Unit3 Reading2 Language points (ppt课件)-新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Para.11.Housed in an old railway building,this world-famous art museumfeatures some of the best-known paintings from the Impressionistmovement of the 19th century.译文:这座举世闻名的艺术博物馆设于一座古老的铁路建筑中译文:这座举世闻名的艺术博物馆设于一座古老的铁路建筑中,重点展出十九世纪印象派运动中最著名的一些画作。,重点展出十九世纪印象派运动中最著名的一些画作。注:注:housed in 为过去分词短语作状语,动词短语为为过去分词

2、短语作状语,动词短语为be housed in,表示坐落于表示坐落于.,主句为主句为 this world-famous art museumfeatures some of the best-known paintings from the Impressionistmovement of the 19th century,非谓语动词短非谓语动词短语语 be housed in 作状语。作状语。Para.12.While it was hard to pick a favourite painting out of so manyamazing works,the artists who m

3、ade the deepest impression on mewere two of the greatest Impressionist painters,Claude Monet andPierre-Auguste Renoir.译文:虽然很难从这么多令人惊叹的作品中挑选出一幅最受译文:虽然很难从这么多令人惊叹的作品中挑选出一幅最受欢迎的画,但给我印象最深的是两位最伟大的印象派画家,欢迎的画,但给我印象最深的是两位最伟大的印象派画家,克劳德克劳德莫奈和皮埃尔莫奈和皮埃尔-奥古斯特奥古斯特雷诺阿。雷诺阿。注:注:while引导让步状语从句,表示尽管、虽然,相当于引导让步状语从句,表示尽管、

4、虽然,相当于although、though,意味着虽然很难从这么多令人惊叹的,意味着虽然很难从这么多令人惊叹的作品中挑选出一幅最受欢迎的画作品中挑选出一幅最受欢迎的画Para.23.Although the paintings had very different settings,it was their similarities that stayed with me long after I left theMusee dOrsay.译文:虽然这些画背景各异译文:虽然这些画背景各异,但在我离开奥赛博物馆很久但在我离开奥赛博物馆很久之后,却还清楚地记得它们的相似之处之后,却还清楚地记得它们

5、的相似之处注:强调句:注:强调句:1.It is/was+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who/whom(强调主语(强调主语且主语指人可用且主语指人可用who,强调宾语且宾语指人可用,强调宾语且宾语指人可用whom)+其他部分。其他部分。e.g.,It was yesterday that he met Li Ping.2.Is/Was it+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who/whom+其他部分其他部分e.g.,Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping?Para.23.Although the paintings had very different s

6、ettings,it was their similarities that stayed with me long after I left theMusee dOrsay.译文:虽然这些画背景各异译文:虽然这些画背景各异,但在我离开奥赛博物馆很久但在我离开奥赛博物馆很久之后,却还清楚地记得它们的相似之处之后,却还清楚地记得它们的相似之处注:强调句:注:强调句:3.疑问词疑问词+is/was it+that/who/whom+其他部分其他部分e.g.,When was it that he met Li Ping?4.It is/was not until+被强调部分被强调部分+that+其

7、他部分其他部分e.g.,It was not until she took off her sunglasses that I realized she was a film star.Para.24.When I saw it up close,I was struck by the small areas of light across the painting,and the way the soft edges of the figures seemed to mix together.译文:我靠近观察,画面上遍布着小面积的光斑,人物译文:我靠近观察,画面上遍布着小面积的光斑,人物柔和

8、的轮廓好像融为一体,令我惊叹不已。柔和的轮廓好像融为一体,令我惊叹不已。strike.into ones heart 使刻骨铭心 It strikes sb that.某人突然想起 be/go on strike 罢工 striking adj.引人注意的e.g.,The strike has reached a deadlock.罢工已陷入僵局。Para.25.Everyday subject matter was the main focus of their works,as opposed to the history paintings that had traditionally

9、dominated European art.译文:日常题材是他们作品的重点,这有别于传统上在欧译文:日常题材是他们作品的重点,这有别于传统上在欧洲艺术中占主导地位的历史题材画作。洲艺术中占主导地位的历史题材画作。oppose(=object to)vi.反对;反抗;与(某人)较量 oppose doing sth/sbs doing sth 反对(某人)做某事 opposed adj.反对的;对立的 be opposed to 反对(to为介词)e.g.,More people favour a single European currency than oppose it.支持欧洲单一货币

10、的人比反对的多。Para.35.They employed free brushwork and used colours to show the effect of light on things,creating paintings that were far less realistic than the worksthat came before.译文:他们用自由的笔触,用色彩来表现光线对事物的影响,创译文:他们用自由的笔触,用色彩来表现光线对事物的影响,创作出的绘画远不如以前的作品逼真。作出的绘画远不如以前的作品逼真。employ.as.雇用做 employ oneself in d

11、oing sth 从事于,忙于 be employed in doing sth 从事于 employment n.使用;职业;雇用 employer n.雇主;老板 employee n.雇员;从业员工Para.35.They employed free brushwork and used colours to show the effect of light on things,creating paintings that were far less realistic than the worksthat came before.译文:他们用自由的笔触,用色彩来表现光线对事物的影响,

12、创译文:他们用自由的笔触,用色彩来表现光线对事物的影响,创作出的绘画远不如以前的作品逼真。作出的绘画远不如以前的作品逼真。注:注:creating为非谓语动词的使用,主句为为非谓语动词的使用,主句为They employed free brushwork and used colours to show the effect of light on things,逻辑主语为逻辑主语为they,和和create构成了主动的关系,用构成了主动的关系,用doing结构。结构。Para.46.It is also worthy of note that Post-Impressionist paint

13、ers were not theonly ones to be influenced by Impressionism the movement has had a lasting influence on modern art,encouraging artists to look at the world from anentirely new point of view.译文:同样值得注意的是,后印象派画家并不是唯一受印象派译文:同样值得注意的是,后印象派画家并不是唯一受印象派影响的画家影响的画家这一运动对现代艺术产生了深远的影响,鼓励这一运动对现代艺术产生了深远的影响,鼓励艺术家从全新

14、的角度看待世界。艺术家从全新的角度看待世界。.注:注:worth的不同变体表示值得做的不同变体表示值得做.be worthy+of being done/to be done 值得做值得做 It is worthwhile to do/doing sth 做某事值得做某事值得 be well worth 名词名词/doing sth 很值得很值得(做做)Phrases1.wander through2.in last three decades of his life3.bring the ponds beauty4.life in a busy neighbourhood5.be struc

15、k by small area of light 6.along with like-minded artists7.liberation from old style of rules8.traditionally dominate9.be carved by10.employ traditional brushwork1.漫步2.在他生命最后的三十年3.展现池塘之美4.繁忙街区生活5.被小范围光线所震撼6.和其他志趣相投的艺术家7.从旧风格的规则解放8.传统上主导9.被雕刻成.10.用自由的笔触Phrases11.被打动12.而不是13.忙于做某事14.值得的15.导致16.做.很重要17.找到.的本质18.展现.的作品19.不断变化的鲜明色彩20.实际上11.be struck by12.as opposed to 13.be employed in doing 14.be worthy of 15.result in 16.It is essential to do sth17.find the essence of 18.display their work 19.changing vivid colours20.in reality Thanks


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