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1、二部份长篇会话二部份长篇会话1.Introductions and GreetingsJason:Hi,my name is Jason Smith.Nice to meet you(1).Catherine:Nice to meet you,too.My name is Catherine.But my friends call me Cathy(2).Jason:Hello Cathy.Where are you from?Catherine:I am from Canada and will be teaching here for a year.Jason:Oh,I hope youl

2、l like Taiwan and working here.Catherine:Thank you.I already do(3).2.Eating Out(1)Are you ready to order?你準備要點菜了嗎?你準備要點菜了嗎?通常在服務生遞給顧客菜單之後的幾分鐘,服務生就會開始問客人是否已經準備好要點餐了。另外,我們也可以用May I take your order?(我可以幫您點餐了嗎?)來詢問客人是否可以點菜了。(2)seafood pasta 海鮮義大利麵海鮮義大利麵一般來說pasta指的是義大利通心粉或麵條等義大利麵的總稱。而spaghetti則是指義大利細長麵條。

3、(3)cream of corn soup 玉米濃湯玉米濃湯cream為奶油或濃稠之意。corn為玉米,所以pop(爆開)corn為爆米花。2.Eating Out(4)pork chops 豬排豬排西餐的主菜除了海鮮類之外,最常見的肉類有beef(牛肉)、steak(牛排)、pork chops(豬排)和lamp chops(羊排)等。chop當動詞有切、砍、剁之意,名詞則是指(豬、羊的)肋骨肉或排骨。(5)Will that be all?就這些嗎?就這些嗎?通常是顧客點完菜後,服務生想再次確認顧客是否都把菜點齊了,或還要加點其他的食物所用的語句。一般客人大多會回答Thats all.Th

4、ank you.(就這樣了。謝謝。)3.Asking for DirectionsJennifer:Excuse me.Do you know how to get to Taipei City Zoo from here?Mei-Li :Yes,you take the MRT brown line(1)and get off(2)the train at the Taipei Zoo stop.When you walk out of(3)the station,you will see the zoo on your right(4).Jennifer:Thank you so much

5、.It sounds easy.Mei-Li :Yes.You cant miss it(5).3.Asking for Directions(1)take the MRT blue line 搭捷運的藍線搭捷運的藍線搭程火車或捷運的動詞為take,而MRT(Mass Rapid Transit)的blue line即為捷運的藍線,從南港的昆陽站到土城的永寧站。(2)get off 下車下車此片語在會話中的意思為,在捷運台北市立動物園站下車。一般來說,我們可以用get off來表示離開各種交通工具,即下車或下船之意。如公車(bus)、汽車(car)、火車(train)、地鐵(subway,MR

6、T)、飛機(airplane)、船(boat)等。上車則用get in(汽車)/get on(其他交通工具)。(3)walk out of 走出走出這個片語的語意為從走出來。一般使用的情境如從醫院(hospital)、郵局(post office)、購物中心(shopping mall)等走出來,如walk out of the hospital/post office/shopping mall。3.Asking for Directions(4)on your right 在你的右手邊在你的右手邊原來完整的用法是on your right side。同樣的,在你的左手邊即是 on your

7、 left(side)。(5)You cant miss it.你不會錯過的。你不會錯過的。在會話中因為珍妮佛向美麗問路,而美麗告訴她一定會找得到的,所以用這句話來表達當我們要跟別人說,某處很容易找到,就可以用這句話來表達。3.Asking for DirectionsPoliceman :Can I see your drivers license please(1)?John :What have I done?Policeman :You cant make a right turn(2)there.Didnt you see that sign?John:Im sorry.I didn

8、t see it.I think I am lost here.Policeman :Where do you want to go?John:NDI DIY store(3).Is that far?Policeman:Just go straight ahead(4)for two more blocks.Its on your left.John:Thank you,officer.Can I go now?Policeman:Yes,and take this ticket with you(5).3.Asking for Directions(1)Can I see your dri

9、vers license please?請給我看你的汽車駕照。請給我看你的汽車駕照。drivers license為汽車駕照。這句話通常出現在,當警察對於汽車駕駛人違規的時候所說的第一句話。(2)make a right turn 右轉右轉右轉也可以叫做turn right,此處的make不翻譯。同理,左轉就是 make a left turn或是turn left,而迴轉叫做make a U turn。(3)DIY store 自己動手作商店自己動手作商店DIY即是do it yourself(自己動手組裝完成)。在台灣,大家最熟悉的商店即為B&Q 特力屋。客人到店裡買半成品的東西,並自己運

10、回家,然後在自己家裡組裝完成。過程雖然麻煩點,但是包裝上比較節省空間,價格上也比較便宜。3.Asking for Directions(4)go straight ahead 往前直走往前直走go straight(直的)ahead(向前的)整句的意思就是往前直走,通常別人向我們問路,如洗手間在哪裡、便利商店在哪裡等,若是所詢問目的地就在前方,我們就可以告訴對方 Go straight ahead.。(5)take this ticket with you 罰單拿去吧罰單拿去吧ticket 在此並非車票或是入場票之意,而是指罰單。在會話中,雖然約翰迷路了,但是他在不該右轉處右轉,所以警察還是要

11、給他一張罰單。4.ShoppingEmily:Wow,there are so many people in the mall.Shu-Feng :Yes,because there is a big sale on shoes today.Emily:No wonder(1).Lets go to the shoe department now.Shu-Feng :But you have plenty of shoes(2)already.Emily:You know what they say:Women can never have too many clothes or shoes.

12、(3)Shu-Feng :I guess you are right.Lets go!4.Shopping(1)no wonder 難怪難怪通常這句話用來表達原來對某件事或情況不瞭解,後來理解了所用的表達慣用語。例如你的同學平常很準時上學,但是今天卻遲到了,她解釋說因為公車拋錨所以遲到,你就可以說No wonder!(難怪!)。(2)plenty of shoes 許多鞋子許多鞋子plenty of=a lot of代表許多的意思,只是和 a lot of(許多)不同的是,plenty of 後接可數名詞,如 plenty of seats(許多座位)、plenty of chairs(許多椅

13、子)等,而a lot of則可以接可數或不可數名詞,如a lot of water(許多水),a lot of people(許多人)等。(3)Women can never have too many clothes or shoes.女人的衣服和鞋子女人的衣服和鞋子永遠不嫌多。永遠不嫌多。這句話會在女性之間的對談聽到,尤其是談到購物的話題時,有些女人認為衣服和鞋子等物,永遠沒有足夠的一天。can never have too many 的句型為某樣東西永遠不嫌多之意,如 You can never have too many holidays.(假期永遠不嫌多)另一種說法為There ar

14、e never enough的句型為永遠沒有足夠的之意,如There are never enough books for us to read.(對我們來說書永遠都不足夠。)4.ShoppingClerk:Hi!May I help you?Philip :Yes,Id like to(1)return this jacket.Its too large for me.Clerk:Do you have the receipt with you(2)?Philip :No,its a gift from my girlfriend.Clerk:In that case(3),we can o

15、nly let you exchange it for other things(4)from the store.Sorry!Philip :Thats fine.I will find something new.4.Shopping(1)Id like to 我想要我想要Id like to=I would like to(我想要)的句型,用在表達說話者的偏好或意圖,如 Id like to take a break now.(我現在想休息一下)。(2)Do you have the receipt with you?你有帶收據來嗎你有帶收據來嗎?這句話的使用情境為店員問顧客是否有帶收據

16、以便利退換貨的處理流程。句中的receipt(收據),其中字母 p 不發音。句中的with you翻成帶來之意。(3)In that case 這樣的話這樣的話In that case原來的解釋為在這樣的情況下,在此可以解釋為這樣的話,通常這句話會放在句首,之後會伴隨更進一步的說明或解釋。(4)We can only let you exchange it for other things.我們只能讓你換別的我們只能讓你換別的東西。東西。這句話出現的場景為顧客想要退貨,但是店家不能把錢退還給顧客,所以只能讓顧客換購商店裡的其他東西,並多退少補。5.Seeing a DoctorReceptio

17、nist:Hello,Dr.Goods office Cindy:Hi,can I make an appointment for this afternoon(1)?I think I have a cold(2).Receptionist:Wait,let me check the doctors schedule(3).OK,hes free this afternoon from 2 to 5.What time will you come?Cindy :Can I come at 3?Receptionist:Sure.Your name,please(4)?Cindy :Its C

18、indy Wong.5.Seeing a Doctor(1)Can I make an appointment for this afternoon?我可以預約今天下午我可以預約今天下午嗎嗎?這句話通常用在某種活動的預先約定,如看醫生、協調開會時間、找教授談話等。其中的make an appointment 為預約之意。(2)have a cold 感冒感冒另外一種常用的感冒的表達為 have the flu(得到流行性感冒)。兩種感冒的不同之處在於感染源的病毒不同。(3)the doctors schedule 醫生的預約表醫生的預約表schedule為時刻表或日程安排表,在此的用法為很多人

19、看醫生前都會先預約好時間,所以要先看醫生有沒有其他的時間,可以讓病人預約看診。(4)Your name,please?請問您的名字請問您的名字?如果談話的對象是我們不認識的人,並且因業務上需要得知對方的名字,如服務生、總機等各類服務人員,則可以用 Whats your name?(請問你的名字?)May I have your name?(請問芳名?),或更簡單直接的 Your name,please?(請給我你的名字。謝謝。)等。5.Seeing a DoctorDoctor :Whats the matter?Kevin:My teeth hurt(1)all night last nig

20、ht.I want to know why.Doctor :Do you brush your teeth(2)every day and night(3)or even after meals?Kevin:No,but I brush them every morning.Isnt that enough?Doctor:Im afraid not.You have to brush your teeth more often.Kevin :OK.I will start tonight.5.Seeing a Doctor(1)My teeth hurt.我牙痛。我牙痛。在此要注意牙齒的單數和

21、複數的不規則表達方式。牙齒的單數為tooth 複數為teeth。此外,你還可以用I have a toothache.來表達我牙齒痛。(2)brush your teeth 刷牙刷牙brush 這個動詞叫做刷,所以刷牙叫做brush ones teeth,牙刷叫做 toothbrush,另外梳頭髮叫做 brush your hair,而梳子叫做 hairbrush。刷牙的時候,因為我們不會只刷一顆牙齒,所以用牙齒的複數teeth來表達。(3)every day and night 每日早晚每日早晚我們可以用every day and night這個慣用語來表達每天白天和晚上都會做的例行公事,如

22、刷牙、洗臉、洗澡等。例句I wash my face every day and night.(我每天早晚都有洗臉。)I watch the news every day and night.(我每天早晚都看新聞。)6.Invitations for ActivitiesVicky:Hi Vincent,are you free this Friday night(1)?Vincent:Let me think.Yes,I am free that night.Vicky:Great.Do you want to come to my birthday party?It starts at 7

23、p.m.Vincent:Really?Happy Birthday!Sure,Id love to come(2).Vicky:Thank you and see you then.Vincent :Sure.See you on Friday.6.Invitations for Activities(1)Are you free this Friday night?你本週五晚上有空嗎你本週五晚上有空嗎?本句話常用在社交活動的邀約,作用為邀約對方是否有時間從事此項活動。在本會話中也可以用Are you available this Friday night?來表示同樣的意思。free的意思有免

24、費或有空之意,在此解釋為有空。(2)Sure,Id love to come.我當然很願意參加。我當然很願意參加。通常這句話用在對於活動邀約表示有興趣或有意願參加。Sure在此處可以用of course來代換,Id love to come.在這此為 Id love to come to your birthday party 的簡寫版。6.Invitations for ActivitiesZe-Ming:Hi,I-Hwa.Are you interested in going to see a movie(1)with me this Saturday?I-Hwa:Sure,what mo

25、vie do you want to see?Ze-Ming:Take your pick(2).Which do you like more?Comedy or Romance(3)?I-Hwa:How about a Comedy?That way we can both enjoy it.Ze-Ming:Great.I will pick you up at 6 p.m.(4)and we can have dinner first.I-Hwa:Sounds good to me.6.Invitations for Activities(1)Are you interested in g

26、oing to see a movie?你有興趣看電影嗎你有興趣看電影嗎?be interested in這個片語為對感興趣之意,通常用來表達說話者對某人、事、物是否感興趣。如I am interested in playing basketball.(我對打籃球有興趣。)(2)Take your pick.你來挑選你來挑選 /你來決定。你來決定。這句話通常用在說話者表達他的意見,就是把決定權轉交給對方,讓聽話者來做決定。pick為挑選之意,所以說話者用此句話來表達尊重對方的選擇,讓對方做決定。(3)Comedy or Romance 喜劇或愛情片喜劇或愛情片一般電影的類型除了有喜劇片(com

27、edy)、愛情片(romance)、還有動作片(action)、恐怖片(horror)、歌舞片(musical)等。(4)I will pick you up at 6 p.m.我我6 6點會去接你。點會去接你。這句話通常用在當我們要邀請對方參加某種活動時,為了表達善意、或是方便行程的安排,我們會提議你要開車去接某人。你可以說Ill pick you up.(我去接你)。在此處pick someone up的意思為搭載某人。7.InterviewsProfessor :Could you tell me more about yourself?Edward:My name is Edward

28、and I am a senior in high school(1).Professor:Why do you want to apply to our university(2)?Edward:I want to major in History(3)and I was told your school has the best history teachers.Professor :I see.We will let you know the result within a week.Edward:Thank you so much.7.Interviews(1)I am a senio

29、r in high school.我現在為高三學生。我現在為高三學生。美國的高中為三到四年制,因在申請美國大學時,大學會要求學生高中四年的成績,所以高一的新生稱為freshman、高二為sophomore、高三為junior、高四為senior。大專院校的部分,大一為freshman、大二為sophomore、大三為junior、大四為senior。(2)apply to our university 申請我們的大學申請我們的大學在美國唸大學,必須先去考學力測驗(如SAT等),之後再依據考試的成績來申請學校。所以我們可以用apply to schools,或apply to a company

30、來表達申請學校或工作之意。而至於apply for的用法,通常用在申請簽證(visa)、護照(passport)、申請獎學金(scholarship)、正式文件(document)等方面。(3)major in History 主修歷史主修歷史表達在大學主修的系所(department),可以用major in來表達。而修輔系的話,則可用minor in來表達。如I majored in Chinese and minored in history.(我主修中文,輔修歷史)。7.InterviewsInterviewer :Do you have any work experience as

31、a secretary(1)?Jackie:Yes,I worked for a trading company(2)for two years.Interviewer :Why did you leave the job?Jackie:The company is going to move to China,and I dont want to work there.Interviewer :OK.You can start working here next Monday.Jackie:Thank you.I wont be late.7.Interviews(1)work experi

32、ence as a secretary有當秘書的工作經驗有當秘書的工作經驗experience為經驗之意,as的解釋為“以的身分”,所以我們也可以用這種表達語來描述有哪方面的工作經驗。如work experience as a teacher/an engineer(有教師或工程師的工作經驗)等。(2)I worked for a trading company.我在貿易公司工作。我在貿易公司工作。通常說話者用這句話來表達說話者的工作情況。work for的解釋為替哪一家公司工作。而trading company為貿易公司,所以整句話的意思就是我在一家貿易公司工作。8.Appreciation

33、Jimmy :Mom,I made this card for you.Mother:Its so beautiful.I love it.Jimmy :This is the only gift I can give you for Mothers Day(1).I am sorry.Mother:Its OK.Its the best gift I have ever gotten.Jimmy :I promise to(2)buy you a much better gift next year.Mother:Im sure you will.I believe you.8.Apprec

34、iation(1)Mothers Day 母親節母親節世界上大部分的國家都是5月的第2個禮拜天慶祝母親節,台灣也是如此。不同的是,台灣的父親節為8月8日,而美國則為6月第2個禮拜天。(2)I promise to 我保證我保證這樣的表達通常可以用在說話者想要向對方保證他可以達成或完成某件事或某種行為。如I promise to come to class on time tomorrow.(我保證明天會準時來上課。)8.AppreciationJudy:Thank you for not letting the boss know I was late again this morning.C

35、arol:No problem.Thats what friends are for(1).Judy:I am so happy to work with you.You are the best.Carol:I know,but I still think you should get to sleep earlier at night.Judy:Ill try,but there are so many interesting TV programs at night.Carol:If you dont want to be fired(2)soon,please listen to wh

36、at I said.Judy:All right.I know you always stand by my side(3).8.Appreciation(1)Thats what friends are for.朋友就應該這樣。朋友就應該這樣。這句話通常用在說話者想對聽話者表達朋友情誼或支持時所說的話。如 A:Thanks for your help last night.(謝謝你昨晚的幫助。)B:Dont mention it.(不客氣。)Thats what friends are for.(朋友就應該這樣。)(2)be fired 被炒魷魚、被遣散被炒魷魚、被遣散雖然fire的原意為火

37、,但是be fired在此處的意思為被炒魷魚,所以我們常聽到 Youre fired.即是你不用來上班了。、或是你被炒魷魚了。(3)stand by my side 支持我支持我字面上的意思為站在我這邊,所以意思為支持某人之意。其他類似的表達方法還有stand by me、support me等。如例句My mother will always stand by me/stand by my side=My mother will always support me.(我媽媽會永遠支持我。)9.CongratulationsMother Lin:I heard that your daught

38、er is going to study at National Taiwan University(1)this September.Congratulations(2)!Mother Chen:Thank you.She studied very hard during the past three years.She is planning a trip with her friends overseas.Mother Lin:Where is she planning to go?Mother Chen:Maybe New York.I have a brother there.Mot

39、her Lin :Thats nice(3).9.Congratulations(1)National Taiwan University 國立台灣大學國立台灣大學(2)Congratulations!恭喜恭喜!通常我們聽到別人所說的好消息時,如某人考取好學校、找到好工作、結婚、工作升遷、生小孩等事件時,我們會用Congratulations!來表達我們的祝賀。如對話 A:I just gave birth to a baby girl last month.(我上個月才剛生了位女兒。)B:Congratulations!(恭喜你。)(3)Thats nice.那很好啊。那很好啊。這句話用在說

40、話者表達贊成的意見,或只是對對方剛說的話作回應。如對話 A:My boyfriend gave me some flowers last night.(我男友昨晚送我一些花。)B:Thats nice.(那很好啊。)9.CongratulationsJessica:I heard you are getting married(1)next month.Congratulations!Angela:Thank you.I have been so busy recently(2).Oh,dont forget to come to our wedding dinner(3)next month

41、.Jessica:I wont.Where will you go for your honeymoon(4)?Angela:Were not sure.Maybe Hawaii.Jessica:Thats romantic(5).I believe you will have a great time there.Angela:I think so.I have to go now.See you soon.Jessica:Bye.9.Congratulations(1)I heard you are getting married.我聽說你要結婚。我聽說你要結婚。通常說話者不確定某件事的消

42、息來源,或不想透露消息來源時,會說I heard(我聽說)。另外表達某人要結婚,可用get married來表達。如例句 My brother is getting married next week.(我哥哥下禮拜要結婚。)(2)I have been so busy recently.我最近很忙。我最近很忙。通常說話者用這句話用來表達他目前忙碌的現況,另外也同樣可用I have had a lot to do recently.這句話來表達說話者的忙碌。(3)wedding dinner 婚宴婚宴通常新人在結婚當天的晚上,會在餐廳辦婚宴或喜宴,讓賓客們帶著祝福(紅包),來和新人們一起分享結

43、婚的喜悅。另外一種婚宴的用法為wedding banquet(宴會)。(4)Where will you go for your honeymoon?要去哪裡度蜜月要去哪裡度蜜月?新人在婚宴之後,大多會去國內外度蜜月(honeymoon),所以此對話場景發生在說話者詢問即將結婚的新人將要到哪裡度蜜月。(5)romantic(a)浪漫的浪漫的10.ComplaintsClerk:Hi,how can I help you?Billy:I bought this watch two months ago and its not working now(1).Clerk:Really?Have yo

44、u checked the battery(2)?Billy:Yes,but it still wont work.What can I do?Clerk:Can I see it?Billy:Here you are(3).Clerk:I think you put the battery in upside down(4).See?Its working now.Billy:Im sorry.Ill look more carefully next time.10.Complaints(1)Its not working now.這個東西現在不能用了。這個東西現在不能用了。這句話裡的wor

45、king並不是工作之意,而是機器運轉或活動之意。所以若是某項物品或機器設備不能運轉或使用時,我們會用這樣的表達方式。另外我們也可以用這句話Its out of order.或Its broken down.來表達同樣的意思。(2)check the battery 檢查電池檢查電池check在此為檢查之意,所以此項用語為檢查看看電池是否正常,另外我們若要表達電池沒電,可以用The battery is dead.的表達句。(3)Here you are.在這裡。在這裡。這句話用的範圍很廣,通常用來表達要給對方的東西或對方要的東西在這裡,而你也提供了對方這樣東西。例如對話 A:Its$60 fo

46、r the burger.(這個漢堡60元)B:Here you are./Here you go.(錢在這裡。)(4)upside down 上下顛倒上下顛倒這個慣用語通常用在表達某樣東西的擺放位置剛好上下顛倒,例句 The map on the wall is upside down.(牆上的地圖放反了。)另外一個常用的表達為 inside out(內外相反),例句 You are wearing your T-shirt inside out.(你的T-shirt穿反了。)10.ComplaintsReceptionist:Good morning,Big Brother Cell Ph

47、one Company.Henry:Hi,I have a problem with this months phone bill(1).Receptionist:Could you tell me why?Henry :It is NT$8,000.Thats crazy(2).There are a lot of calls to Japan and China,and I dont know anyone there.Receptionist :Sir,please dont be angry.I will fill out a complaint form(3)for you so y

48、ou can just pay for the calls you made in Taiwan.Thats NT$750.Henry:That sounds better.Thank you for your help.Receptionist:No problem.Sorry for all the trouble(4).10.Complaints(1)this months phone bill 本月的電話帳單本月的電話帳單phone bill為電話帳單,一般來說帳單的用法有2種,即為bill 和check。前者多用在月繳的帳單,如電話費、水費、瓦斯費、電費等,後者則用在餐廳的情況。一般

49、來說,我們在餐廳吃完飯要結帳時,會說Check,please.(我要買單或結帳。)(2)Thats crazy.太誇張了。太誇張了。在本會話中,亨利打電話到電話公司抱怨本月的電話費帳單(台幣8千元)太貴,並認為這太誇張了。當我們對某個人的行為,或某件事情的發展覺得不合理時,我們就可以用這一句話。如例句A:I spent NT$20,000 on my new dress.(我花了台幣2萬元買這件新洋裝。)B:Thats crazy.(那太誇張了。)(3)fill out a complaint form 填寫抱怨表格填寫抱怨表格fill out a form為填寫表格之意,而complaint為抱怨。通常我們在接受了某些服務之後,如果對於服務的品質或內容不甚滿意時,我們就可以填寫這樣的表格。(4)Sorry for all the trouble.不便之處深感抱歉不便之處深感抱歉通常因為說話者做了某件事情而造成對方的不便或不滿時,會用這句話來表達。此外Sorry for the inconvenience(不便).,也有相同之意。Thank you for your attentionThank you for your attention


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