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盐城市、南京市盐城市、南京市 2022-2023 学年度第一学期期末调研测试学年度第一学期期末调研测试高三物理高三物理注意事项:注意事项:1本试卷考试时间为本试卷考试时间为 75 分钟,试卷满分分钟,试卷满分 100 分,考试形式闭卷;分,考试形式闭卷;2本试卷中所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的位置,否则不给分;本试卷中所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的位置,否则不给分;3答题前,务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、准考证号用答题前,务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、准考证号用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上。毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上。一、单项选择题:共一、单项选择题:共 10 题,每小题只有一个选项最符合题意题,每小题只有一个选项最符合题意1.如图所示,方解石形成的双折射现象实验的照片,下列关于方解石的说法正确的是()A.是非晶体B.具有固定的熔点C.所有的物理性质都是各向异性D.是由许多单晶体杂乱无章排列组成的2.我国直流输电技术处于世界领先水平现有三根输电线甲、乙、丙的截面图,通过它们的电流大小相同,且到 O 点距离相等,电流方向如图所示若甲中的电流在 O 点产生的磁感应强度大小为 B,则三根输电线中的电流在 点产生的磁感应强度大小是()A.5BB.3BC.2BD.B3.如图所示,一定质量的理想气体由状态 A 经过状态 B 变为状态 C 的pT图像,图中 AB 与横轴平行,B点,C 点与坐标原点在一条直线上,AC 与竖直轴平行,则()A.单位体积的分子数,状态 A 小于状态 BB.由状态 A 变化到状态 B 的过程需要释放热量C.分子运动速率大分子数,状态 B 小于状态 CD.单位时间内撞击单位面积器壁的分子数,状态 A 大于状态 C4.2022 年 11 月 30 日,神舟十五号 3 名航天员顺利进驻中国空间站,两个航天乘组首次实现“胜利会师”留下一张足以载入史册的太空合影。中国空间站距离地面约 400km,其重力加速度为 g。设空间站围绕地球做匀速圆周运动,航天员在空间站受的重力为 G、绕地球运动向心加速度为 a,周期为 T,速度为 v。下列说法正确的是()A.agB.0G C.24hT D.8km/sv 5.在探究用不同方法测定干电池的电动势和内阻实验中,提供的实验器材除电源和开关以外,有以下四种组合,其中不可取的一组器材是()A.B.C.D.6.某眼动仪可以根据其微型线圈在磁场中随眼球运动时所产生的电流来追踪眼球的运动。若该眼动仪线圈面积为 S,匝数为 N,处于磁感应强度为 B 的匀强磁场中,0t时,线圈平面平行于磁场。1tt时线圈平的面逆时针转动至与磁场夹角为处,则10t时间内磁通量的平均变化率是()A.1cosBStB.1sinBStC.1sinNBStD.1cosNBSt7.如图所示,4 个相同钢球甲、乙、丙、丁,它们自同一高度 6h 处从各自的四分之一光滑圆弧轨道上滑下,其出口速度水平向右,出口端所在高度分别为 5h、4h、3h、2h。则落地点距 点最远的钢球是()A 甲B.乙C.丙D.丁8.如图甲所示,一列简谐横波沿 x 轴传播,实线和虚线分别为10t 时刻和2t时刻的波形图,P、Q 分别是平衡位置为11.0mx 和24.0mx 的两质点。图乙为质点 Q 的振动图像,则()A.波沿x轴负方向传播B.波的传播速度为 20m/sC.2t时刻可能为 0.45sD.质点 P 的振动方程为10sin 10cm4yt9.如图所示,ABC 为正三角形的三个顶点,A 点固定电荷量为q的点电荷,B、C 两点固定电荷量为q的点电荷,D、G、H 分别为 AB、BC 和 AC 边的中点,O 为正三角形的中心,已知q在 点的电场强度的大小为0E。下列说法错误的是().A.O 点的场强大小为02EB.D 与 H 两点的电势相同C.质子沿 OD 方向运动始终克服电场力做功D 电子沿 DH 连线运动,电势能先增大后减小10.质量为 m 的矩形木板 ae,放在光滑水平面上,b、c、d 是 ae 的 4 等分点。质量为 M 的物块以一定的初速度从 a 点水平滑上粗糙木板,物块的宽度不计,且mM,经过一段时间物块停在木板上。若图是物块刚滑上木板时的物块与板的位置状态,下图是物块刚与木板达到共同速度时的位置,下列示意图正确的是()A.B.C.D.二、非选择题;共二、非选择题;共 5 题,其中第题,其中第 12 题题15 题解答时请写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位题解答时请写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位11.某实验小组设计了图甲所示的实验装置来测量木块与平板间的动摩擦因数,其中平板的倾角可调。(1)获得纸带上点的部分实验步骤如下:A测量完毕,关闭电源,取下纸带B接通电源,待打点计时器工作稳定后放开木块C把打点计时器固定在平板上,将木块尾部与纸带相连,使纸带穿过限位孔.D将木块靠近打点计时器上述实验步骤的正确顺序是:_(用字母填写);(2)打点计时器工作频率为 50Hz,纸带上计数点的间距如图乙所示根据纸带求出木块的加速度a_2m/s(保留两位有效数字)(3)若重力加速度29.8m/sg,测出斜面的倾角,查表知sin0.60,cos0.80,若木块的质量为0.20kgm,则木块与平板间的动摩擦因数_(保留两位有效数字);(4)若另一小组利用图甲装置验证了牛顿第二定律,则实验时通过改变_,验证质量一定时,加速度与力成正比的关系;通过改变_,验证力一定时,加速度与质量成反比的关系。12.如图所示,直角三角形玻璃砖 ABC,30A。一束频率为的光沿平行于 AB 方向从 AC 边上 P 点射入玻璃砖,从 BC 边的 M 点(图中未标出)射出,且PCMC。已知光在真空中的传播速度 c。求该光束:(1)射出 BC 边时折射角;(2)在玻璃砖中的波长。13.在火星上太阳能电池板发电能力有限,因此科学家们用放射性材料PuO2作为发电能源为火星车供电(PuO2中的 Pu 是23894Pu)。已知23894Pu衰变后变为23492U和粒子。若静止的23894Pu在匀强磁场中发生衰变,粒子的动能为 E,粒子的速度方向与匀强磁场的方向垂直,在磁场中做匀速圆周运动的周期为0T,衰变放出的光子的动量可忽略,衰变释放的核能全部转化为23492U和粒子的动能。已知光在真空中的传播速度 c求:(1)23894Pu衰变过程中质量亏损m;(2)从开始衰变到23492U和粒子再次相遇的最短时间 t。14.如图,一长6mL的倾斜传送带在电动机带动下以速度4m/sv 沿顺时针方向匀速转动,传送带与水平方向的夹角37,质量14kgm 的小物块A和质量22kgm 的小物块B由跨过定滑轮的轻绳连接,A 与定滑轮间的绳子与传送带平行,不可伸长的轻绳足够长。某时刻将物块 A 轻轻放在传送带底端,已知物块 A 与传送带间的动摩擦因数0.5,不计滑轮的质量与摩擦,在 A 运动到传送带顶端前物块 B 都没的的有落地。取sin370.6,cos370.8,重力加速度210m/sg。求:(1)物块 B 刚下降时的加速度 a;(2)物块 A 从底端到达顶端所需的时间 t;(3)物块 A 从底端到达顶端时,电动机多做的功 W。15.现代科学仪器中常利用电场、磁场控制带电粒子的运动。如图,在x轴上方的平面内,有范围足够大的垂直纸面向里、磁感应强度为 B 的匀强磁场和方向沿x轴正方向、电场强度为 E 的匀强电场。一质量为 m,电荷量为 q 的带正电荷的粒子在 O 点由静止释放,则粒子运动的轨迹为一曲线,且曲线上离 y 轴最远的点的曲率半径为该点到 y 轴距离的两倍;当该粒子在 O 点以初速度0v沿x轴正方向射入,则粒子在 xOy 平面内做周期性运动,且任一时刻粒子速度的 y 分量与其到 y 轴的距离成正比,比例系数与电场强度 E 大小无关。粒子重力不计。求粒子在 点(1)由静止释放,运动到坐标为00,xy点时的动量大小p;(2)由静止释放,在运动过程中第一次离开y轴最大的距离mx;(3)以初速度0v沿x轴正方向射入时,粒子运动过程中的最小速度minv。盐城市、南京市盐城市、南京市 20222023 学年度第一学期期末调研测试学年度第一学期期末调研测试 高三英语高三英语 2023.02.10 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上.录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shit?A.19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是 C.1.What will the speakers do next?A.Visit Simon.B.Plan a picnic.C.Make a call.2.How was the weather during the womans trip?A.Sunny.B.Rainy.C.Windy.3.Why does the woman recommend Gramercy Tavern?A.Its price is low.B.Its food is tasty.C.Its service is excellent.4.What will the woman most probably give to Kathy?A.A hand-made bag.B.A scarf.C.A box of chocolates.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A book.B.A writer.C.A list.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Workmates.B.Schoolmates.C.Neighbors.7.What does the man plan to do next month?A.Fish by the river.B.Move his house.C.Go to the beach.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8.Where does the conversation take place?A.At a meeting room.B.At the Regents Company.C.At the front desk9,When will the taxi arrive?A.At 1:15.B.At 1:30.C.At 2:00.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10.Where did the mans interest in business come from?A.His childhood experience.B.His college courses C.His school project.1l.What does the man do now?A.He manages his fathers shop.B.He works at a foreign companyC.He does import trade on his own.12.What is the woman?A.A businesswoman.B.A reporter.C.A student.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13.What is the mans problem?A.He cant find a job.B.He is too busy with workC.He missed a job interview.14.What does the woman suggest the man do?A.Move to another city.B.Join an online group.C.Talk to his boss.15.What does the man think of the womans idea?A.Interesting.B.Excellent.C.Strange.16.What will the man do next?A.Surf the Internet.B.Send an application letter.C.Buy some clothes.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.What is the speaker doing?A.Teaching a class.B.Presenting a guest.C.Sharing an experience.18.What is the purpose of Street Play Project?A.To establish a better community.B.To make children play in the street safely.C.To call for volunteers to help local residents.19.When did Alice Riches come up with Street Play Project?A.Two years ago.B.Four years ago.C.Six years ago.20.What does Alice Riches want to do?A.Close the street longer.B.Get more children involved.C.Promote the project to other cities.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe Right Electric Bike For YouThe bicycle fever is back,but this time it has gone electric.According to NPD Group which tracks the bicycle industry,electric bike sales have more than doubled since 2019.And their popularity is still on the rise.Confirm your need and pick the electric bike thats best for you.MODELWHATS IT FOR?WHOS IT FOR?Swagtron EB5 Such e-bikes are designed to make short trips,adding to the riders comfort and ability to see.The electric assistance allows you to travel easily and comfortably.Those looking for alternatives to driving around the town.Theyre lighter than most motorcycles.making them perfect for carrying groceries and laptops.Specialized TurboThese e-bikes use the same light structure and narrow wheels as conventional touring bikes.The electric motor makes it possible to cover longer distances.Riders who are eager for more challenging cycling or want to extend the riding distance.The riding position may discourage those with back or neck pain.RadWagon 4 With strong structure and fat wheels,they transport relatively heavy loads,which can be equipped with a seat or rack(支架).Anyone who would prefer to transport large loads of groceries or packages(or even small kids)with something other than a car.Ancheer EM With stronger structure,bigger wheels,and suspension systems that absorb the impact of rough rides,they can handle rough landscapes.Someone who wants to experience the excitement of riding down dirt tracks but also wants a bit help from an electric motor.21.Which magazine is this text probably taken from?A.Techlife News.B.Muscle&Fitness.C.How It Works.D.Consumer Reports.22.Which is most suitable for someone who wants to challenge long-range tours?A.Swagtron EB5.B.Specialized Turbo.C.RadWagon 4.D.Ancheer EM.23.What can we learn about the electric bikes?A.Designs of electric bikes are based on travel purposes.B.Electric bikes are more popular than conventional bikes.C.Riders of these electric bikes put speed in the first place.D.The trend of electric bikes replacing cars cant be prevented.BChristian Liden decided that he would not pick out a ring from a jewelers like most other people.He hatched an ambitious plan to create a personalized ring for his future wife,Desirae Clovis.Therefore,he made up his mind to go into the wild to find his own materials:the diamond,the goldand the accompanying jewels.So,in May 2022,Liden told Clovis that he and Josh Tucker,his best friend,were heading out on a camp to Yellowstone.Instead,he and Tucker made for Crater of Diamonds State Park,Arkansas,which is set on a volcanic crater().The park is one of the few places in the world where the public is welcome to search for rea!diamonds and can keep them for free.Since its opening,only 1 in10,000 park visitors is lucky enough to find a diamond that weighs a carat or more.Still,he was up for the challenge.On their way,Liden and Tucker stopped in Helena,Montana,to mine for accompanying jewels to add to the diamond they hoped to score.In Arkansas,the pair paid$10 each to get into the parkand spent almost three days searching through the volcanic dirt.On the third morning,Liden suddenly spotted something reflecting light in the sands.“I was so excited that I started shaking.”he said,“It was oily and shiny,and we both just knew it was aDiamond.”It was confirmed that Liden had found a 2.2-carat yellow diamond.Similarly-sized diamonds go for$2,500 to$20,000 per carat,depending on quality,color and cut.But the value wasnt whatwas important to Liden.When he pulled out the diamond and got on his knee upon his return,Clovis was amazed.“I knew that he was going to propose someday,she said,“but I certainly didnt expect this.”24.What was Christian Lidens ambitious plan?A.He intended his ring to consist of various jewels.B.He would get a personalized ring from a jewelersC.He decided to make a ring together with his future wife.D.He planned to hunt for a natural diamond to create a ring.25.Why did Liden and Tucker choose Crater of Diamond State Park?A.It was the only place that charged jewel hunters nothingB.They were likely to find more than just natural diamondsC.The majority of park visitors had got their ideal diamondsD.The public was allowed to keep any diamond found there.26.Why was Liden excited about his findings?A He had got the largest diamond in the parks history.B.The value of the diamond was above his expectations.C.He was lucky to acquire the diamond for his dream ring.D.The quality and color of his diamond ranked among the best.27.What can we learn from the story?A,True love stories never have endings.B.Love shows more in action than in words.C.Absence makes two hearts grow fonder.D.A life lived in love will never be boring.CThis year saw the publication,in stages,of the sixth report by the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)a report which was depressing reading for many climatescientists,and in some ways offered a ray of hope.Why depressing?Because the report confirmed what scientists have been saying for years:that human activity,particularly in the form of emissions(排放)of greenhouse gases,is responsible for the warming in the past few centuries,and that unless such emissions are greatly reduced,we will soon bring about our entire ecosystems destruction.The report concluded that 1.5C of global warming over the next couple of hundred years is already“baked in”.This makes the goals outlined in the 2015 Paris Agreementthat nations agreed to keep warming below 2C,and hopefully below 1.5C-much harder to meet.Worse still,the IPCC report was followed later in the year by the COP27 summit(峰会),described by Prof Dann Mitchell,as“a complete failure,other than some commitment to loss and damage.”And the ray of hope?The IPCCs sixth report was broader in approach than previous studieslooking in-depth for the first time at the role played in warming by short-term greenhouse gases such as methane(甲烷),for instance.“Reducing carbon emissions is always the best approach:stop the problem at its source,”said Mitchell.“But we also need other approaches to help with this.Methane is important,but its so short-lived-thats why we havent been so bothered when compared with CO,.”The IPCC working groups showed potential adaptation paths,and they are the other things we can do in terms of fighting climate change and relieving its worst effects,rather than simply reducing carbon emissions.This would include taking measures such as switching to a more plant-based diet(to reduce methane emissions),controlling population growth,reducing financial inequality and developing means by which we might remove CO,thats already in our atmosphere,rather than simply preventing it being released.28.Which of the following can best describe the sixth report by IPCC?A.Seemingly contradictory.B.Wholly promising.C.Particularly hopeless.D.Exceptionally new.29.What does the underlined phrase“baked in”in paragraph 2 mean?A.out of date.B.to the full.C.under discussion.D.in progress30.According to the passage,what can we learn about methane?A.It has been long regarded as a major source of global warming.B,Its role in global warming had been overlooked before the report.C.Its boost to global warming is as much as other greenhouse gasesD.It is considered as a new approach to reducing global warming.31.How many aspects do the adaptation paths involve in the last paragraph?A.2.C.4.B.3.D.5.DDoes your life ever feel as if youre pushing a heavy carone on which youve spent much money and that has now broken down?Youve done everything right:you havent invested heavily in a new business or quit your job to pursue your childhood dream of becoming a professional athlete.You have been a sensible adult living your sensible life.So why does it feel like such hardwork?This has been me for the past few months.Earlier this year,I took a long hard look at my sources of income and decided to focus on the ones that provided the most money.Im lucky enough to have had a good financial year.But despite doing the right thing,it has used up my energy and Ive worked out why.Years ago,I realized that I disliked hard work.Dont get me wrong,I dont mind working hard.but hard work isnt for me.Whats the difference?For a start,hard work feels as if it never really gets going.You can push hard work and it might move a little but theres no celebratory moment when it gets done.Most importantly,hard work lacks joy.Working hard on a project you feel excited and moved by can be tiring and difficult,but its ultimately joyful and that is what Ive been missing So I asked myself what would feel scary but joyful and this is the answer.Im going to write a romance.Of course,being a middle-aged journalist who suddenly decides to write a book is nothing novel.However,for me,it hits the sweet spot between being joyful enough to make me want to do it and scary enough to make me feel its worthwhile.As with all good middle-aged changes,this one hasnt really be
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