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1、实验室指南2前言 -page 25S指南的意义义 -page 35S 流程 -page 4办办公室手册册 -page 51S(整理)-page 62S(整顿顿)-page 153S(清洁清洁)-page 214S(清扫清扫)-page 275S(素养养)-page 35实验实验室手册册 -page 411S(整理)-page 422S(整顿顿)-page 493S(清洁清洁)-page 554S(清扫清扫)-page 615S(素养养)-page 68生产产手册册 -page 741S(整理)-page 752S(整顿顿)-page 823S(清洁清洁)-page 884S(清扫清扫)-pag

2、e 945S(素养养)-page 100附件 -page 1063前言Starting“瞬息万变的社会”这个词如今频繁地出现在我们的生活中,但是相对于如此快速的脚步,我们的意识和态度却显得如此缓慢。我们互相告诫,今天的世界不会为我们等待,但是我们所做的一切却恰恰是去被动的等待那些即将改变我们的变化如今,离丰田公司实施TPS已经50多年了。作为一个制造服务业的系统,多少年来,TPS其已经被其他公司不断模仿,并已成为一条企业获得成功的基本定律。甚至连丰田公司自己都不了解为什么其他公司必须跟随着它的步伐。他们似乎也并不为他们的系统感到骄傲,但是他们也在思考是否选择这个系统已经彻底没有悬念了。What

3、 is the deal?他们之所以不会为这个系统感到骄傲是因为这是他们的生活方式,是从他们的文化中自然而然提炼出来的。他们也将其视为极其平常的事情。当然,与其他具有革命性的系统一样,TPS系统也非一日便能完成的。它必须经受试验和错误、失败和反对的考验。但是丰田人并没有停止他们的脚步,最终他们获得了“世界最佳公司”的荣誉。丰田人将TPS和5S系统视为其自然行为和思考方式的产物。他们并没有期望通过5S来获得一些特殊的荣誉,而仅仅认为其实一种必须的工具,就好像早晨起来要刷牙洗脸一样。他们相信他们可以在工作过程中通过执行5S来提高工作过程中的道德水准。对于他们自身,它也是一种基本的行为,其可以提高他

4、们的生活质量。将其作为他们生活的基础,可以使他们的生活有更多的提高。“退却”或许只发生在一瞬间,但是这一瞬间需要很长的时间去恢复。5S是丰田人的生活方式和生活哲学。漠视这一生活中的基础一课会使你的工作停滞不前。正确的生活方式便意味着你生活价值的提升,随之而来的便是你自身的发展和进步。这才是我们所说的“幸福”一个所有员工都充满幸福的公司,这是我们在新时代追随BV和它价值观的价值。北中国区精益管理经理 Solomon Zhang4 BV 5S Policy BV international considers 5S to be an essential part of operating our

5、facilities.5S principle assist facilities in increasing work space safety,improved housekeeping,enhanced productivity,and higher employee morale.Therefore we are commit to deploying 5S principles and discipline into our daily work and fully believe it will help us continue to add value to our custom

6、ers and support the growth of our business.BV 5S 方针针 BV国际检验集团视5S为我们运营服务的基础。5S为我们增强工作场所安全性,使工作环境整齐有序,提高工作效率,提升员工工作积极性给予强有力的支持。由此,我们致力于在实际运营服务中推行5S各项政策与方针,并坚信5S 活动将持续为我们的客户与事业的成长带来价值。_ Muse MA Production Control Director CPS North China.55S指南的意义义The Meaning of 5S Guidebook5S是我们加速工艺流程的坚实的基础和有力的依靠。在推行5S

7、系统的过程中,通过设置明确的标准和一贯的执行,为我们带来了长足的进步。尤其明确的是,通过目标点分配系统提高了员工的参与性,也提高了公司资源系统的安排.我们编撰5S指导手册的动机是希望在审计中更加透明,也离统一标准更近一步。.审计系统并不是附加的,详细的说明,它使审计人员有许多不同的审计标准。这可能也会变成另外一种固定思维,发展成一种不正确的现象。基于讨论、获取一致的意见并成文基础上决定的可视化使得“怎么样?”,“上下 50%是多少?”和“什么是合适的标准?”变成了可以回答的问题。have become answerable questions by visualization that is

8、decided by discussions,agreements,and documentations.这是我们这本5S指南的核心内容。由于指南对所有5S领域来说更清楚、目标更明确并更易于理解,所以必须建立完善的系统,并将此作为一个共同的追求目标。我们相信,抓住5S真正的概念并加以提高可以帮助BV一步步走的更远,因为这对我们的目标有着更清楚的理解。The Leader of 5S Sub-Committee65S的过过程1S整理整理2S整整顿顿3S清洁清洁4S清扫清扫5S素素养养5S!完成!7每月进行审计,并在蜘蛛图中显示出各部分的得分。KPI(关键绩效指数)的公示和更新KPI Displa

9、y and Update(categorization/simplification/systemization cleaning)for 3 months are notified.(如果设备受损,还需制定维修计划)For individual equipment,the down-time is being notified and plans for establishing the relevant equipments washing,cleaning and operation status(if damaged,plan for repair)has been made.工具To

10、ols and Instruments按照定期清洁表的要求进行清洁Cleaning is done following the cleaning period chart.储物间,电脑间,休息室未张贴定期清洁表,现场较脏。相同的物品被随意的翻折后无序地放置在各处,或被随意地放置在一个上锁的柜子里。物品状态管理表中大于50%的物品不在正确的位置。Furniture which are harmful to the body or to the clothing or damaged furniture and those that has transpired the year of usage

11、 exist.有一些清洁的迹象Some evidence cleaning carried outA supermarket is being managed.清洁系统应通过建立一个标准程序进行运作。避免产生废弃物Avoidance of Waste原料、耗材及废弃物Materials,Segregated and stored in clearly defined locations(correctly used)工具和实验设备存放在上锁的柜子内,但是未作标签。For furniture and fixtures(in relation to lockers and furniture).k

12、anban,min/max).整整 理理方方 法法可视范围内不需要物品的整理 办公室内的整理工作,包括对可储存的办公家具、设备和文件进行可视化管理,对突出物的整改和对废弃物及时的处置。为了优化办公室的工作环境,需要执行最基本的5S工作,这也代表着整个流程的开始。For sorting within the office,visualization should be conducted for furniture,equipment,document and trash that can be stored and which stand out and which can be dispos

13、ed of immediately and improved upon.To optimize the space of the Office for working,this would involve the most basic 5S,which represents the start of the whole process.通过使用红标和蓝标,可以帮助我们去除办公室内不需要的物品和准备清扫工具,以保持办公家具的清洁。通过超市化管理,可以将固定设备和耐用消费品的供应控制在一个恰当的时间;通过合理安排文件,可以优化工作环境;通过垃圾的分类收集,可以进行可视化管理。By using th

14、e red and blue tags,it is necessary to bravely eliminate the unnecessary objects and to prepare cleaning equipments so that the furniture can be maintained cleanly.By managing a supermarket,supply of fixtures and durables should be supplied at appropriate times and by arranging the documents,the wor

15、king environment should be optimized and by separating and collecting the trash,management of visualization can be created.步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 5红标/蓝标清理工具超市化的耗品管理Supermarket for Consumables文件的整理废弃物的分类审审 计计9步步骤骤 1未未进进行整理行整理整理的范例整理的范例Some evidence of SortSome evidence of Sort现场现场的的红标区红标区域和域和红标红标系系统统Red

16、Tag area and system in place现场现场的的红标红标和持和持续续使用的范例使用的范例Red Tag in place and evidence of continuous use现场现场的整理系的整理系统统可用可用来来在物品在物品转转入入区区域域前前对对其其进进行行检查检查System in place to review items before introduction into area办公桌上较为凌乱,橱柜内物品放置无序,整个办公室的安排非常马虎。The top of the desk is in a mess,the inside of the cabinet

17、 is in an upheaval and the office is arranged in a mindless fashion.虽然桌子的上层没有分隔线,但是物品仍安排的仅仅有条。虽然橱柜上没有标签,但是里面的物品仍可一目了然。员工在这样的环境中可以轻松地放入和取出所需物品。红标作战应指派专人执行。红标应被放置在醒目处,而且要附上记录表以显示其使用状态。The red tag area is assigned,the red tag is placed where it can be seen well and the usage status chart is attached.管理

18、人员应在醒目处提供红标使用记录表。如果现场未提供该表,则表明不存在需贴红标的项目A marked red tag usage chart is available and if none is available than,no item should exist that red tag should be attached to.使用蓝标时,应同时附上使用记录表。如果现场未提供记录表,那就表明不存在需贴蓝标的项目A blue tag is in use and its usage status chart is attached.If there is no marked usage st

19、atus chart,than no item exist that a blue tag should be attached to.提示提示提示提示提示检查清检查清除无需物品的系除无需物品的系统统效率效率Review the existence and effectiveness of systems for eliminating unneeded items整理系统统10红标红标可用于可用于标标示出示出区区域域内内不需要的物品。不需要的物品。红标红标使用使用记录记录表可表可显显示出示出处处理理这这些物品的些物品的过过程。整程。整个处个处理理过过程可采用程可采用“Yes”标标志追踪志追踪

20、改善情改善情况况。如果。如果这这些物品被交些物品被交换换、出售、出售、赠赠予或是捐予或是捐献献,则则需要需要将将其其显显示在示在记录记录表表上。在上。在红标区红标区域域内内的物品只能的物品只能记录记录在在红标红标上。上。This is an indication of unnecessary object which has been created in the area and the red tag usage status chart is for the purpose of processing such objects.Processing should follow the“Y

21、es”sign and if they are exchanged and sold,given as gifts or donated,they should be indicated accordingly.The objects in the red tag area should be recorded only in the red tag.蓝标用于标示出区域内不再需要或不再使用的蓝标用于标示出区域内不再需要或不再使用的物品。在重新申请或者该物品没有变为其他用物品。在重新申请或者该物品没有变为其他用途之前,应贴上蓝牌。此后,再继续完成申请途之前,应贴上蓝牌。此后,再继续完成申请和改变

22、其用途的程序。和改变其用途的程序。This sign is for objects that are unnecessary for the area or which cannot be used there.Before procuring it or the inability to use before the change of purpose of usage,blue tag should be attached and based on it,application for obtaining and change of usage should be followed.提示提

23、示 红 标&蓝 标?管理项目现状表Management item status chart实验室的整顿主要是指通过优化实验室的环境和物品放置规划等手段,使得工作人员能够在短时间内轻松地找到自己所需的物品。平面布置图中所标示的设备与现场实际情况不符。确认和遵守所有操作程序和工作说明All procedures and work instructions are acknowledged and followed如果现场未提供记录表,那就表明不存在需贴蓝标的项目A blue tag is in use and its usage status chart is attached.检查生产区域总体清

24、洁情况。原料、耗材及废弃物Materials,对于一班的情况,则是下一班的信息。利用使用完毕签名方法系统地检查设备Equipment reviewed systematically with signed-off action planThis sign is for objects that are unnecessary for the area or which cannot be used there.公示指标以及行动计划Metrics displayed and evidence of action plan(Danger of contamination due to person

25、al protective outfit)For systematic cleaning of the office,all furniture and fixtures must always be maintained cleanly and a management method must be planned for systematic operation.所有操作都遵循标准操作程序。前言Starting他们并没有期望通过5S来获得一些特殊的荣誉,而仅仅认为其实一种必须的工具,就好像早晨起来要刷牙洗脸一样。For personal fixtures(cosmetics and acc

26、essories)and books,which are on top of the desk.地面和墙面Floors and WallsSo,the telephone sound must be audible)为了维持办公室5S工作,必须认识到广泛参与的重要性,这一点可以通过借助标明持续改善愿望的标记去实现。无3S月度记分牌No review of monthly 3S scoreFor all team members,they are posted in the organizational chart with their photos and name.11任何不安全的任何不安全

27、的办办公家具公家具66%办办公家具公家具 脏脏33-66%33-66%办办公家具公家具 脏脏33-66%furniture dirty 33%办办公家具公家具 脏脏 33%33%furniture dirty所有家具都是干所有家具都是干净净和安全的和安全的All furniture clean and safe不安全的办公家具包含所有可能伤害人体、损坏衣服,已经破损和超出使用年限的家具。Furniture which are harmful to the body or to the clothing or damaged furniture and those that has transp

28、ired the year of usage exist.这主要是指由于疏于管理而导致变色和变脏的桌椅、贮藏室、文件盒和各种报告。Desk,chair,table,closet,document storage box and various bulletins have changed colors or become dirty due to mismanagement.所有桌椅、贮藏室、文件盒和各种报告等都是干净和安全。All of Desk,chair,table,closet,document storage box and various bulletins are clean a

29、nd safe.步步骤骤 2提示提示提示提示提示检查桌检查桌椅和椅和橱柜橱柜等家具的等家具的总总体情体情况况。办办公家具的状况状况有34件桌椅、贮藏室、文件盒和各种报告等由于疏于管理而导致变色和变脏。34 items of Desk,chair,table,closet,document storage box and various bulletins have changed colors or become dirty due to mismanagement.有12件桌椅、贮藏室、文件盒和各种报告等由于疏于管理而导致变色和变脏。12 items of Desk,chair,table,

30、closet,document storage box and various bulletins have changed colors or become dirty due to mismanagement.12步步骤骤 3区区域域内内无化无化学学品品无咖无咖啡啡杯杯/盘盘子子规划规划出存放衣服出存放衣服/包包/公文包等物品的公文包等物品的区区域域明确定明确定义义所需的耗材所需的耗材记录记录下可用下可用的保持的保持政策政策并坚持并坚持Record retention policy available and adhered to样品、溶剂和化学品对人体有害,不能储存在办公室内。在办公桌上

31、不要留下咖啡杯(包括纸杯)或盘子。检查个人储物柜的状态,其应能满足使用人的需求。现场必需在醒目处设置一块看板。对于目前所需的耐用品,应使用Trigger Point 法进行整理。and for all durables needed presently,they should be ordered using the Trigger Point method.文件管理流程可采用质量管理标准The document management process for quality standard is being applied.提示提示提示提示提示检查区检查区域域内内物料的管理情物料的管理情况况

32、物料13步步骤骤 4文件和文件文件和文件夹夹 现场现场文件文件归档归档系系统统System for archiving in place 现场现场文件文件归档归档和定期使用系和定期使用系统统System for archiving in place and used regularly现场现场文件文件归档归档系系统统的使用和的使用和检查检查Archiving system in place,used and reviewed电电子文子文档档定期定期清清理系理系统统System for electronic purge routinely executed该桌子上和橱柜的文件没有经过整理,我们无

33、法了解我们需要的物品被放置在何处。(没有制作标签)The documents in the desk and the cabinet are not arranged and we do not know where objects are placed.(Labeling has not been done)橱柜内的文件采用了文件管理准则进行归档It is used following document management regulation 文件使用规定的条文解释必须附在上面。Regulation explaining usage must be attached 文件必须经过整理,以

34、使其能够满足文件管理规定及其解释条文的要求The documents must be arranged so that it follows the explanation of the regulation.通过电子邮件完成日报和周报。确保一个团队只有一个公共文件夹。Daily and weekly reports are done through the mail and only one common file for a team exists.提示提示提示提示提示File-Server File-Server 检查检查文本文本数数据和据和电电子子数数据的管理据的管理Review ma

35、nagement of data-paper and electronic文件存档档Archiving14步步骤骤 5满满的的/非空的非空的垃垃圾桶圾桶未作未作垃垃圾整理或回收的案例圾整理或回收的案例No evidence of waste sorting or recycling现场现场的的垃垃圾已圾已经经得到整理和回收,但是得到整理和回收,但是并并不不彻彻底底Waste sorting and recycling in place but not fully utilized现场现场完全完全执执行行垃垃圾整理和回收的要求圾整理和回收的要求Waste sorting and recyclin

36、g in place and fully utilized纸张纸张、墨盒和、墨盒和电电池回收点池回收点Recycle points for paper/print cartridges/batteries垃圾桶内的垃圾都是满的和非空的。(下班前,垃圾桶内的垃圾不能超过其容量的80%)垃圾的分类收集没有完成,所有垃圾都被丢弃在同一个地方。虽然垃圾分类收集已经得到了执行,但是结果并不完美,仍然有违反“分开收集标准”的地方。and violations are being made for“separation collection standard”如果有物品红标中处于使用状态,或没有任何物品录入

37、,则任何物品不可能在红标区域中存在。If somethng is recorded in the usage status chart of the red tag,or if none is documented,than any object that can be recorded in the red tag area must not exist.现场放置一个用于存放双面打印纸的盒子。这样可以使工作人员渐渐习惯于使用这类纸张。墨盒和电池应分开贮存和丢弃。A box for using two-side paper exists so using such paper should b

38、ecome common and printer cartilages and batteries should be stored and disposed of separately.提示提示提示提示提示检查检查办办公室所公室所产产生生废废弃物的管理弃物的管理废废弃物通过过整顿顿使得整理和清清除成为为一项经项经常性的工作Arranging and clearing become a common event through simplification.办办公室的整公室的整顿顿主要是指通主要是指通过优过优化化办办公室的公室的环环境和物品放置境和物品放置规划规划等手段,使得工作人等手段,使得

39、工作人员员能能够够在短在短时间内轻时间内轻松地找到自己所需的物品。松地找到自己所需的物品。Simplification of the office means that for the people working,a rapid and convenient way to obtain what he needs for operation without inconvenience should be done by optimization of the office environment and the layout.办公设备的存放区域应该有清晰的分类,且所有物品使用后都必须贴上标签

40、。将物品放置在其初始位置是很重要的。现场应在所有人员均能看到的地方设置逃生图,以便紧急情况发生时,所有人员能够顺利撤离。The storage place of office equipment should be categorized clearly,and everything should be labeled and after use.It is important that they be placed in its original position.In case of emergency,an evacuation map should be in place where

41、all can see for possible contingency.步骤 1步骤 2步骤 3步骤 4步骤 5优化储藏区域电气设备的安全位置Safe Location for Electrical标签可视单元VDU疏散和逃生整整 顿顿 方方 法法审审 计计16步步骤骤 1对对于于优优化化贮贮藏地点藏地点没没有任何有任何概概念念No thought given to optimization of storage locations物品存放空物品存放空间间的匹配(分的匹配(分类类/尺寸等)尺寸等)Storage suitable for items in place(type/size/et

42、c)物品存放工具物品存放工具负载负载的匹配的匹配Storage suitable for load储储藏地点的藏地点的检查检查以及有限路以及有限路径径的的优优化化Storage locations reviewed and optimized access limited物品的物品的贮贮藏符合人机工程藏符合人机工程学学的要求,的要求,并并配有需要的配有需要的获获取取设备设备。Items stored ergonomically and necessary access equipment available相同的物品被随意的翻折后无序地放置在各处,或被随意地放置在一个上锁的柜子里。The sa

43、me items are stored here and there in a disorderly manner and in a double and triple fold,they are stored in the locker.橱柜的尺寸与其所存放的物品相匹配,且两者尺寸不能相差过大。The size of cabinet or storage is suitable for its item,and it is not over of too much less than the size.贮藏空间应由合适的贮藏工具组成。这些物品被分别装在两层架子上,这一安排可以便于人们拿走下层

44、的物品The space is formed for appropriate storage and the items are loaded in 2 stages so that they can be removed easily with the lower objects being easily removable and placed.那些容易受湿度和温度影响的物品不应被贮藏起来。但如果必须这么做,贮藏的工具内内应放置除湿剂。储藏的物品不应挡在有锁的橱柜前面。Items,which are susceptible to moisture or heat,should not be

45、 stored and if they must be stored,they must be treated with dehumidifying agent.Furniture should not be placed in front of the locker.物品必须被储藏在有所的橱柜内,以便于移走。较重的物品不能放在橱柜的上层。Items must be stored in the locker so that they are easily removable and heavy objects must not be placed in the upper part.提示提示提

46、示提示提示是否根据是否根据现场现场的的内内容物容物设设置了合适的置了合适的贮贮藏系藏系统统Are the storage Are the storage systems correctly located and suitable for their contentssystems correctly located and suitable for their contents贮贮藏17步步骤骤 2现场现场存在拖存在拖线线板接多板接多个个用用电设备电设备,插插座、座、插头插头及及电线电线破破损损的情的情况况Presence of multi-way adaptors or damaged o

47、utlets,plugs/sockets,cords整理整理电缆线电缆线,不要,不要随随便便缠绕缠绕Cables neatly coiled and not tangled设备设备/插插座之座之间间的的电线电线距离距离应应最近可能短最近可能短Equipment/sockets located to give short cable runs工作工作场场所所须须有足有足够够的照明且能正常工作的照明且能正常工作Lighting adequate for working environment and in working order便携式便携式设备设备存放地点的确定。存放地点的确定。Locatio

48、ns identified for portable equipment&stored correctly现场拖线板被放置在办公桌上,缺少防水保护。(破损的电气设备必须根据红标或蓝标流程进行处理。)电缆线一般应单独敷设,如果需要两条电缆线敷设在一起,应使用带子,条状板等将其绑在一起。Cables must be arranged in one strip and when they are arranged together,they must be attached together using attaching strip,tape or molding.设备至插座之间电线的距离应该尽可

49、能短,如果它们都设置在地面上,应加装线条。From electrical products to the socket,the cable must use the shortest distance possible,and when they are placed in the floor,they must be attached with moldings.如果工作场所照明不够,则必须增加照明设备。若无法满足,则需另外使用立式照明设备代替。When the lighting is insufficient,additional lighting must be obtained and

50、 when that is not possible,additional lighting(stands)must be acquired and used.存放便携式电动产品(电热器,电扇)的地点应能够防潮。(对于无法满足该要求的存放地点,应使用干燥剂)The hand-carry electrical products(thermo-heater,electrical fan)are placed in moisture prevention locations.(for unavoidable cases,dehumidifying agents are used)提示提示提示提示提示


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