高考英语考点单词过关+语法填空过关训练 5-2023届高三英语二轮复习.docx

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1、备考2023高考英语-考点单词过关+语法填空过关训练5语法填空解-常见语法易错点1: one of +the+adj最高级+n复数。2:to do不定式表目的3:表被动(by提示词),情态动词+V-ed4:(and,but,or并列句):(一):词性-形容词,副词,名词可数不可数,保持一致(二):n词单复数(三):时态保持一致-最常考过去时5:常考特殊句型,短语:(一):Start doing/start to do sthbegindoing/ begin to do sth(二): It is/was +a/adj+ (for sb)+to do sth(三):Avoid doing st

2、op doing enjoy oneself 6: 现在分词V-ing表主动,过去分词V-ed表被动7:序数词:one, two, three-first, second, third8:结构:the+n.+ of9:Adv常考结构:结构1:_ +动词,或者动词 +_.结构2:_+形容词。结构3:_,+一个完整的句子。副词作状语,修饰整个句子。10:whatever, whenever, wherever , however引导句子(句子不缺成分)11:Adj常考结构:Adj+n.12:人称代词:eg: she-考 her, hers, herself13: V的否定形式:eg: appear

3、disagree like-dislikeAdj的否定形式:eg: possibleimpossible believable-unbelievable Careful-careless speech-speechless14:常考时态:时间状语有:recently, already, so far, yet, lately, in the past, by,for+时间段.考点-用现在完成时have/has done结构(注意:看是不是主动或被动-have been done)15: 常与比较级连用的词:even, much,far, than To do不定式表目的,往往表示比较级【考点总

4、结-1】(一):单词词性:1.必考点-连词,冠词,名词,动词 2.常考点-副词,形容词,代词,介词,数词(二):句型:必考定语从句,常考状语从句和名词性从句(三):语篇的逻辑关系:1:短文上下文的时态是否一致。2:短文上下文代词是否一致。3:短文上下文的逻辑是否一致。4;短文上下文的单词词性,短语搭配,从句的逻辑关系是否正确。【考点总结 2-各个击破】(一) 动词:动词时态,语态,三单,非谓语,主动被动,特殊句中的特殊用法常考:查看时态是否一致。(二):形容词与副词的误用。(三):名词的单复数误用。(四):代词的误用。(五):介词的误用、缺少或多余。(六):时态的错误。(七):连词的误用。(八

5、):一些固定结构的误用。(九):定语从句中关系词的误用(十):些常用词的误用。(十一):查连词结构是否平行一致。考点单词过关-复习巩固1:electricity. n.电,电能electric. adj. 电力的,电能的2:pleasure. n.高兴,愉快pleasant. adj.令人愉快的,宜人的,友好的3:day.n.天,日daily. adj. 每天的,每日的4:accident. n.(交通)事故,意外遭遇accidental. adj.偶然的,意外的accidentally. adv.偶然地,意外地5:rule.n /v.统治,支配ruler. n.支配者,统治者6:nation

6、. n.国家national. adj.国家的,名族的nationality. n.名族,国籍international. adj. 国际的,跨国的7:trade. n.贸易trade. v.贸易,交易8:popular. adj.流行的,受欢迎的popularity. n.流行,受到欢迎,喜爱9:doubt. n.疑问,疑惑,怀疑doubt. v.怀疑10:low. adj.低的,矮的lower. v.降低,减少11:translate. v.翻译translation. n.翻译translator. n.翻译家,翻译官12:lock. n.锁lock. v.锁上,锁住unlock. v.

7、打开,解锁13:sudden. adj. 突然的suddenly.adv突然地14:music. n.音乐musical. adj.音乐的,有音乐天赋的musician. n.音乐家15:salt. n.盐salty. adj.咸的16:customer. n.顾客,客户custom. n.传统,习俗customs. n.海关17:professional. adj.专业的,职业的profession. n.职业,专业18:nearly.adv.几乎near. adj.附近的,就近的19:safe. adj.安全的,无危险的safely. adv.危险地,不安全地safety. n.安全20:

8、smoke. n.烟smoke. v.吸烟,冒烟过关训练 1-单句语法填空第一组一、 单句语法填空1. I would appreciateif you could help me with my English.2. Our coach and teammates burstlaughter in relief after we won the match.3. The specialist employed himself in(study) the cause of cancer.4. There has been a steady decreasepopulation in this

9、city since 2000.5. He was a tall man with a smiling face, and he had a great waymade his classes lively and interesting.6. Accordingthe report, scientists have a great many theories about how the universe camebeing.7. The experiment that he carried out wassuccess.8. You neednt have taken a taxi. Why

10、 didnt you catch the last busI told you?9. More attention should be paid to(improve) the safety of school buses, which has become a big concern of the whole society.10. After he retired, the old man did all he could to protect the old temple from(damage).1. it 2.into 3.studying 4.in 5,that/which 6.t

11、o; into 7.a 8.as 9.improving 10.being damaged第二组一、 单句语法填空1. Roger tuned down the(invite) to the party so that he could play music to(passer-by) in the street.2. A good advertisement often uses wordswhich people attach positive meanings.3. I learned that a fish is a cold-blooded animal and there-fore

12、 is very sensitivewater temperature.4. Having finished her project, she(invite) by the school to speak to the new students.5. I have about 20 books , half ofwere written by the famous writer, Bing Xin.6. Are you interested in becoming a(music) and getting a recording contract?7. In my opinion,(form)

13、 good habits to learn English is very important and necessary.8. In order to continue to learn by ourselves after leaving school, we mustall learn how to study in the school now.9. Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have broken.They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.10. Many visito

14、rs are impressed by the(attract) scenery of the West lake where people can live in peace.1.invitation;passers-by 2.to 3.to 4. was invited 5. which6. musician 7. forming 8.above 9. up 10. attractive过关训练 2第一篇Marsupials (有袋类动物) are known for carrying their young in pouches(袋). The kangaroo is one examp

15、le. Marsupials give birth to babies that are tiny and underdeveloped compared to_of other animals. A baby kangaroo, for instance, is only_size of a candy. Some marsupials have pouches that open forward. Others have pouches that open toward the _ (mother) tail. That prevents mother marsupial from _ (

16、throw) dirt on her baby as she digs. Not all marsupials have pouches. Some _ (simple) have a fold of skin that protects their young. There are about 300 species of marsupials, most of_live in Australia and nearby islands. Others live in the Americas. The _ (large) marsupial is the red kangaroo, whic

17、h can grow up to about two meters tall. The smallest marsupial is barely 12 centimeters in _ (long). Marsupials tend _ (have) good hearing and a good sense of smell. That comes in handy, since they are often active when its dark. Most walk on the ground or climb trees. Bui one kind from South Americ

18、a _ (be) a good swimmer. Marsupials are as diverse as the places they live.答案:those; the; mothers; throwing; simply; which; largest; length; to have; is第二篇An in-person chamber concert celebrating traditional and modem Chinese classical music was held at the Lincoln Center last Sunday with nearly 1,0

19、00 attendees. The concert had _(program) from Chinese folksongs, classic literature and other Chinese components. In particular, the concert _ (perform) by independent pipa player and composer Wu Man, as well as artists from the Chamber Music Society of the Lincoln Center. Although COVID-19 has stop

20、ped people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States _ (temporary), it hasnt broken their connections and their desire for art. An official_ charge said, Music brings people together and promotes understanding. I hope that with joint efforts our two countries may seek common ground whi

21、le _ (reserve) differences and work together to address various challenges_ (face) by mankind. The concert is_ second leg of this years Image China, a cultural exchange plan by the China Arts and Entertainment Group,_ aims to introduce traditional and contemporary Chinese performing arts to the worl

22、d. Since 2012, Image China _ (present) a series of Chinese music shows. The cooperation between the Chamber Music Society of the Lincoln Center and China Arts and Entertainment Group has also contributed to the _ (develop) of modern Chinese music.答案:programs; was performed; temporarily; in; reservin

23、g; faced; the; which; has presented; development第三篇China is working on several mega space programs_ aim at pushing forward the frontiers of its science, technology, engineering and exploration. Once these programs _ (complete) , the nation will have a massive space station, an unmanned outpost (前哨)

24、and more robots on the moon, and will bring the first Martian samples back to Earth. Pang Zhihao, a space industry observer and a _ (retire) researcher at the China Academy of Space Technology, said: The exploration and _ (peace) use of outer space are among top _ (priority) on Chinas agenda for its

25、 science and technology. Space is one of mankinds final frontiers and will likely provide solutions_ many outstanding problems in todays world. Space programs help China advance _ (it) science and technology, enable the country _ (demonstrate) and enhance its engineering capabilities, create_ great

26、deal of socioeconomic benefits, offer opportunities to a wide variety of businesses, and inspire and motivate students and other young people. I can name many reasons for the nation to support space endeavors. Now, the country has set an even _ (big) goalto land its astronauts on the lunar and Marti

27、an surfaces and then bring them back safely.答案:that/which; are completed; retired; peaceful; priorities; to/for; its; to demonstrate; a; bigger第四篇Why Are Prices Rising and What Does It Mean? A persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of mone

28、y, _(cause) by an increase in available currency and credit_ the proportion of available goods and services _ (be) the explanation of inflation. Why is there inflation? This is a sneaky financial phenomenon. Prices rise over time. Take a gallon of milk. Today it is almost five times_ a gallon of mil

29、k costs in 1947_ (adjust) for todays dollar. Wages also rise over time. The median U. S. income today is 26 times what it was in 1947. The gradual rise in prices is a natural _ (respond) by buyers and sellers to _ (balance) in the chain of supply and demand. For example, if consumer demand rises mor

30、e than supply, then suppliers realize they can charge more and prices go up. _ (typical), as prices for goods and services go up, workers demand higher pay to keep pace. To offset the _ (high) pay, businesses raise the price of their goods. The result is_ cycle of increasing prices and wages.答案:caus

31、ed; beyond; is; what; adjusting; response; imbalance; Typically; higher; a第五篇Years ago, a documentary series titled Masters in the Forbidden City _(release) in China and soon became a hot topic, bringing the profession of cultural relic(文物) restoration into the public spotlight. Given Chinas long hi

32、story and rich collections, _takes years of experience and a deep understanding of history to become a qualified restorer._ backstage heroes, many of them have devoted their lives to protecting cultural relics. In the Hubei Provincial Museum, Fang Guorong, 62, and Fang Chen, 32, jointly lift a 12-ki

33、logram bronze object,_ attempt to restore a huge and ancient chime bell(编钟). They both work as relic restorers at the museum. The chime bell they are taking care of is the _ (heavy) one ever preserved there. Fang Guorong has been engaged in restoration work for over 40 years. He enjoys it, _ (treasu

34、re) every touch of the bells. According to Fang Guorong, some chime bells were thought too damaged to be restored. But _ (fortunate) , digital technologies like 3D scanning have been used _ (preserve) them. Thats something the older generation couldnt even dream of, he says. Fang Chen began working

35、in the museum in 2014. He has acquired new technologies his elder workmates may find quite _ (challenge). The restoration work should also keep pace with advances in technology, says Fang Chen. This doesnt mean overturning traditional methods. Its about the _ (combine) of old and new methods. 答案:was released ; it; As ; who ; heaviest ; treasuring ; fortunately ; to preserve; challenging ; combination7


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