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1、英语 英语(English)是联合国的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。世界上60%以上的信件是用英语书写的。全世界说英语的国家和地区共有172个,如:英国、美国、加拿大、新西兰、澳大利亚、爱尔兰等。标点符号和大小写 句号 汉“。”英“.”我是大明。Im Daming.一个句子的第一个单词的首字母要大写。Im Daming.im daming.Greeting 问好 Hi,Im Sam.嗨,我是萨姆。Hi,Im Daming.嗨,我是大明。Hello,Im Amy.你好,我是艾米。Hello,Im Lingling.你好,我是玲玲。Hi,Im Sam.嗨,我是萨姆。Hello,Im Li

2、ngling.你好,我是玲玲。Goodbye 再见 Goodbye Bye Bye-bye See you Unit2:How are you?-How are you?你好吗?-Im fine.Thank you .我很好。谢谢。Unite1 whats your name?Words:good 好的 bird 鸟Morning 早上,上午Whats=What is 是什么 panda大熊猫my 我的 boy 男孩name 名字 girl 女孩a 一(个,件)afternoon 下午Greeting Good morning 早上好,中午好 Good afternoon 下午好 Good e

3、vening 晚上好 Good morning.-早上好。Good morning.-早上好。Good afternoon.-下午好。Good afternoon.-下午好。Name -Whats your name?你叫什么名字?My name is.我的名字叫。Im.我是(叫)。My name is=My names Im 名字 性别,身份 Im Ms Dou.Im a girl.Im a teacher.Ms,Miss Ms 女士(不知道婚姻状况)Miss 女士,小姐(未婚)Pron.人称代词 I 我 you 你 my 我的 your 你的 my name 我的名字 your name

4、你的名字Unite 2 Im a boy Im a panda.我是一只大熊猫。Im a boy.我是一个男孩。Im a girl.我是一个女孩。a 一(个,件)Im a teacher.我是一名老师。Im a student.我是一名学生。Unite1:How many?one two three four Five six seven eight nine tenHow many?How many?多少(数量)?Count 数数,数一数 one three eight four six nine five ten seven zero1320Unite 2:How many girls?g

5、irl girls boy boys 名词复数 dog dogsHow many girls?多少个女孩?How many boys?多少个男孩?How many pandas?多少只大熊猫?How many dogs?多少只狗?How many?Two.How many girls?Two girls.Two.Yes 是的 No 不是 Red yellow pink green purple orange blue black white -What colour?-Its blue.Sit down!Stand up!Stand up!站起来 Sit down!坐下 window door

6、 Open the window.打开窗户 Open the door.打开门Words stand 站立 up 向上 open 打开 window 窗户 door 门 sit 坐 down 向下 its=it is 它是 point 指向 to 去,到,向 Ms 女士Point to the window.Its the window.Its the door.Its the ceiling.Its the floor.the 这个(特指)the door 这扇门 a door 一扇门Point to 指向Point to the door.Point to a door.Words thi

7、s 这个 our 我们的 classroom 教室 desk 课桌 and 和 seat 座位 teacher 老师 cat 猫 dog 狗 that 那个This is my teacher.this 这个 this is 这个是 this classroom 这间教室 this is our classroom.这是我们的教室。our 我们的 my 我的 our teacher 我们的老师 my teacher 我的老师-Pleased to meet you.-Pleased to meet you.很高兴见到你。Glad to meet you.Glad to meet you.Tha

8、t is a cat.This is a cat.这是只猫。(距离近)That is a cat.那是只猫。(距离远)This!这个!That!那个!Module 7Words school bag 书包 pen 钢笔 ruler 尺子 book 书 pencil 铅笔 pencil-box 铅笔盒 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔Whats this?-Whats this?这个是什么?-Its my school bag.它是我的书包。-Whats that?那个是什么?-Its a book.它是一本书。Module 8Words:look 看 fox 狐狸 kite 风筝 hou

9、se 房子 box 箱子,盒子Is it a dog?-Is it a dog?它是一条狗吗?-No,it isnt.不是,它不是的。isnt=is not-Is it a monster?它是个怪兽吗?-Yes,it is.是的,它是。加颜色加颜色特殊特殊疑问句-Whats this?-Its a book.Its a green book.一般一般疑问句-Is it a book?Is it a green book?-Yes,it is.no,it isnt.注意注意!有一种颜色orange前要用an an orange box 一个橙色的箱子 a box 一个箱子Module 9Wor

10、ds:how old 几岁 youre=you are 你是 happy 高兴的 birthday 生日 thank 谢谢 for 为 welcome 欢迎How old are you?-How old are you?你几岁了?-Im six.我六岁了。Youre nine.你九岁了。Im=I am 我(是)youre=you are 你(是)Happy birthday!,-Happy birthday!生日快乐!-Thank you.谢谢你。,-A pen for you.送你一支笔。-Thank you.谢谢你。-Youre welcome.不用谢。Module 10Words:wh

11、eres=where is 在哪里 in 在里 hat 帽子 on 在上 under 在下 bed 床 balloon 气球 doll 玩具人偶 bear 熊 Wheres my pen?Wheres my pen?我的笔在哪里?Its in my hat.Its on my hat.Its under my hat.它在我的帽子里。它在我的帽子上。它在我的帽子下。A doll is under the bed.A balloon is on the bed.A doll is under the bed.A bear is in the bed.Module 1 Words:how many

12、 多少 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 orange 橙色 know 知道 other 其他的 tree 树 so 如此 many 许多的 bird 鸟 lets 让我们Wheres the cat?-Wheres the cat?-Its on the bed.-How many cats?-Twelve cats.-Is it under the bed?-Yes,it is.How many green birds?How many cats?How many black cats?加加颜颜色色 a dog Is it a dog?two pencils How many pen

13、cils?three windows How many windows?Module 2Words:father 父亲 mother 母亲 grandpa 爷爷 外公 grandma 奶奶 外婆 sister 姐姐 妹妹 brother 哥哥 弟弟 friend 朋友 doctor 医生 pupil 学生 hes=he is 他是 shes=she is 她是That is my father.This is my father.That is my father.that is=thats人称代词:你 我 他(她 它)你 you are 我 I am 他 he is a pupil.她 sh

14、e is 它 it is am is are 是系动词是系动词Im Im Jack.Youre Daming.Shes Lingling.Hes Sam.Module 3Words:her 她的 bag 包 his 他的 coat 外套 their 他(她 它)们的 nurse 护士 dress 连衣裙 driver 司机 bus 公共汽车问名字 I my name 我的名字 you your name 你的名字 she her name 她的名字 he his name 他的名字 it its name 它的名字 they their name 他们的名字Whats your name?介绍

15、职业My mother She is a nurse.This is her dress.My father He is a doctor.This is his coat.My friend She is a student.This is her school-bag.一般疑问句 It is a dog.它是一条狗。Is it a dog?它是一条狗?She is a nurse.她是一名护士。Is she a nurse?她是一名护士吗?He is a driver.他是一位司机。Is he a driver?他是一位司机吗?回答 Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Yes,she

16、 is.No,she isnt.Yes,he is.No,he isnt.两个特殊的 I am a student.Are you a student?Yes,I am.No,I am not.They are student.Are they student?Yes,they are.No,they arent.Module 4Words:head 头 face 脸 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴 ear 耳朵 eye 眼睛 these 这些 leg 腿This is my head.This is my head.This is your head.face nose mouth ear

17、 eye her his its These are your legs.-What is this?-This is your head.-What are these?-These are your legs.head leg nose hands eye mouth face ear Module 5 Words:theyre=they are他(她 它)们是 cow 奶牛 farm 农场 pig 猪 chicken 鸡 egg 鸡蛋 thin 瘦的 fat 胖的 baby 幼崽 little 小的 big 大的 pink 粉红色,粉红色的Theyre cows.-What is it?

18、-Its a cow.-What are they?-They are cows.替换替换 cow cows pig pigs chicken chickens cat cats dog dogs bird birdsIts thin.Its thin.Its fat.She is thin.He is fat.They are little.The cat is big.Module 6Words:snake 蛇 long 长的 zoo 动物园 short 矮的 短的 tall 高的 very 很 非常 lion 狮子 cute 可爱的 scary 吓人的 可怕的That snake is

19、long That snake is long.That snake is short.long short tall big giraffe elephant lion The baby lions are cute.The baby lion is cute.The mother lion is scary.panda spider elephent lionModule 7Words:play 玩 football 足球 like 喜欢 basketball 篮球 ping-pong 乒乓球 hot 热的 swimming 游泳 go swimming 去游泳 dance 跳舞 tire

20、d 疲劳的,累的Lets play football!Lets play football!Yes,I like football.OK!Lets play!OK!Lets go!No,Im hot.play footballplay basketball play ping-pong go swimmingLets sing!Lets sing!OK.Lets dance!OK.Lets sing and dance.No,Im tired.Module 8Word:with 用 together 一起 favourite 特别喜爱的 sport 运动 about 关于I like foot

21、ball.I like basketball and I like football.We like football.They like football.play with 和谁(什么)玩play with you play with your footballWhats your favourite sport?-Whats your favourite sport?-Whats your favourite colour?-Whats your favourite animal?-My favourite sport is football.-My favourite colour i

22、s red.-My favourite animal is panda.What about you?A:What your favourite sport?B:Swimming.What about you?A:My favourite sport is football.Module 9Words:meat 肉 noodles 面条(常复)rice 米饭 sweets 糖果(常复)children 孩子们 ice cream 冰激凌I dont like meat.I like meat.I dont like meat.dont=do not noodles rice meat swee

23、ts I dont like ginger.Ginger onions I dont like ginger!第三册:Module 1Words:song 歌曲 jigsaw 拼图 bike 自行车 toy 玩具 :What do you like?What do you like?I like jigsaws.books bikes cars pandas toys kitesModule 2Words:T-shirt T恤衫 mum 妈妈 dad 爸爸 too 太 small 小的 shirt 衬衫 at 在 party 聚会 clothes 衣服 trousers 裤子 shoe 鞋He

24、 likes this T-shirt.like 喜欢 I like dogs.(we,they,you)likes he likes dogs.(she,人名Sam等)dress T-shirt car kite yellow rice比较一下比较一下 He likes T-shirts.He likes this T-shirt.She likes books.(她喜欢书。)She likes this book.(她喜欢这本书。)car this car panda this pandaHe dosent like this shirt.I like this shirt.I dont

25、like this shirt.He likes this shirt.He dosent like this shirt.助动词 do dont你们还记得系动词吗你们还记得系动词吗?dose dosentModule 3Words:we 我们 have 有 English 英语 new 新来的 Math 数学 Music 音乐 please 请 play 演奏 Art 美术 PE 体育课 Science 科学 Chinese 汉语We have English in the morning.We have English in the morning.We have Math in the

26、afternoon.in the morning 在上午 in the afternoon 在下午 PE Maths Music Science Chinese ArtI like PE.Do you like English?Do they like English?Do we have Maths(in the afternoon)?Yes,we do.No,we dont.Module 4Words:oclock 点钟 film 电影 time 时间 run 跑 train 火车 hungry 饥饿的 dinner正餐 主餐 now 现在 all right 好吧 great 太好了It

27、s 2 oclock.-Whats the time?-Its 2 oclock.4 6 7 8 9 12 11 3 1 5 Is it 8 oclock?Is it 8 oclock?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Module 10Words:heres=here is 这是 present 礼物 sorry 对不起的 抱歉的 car 小汽车 Module 5Words:get up 起床 go to school 上学 have lunch 吃午餐 go home 回家 then 然后 go to bed 上床睡觉 half 半小时 pa

28、st 晚于 late 迟的 have breakfast 吃早餐Do you like dolls?Heres a present for you.A present for you.Do you like dolls?Yes,I do.No,I dont.cars dogs yellow books basketball noodlesI get up at 7 oclock in the morning.I get up at 7 oclock(in the morning).I go to school at 8 oclock.have lunch 12 oclock play foot

29、ball 4 oclock go home 5 oclock go to bed 9 oclockDo they like jigsaw?Do they like jigsaw?Yes,they do.No they dont.cars dolls books kites basketballIts half past 7.Whats the time?Its half past 7.I have breakfast at half past 7.8:30 10:30 6:30 12:30Module 6 Words:watch TV 看电视 weekend 周末 read 读 come 来

30、with 和一起 OK 好 listen 听She watches TV.I like football.HeShe likes football.I watch TV at the weekend.HeShe watches TV at the weekend.like likes read reads books watch watches TV go goes swimmingDoes he play the flute?He plays the flute.Does he play the flute?Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.goes swimming wat

31、ches TV reads books plays footballModule 7Words:park 公园 too 也 want 想要 us 我们(we的宾格)live 居住 city 城市你周末干什么?-What do you do at the weekend?-I play football.go swimming watch TV read booksWhere do you live?Where do you live?I live in.What school do you go to?I go to.Module 8Words:how 怎样,如何 by 乘,坐 walk 步行

32、 go to work 上班 on holiday 度假 ship 船 China 中国 plane 飞机 love 爱你怎样去学校?How do you go to school?I go to school by bus.How does your father go to work?He goes to work by bike.by bike by car by bus walk我坐火车去海南。I go to Hainan on holiday.I go by train.How do you go to?I go to by(train plane ship bus car).Bei

33、jing Shanghai farm zoo DalianModule 9Words:winter 冬天 spring 春天 wear 穿 jacket 夹克 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 sweater 毛绒衫 warm 暖和的 cool 凉爽的 cold 寒冷的Its winter.Its spring.We wear jackets.We dont wear T-shirts.spring wear jackets dont wear T-shirts summer T-shirts jackets autumn sweater gloves winter coats&glov

34、es shirtsIts warm.I like spring.Its warm.summer hot.autumn cool.winter cold.Module 10Words:New Year 新年 eat 吃 hair 头发 Christmas 圣诞节 English 英国 sing 唱新年快乐-Happy New Year!-Happy New Year!We eat dumpings at Chinese New Year.We have firecrackers at New Year.We have Christmas.Merry Christmas!We have Chris

35、tmas trees.We have a big dinner and sing songs.Module 1Words:weather 天气 like 像,如同 sunny 晴朗的 windy 有风的 rain 下雨 come on 快,走吧 here 在这里 snow 下雪天气怎么样?-Whats the weather like?-Its hot.And its sunny.windy cool raining cold sunnyI like swimming.Whats the weather like here in winter?Its cold.What do you like

36、 doing in summer?I like swimming.Beijing skiing 滑雪滑雪 boating 划船划船 running 跑步跑步 flying kites 放风筝放风筝Is it hot?热吗?Its hot.很热。Is it hot?热吗?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.windy cold warm cool rainingModule 2 Words:radio 收音机 photo 照片 newspaper 报纸 camera 照相机 smile微笑 draw 画,绘制 picture 画,图画 write 写 letter 信 colour 把涂颜

37、色音标咯!a:sun 太阳 mum 妈妈 arm 胳膊 car汽车 love 爱 colour颜色 park公园 Art美术 她正在听广播。listen to the radio 听广播 Shes listening to the radio.她正在听广播。Hes listening to the radio.shes=she is hes=he is skiing 滑雪滑雪 boating 划船划船 running 跑步跑步 flying kites 放风筝放风筝 Shes skiing.她正在滑雪。Shes boating.她正在划船。Amys running.她正在跑步。Toms fly

38、ing kites.她正在放风筝。(she he 人名)She reads books.她看书。Shes reading books.她正在看书。她正在看电视她正在看电视。你会说吗?我正在画画。draw a picture 画画 write a letter 写信 Im drawing a picture.我在画画。singing walking watching TV reading a book writing a letterModule 3 Word:tidy 整理 收拾 room 房间 do 做 homework 家庭作业 secret秘密 card 卡片 flower 花 toda

39、y 今天山姆没有在整理房间。tidy room 整理房间 Hes tidying his room.He isnt tidying his room.返回做练习他正在做作业吗?do homework 做作业 Hes doing his homework.Is he doing his homework?他正在做作业吗?Yes,he is.No,he isnt.Module 4Words:noise 噪音 drink 喝 饮 talk 谈话 there 在那里 game 游戏你正在干什么啊?What are you doing?你正在干什么?Im talking to you.我正在和你说话。t

40、idying room writing a letter doing homework drawing a picture他她正在干什么?Whats he doing?Hes playing with his train.Whats she doing?Shes writing.Module 5Words:skip 跳绳 playtime 游戏时间 sad 伤心的 no one 没有人 me 我(宾格)hide 隐藏 seek 寻找 hurry up 赶快 catch 抓 捉Lingling is skipping.Lingling is skipping.玲玲正在跳绳。hide-and-se

41、ek 捉迷藏Daming is hiding.Sam is seeking.大明正在藏。萨姆正在找。Daming and Sam are playing hide-and-seek.大明和萨姆正在玩捉迷藏。They are playing hide-and-seek.他们正在玩捉迷藏。What are they doing?他们正在干什么?What are you doing?What are you doing?你(们)正在干什么?What are you playing?你(们)正在玩什么?-We are playing catch.Module 6Words:usually 通常 Sun

42、day 星期天 help 帮助 it 它 thing 事情 ill 生病的 him(宾格)他 her(宾格)她 cook 烧菜 做菜 go shopping 去购物宾格 主格 宾格 I me I(主)play with you(宾).you you You play with me.she her She play with him.he him He play with her.like talk to我通常打篮球。I play basketball.I usually play basketball.But Im not playing basketball today.She usual

43、ly do my homework.But shes not doing her homework today.she isntWe are helping her.We are helping her.I am helping her.She is helping her.加not,变否定句(am,is,are后加not)We are not helping her.I am not helping her.She is not helping her.Module 7Words:Childrens Day 儿童节 play 剧 some 一些(人)say 念 背诵 poem 诗 class

44、 班级 dragon dance 舞龙 picnic 野餐 fly 放(风筝)sleep 睡觉Its Childrens Day today.Its Childrens Day.他们正在唱歌 跳舞 Lingling is singing a song.Sam is saying a poem.萨姆正在背诵诗。Amy is dancing.They are doing a play.他们正在演舞台剧。she he we they I 我们正在野餐。We are having a picnic.My father is flying a kite.My mother is eating.My gr

45、andma is sleeping.I am drawing a picture.比一比!What are you doing?What are Daming and Sam doing?What are they doing?Whats she/he doing?Whats Sam doing?狮子们正在干什么?(lions)Module 8 Words:up 向上 hill 小山 touch 接触 station 车站 down 向下 past 经过 hospital 医院 stop 停止 see 看见 turn 转动 转向 around 朝着相反方向很有用的短语哦!on the trai

46、n 在火车上 at the station 在车站 go up a hill 上山 go down a hill 下山 go past a hospital 经过一家医院 火车正在上山。The train is at the station.在车站 The train is going up a hill.上山 The train is going down a hill.下山 The train is going past a hospital.经过医院Were turning around.Were turning around.Were touching the sky.We re to

47、uching the ground.point up point down touch the sky touch the ground turn aroundModule 9 left 向左 go straight on 直着走 right 向右 West Lake Road 湖西路 excuse me 对不起 打扰 East Lake Road 湖东路 factory 工厂Turn left!Excuse me.打扰了。Wheres West Lake Road?湖西路在哪里?Go straight on./Turn left./Turn right.直走。向左拐。向右拐。Where ar

48、e you?你在哪里?Where do you live?Where are you?你在哪里?-Where do you live?你住在哪里?-I live in Apple Street.我住在。Where does Tom live?汤姆住在哪里?He lives in.他住在。Module 10Words:next to 在旁边 in front of 在的前面 cousin (唐表)兄(弟姐妹)supermarket超市 well 详细的 熟悉的 of course 当然next to,in front of next to 在旁边 in front of 在前面Its next

49、to the park.它在公园的旁边。Its in front of the school.它在学校的前面。Wheres the toilet,please?Excuse me.Wheres the toilet,please?打扰了,请问厕所在哪里?The girls toilet is on the left.The boys toilet is on the right.女厕所在左边。男厕所在右边。the station the park the hospitalgo straight on turn left(right)next to in front of Book 5Modul

50、e 1Words:use 使用 chopsticks 筷子 hard 困难的 people 人们 knife 刀 fork 叉 easy 容易的 hamburger 汉堡包 chips 薯条 fast food 快餐Do you want?Do you use?Do you want noodles?你想要(吃)面条?Yes,please./No,thank you.Do you use chopsticks(in England)?你们在英国用筷子吗?Yes,we do./No,we dont.Easy&Hard Its easy.很容易。Its hard.很难。Its easy/hard


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