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1、Module 1 Deep South (一)分类记单词 核心单词 记全记牢 1._ adj. 不很昂贵的;适中的 2_ adj. 每年的 3_ n. 状态;状况 4_ v. 使平衡 5_ v. 使陷入困境;储存,留存 6_ adj. 艰难的,艰巨的 7_ adj. 干净的;不含有害物质的;纯正的 modest annual state balance trap severe pure 8_ n. (工厂学校等的)食堂,餐厅 9_ n. 紧急情况;突发事情 10_ n. 传说;故事 11_ n. 缺乏;没有 12_ n. 块,堆,团 13_ n. 试验 14_ adj. 晒伤的 15_ n.

2、(乘船的)旅行,航行 canteen emergency tale absence mass test sunburnt voyage 用准用活 单词拼写/单句语法填空 12019 全国卷Before the 1830s, most newspapers were sold through _ (每年的)subscriptions in America. 2If you can speak very _ (纯正的) English, you will have more chances to find a job than others. 3Although he had gone throu

3、gh many _ (艰难的) tests during his lifetime, he succeeded at last. 4On the long _ (航行) the men saw many sharks and some whales. annual pure severe voyage 52019 浙江卷They began as a _ (modest) successful musician group and ended the year as show business legends. 62019 天津卷These actions have greatly affec

4、ted the ecological _ (平衡) 7It was reported that 115 miners _ (trap) in the flooded mine for eight days were pulled out alive at last. 8On the other hand, his _ (absent) finally led to his being fired last month. modestly balance trapped absence 拓展单词 1._ n探险者_ v探险;勘探_ n探险;勘探;勘查 2_ n深度_ adj.& adv.深的;深

5、深地 _ adv.强烈地;深刻地_ v加深;深化 3_ adj.极端的,极度的_ adv.极端地,极 其;非常 4_ adj.烦人的,令人讨厌的_ adj.厌烦的;疲 倦的_ adj.令人厌烦的;令人疲倦的 5_ adj.令人沮丧的;令人抑郁的_ v使沮 丧;使萧条_ adj.沮丧的;萧条的_ n沮丧;不 景气,萧条(期) explorer explore exploration depth deep deeply deepen extreme extremely tiresome tired tiring depressing depress depressed depression 6_

6、v阻止;使灰心;使丧失信心_ adj. 令人灰心丧气的;令人沮丧的_ adj.沮丧的_ n泄气;使人泄气的人(事)(反义词)_ v鼓励 7_ n鼓舞;启示;灵感_ v鼓舞;激励 _ adj.鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的_ adj.富有灵感的; 受到鼓舞的 8_ v促进,增进;晋升,提升;促销_ n晋 级;晋升;促进;促销 discourage discouraging discouraged discouragement encourage inspiration inspire inspiring inspired promote promotion 用所给词的适当形式填空 1Listening

7、to his _ speech, we were _ to make great efforts. It gave us not only hope but also _.(inspire) 2 John is _ of watching the _ soap operas on TV. He cant stand them any longer.(tire) 3The lake is over 20 meters in _. So we were all moved _ by the man who dived _ into the lake to save the boy.(depth)

8、4 With the _ weather coming, people felt _ cold and many got ill.(extreme) inspiring inspired inspiration tired tiring depth deeply deep extreme extremely 5 On hearing the _ news, he felt _ and soon got into a state of _.(depress) 6From his _ look, I judged he wasnt hired, which was really _. But I

9、still _ him to go to other companies to try his fortune. (discourage) 7A team of _ will _ the valley and the _ will last 10 days. (explore) 8We launched a big advertising campaign to _ our new toothpaste, and the _ succeeded at last. In return for our efforts, all the staff in our department were _.

10、 (promote) depressing depressed depression discouraged discouraging encouraged explorers explore exploration promote promotion promoted 阅读单词 1.aircraft n _ 2battery n. _ 3abnormal adj. _ 4clothing n. _ 5cosy adj. _ 6daylight n. _ 7delicate adj. _ 8dormitory n. _ 9drill n. _ 10ecology n. _ 11eyesight

11、 n. _ 12fragile adj. _ 飞机;飞行器 电池 不正常的,反常的 衣服;(尤指)某种服装 温暖舒适的 日光;白天 娇气的,纤弱的 宿舍;寝室 钻;钻机 生态;生态学 视力;目力 脆弱的;易碎的 13.glare n. _ 14gravity n. _ 15inhabit v. _ 16privilege n. _ 17isolated adj. _ 18via prep. _ 19luxury n. _ 20minimum adj. _ 21Antarctica n. _ 22numb adj. _ 23platform n. _ 24portable adj. _ 刺眼的光

12、 重力,地心引力 居住 荣幸;特殊利益;优惠待遇;特权 孤单的,孤立的 经由,取道 奢侈品 最少量;最小数 南极洲 麻木的;失去知觉的 平台 轻便的;便携的 联想维空间 1.“状态,状况”名词大荟萃 state 状态,状况 status 状况,情形(身份;地位) condition 状态,情况 situation 状况,形势 2.以- ency结尾的高频名词小结 emergency 紧急情况 efficiency 效率;功率 tendency 趋向;趋势 fluency 流利;流畅 3.聚焦“职场经历”高频名词 promotion 升职 employment 雇用 appointment 任命

13、 interview 面试 dismissal 解雇 unemployment 失业 green hand 新手 4.以- ance结尾名词集锦 balance 平衡 acquaintance 熟人;相识 advance 发展;前进 allowance 津贴,零用钱;允许 ambulance 救护车 finance 财政;金融 assistance 协助 (二)联想背短语 记全记牢 1._ 如果;假使;以防 2_ 打碎;解体 3_ 详细地 4_ 信守诺言 5_ 负责;掌管 6_ 想出;提出 7_ (使)适应 8_ 平均 9_ 喜欢 in case of break up in detail k

14、eep ones promise in charge of come up with adapt (to) on average be fond of 10_ 以的形式 11_ 进入视野 12_ 突出;显眼 13_ 进入,到达;踏上 14_ 尤其 in the form of come into sight stand out set foot on in particular 用准用活 选用左栏短语填空 1 The designer says he _ the idea after watching people get wet on streets in Russia. 2When you

15、 _, no matter how much effort it takes, you will be rewarded. 3People living in the area where there is a lack of electricity often keep a supply of candles _ power failure. 4The overseas Chinese are very glad to _ their homeland. 5The dress is making you _ in the crowd, so everyone can recognize yo

16、u. 6I would be grateful if you could tell me how to deal with these problems so that I will be able to _ the new environment. came up with keep your promise in case of set foot on stand out adapt to 联想维空间 1.“inn.of”短语面面 观 in case of 如果;假使 in defence of 保卫; 为辩护 in (the) face of 面临;面 对 in honour of 为纪

17、念 in view of 鉴于,由于 in search of 寻找 2.“v.up with”短语汇总 come up with 想出;提出 keep up with 与同步; 跟上(强调状态) catch up with 跟上(强调动 作) end up with 以结束 put up with 忍耐;忍受; 熬过 fill up with 用填满 (三)精彩写句式 背原句 明句式 学仿写 1.Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South Pole, it is the fifth largest continen

18、t in the world. 它(南极洲)覆盖了南极周 围约1 400万平方千米的 面积,是世界第五大洲。 现在分词短 语作伴随状 语。 1.小时候,我妈妈常常坐 在我床边给我讲故事一直 到我睡着。 When I was a child, my mother used to sit by my bed, _ until I fell asleep. telling me stories 2.Not until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle,but he

19、never saw land. 直到18世纪末,英国探险 家詹姆斯 库克才穿越了 南极圈,但他却从未发现 任何陆地。 not until置 于句首引导 的部分倒装 句。 2.直到他面试失败,他才 意识到自信是多么重要。 Not until he had failed in the job interview _ how important confidence was. did he realise 3.Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on the A

20、ntarctic mainland. 后来到了1895年,一个叫 卡斯腾 博克格雷温克的 挪威人成为第一个踏上南 极大陆的人。 the序数 词名词 to do sth. 3.众所周知,杨利伟是第 一位进入太空的中国宇航 员。 Its well- known that Yang Liwei is _ _. the first Chinese astronaut to go into space 第一板块|重点单词突破 1state n状态,国家,政府,州;vt.阐明,陈述 佳句背诵:The witness stated he had not seen the woman before. 证人陈述

21、他以前从未见过这个女士。 (1)in astatein a state of. 处于的状态 (2)It is stated that. 据称 state ones views 陈述自己的见解 (3)statement n. 声明;陈述 make a statement 发表声明 巧学巧练1 基础练习单句语法填空 Soon afterwards, he made his first public _ (state) about the affair to clear others misunderstanding of him. She is _ a poor state of health,

22、which worries her mother very much. All the photographs in this book, unless _ (state), date from the 1950s. 能力提升单句写作 面对失败,最重要的是要保持良好的心态。 In the face of failure, it is the most important to _. statement in stated keep a good state of mind 2trap v储存,留存;设陷阱捕捉;阻止,使陷入困境;n.陷 阱,诡计 佳句背诵:He felt he had been

23、 trapped into signing the agreement. 他觉得自己是中了圈套才签了这个合同。 (1)be trapped in. 被困在 trap sb.into sth./doing sth. 用计使某人上当 (2)set/lay a trap (for.) 设置(捉的)器具 set/lay a trap for sb. to do sth. 设圈套引诱某人做某事 fall into/be caught in a trap 掉进陷阱 巧学巧练2 基础练习单句语法填空 2019 天津卷We succeed in our field of specialization and

24、then become _ (trap) in it. The shopkeeper trapped me into _ (buy) their poor quality milk. 能力提升句式升级 普通表达:Because he had been trapped in traffic, he was late for school. 高级表达:_, he was late for school.(分词状 语) trapped buying Trapped in traffic 联想发散:表示“被困在中”的短语还有: be/get locked in;be/get caught in;be/

25、get stuck in;be/get blocked in 3promote v提升,晋升;促进,增进;宣传(某物)以促进销 售 佳句背诵:2015 四川卷More expressways will be built in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy. 为了促进当地经济的发展,很快在四川将会修建更多的高速公 路。 (1)promote sb.(from sth.) to sth. 把某人(从某职位)提升到某职位 be promoted to. 被提升为 (2)promotion n. 提升,晋级,促进 get/win/gain prom

26、otion 得到晋升 巧学巧练3 基础练习单句语法填空 While waiting for the opportunity to get _ (promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty. He was promoted _ a clerk to a manager after many years of hard work. 2019 全国卷The exhibition in New York last week _ (promote) the sales of artworks. 能力提升单句写作 因为他的良好表现,他很快就被提拔到公司

27、的一个更高职位。 Because of his good performance, he _ in the company. promoted/promotion from promoted was soon promoted to a higher position 4discourage v阻止;使泄气,使灰心,打消的念头 佳句背诵:Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell how close you may be to victory. 别让任何失败使你灰心丧气,因为你永远不可能弄清楚你离胜利 有多近。

28、(1)discourage sb.from doing sth. 劝某人不要做某事;使某人失去做某事的信心 (2)discouraged adj. 沮丧的,灰心丧气的 discouraging adj. 令人泄气的,令人沮丧的 discouragement n. 灰心丧气;挫折;阻止 (3)courage n. 勇气 encourage vt. 鼓励 巧学巧练 4 基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错 2019 浙江卷They help to discourage the sea birds _ wandering onto the highway. Students soon get _ (dis

29、courage) if you criticize them too often. To his _ (discourage), he failed the exam again. If you work on a project and never seem to make any progress, you may feel discouraging. _ from discouraged discouragement discouragingdiscouraged 能力提升单句写作 父母亲应该鼓励他们的孩子克服困难, 并且激励他们自我发展。 Parents should _ and in

30、spire them to develop by themselves. encourage their children to overcome difficulties 第二板块|短语句式提能互动 1in case of 如果;假使;万一 佳句背诵:Medical assistance is available in case of an emergency. 在紧急情况下可以得到医疗救助。 in no case 无论如何不;决不(位于句首用倒装) in case (that) 万一;以防 in any case 无论如何;总之 in this/that case 如果这样/那样的话 as

31、 is often the case 这是常有的事;情况往往如此 巧学巧练1 基础练习用case短语填空 Youd better take an umbrella _ the rain. Youd better take an umbrella _ it rains. _ should we do anything that goes against the interests of people. There is no simple answer, _ in science. in case of in case In no case as is often the case 能力提升句式

32、升级 普通表达:His wife got seriously ill, and in that case he had to give up the chance of going abroad. 高级表达:His wife got seriously ill, _ he had to give up the chance of going abroad.(定语从句) 熟词生义:Unless we have enough evidence, we cant win the case.(n.案件) in which case 2stand out突出,显眼;卓越;杰出 佳句背诵:Having b

33、een painted red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive. 这幢刷着红漆的楼非常美观,在楼群中很显眼。 stand for 代表;象征;容忍 stand by 袖手旁观;坚持;支持,遵守 stand up 站起来 巧学巧练2 基础练习单句语法填空 After several rounds of competition, the little girl stood _ because of her excellent spoken English and quick response. Do

34、nt just stand _ when you come across someone in trouble. Each star on the flag of the United States stands _ a state of the nation. 能力提升单句写作 虽然在班里很优秀,但是他从不骄傲。(用省略句翻译) _, he is never proud. out by for Though standing out in his class 3句型公式:the序数词名词to do sth. Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens

35、Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland. 后来到了1895年,一个叫卡斯腾 博克格雷温克的挪威人成为第 一个踏上南极大陆的人。 (1)当中心词是序数词或被序数词、形容词最高级等修饰时或前 有the next, the only, the last等时,常用不定式作后置定语。 (2)动词不定式作定语用来修饰的词是抽象名词,常见的有: ability, chance, ambition, offer, anxiety, answer, reply, attempt, belief等。 巧学巧练3

36、 基础练习单句语法填空 Amy was the only person _ (witness) the car accident. The ability _ (express) an idea is as important as the idea itself. There was no signal in that faraway village and all my attempts _ (contact) you failed. 能力提升单句写作 我母亲是她村庄第一位接受高等教育的女性。 My mother is _. to witness to express to contact

37、 the first woman in her village to receive high education 基础达标题组 . 单句语法填空 1I dont think him to be the best man _ (do) the job because she is very careless. 2All the students are recommended to keep a _ (balance) diet for their health. 3When land came into sight, we got _ (trap) in the ice as it had

38、begun to break up. 4As one would expect, his writing is mostly clear and, to be fair, some chapters stand _ above the rest. 52020 衡水模拟_ is known to all is that Tokyo hosts the 2020 Olympic Games. to do balanced trapped out What 6_ (trap) in the ruins, the girl still wore a smile, waiting to be rescu

39、ed. 72019 北京卷Its such _ privilege to be a part of these kids lives, even just for a few hours, getting to know them and hearing their stories. 8_ (inspire) by the speech, the little girl made up her mind to work even harder. 9They were determined to start a campaign _ (promote) awareness of environm

40、ent issues. 10The test results were very _ (depress), and all of us were in no mood to have supper. Trapped a Inspired to promote depressing .单句改错 1Owing to his absent, we had to put off the class meeting till next week._ 2The children were exciting at the news that their parents would return from a

41、broad._ 3Share prices are falling sharply, which discourage investors from buying and selling shares._ 4It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in case of we got worried._ 5Most students have a little difficulty in adapt to the social life after graduating from university._ absentabs

42、ence excitingexcited discouragediscourages 去掉第三个 of adaptadapting 能力强化题组 . 课文语法填空 根据课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正 确形式。 Antarctica is the coldest and driest place on Earth. With annual rainfall close 1._ zero, it is 2._ (technical) a desert. Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South P

43、ole, it is the fifth 3._ (large) continent in the world. It holds 90 percent of the worlds ice, most of 4._ fresh water (70%) is in a frozen state. Yet it is full of wildlife, which has adapted to its extreme conditions, but few types of plants can survive there. to technically largest whose 5._ _ (be) there for thousands of years, the ice has become a w


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