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1、高考阅读理解解题策略1.夯实语法词汇2.把握文体结构3.辨别篇章模式 4.熟悉题型特点 词汇是王道:词汇是王道:1)What is the authors attitude towards cloning?A.Critical B.Indifferent C.Neutral D.Approving2)Contrary to popular belief,the author finds that spying on peoples privacy _.A.is practiced exclusively by the FBI B.has been intensified with the he

2、lp of the IRS1.1.熟练掌握熟练掌握35003500考纲词汇及其派生词和引申含义考纲词汇及其派生词和引申含义2.2.识记一定量的超纲词汇和积累阅读常考词汇识记一定量的超纲词汇和积累阅读常考词汇 语法是基石:语法是基石:1)All southern pines are not destroyed in the storm.2)The importance of self-discipline cant be stressed too much.3)In richer countries,medicine safety is no better than that in poorer

3、 countries.l 确保确保核心语法知识核心语法知识的掌握的掌握:三大从句,动词时态语态,非谓语动词,三大从句,动词时态语态,非谓语动词,情态动词,虚拟语气,倒装、强调、省略等情态动词,虚拟语气,倒装、强调、省略等特殊句式特殊句式 The opinion that breakfast is the most vital meal of the day is so widespread that an increasing number of people from big cities are surprised to learn that there is a lack of scie

4、ntific evidence showing how breakfast may directly cause changes in our health.l长难句理解是关键长难句理解是关键 一划一划:划划主干主干,给,给主谓主谓宾宾下划线。下划线。二括二括:给给修饰语、介短、修饰语、介短、非谓和从句非谓和从句加括号。加括号。三会意:三会意:抓主题去修饰抓主题去修饰,逻辑关系逻辑关系要注意要注意。长长难句分析难句分析口诀口诀长长难句,看难句,看仔细仔细,一划二括三会意一划二括三会意。主谓宾,先主谓宾,先注意,(一注意,(一划划)介介短非谓和短非谓和从句。从句。(二括(二括)抓抓主题,去主题,

5、去修饰,(修饰,(三会意三会意)逻辑逻辑关系要注意。关系要注意。一划二括三会意 The opinion that breakfast is the most vital meal of the day is so widespread that an increasing number of people from big cities are surprised to learn that there is a lack of scientific evidence showing how breakfast may directly cause changes in our health.

6、主干信息:主干信息:The opinion is widespread.次要信息次要信息:There is a lack of evidence showing how breakfast may cause changes in our health.1.1.多多按照按照时间时间先后顺序先后顺序或或空间顺序空间顺序来来安排情节安排情节,也可能采用,也可能采用倒叙倒叙或或插叙插叙的写作手法。的写作手法。2.2.六六要素:要素:时间、地点、人物、事时间、地点、人物、事件起因、经过、结果件起因、经过、结果(5W1H)3.3.线索:线索:明线明线(事件发展)和(事件发展)和暗线暗线(思想情感)(思想

7、情感)开始开始 介绍背景描写人物介绍背景描写人物发展发展 围绕主线讲述故事围绕主线讲述故事高潮高潮 情感强烈矛盾冲突情感强烈矛盾冲突结尾结尾 突出主旨点出意图突出主旨点出意图 说明文特点与结构:说明文特点与结构:1.1.用词用词严谨严谨、语言、语言平实平实、描述、描述客观客观。2.2.科技词汇科技词汇多,句子较多,句子较长长且且结构复杂结构复杂。3.3.内容较为陌生,文章内容较为陌生,文章逻辑性、抽象性和学术性逻辑性、抽象性和学术性较强。较强。总体叙述总体叙述+细节描述细节描述/过程说明过程说明+概括概括总结总结事物说明文事物说明文 现象现象+原因原因+引发后果引发后果+方法措施方法措施 研究

8、发现研究发现/调查结果调查结果+研究研究/调查过程调查过程 +结论结论事理说明文事理说明文 议论文特点和结构:议论文特点和结构:1.三要素:论点、论据和论证三要素:论点、论据和论证2.通过衔接词分析文章结构通过衔接词分析文章结构3.通过文章内容和作者措辞推断通过文章内容和作者措辞推断其观点态度。其观点态度。导入导入 导入主题引起关注导入主题引起关注承接承接 承接上文具体论述承接上文具体论述转折转折 提出反驳摆出论据提出反驳摆出论据结论结论 提出建议解决问题提出建议解决问题 提问-回答模式问题-解决模式观点-驳斥模式 概括-具体模式 How does a bias occur?Do the mo

9、thers have an instinctive preference for it,or do they learn it by trial and error,unconsciously adjusting the position of the babies until the babies are calmer?The surprising answer is that it seems to be the baby not the mother who controls the bias.Observation of new born infants when they were

10、only a few hours old revealed that they come into the world with a pre-programmed tendency to turn their head to the right.提问提问 回答模式回答模式 Most people like to take a camera with them when they travel abroad.But all airports nowadays have x-ray security screening and X-rays can damage film.One solution

11、 to this problem is to purchase a specially designed lead-line pouch.These are cheap and can protect film from all but strongest X-rays.问题问题 解决解决模式模式 Some people say that love makes the world go around.Others of a less romantic and more practical turn of mind say that isnt love;its money.(引用他人的引用他人的

12、观点)观点)But the truth is that it is energy that makes the world go around.(驳斥并亮出自己观点)驳斥并亮出自己观点)观点观点 驳斥驳斥模式模式 Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning,direction,and control of the operations of a business.Planning in business management has three main aspects.One is the

13、 establishment of broad basic policies with respect to production;sales;the purchase of equipment,materials and supplies;and accounting.The second aspect relates to the application The third relates to the establishment of standards of work.Direction is concerned primarily with supervision and guida

14、nce by the management in authority.Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with 概括概括 具体模式具体模式NMET 2016 Passage C afterwards,later,then,earlier,previous,meanwhile,next,last时间时间 above,adjacent to,before,close to,in front of,on the left(right),up,under空间空间 firstly,for one

15、 thing,first of all,to begin with,then,to conclude,in conclusion,last,for example举例与例证举例与例证 also,moreover,furthermore,whats more,in addition,on the contrary,besides,otherwise,similarly,but,however,nevertheless,though引申与转折引申与转折 because,for,therefore,hence,accordingly,consequently,thus,as a result,for

16、 that reason原因与结果原因与结果衔接与逻辑类标记词1.取样要有专人负责,开始时隔小时取样一次,以后根据取样判定结果再决定取样间隔时间。2.经化验冲洗精度合格后,油冲洗工作即可停止,待油温降至室温后进行排液和管道系统恢复,充填工作油,进行试运转。3.登高作业绑扎用的直爬梯,必须经专人检查绑扎牢固后方可使用,对于一些为了安装方便而搭设的临时操作平台,除必须绑扎牢固,并且其自身保证一定的安全强度。4这首诗以现实主义的手法叙述故事,最后一段中,松柏梧桐覆盖相交,鸳鸯双双和鸣,是运用了浪漫主义的手法,既象征了刘、焦爱情的不朽,又象征了他们的悲愤和控诉。所以,这首诗是浪漫主义的诗歌。5这首诗最大的艺术特色是通过大量的人物个性化的语言刻画了人物的性格,一些段落浓墨重彩,如刘、焦话别,兰芝辞母等,使人物形象更鲜明。6春夏秋冬,流转无穷;人的一生,就像早晨的露水,太阳一晒就消失了。人生好像旅客寄宿,但人生功绩却能刻入金石永远流传。7“万岁更相迭,圣贤莫能度”是说岁月更替,人生有阻,即便是圣人贤人,也无法超越,这为下文写对待生活的态度做了铺垫。8诗中“老骥伏枥”四句是千古传诵的名句,笔力遒劲,韵律沉雄,内蕴着一股自强不息的豪迈气概,深刻地表达了曹操老当益壮、锐意进取的精神面貌。


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