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1、做题策略的制定v有序的题型可以只划出该题型的第一个v无序的题型需要全部划出v如果记不住太多的关键词可以借助笔记在文章的空白处。v无序的题型:headings,matching中以句子编题号的解决阅读速度慢的问题n1.阅读方法的问题,详略不当解决方案解决方案n以题目为导向快速搜索(以特殊词,专有名词做为定位词的时候,通常第一次出现该词时,出题机率大通常第一次出现该词时,出题机率大)n读段首的句子,预测该段内容 需要注意的句型:概括性强的句子 e.g.There were several reasons why original science continued to be written in

2、 Latin 承上启下的句子 e.g.Bats are not only creatures to face this difficulty.问句 e.g.Given the questions of how to maneuver in the dark,what solutions might an engineer consider?e.g.What is the role of the shinbashira,the central pillar?n长句囫囵吞枣e.g.The aim of the present study is to start to provide such in

3、formation,to help teachers design their educational strategies to build upon correct ideas and to displace misconceptions and to plan programs in environmental studies in their schools.2.不能准确定位n解决方案-二次定位法City life is one factor that encourages the development of intelligence.(T/F/NG)-Whereas prehist

4、oric man had no exposure to urban lifestyles the forcing house of intelligence the evidence suggests that ants have lived in urban settings for close on a hundred million years,developing and maintaining underground cities of specialized chambers and tunnels.3.对同义改写不熟悉,不敏感n解决方案-分析、总结剑4,剑6,剑7n坚持句子对句子

5、,词对词的做题方法,保证每个题目的证据定位;精读对照并验证题目和原文的替换和转化。4.心理因素-舍是一种智慧,也是一种能力n解决方案-严格按照一篇17-18分钟做题把能做的题,尽量作对。没把握的,meng.Meng的技巧n判断题-答案YES,NO 基本相当,NG少n有only,all,every,must的题,答NO的可能性大n有probable,maybe的题,答YES的可能性大n举例给5、6分同学的建议v先细节后主旨v先做题集中(部分式summary,flow chart,diagram)的题型,后分散v先做擅长的题型v图形题充分借助图v取词题乱序 e.g.weather during t

6、he Little Ice AgeDocumentation of past weather condition is limited:our main source of knowledge of conditions in the distant past are _ and _.We can deduce that the little ice age was a time of _,rather than of consistent freezing.vWe have only proxy records reconstructed largely from tree rings an

7、d ice cores,supplemented by a few incomplete written accounts.vThe little ice age was far from a deep freeze,rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shiftsv1.Problem-solvingvThe afflicted problem v(different opinions by experts)vStrategy /scheme /programvResultsv2.History time sequencevTime-pro

8、duct-featurevhistory of currencyhistory of timekeepervMaking of atlas/cartographyChanging concept of v3.ParallelismvV 25 1 the effect of rhythm on animals(day and night,season-migration and hibernation,tide,gravity)vV37 2 wrongdoings/fraud in parisonvTwo products-put emphasis on the second one match

9、 (product-feature)vearly childhood education,two exploration shipsv5.instruction of a new productvGeneral idea-feature-process-influencevBakelite,John dictionary,spider silkv6.Comments on some social or economical phenomenonv解释现象解释现象-特定条件特定条件(时间、地点、形成原因、表现形式(时间、地点、形成原因、表现形式)-造成后果造成后果-不同学者的观点不同学者的观点-

10、结论结论-发展发展v7.Experiment-surveyvPurpose-subjects device-(procedure)-process-results-significancevRainforest,shock v8.myth/misconception/misunderstanding about sthvWrong idea reason-correct ideaChoice-细节题v以题干定位,如果题干无法定位,到选项信息集中的地方去找答案v阅读选项,划出核心词 v一般来讲,一段一个v干扰项的特点:相反 相似 无中生有 数字 以偏盖全Choice 多选题v一段一题 或 一句一


12、式出现的移花接木的形式出现的,以干扰考生的注,以干扰考生的注意力。意力。v(原文)20%of the soil are losing its topsoil at a rate likely to diminish its productivity.vA.The productivity is reduced by 20%v相似陷阱相似陷阱E.g.(原文原文)the effect of emotion,imagination and unconscious on learning(题目)(题目)the effect of emotion on imagination and unconscio

13、us Summary-定位v利用空前后的信息找准对应句中的对应部分对应部分v对应部分对应部分?v讲述信息一样讲述信息一样-同义同义 v怎样找对应部分?怎样找对应部分?v识别同义改写识别同义改写 vAlthough most farmers would be unable to adapt to _.vPretty feels that organic farming would be too big a jump in thinking and practice for many farmersvSummary不会在一个信息不同的分句中取一个你不会在一个信息不同的分句中取一个你认为语义通顺的词

14、认为语义通顺的词Summary-语义、结构、关系取词语义、结构、关系取词v题目:According to his biographer,James Boswell,Johnsons principal achievement was to bringto the English language.v原文:It is the cornerstone of Standard English,an achievement which,in James Boswells words,conferred stability on the language of his country.Summaryv剑

15、桥4-3-3v剑桥4-2-1v剑桥5-4-2 剑桥6-1-3v剑桥6-2-2v剑桥6-4-2,3T/F/NGv一个主题v主语+(是不是)考点定位vThe evidence of drug promotion is clearly visible in healthcare environment.v两个主题v这两个主题定位,之间表二者之间关系的词为考点True 明确的同义改写明确的同义改写v题目:the fact that childrens ideas about science form part of a larger framework of ideas means that it i

16、s easier to change them.v原文:These misconceptions dont remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted but organized,conceptual framework,making it and the component ideas,some of which are erroneous,more robust but also accessible to modification.TRUE模糊的同义改写模糊的同义改写 v题目:Kant believed that

17、 a successful joke involves the controlled release of nervous energy.v原文:Kant and Freud felt that joke-telling relies on building up a psychic tension which is safely punctured by the ludicrousness of the punchline.T/F/NGv题目:In the past,Australians had a higher opinion of doctors than they do today.

18、v原文:The high standing of professionals,including doctors,has been eroded as a consequence.T/F/NGv(题目)Some types of bird can be encouraged to breed out of season.v(原文)some species of birds breeding can be induced even in midwinter simply by increasing day length artificially.FALSE-同一主题,叙事矛盾同一主题,叙事矛盾v

19、(题目)The 1993 Sydney survey involved 289 patients who visited alternative therapists for acupuncture treatment.v(原文)In 1993,Dr Laver and his colleagues published a survey of 289 Sydney people who attended eight alternative therapists practices in Sydney.T/F/NGv题目:Aswan dams were built to increase the

20、 fertility of the Nile delta.v原文:but when the Aswan dams were constructed in the 20th century to provide electricity and irrigation,and to protect the huge population centre of Cairo and its surrounding areas from annual flooding and drought.T/F/NGv题目:Problems in Nordic countries were excluded becau

21、se they are outside the European Economic Community.v原文:Those confined to particular geographical areas,such as countries bordering Mediterranean or Nordic countries therefore had to be discardedNG 张冠李戴张冠李戴v(题目)There was strong competition between scientist in Renaissance Europe.v(原文)The emergent na

22、tion states of Europe developed competitive interests in world exploration and the development of trade.v(题目)The word thousand has Anglo-Saxon origins.v(原文)hund of the Anglo-Saxon language,and so 100 was denoted as hund teontig or ten times ten.NG 只出现定位词,未出现与考点只出现定位词,未出现与考点相关的信息相关的信息v(题目)The staff a

23、ppraisal process should be designed by employees.v(原文)employees must regard the appraisal process as valid.T/F/NGv题目:The children of the women who remained illiterate were found to be severely malnourished.v原文:The children of the newly-literate mothers were also better nourished than those of women

24、who could not read.NG原文信息模糊,题目是与他同原文信息模糊,题目是与他同向具体的概念向具体的概念vForest problems of Mediterranean countries are to be discussed at the next meeting of expert.vThose confined to particular geographical areas,such as countries bordering Mediterranean or Nordic countries therefore had to be discarded.Howeve

25、r,this does not mean that in future they will be ignored.T/F/NGv题目:Several of the subjects were psychology students at Yale Universityv原文:Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects from all walks of life.T/F/NGv题目:There was little improvement in athletic performance before the 20th centur

26、y.v原文:Since the early years of the twentieth century,when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records,there has been a steady improvement in 信息段落搭配题vhow/the way/method vthe explanation/reasonvthe effectsva description ofvthe fact thatvthe location(where)vothers include:overview,sugge

27、stion,aim,insights,importance,speed,cost,etc.v例如:剑5 Q27/how AI might have a military impact Q29/the reason why AI has become a common topic of conversation againQ30/how AI could help deal with difficulties related to the amount of information available electronically这三个题干所表达的主体信息是how和the reason why的

28、概括性信息,在解题时应避重就轻,避免与how,why进行“纠缠”,仅以military,a common topic of conversation,electronic information这些细节作为定位关键词搜索原文,分别对应battlefield(Para.E),public debate(Para.A),e-mail/web pages(Para.F)。v通过对比题干信息与段落首尾句关键词进行题干位置预测的能力。v具体地说,从题干本身来看,和关于概念解释,身份介绍,概述/概观,首次(使用)等有关的题干信息一般出现在原文的前一两段;v影响,后果,结果,改进,建议,未来目标等有关的题干

29、信息一般出现在原文的结尾处。v剑5/P73/Q31 where the expression AI was first used(首次使用 原文第二段)v剑6/P20/Q6 an overview of the funded support of athletes(概述原文第一段)v剑6/P24/Q14 a suggestion for improving trade in the future(建议/未来 原文尾段)v注意转折句和引号句段落信息搭配v剑桥61-1,2v剑桥6-3-1v剑桥5-1-2v剑桥5-3-1,3v剑七 人名理论搭配题v剑桥4-2-1,3 (以理论编题号)v剑桥5-4-2

30、 (以人名编题号)A.Michael Krauss B.Salikoko Mufwene C.Nicholas Ostler D.Mark PagelE.Doug Whalen NB 5.Endangered languages cant be saved unless people learn to speak more than one language.v6.Saving languages from extinction is not in itself a satisfactory goal.v7.The way we think may be determined by our l

31、anguage.v8.Young people often reject the established way of life in their community.v9.A change of language may mean a loss of traditional culture.人名人名/理论理论 A.Michael Krauss B.Salikoko Mufwene C.Nicholas Ostler D.Mark PagelE.Doug Whalen NB 5.Endangered languages cant be saved unless people learn to

32、speak more than one language.v6.Saving languages from extinction is not in itself a satisfactory goal.v7.The way we think may be determined by our language.v8.Young people often reject the established way of life in their community.v9.A change of language may mean a loss of traditional culture.vWhy

33、do people reject the language of their parents?It begins with a crisis of confidence when a small community finds itself alongside a larger,wealthier society,says Nicholas Ostler.“People lose faith in their culture”he says.“When the next generation reaches their teens,they might not want to be induc

34、ed into the old tradition.”vlanguage is also intimately bound up with culture,so it may be difficult to preserve one without the other.“If a person shifts from Navajo to English,they lose something.”Mufwene says.“The key to fostering diversity is for people to learn their ancestral tongue,as well as

35、 the dominant language,”says Doug Whalen.“Most of these languages will not survive without a large degree of bilingualism,”he says.But Mufwene says that preserving language dying out is not the same as giving it new life by using it every day.“Preserving a language is more like preserving fruits in

36、a jar,”he says.v“Moreover,the loss of diversity may also deprive us of different ways of looking at the world,”says Pagel.“Your brain and mine are different from the brain of someone who speaks French,”Pagel says,and this could affect our thoughts and perceptions.“The patterns and connections we mak

37、e among various concepts may be structured by the linguistic habits of our community.”v注意不要遗漏对“he”这样的代词的检索 v注意该理论所在段的段首句List of headingsv注意以下句型:v段首承上启下的句子-A is not the whole story v结论句(suggest,found,discover,thus)v引号句v转折句(尤其在第二句)v段首例子前面的句子 v概括句(有many,variety)主题句句与正确选项选项的同义改写vConclusion was that the

38、availability of samples led them to dispense and prescribe drugs that differed from their preferred drug choicevResearch shows that promotion worksList of headingsv剑桥6-1-3v剑桥6-2-1v剑桥6-3-2v剑桥6-4-1,3T/F/NGv题目:Government handouts do more damage than tourism does to traditional patterns of food-gatherin

39、g.v原文:Tourism is not always the culprit behind such changes.All kinds of wage labor,or government handouts,tend to undermine traditional survival systems.考试注意事项v判断题写T/F/NG 还是YES/NO/NOT GIVENv信息段落搭配,选项式summary,人名理论搭配注意有无NB You may use any letter more than once.v不要在一个题上耽误时间过多v利用题目的顺序性,灵活做题v有顺序的题,现在有乱序

40、的可能v特殊词(数字、人名、地名),专有名词题目和原文不会变化,可迅速定位vv.阻碍,阻止阻碍,阻止 deter,hinder,inhibit,prohibit,prevent,stop,impede,blockvn.障碍物障碍物 barrier,obstacle,impediment,hindrance,hurdle,obstruction,blockvv.消除消除,摆脱掉摆脱掉 eliminate,remove,get rid of,strip of,dispense with,dispose ofvv.保存,保留保存,保留vpreserve ,hold,keep,maintain,sto

41、re,reserve,retain,conserve,sustain vv.减少减少 reduce(reduction)、minimize、decrease、diminish、decline、dwindle、lessen、dropvn.激励,刺激激励,刺激 stimulation,incentive,stimulus,motive,motivationvv.提升,增加提升,增加 enhance,increase,raise,rise,grow,go up,ascend v.导致,引发导致,引发 lead to,bring about,trigger,contribute to,result i

42、n,breed,induce vv.评估评估,测量测量vassess,evaluate,appraise,gauge,calibratevv.破坏破坏vdamage,wreck,demolish,devastate,ruin,spoil,destructvadj.充足的充足的venough,sufficient,abundant,adequate,ample vadj.客观的客观的,公正的公正的vobjective,unbiased,unprejudiced,impartialvv.改变改变vchange,alter,shift,convert,transform,modify(n.modif

43、ication),revise(n.revision)vadj.不同的不同的 vdifferent,distinct,varying,diverse,disparate,separatevprogress、improvement、development、promotion、evolution、advance(n.发展)发展)vrecruit、employ、hire(v.雇佣)雇佣)voffspring、children、descendant(n.子孙)子孙)vpreviously、in the past、beforetime、formerly (adv.以前地)以前地)vdomestic、lo

44、cal(n.国内的)国内的)vgenerate、produce、make、create(v.产生、制造)产生、制造)vcopy、reproduce、replicate、duplicate、recreate (v.复制)复制)vradiate、send out、emit(v.发出)发出)vinfluence、effect、impact、implication (n.影响)影响)vbuilding、construction、architecture (n.建筑)建筑)vcontamination、pollution(n.污染)污染)vdiscard、reject、cast off、dispose

45、of、scrap、throw away、abandon、give up(v.扔掉)扔掉)vagree with、conform to、subscribe to、approve of、accord with(同意)(同意)vboom、flourish、develop、prosper、thrive、expand、explode (v.繁荣、发展)繁荣、发展)vimprove、develop、increase、maximize、promote、raise、rise、enhance、ascend(v.上升)上升)vdemonstrate、illustrate、exemplify (例证)(例证)vcl

46、arify、manifest、indicate、display(表明)(表明)vhint、suggest、imply (暗示)(暗示)vuncover、unravel、unmask、unveil、disclose、reveal -revelation (揭示,(揭示,揭开)揭开)vclaim、assert、maintain(声称、主张)(声称、主张)vfactor、element、cause、reason (原因)(原因)vexclusively、only、merely (只有)(只有)vlocal、native、indigenous、aboriginal (本土的)(本土的)vresiden

47、t、inhabitant、dweller (居民)(居民)vindependent of、separate from (与(与分离)分离)vharbour、hold (持有)(持有)vwrong、mistaken、erroneous、inaccurate、false、mis-(前缀前缀)(错误的)(错误的)vincorporate into、combine with、integrate into (结合)结合)vdominant predominant major overwhelming prevalent widespread (主要的)(主要的)vunexpected surprisin

48、g unforeseen accidental (出乎意料的)(出乎意料的)vuncommon unusual rare (不寻常的、稀少的)(不寻常的、稀少的)vtrack follow (追踪)(追踪)vtrace back to go back to (回溯到)(回溯到)vamaze astound astonish startle surprise take aback (吃惊、(吃惊、惊人)惊人)vclassify categorize group sort (分类)(分类)videntify recognize (鉴别、(鉴别、识别)识别)vdistinguish from dis

49、criminate from tell from (区分)(区分)venormous immense tremendous vast massive gigantic huge giant great (巨大的)(巨大的)vdue to,as a result of,owing to,thanks to,because,as,for,since vlead to,result in,contribute to vreflectvas a result,as a consequence,therefore,thus,consequently,vresult from v是A 不是BvA Rath

50、er than B A Over Bv不是A而是BvLess A than B Not A but B考试必备词汇考试必备词汇vstate n.状态状态,国家国家,政府政府,州州 vt.声明声明,陈述陈述vstatementn.声明声明,陈述陈述voverstate v.夸张,夸大夸张,夸大=exaggeratevspecialadj.特殊的特殊的,专门的专门的vspecialist n.专家专家vspecialisev.专业化专业化vclaimn.主张主张 vt.主张主张vsimilaradj.相似的相似的vsimilarity n.类似类似,类似处类似处vassimilationn.同化同


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