2 A She is Mary. B Theyre Helens. C Its mine. ( ) 3 A Its Bobbys. B Shes tired. C Its on the desk. ( ) 4 A Bobby. B Who is she? C Mary. ( ) 5 A Im tired. B At 10 oclock. C Yes, I do. 四、听录音,根据所听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)5% ( ) 1 A Yes, he d

3、oes. B No, he doesnt. C Yes, he is. ( ) 2 A Yes, she is. B No, she doesnt. C No, she isnt. ( ) 3 A At twelve. B In twelve. C Before twelve. ( ) 4 A Yes, its cold. B No, it isnt. C Yes, it is. ( ) 5 A Its under the bag. B They are on the bag. C They are under the bag. 五、听录音,根据所听到的短文,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)10%

4、( ) 1 What day is it today? A Its Sunday. B Its Saturday. C Its sunny. ( ) 2 Does Kate get up at seven? A Yes, she does. B No, she doesnt. C Yes, she is. ( ) 3 When does Kate have lunch? A Its twelve. B At eleven. C At twelve. ( ) 4 Who plays with Kate after lunch? A Mary. B Linda. C No one. ( ) 5 I

5、s it a busy day for Kate? A Yes, it is. B No, it isnt. C Its a busy day. 笔试部分 70% 一、根据句意,选择适当的单词或短语完成句子。10% have to take off has a good time science have some cake leave makes dresses looks good very much puts on after dinner 3 译林社数字化助教资源库 英语 (五年级下册) 1 I always finish my homework . 2 My brother like

6、s reading books about . 3 I go to bed before ten. 4 Come in and your shoes. 5 Helen at the party. 6 The cake in the box . I want to taste some. 7 Miss Li is very kind and all her students love her . 8 Who usually for her dolls? 9 Mike his jacket because it is cold. 10 Dont your things behind. 二、根据句意

7、,选择适当的词完成句子。10% 1 David, please (put/puts) the flowers in the vase. OK. 2 (Whose/Whos) car is in front of my house? I cant get out. 3 Beijing and Shanghai are different (cities/towns) . 4 Its cold outside. You (should/shouldnt) take off your sweater. 5 I dont like PE. I (can/cant) jump high. 6 She l

8、ikes (buys/buying) things on the Internet. 7 Many girls (try/ tries) on the shoe, but it doesnt fit. 8 Therere twelve (months/weeks) in a year. 9 Bobby finds a big (mushroom/mushrooms) under the tree. 10 Lets (picks/pick) some apples on the farm. 三、选择填空。12% ( ) 1 The price of iPhone 6s is about 6000

9、 yuan. Yes. My father has one. He likes very much. A an; it B a; it C an; one ( ) 2 May I have a cat at home, Dad? Yes, you can. But you should know how to a cat. A look after B look at C look out of ( ) 3 I like reading very much. Me, too. . A Reading is fun B I like dancing C You are great ( ) 4 W

10、ould you like to my birthday party? Sure. A coming B come C to come 4 译林社数字化助教资源库 英语 (五年级下册) ( ) 5 Those mushrooms bad for . A are; we B is; us C are; us ( ) 6 My little brother reading fairy . A likes; tales B is; tale C like; tales ( ) 7 Why you go to school today? Because I have a bad cold. A can

11、t B arent C doesnt ( ) 8 I do some shopping Mum every Sunday. A and B to C with ( ) 9 There a prince and many girls at the party. A are B has C is ( ) 10 There is a party Mrs Whites house every weekend. A of B at C on ( ) 11 The food is bad. We cant eat . A them B it C us ( ) 12 Where your uncle liv

12、e? He near my school. A does; live B is; lives C does; lives 四、根据首字母和句意补全单词。8% 1 Yang Ling is h to get a present from her parents. 2 Linda g home at 12 oclock. 3 All the girls can go to the party, but Cinderella c . 4 W can a bird fly? He wants to know. 5 Time f dinner. Lets wash our hands first. 6

13、Lily l so sad, because she doesnt have any nice c . 7 My grandparents live in the country. I often v them with my parents. 五、从栏中选出与栏相对应的句子。10% ( ) 1 Why is Mike not at school today? A No, I dont. ( ) 2 Whose cap is it? B He is ill. ( ) 3 Its late. C Let me help you. ( ) 4 Do you have any puddings? D

14、 Because he is ill. ( ) 5 Who wants to go to the library? E All right. ( ) 6 I cant find my ruler. F No, there isnt. 5 译林社数字化助教资源库 英语 (五年级下册) ( ) 7 Is there a snack bar near our school? G Hurry up! ( ) 8 Come and help me. H Yang Ling and Nancy. ( ) 9 Where do they want to go? I The cinema. ( ) 10 Ho

15、w is your uncle? J Its Mikes. 六、看图完成对话。5% A: Whats the matter Cinderella? B: Shes . A: Why? B: She doesnt any nice clothes or shoes. A: Look! A fairy and her. 七、完形填空。5% Im not happy. There are too 1 rules in my family. I have to 2 at 6:00 every morning. I cant 3 my friends after school 4 I have to 5

16、 my dog for a walk. I cant watch TV on school nights. And I have to 6 in bed by ten oclock. 7 weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mother 8 dinner. Later I have to go to the Childrens Palace 9 the piano. I never have any fun. 10 can I do? ( ) 1 A many B much

17、C a few ( ) 2 A go to bed B get up C go home ( ) 3 A watch B look C visit ( ) 4 A so B then C because ( ) 5 A help B take C carry ( ) 6 A be B is C am ( ) 7 A In B On C At ( ) 8 A make B making C do ( ) 9 A learn B to learn C learning ( ) 10 A Why B What C How 八、阅读理解。10% A) 阅读短文,判断正误,用“”或“”表示。5% Thr

18、ee families live in a building. Each family has only one child. 6 译林社数字化助教资源库 英语 (五年级下册) One of the three children is a girl. Her name is Xiao Hui. The other two are boys. They are Xiao Peng and Xiao Ming. The childrens fathers are Mr Wang, Mr Zhang and Mr Chen. The childrens mothers are Liu Ying, L

19、i Ping and Hao Fang. Now we know Mr Wangs son and Li Pings son are on the basketball team. Mr Zhangs son isnt Xiao Ming. Mr Chen isnt Hao Fangs husband. Now, do you know the family members of each family? ( ) 1 Mr Chen is Xiao Pengs father. ( ) 2 Li Ping is Xiao Huis mother. ( ) 3 Xiao Hui is Mr Che

20、ns daughter. ( ) 4 Xiao Ming is Liu Yings son. ( ) 5 Xiao Ming and Xiao Peng like to play basketball. B) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。5% Mary is seven. She can go to school. It is her first day at school. Her teachers are very nice. The classmates are very friendly. She likes the school very much. After school, sh

21、e goes home with her new friends. The next day, Mary doesnt go home with her friends. She asks a question to her teacher Miss Brown after school, “What did I do at school today?” “Why do you ask me the question?” Miss Brown asks her. “Because my mother will ask me the question at home.” ( ) 1 Mary h

22、er first day at school. A doesnt like B likes C doesnt know ( ) 2 The classmates are very . A lovely B good C friendly ( ) 3 Marys teacher is . A Mrs Brown B Miss Green C Miss Brown ( ) 4 On , Mary asks her teacher a question after school. A the first day B the second day C the third day ( ) 5 At ho

23、me, Marys mother will ask her . A what she did at school B where she was C who is her teacher 7 译林社数字化助教资源库 英语 (五年级下册) Test for Unit 1 (B) 听力原文 一、听录音, 选择与所听内容相符的图片。 1 Birds have two wings. 2 The soup is just right. Goldilocks likes it very much. 3 Liu Tao is happy today, because its his birthday. 4

24、My aunt is a nurse. She helps sick people. 5 The boy likes sports. He usually plays football at weekends. 二、听录音,给下列图片标序号。 1 Cinderella goes home at twelve oclock. She leaves a shoe behind. 2 Cinderella cant go to the princes party. 3 Cinderella tries on the shoe and it fits. 4 The fairy gives Cinder

25、ella new clothes and shoes. 5 Cinderella is sad. A fairy comes to help. 三、听录音,选出合适的应答句。 1 Why are you sad, Tom? 2 Whose gloves are those? 3 Where is the English book? 4 Who is she? 5 When do you come back? 四、听录音,根据所听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。 1 A: Do you like eating mushrooms, Bobby? B: Yes, I like them very mu

26、ch. How about you, Sam? A: Me, too. Q: Does Sam like eating mushrooms? 2 A: Why are you not at school today, Su Yang? B: Because my sister is ill. I have to look after her. Q: Is Su Yang ill today? 3 A: Herere some clothes for you, Cinderella. But you should come back before 12 oclock. B: OK. Q: Whe

27、n should Cinderella come back? 4 A: Its cold today. Put on this coat, Mike. B: Thank you, Mum. Q: Is it hot today? 5 A: Where are my gloves, Mum? 8 译林社数字化助教资源库 英语 (五年级下册) B: They are over there, under your bag. A: Oh, I see. Q: Where are the gloves? 五、听录音,根据所听到的短文,选择正确的答案。 Hello, everyone. Im Kate.

28、Today is Sunday. I get up at half past seven in the morning. Then I have breakfast. After that I go to play in the garden. At twelve, I have lunch at home. Then I play with my friend Linda. At eight in the evening, I do my homework. Its a busy day today, isnt it? 参考答案 听力部分 一、1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 B 二、A

29、4 B 3 C 2 D 5 E 1 三、1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 B 四、1 A 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 C 五、1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 笔试部分 一、1 after dinner 2 science 3 have to 4 take off 5 has a good time 6 looks good 7 very much 8 makes dresses 9 puts on 10 leave 二、1 put 2 Whose 3 cities 4 shouldnt 5 cant 6 buying 7 try 8 months 9 mushroom 10 pick 三、 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 C 6 A 7 A 8 C 9 C 10 B 11 B 12 C 四、 1 happy 2 gets/goes 3 cant 4 Why 5 for 6 looks, clothes 7 visit 五、 1 D 2 J 3 G 4 A 5 H 6 C 7 F 8 E 9 I 10 B 六、 with, sad, have, comes, helps 七、 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 B 八、 A) 1 2 3 4 5 B) 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 A


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