1、读写“金课”教学设计:理念与实践杨鲁新杨鲁新北京外国语大学北京外国语大学中国外语与教育研究中心中国外语与教育研究中心国际教育学院国际教育学院1目标 内容与内容与顺序顺序形式与形式与活动活动学习检测学习检测原则 需求环境课程评估课程评估课程设计过程要素2环境分析 教学环境中的局限因素或有利因素分析 环境分析中的主要因素 学生学生:年龄、认知水平、学习风格、学习动机、英语水平、专业背景等 教师教师:语言学习观、教学方法等 教学环境教学环境:课时、大班教学、小班教学、受重视程度等 可参考讲义Table 13教师 教师的作用 语言学习观 教学方法4教师的作用 知识的传递者(包括语言)学习活动(内容和语
2、言)的管理者 课堂管理者(如纪律)某专题(内容)的专家某专题(内容)的专家 语言使用的榜样 学生学习进步的调控者 课程的设计者课程的设计者 学生需求的分析者 学长 心理指导 5教师:语言学习观 学习语言还是通过语言学习?(Learn language or learn through language?)后续课程中的英语学习应该如何定位?(Mohan,B.,1986,Language and Content)languagethinkingcontentculture6语言是学习的媒介 语言是思维的媒介 语言是内容的载体 您在教语言?您在通过语言教内容?您在通过内容教语言?您在通过语言或内容教
3、文化?语言观(View of Language)传统观传统观语言学习是学习句法、词汇语言功能观语言功能观语言学习是学习在特点社会文化环境下如何恰当使用语言(语言的意义和功能)8阅读观(View of Reading)阅读是为了使用语法 阅读是特定环阅读是特定环境下的社会活境下的社会活动动:学习和运用文化和专业知识9语言学习观(View of language learning)语法学习 社会化过程社会化过程:学习语言(learning language),通过语言学习(learning through language),解析语言(learning about language)学术语言能力
4、Academic language proficiency Cummins(1981)reported that 5-7 years were required for ESL students to come close to grade norms in English academic proficiency.BICS(Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills)基本人际交流技能 CALP(Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)学术认知语言能力 那对我们外语教育的启示什么?11学术认知语言能力是什么?一个能交
5、流的人需要什么样的语言能力?大学生学英语需要达到什么样的英语能力?Grammatical competence:morphology,syntax,vocabulary,mechanics 语法能力:词汇学、句法、词汇、标点符号、大小写 Sociolinguistic competence:knowing what is expected socially and culturally by native speakers of the target language 社会语言学能力:能够根据场合、身份恰当运用语言 Discourse competence:the ability to use
6、 cohesive devices such as pronouns,conjunctions,and transitional phrases to link meaning across sentences,as well as the ability to recognize how coherence is used to maintain the messages unity.篇章能力:使用衔接词(如代词、连词、衔接词组)连接句子的能力及识别衔接词如何使语篇内容保持连贯性的能力如何实现这些能力?关键是如何处理语言、语法、语用、语境的关系。形式形式FORMHow is it forme
7、d?意义MEANINGWhat does it mean?使用使用USEWhen/Why is it used?师生互动 参与参与投入学生学术语言能力的发展关注关注意义意义使输入可理解使输入可理解培养学生批判培养学生批判性语文能力性语文能力关注关注使用使用用语言生成新的知用语言生成新的知识创作应对社识创作应对社会现实会现实关注语言对语言形式和用对语言形式和用法的感悟意识法的感悟意识对语言形式和用对语言形式和用法的思辨性批判法的思辨性批判性分析性分析(from Cummins,2001,p.125)任务设计的原则认知没有挑战有语境缺少语境认知有挑战19有兴趣无兴趣请大家思考:在读写课程中,英语教
8、学该如何开展?缺乏知识/能力(Lacks)必教内容(Necessities)想教内容(Wants)在读写课程的教学中,我们该如何处理语言、思维、内容、文化的关系?20任务 1 列举五个影响自己教学的因素,并排序。在您的课程设计中,您如何考虑这些影响因素?21目标 内容与内容与顺序顺序形式与形式与活动活动学习检测学习检测原则 需求需求环境课程评估课程评估课程设计过程要素22需求分析 必学内容(Necessities):哪些是学生必须要掌握的知识和技能?缺乏(Lacks):学生在知识结构上或技能上缺乏什么?想学内容(Wants):学生想学习什么?可参看讲义Table 2 23需求分析 缺乏(Lac
9、ks):学生的现有知识 必学内容(Necessities):学生需要掌握的知识 想学内容(Wants):学生主观上的需求24任务2 一门读写课的需求分析您需要设计一门英语读写课(如综合英语、学术英语阅读与写作),您目前决定先调查学生的需求。您需要调查什么信息?您如何得到这些信息?这些信息对您的课程设计有什么作用?25目标 内容与内容与顺序顺序形式与形式与活动活动学习检测学习检测原则原则 需求环境课程评估课程评估课程设计过程要素26原则原则 内容与顺序内容与顺序 形式与活动形式与活动 学习检测学习检测27内容与顺序的原则内容与顺序的原则环境环境 学生 教师 教学环境 课程内容有助于学习在课堂上发
10、生 课程内容符合学生的年龄和认知水平 课程内容应考虑学生对语言学习的期望 教师对课程内容的掌握及其用英语驾驭课程的能力 课时 教学手段(媒体?)28内容与顺序的原则内容与顺序的原则需求需求 缺乏 想学内容 必学内容 内容符合学生的语言水平和认知水平。内容考虑了学生想学的知识(或话题)。内容是学生需要掌握的。29内容与顺序的原则内容与顺序的原则原则原则 内容与语言 语言学习系统性 复习率 学生能否在学习内容的过程中学习语言?学生能否在学习语言的过程中学习内容?学生能否在课程中系统地学习语言?内容是否滚动式扩展?语言知识是否滚动出现?30选取内容时应思考的问题1.考虑到学生的特点和课程的目的,我希
11、望我的学生在这门课上能学到什么?2.我有哪些备选方案?3.我准备该课程的资源是什么?困难是什么?4.我可以准备多少单元的教学内容?这些单元之间的关系是什么?5.我的课程设计原则是什么?31An ESP course for professionals in the sciences(Graves,2000,p.139)Week 1:Introduction to ESP;presentation skills workshopWeek 2:Amplified definitionsWeek 3:Description of a mechanismWeek 4:Description of a
12、processWeek 5:ClassificationWeek 6:Abstract writingWeek 7:Research reports32Week 8:Research reportsWeek 9:Peer editing of research reportsWeek 10:Mini conference Presentation of research reportsWeek 11:Mini conference Presentation and peer evaluationWeek 12:Self evaluations and video evaluation of p
13、resentations33目标 内容与内容与顺序顺序形式与形式与活动活动学习检测学习检测原则 需求环境课程评估课程评估课程设计过程要素34形式与活动环境环境 学生 教师 教学环境 内容的呈现学生应吸引学生。学生应有能力完成活动。活动应符合学生的语言水平。活动应考虑班级大小。活动应考虑学生的学习风格。教师应有能力实施活动。活动安排应符合教室的实际条件。活动内容应符合每节课的时间长度。35形式与活动需求需求 缺乏 想学内容 必学内容 学生应能完成活动。活动设计考虑了学生对这门课的期望。各种活动利于学生掌握学习的内容,并对将来的学习和工作有帮助。36形式与活动原则原则 动机 四个维度 理解性输入
14、流利度 输出 学生应对内容感兴趣 Meaning-focused input,language-focused learning,meaning-focused output,fluency activities(讲义Table 5)大量的、有意义的输入 学生应有机会盘活语言 应促使学生用英语产出所学的知识37形式与活动原则(续)原则(续)有意识的语言学习 深层思考 学习风格 应给学生提供机会学习语言、关注语言使用。内容和活动应能促使学生深入思考。内容和活动的安排应考虑学生的不同学习风格。38任务3 在您目前所上的课程中,你最常用的教学方法是什么?最喜欢的教学活动是什么?您的学生喜欢这些教学方
15、法和活动吗?为什么?您如何检测这些教学方法和活动的有效性?39目标 内容与内容与顺序顺序形式与形式与活动活动学习检测学习检测原则 需求环境课程评估课程评估课程设计过程要素40学习检测环境学生教师教学环境 学生应对自己的进步感到高兴。教师应能了解各种活动的效果。教师有时间解决某些活动中存在的问题。检测应易操作且费用低。检测应符合大的教学环境的要求。41学习检测需求 缺乏 想学内容 必学内容 课程应能让学生增长知识、提高语言能力。课程应包含学生希望学习的内容。课程应让学生掌握必学内容,并为以后的学习奠定基础。42学习检测的原则 学生应对学习的内容感兴趣,并在学习的过程中逐渐认识到这门课程的价值。学
16、习检测应考虑学生的特点和需求、教学环境等。学生应该有机会获得反馈,从而帮助他们提供语言使用能力和扩大知识面。43学习检测 教学效果评估:参看讲义Table 6 学生学习效果检测:44目标 内容与内容与顺序顺序形式与形式与活动活动学习检测学习检测原则 需求环境课程评估课程评估课程设计过程要素45课程评估 该课程的教学达到了既定的目标了吗?学生对该课程满意吗?课程花费是否合理?46课程评估 形成性课程评估 终结性课程评估47课程形成性评估 目的 数据种类 数据使用 数据发现的呈现形式 提升课程的内容及教学方法 注重收集原因、过程类的数据及学生个体学习情况的数据 用于讨论、职业发展、改进教学和课程
17、与教师讨论48课程终结性评估 目的 数据种类 数据使用 数据发现的呈现形式 判断一门课程的好坏 注重收集有关教学结果的数据 对课程的合适性作出决定 以书面报告形式呈现49课程设计的步骤目标目标1.列出课程的整体教学目标以及每个单元的教学目标 内容与顺序内容与顺序1.确定单元或课的数量2.选择恰当的学习内容3.合理分配学习内容50课程设计的步骤(续)形式与活动形式与活动 1.确定内容呈现的形式2.选择恰当的教学活动3.确定上课形式学习检测学习检测1.确定检测教学目标的方法2.确定评估课程教学效果的方法51目标目标 内容与内容与顺序顺序形式与形式与活动活动学习检测学习检测原则 需求环境课程评估课程
18、评估课程设计过程要素课程设计课程设计的步骤的步骤52现有教材与课程设计 内容与顺序 形式与活动 学习检测 语言学习内容是什么?知识内容是什么?比率和频率如何?单元编排顺序的原则是什么?课程内容是如何呈现的?检测什么?什么时候检测?怎么检测?谁来检测?53让教材为自己所用 增加或删减内容 调整教学内容的顺序 改变形式与活动 调整教学方法 增加或删减对学生学习过程的调控 增加或删减教学评测活动54不单一依赖一本教材 采用(列举)多部相关书籍 使用网上资源55内容主题1内容主题2内容主题3分主题1分主题2分主题3分主题4课时课时课时课时内容和课时安排内容和课时安排56内容主题内容主题4课程主题课程主
19、题学术英语阅读与写作课程设计目标 内容与内容与顺序顺序形式与形式与活动活动学习检测学习检测原则 需求环境课程评估课程评估课程设计过程要素58环境分析 学生:硕士生一年级,应用语言学专业 教师:写作教与学的理念及实践 教学环境:一周2课时、必修课教师:我 我如何认识学术英语读写能力的习得?读写思,linking reading and writingLanguage,thinking,content,culture 我如何帮助学生提高学术英语读写能力?Modeling,practice(analysis&reflection),feedback教学原则教学原则“教教”的原则的原则深入浅出学以致用
20、过程监控“学学”的原则的原则听中学读中学做中学需求分析 缺乏(Lacks):学生普遍不熟悉学术英语阅读与写作 必学内容(Necessities):学生需要提高学术英语读写能力 想学内容(Wants):学生主观上也想提高英语写作教学目标The course aims to give students an overview of important elements of academic English writing,with an emphasis on research and reporting in the field of applied linguistics.This cour
21、se has a three-fold objective with respect to the intellectual growth and development of students:(1)to improve their skills in expressing themselves with clarity in writing,(2)to develop their abilities to read academic papers carefully and critically,and to analyze and synthesize the ideas and con
22、cepts in them,and(3)to improve their research and library skills through individual research projects.原则 内容与顺序内容与顺序 形式与活动形式与活动 学习检测学习检测64内容与顺序内容与顺序 Unit 1:Overview and Learning to do Graduate School Unit 2:Learning to do Graduate School Unit 3:Overall Structure of Academic Papers Unit 4:Introduction
23、 and Literature Review Unit 5:Introduction and Literature Review Unit 6:Methods&Findings Unit 7:Methods&Findings内容与顺序内容与顺序 Unit 8:Discussion and Conclusion Unit 9:Discussion and Conclusion Unit 10:Abstract Unit 11:Literature Review Writing Unit 12:Literature Review Writing Unit 13:Literature Review
24、Writing Unit 14:Proposal Writing Unit 15:Research Paper&Thesis Writing形式与活动The course will be conducted through lectures combined with class discussions of assigned readings,individual and small-group assignments in class,and students presentation of homework assignments and their individual researc
25、h project.阅读材料 必读书目以期刊论文为主 相关网站形式与活动(续)选篇:时新性、美文性、定性与定量研究方法搭配、自己的习作和发表的论文 讲练结合:写作技巧的讲解基于实际的论文,学生先从分析他人的论文理解和巩固课上学到的知识,反思让学生进一步思考和内化学习检测The students are expected to form a study group of 4 or 5 students,discussing the required readings and assignments for later reporting to the whole class.Course wor
26、k includes 7 weekly mini-assignments and 1 literature review on the topic in which one is interested.The term paper is written based on at least 10 journal papers from prestigious journals in applied linguistics such as.学习检测(续)The paper is expected to be written between 1500-2000 words,typed and dou
27、ble-spaced,demonstrating ability to analyze critically and synthesize the selected literature.The weekly assignments are due on Sundays.And the literature review paper is due on January 20,2019.Students are expected to submit the hard copies of their assignments to the instructors mail box as well a
28、s send the e-versions to 学习检测(续)EVALUATION 100%6 weekly assignments 60%Term paper 30%Attendance and Participation 10%Abstract AnalysisYANG Luxinluxin_A typical research paper or thesisIntroduction General Specific Methods Results or Findings Discussion Specific General Literature Review thecreate-a-
29、research-space(orCARS)modelStandard form for research reportAbstract I Introduction(research purposes)II Literature review-Leading to research questions or hypothesesIII Methods A Participants B Materials C Procedures Standard form for research reportIV Results(or Findings)V DiscussionVI Conclusions
30、 and ImplicationsReferences Appendices Functions of Research Article Abstracts Stand-alone mini-texts:Inform readers about articles content Screening devices:Help readers decide whether or not to read article Previews:a road-map,showing them what to look for if they do Indexing help for professional
31、 abstract writers and editors(Huckin,2001)Task 1Rank these four functions in terms of their importance to you.Are there any that you think are irrelevant?Are there any other functions that you can think of?Rhetorical moves in abstractsMove#Typical labelsImplied questionsMove 1Background/introduction
32、/situationWhat do we know about the topic?Why is the topic important?Move 2Present research/purposeWhat is this study about?Move 3Methods/materials/subjects/proceduresHow was it done?Move 4Results/findingsWhat was discovered?Move 5Discussion/conclusion/implications/recommendationsWhat do the finding
33、s mean?Task 2:read Riazi(1997),Shi(2006),He&Shi(2012),Moeller et al.(2012)Identify the move structures Underline what you consider to be the key clause(or part sentence)in the abstract.What is the main tense used in this abstract?Why is this tense used?Does this abstract use any citations or referen
34、ces to previous research?Does the abstract authors use we?How does the abstract make self-referring?Are acronyms/abbreviations used in the abstract?Task 2:Analyze abstractsRiazi(1997)Shi(2006)Kanno&Stuart(2011)Moller et al.(2012)1.Key clause2.Length3.Verb tense4.Citation 5.First person pronoun6.Meta
35、-discourse?7.Acronymuse?8.Move structure?It is typical for the field of Linguistics to present theoretical claims and statements in the present tense(to claim universality),but to resort to the past tense when discussing methodology.Results apparently vary between present and past tense.In applied l
36、inguistics,citations or references to previous research are not very common in RA abstracts.Across the broad field of applied linguistics,some acronyms/abbreviations are used but not very many.It is common to use meta-discoursal expressions in the field of linguistics.Examples:this article,the artic
37、le,this study,this research,this paper,this contribution,here,the study reported here.Move 1&2:start an abstract Type A:starting with a real-world phenomenon or with standard practice Type B:starting with purpose or objective Type C:starting with present researcher action Type D:starting with a prob
38、lem or uncertaintyHow S1 is linked with S2?Keep roughly the same subject(continuing subject)Put the information for the second half of the first sentence in the subject position at the beginning of the second(capturing subject)Use a new previously unmentioned topic as subject(new subject)Task 3 Anal
39、yze Sentence 1 and 2 Compressing methods descriptions(Move 3)Move 3 can include information about data,participants,length of study,location,etc.as well as some indication of the methods used themselves.A lot of information needs to be packed into a small space.Results or findings(Move 4)How do the
40、authors organize their findings?Do they first talk about results in general?Do they then provide specific information about their findings?For quantitative studies,do they precise numbers and percentages in their abstract or is it better to provide an approximation of their results?Task 4 Analyze th
41、e language features in Results or Findings moveTask 5 How do the selected abstract conclude?What to include in an abstract?Why did you do this study or project?What did you do,and how?What did you find?What do your findings mean?Qualities of an Effective Abstract Use one or more well-developed parag
42、raphs,which are unified,coherent,concise,and able to stand alone(200-300 words)Use an introduction-body-conclusion structure in which the parts of the report are discussed in order:purpose,research questions,methods,findings,conclusions,recommendationsQualities of an Effective Abstract Follow strict
43、ly the chronology of the report Add no new information-merely summarizes report Contain stand-alone qualities-the abstract can be understood without reading the paper Be intelligible to a wide audiencePoints to pay attention to Do not repeat or rephrase the title Make it complete enough to stand on
44、its own Emphasize the different points in proportion to the emphasis they receive in the body of the document Avoid using I or we Choose active verbs instead of passive when possiblePoints to pay attention to Avoid if possible using trade names,acronyms,abbreviations,or symbols.You would need to exp
45、lain them,and that takes too much room.Use the most important terms and concepts from the document.Include the ones that will attract people to read your piece.Why Should I Know How to Write Abstracts?Helps you present complex information in a clear,concise manner Helps you read abstracts more effec
46、tively Helps you conduct research Helps you write abstracts for future publications Helps you condense report information into a short format for database searchesFaulty ParallelismLook out for faulty parallelism whenever you use one of the following constructions:a and b a,b,and c a or b a,b,or c n
47、ot only a but also b My first-year philosophy professor was informative,lively,and a source of inspiration.My first-year philosophy professor was informative,lively,and inspiring.My philosophy professor not only demonstrated how to reason persuasively but also how to avoid logical fallacies.My philo
48、sophy professor demonstrated not only how to reason persuasively but also how to avoid logical fallacies.He warned me to revise my essay and that I should pay close attention to parallel structures.He warned me to revise my essay and to pay close attention to parallel structures.Wordiness Doubling o
49、f Words(INSTEAD,choose one):mutual agreement(agreement)future prospects(prospects)consensus of opinion(consensus)reconsider again(reconsider)whether or not(whether)inadvertent error(error)Intensifiers,Qualifiers(INSTEAD,omit or give specific details):very really extremely definitely a considerable a
50、mount of to a certain extent Formulaic Phrases(INSTEAD,use a one-word form or omit):for the purpose of(to)at this point in time(now)with regard to(about)as the case may be(-)due to the fact that(because)in the near future(soon)in view of the fact that(because)Basically,.(-)Catch-all Terms(INSTEAD,om