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1、第二讲 非谓语动词 高考感悟高考感悟 A 组 单句语法填空 12019 全国卷Scientists have responded by _ (note) that hungry bears may be congregating (聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion (错觉) that populations are higher than they actually are. noting 考查非谓语动词。介词后接动词时,应用其动名词形式。respond by doing sth.“通过做某事回应”。 22019 全国卷

2、When we got a call _ (say) she was short- listed, we thought it was a joke. saying 考查非谓语动词。say 与前面的 a call 之间是逻辑主动关系,故填 saying,现在分词短语 saying.作后置定语,修饰 a call。 32019 北京卷Nervously _ (face) challenges, I know I will whisper to myself the two simple words “Be yourself” facing 考查非谓语动词。主语 I 与 face 之间为逻辑主动关

3、系,故用现在 分词形式在句中作状语。 42019 北京卷Earth Day, _ (mark) on 22 April, is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection. marked 考查非谓语动词。本句是主系表结构,由连系动词 is 可知空格处 填非谓语动词形式。mark 在这里是“庆祝,纪念(重要事件)”之意, 是及物动词, Earth Day 与之是逻辑被动关系, 此处的字面意思是“地 球日在 4 月 22 日被庆祝”,故用过去分词短语作定语。句意:地球日 在 4 月

4、22 日举行,是一项旨在提高公众环保意识的年度事件。 52019 天津卷_ (learn) to think critically is an important skill todays children will need for the future. Learning 考查非谓语动词。句意:学会批判性地思考,这是现在的孩子为 了未来(的发展)所需要具备的一项重要技能。动词- ing 形式作主语。 62018 全国卷You dont have to run fast or for long _ (see) the benefit. to see 考查非谓语动词。 to see 为非谓语动

5、词作目的状语。句意为:你 不必跑得很快或很长时间就能看到好处。 7 2018 全国卷The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice _ (improve) water quality. to improve 考查非谓语动词。to improve 为非谓语动词作目的状语。句意为: 为了改善水质政府鼓励农民种植玉米而不是水稻。 8 2018 浙江卷6月I still remember _ (visit) a friend whod lived here for five years and I was shocked w

6、hen I learnt she hadnt cooked once in all that time. visiting 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,remember 作谓语且空处不 作并列谓语,故应填非谓语动词。此处考查 remember doing sth.表示 “记得做过某事”,故填 visiting。 92018 天津卷,12I didnt mean _ (eat) anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldnt help trying it. to eat 句意为:我当时什么都不想吃,但是那款冰激凌看上去太诱人

7、了 以至于我禁不住品尝了它。 本题考查非谓语动词作宾语。 mean to do sth. 打算做某事; mean doing sth.意味着做某事。 此处表示打算做某事, mean 后须加不定式作宾语。 102017 全国卷This included digging up the road, _ (lay) the track and then building a strong roof over the top. laying 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,该句的主语为 This,谓语 动词 included 后由 and 连接了三个动名词短语作宾语,故填 laying。 B 组 单句

8、改错 1 2019 全国卷All the football players on the playground cheered loudly, say that I had a talent for football._ saysaying 分析句子结构可知, cheered 是谓语动词, say 前没有并列连词 and 等,所以 say 只能用非谓语动词形式;主语与 say 之间是逻辑主动关 系,故用现在分词短语作状语。 22019 全国卷Ive had many dreams since I was a child. Now my dream is to opens a cafe._ op

9、ensopen to 是不定式符号,后跟动词原形。不定式短语 to open a cafe 在句 中作表语。 32018 全国卷Everyone was silent, wait to see who would be called upon to read his or her paragraph aloud._ waitwaiting 主语 Everyone 与 wait 为逻辑主动关系, 故用现在分词作状语, 因 此将 wait 改成 waiting。 42018 全国卷Some of us were confident and eager take part in the class

10、activity; others were nervous and anxious._ take 前加 to be eager to do sth.意为“渴望做某事”。 考点研析考点研析 考点一 非谓语动词作主语、宾语和表语 1非谓语动词 动名词作主语通常表示抽象的或习惯性的动作,而不定式作主语 则表示具体的、某一次的行为。 As we all know, going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit. 众所周知,早起早睡是一个好习惯。 To complete the program needs much effort. 完成这

11、项计划需要很大的努力。 2it作形式主语,代替真正作主语的动词不定式或动名词。常见 句型有: It is no use/good/fun doing sth. It is a waste of time doing sth. It takes sb. some time to do sth. Itsadj.for/of sb.to do sth. Its important for the figures to be updated regularly. 定期更新数据是很重要的。 3非谓语动词作表语 非谓语动词中能作表语的有现在分词、过去分词、动名词和不定 式。 (1)现在分词作表语意为“令人

12、感到的”,而过去分词作表 语意为“本身感到的”。 The news was exciting and we were excited the whole night. 这则消息令人激动,我们激动了整整一晚上。 (2)不定式、动名词都可以作表语,但动名词作表语多指抽象 的、经常性的动作。 What he did in the meeting was chatting with Mary. 他在会议上所做的事情就是与玛丽谈话。 (3)不定式则多表示具体的动作,尤其是某一次的动作。 My job is to clean the house three times a week. 我的工作是每个星期打

13、扫房子三次。 (4)get, become, look, seem, appear等系动词后可跟过去分词作表 语,表示被动或主语的状态。 This quotation from Winston Churchill tells us that we shouldnt get discouraged right after failures. 温斯顿 丘吉尔的这句名言告诉我们,失败后我们绝不能气馁。 4非谓语动词作宾语 (1)若非谓语动词作下列动词或动词短语的宾语,则只能用动名 词。 suggest, risk, imagine, mind, admit, practice, allow, avo

14、id, delay, include, deny, escape, advise, finish, miss, insist on, look forward to, feel like, get down to, object to, devote ones time to等。 I avoided mentioning the subject in case he should be offended. 我回避提及这个话题,以免冒犯他。 (2)若非谓语动词作下列动词或动词短语的宾语,则只能用不定 式。 decide, refuse, promise, pretend, hesitate, m

15、anage, plan, fail, choose, would like等。 She will attempt to beat the world record. 她试图要打破世界纪录。 (3)有些动词或动词短语既可接不定式作宾语,也可接动名词作 宾语,但表示的含义不同。 mean to do sth.打算做某事 doing sth.意味着做某事 forget to do sth.忘记去做某事未做 doing sth.忘记做过某事已做 regret to do sth.遗憾要去做某事未做 doing sth.后悔做过某事已做 try to do sth.尽力做某事 doing sth.试着做

16、某事 go on to do sth.继续做另外一件事 doing sth.继续做同一件事 remember to do sth.记着去做某事未做 doing sth.记得做过某事已做 cant help to do sth.不能帮助做某事 doing sth.情不自禁地做某事 I regret to tell you that I cant come. 我很遗憾地告诉你我不能来了。 I still remember being taken to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.我仍记得别人带我去过法门寺,并记得在那里我所看到的一 切。 (4)动词作

17、介词的宾语时,要用动名词形式,不能用动词不定 式。 The author begins his account of the tour in the forest mainly by describing various sounds.作者主要是通过描绘各种声音开始叙述自己 的森林之旅的。 即学即练(单句语法填空/单句改错) 12018 北京卷_ (travel) along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. Traveling 考查非谓语动词。句意:沿古老的丝绸之路旅行是一次有趣和有 益的经历。根据题干

18、可知,_ along the old Silk Road 是主语部 分,应该用动名词形式作主语。 22020 辽宁铁岭协作体第一次联考Above all, I have come to understand that _ (bring) happiness to others is getting ourselves happiness. bringing 考查非谓语动词。句意:首先,我开始明白了授人玫瑰手留余香 的道理。在宾语从句中设空处作主语,且表示抽象概念,故用动名词 作主语。 32020 湖北七市联考_ (send) yellow roses can be risky, as they

19、 represent either friendship or envy. Sending 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,句中缺少主语,所以应用 v.- ing 形式作主语,故填 Sending。 4 2020 河南八市重点高中质检I felt hopeless and alone, and more _ (depress) than I knew was possible. depressed 考查非谓语动词。句意:我感到绝望、孤独及前所未有的沮丧。 设空处作 felt 的表语,故填 depressed。 52020 江西红色七校联考It is _ (shock) that some i

20、nvestment banks even judge candidates by whether they wear brown shoes. shocking 考查非谓语动词。句意:令人震惊的是,一些投资银行甚至根据 他们是否穿棕色鞋子来判断应聘者。shocking 意为“令人震惊的”。 62020 菏泽模拟Next keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean _ (accept) the action of the person who upsets you. accepting mean to do sth.意为“想要做

21、某事”, mean doing sth.意为“意味 着做某事”,由语境可知此处填 accepting。 7 2018 全国卷I quickly lower myself, ducking my head to avoid looking (look) directly into his eyes so he doesnt feel _ (challenge) challenged 考查词性转换之动词变为形容词。连系动词 feel 后要接形容词作 表语。challenged adj.“受到挑战的”;challenging adj.“困难的;富有 挑战性的”。 由语境可知,填 challenged

22、。 8 2019 福建福州 3 月质检In the beginning, I wasnt used to talk to strangers._ talktalking 考查非谓语动词。 句意: 开始时我不习惯和陌生人讲话。 be used to doing sth.为固定句型,意为“习惯做某事”。 9We hope that all of us will devote our efforts to protect pandas and let them live in the wild again some day._ protectprotecting 考查非谓语动词。devote. to

23、.意为“将致力于”,to 为 介词,后跟 v.- ing 作宾语。 102019 全国百校联盟第一次联考Instead of seek a shelter, my parents suggested we help a couple of stall owners pack their books._ seekseeking 考查非谓语动词。句意:没有去找庇护处,我父母建议我们帮助 几个摊主收拾他们的图书。 介词短语 instead of 后需用动名词形式作宾 语,故把 seek 改为 seeking。 考点二 非谓语动词作定语 定语形式 功能 现在分词一般式doing 表示动作是主动进行的行

24、为或者正在 进行当中 现在分词一般式的被动结构 being done 表示动作是被动行为且正在进行当中 过去分词done 表示动作是被动完成的行为或者单纯 表示已经完成 动词不定式to do 表示将要发生的动作 动词不定式一般式的被动结构 to be done 表示将要被做的动作 We are invited to a party to be held in our club next Friday. 我们被邀请参加下星期五在我们俱乐部举办的晚会。 He is always the first to arrive at the school and the last to leave the

25、school. 他总是第一个到校,最后一个离校。 2015 北京卷The park was full of people, enjoying (who enjoyed) themselves in the sunshine. 公园里人山人海, 人们在阳光下玩得很快乐。 Tsinghua University, founded (which was founded) in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures. 清华大学建立于1911年,是许多杰出人物的摇篮。 【名师指津】 (1)准确判定非谓语动词与其逻辑主语之间是主 动关

26、系还是被动关系; (2)准确判定非谓语动词表示的动作发生的时间,即是正在进行 或已经完成还是将要发生。 The problem discussed at the last meeting was of great importance. The matter being discussed now is of great importance. The problem to be discussed at the next meeting is of great importance. 即学即练(单句语法填空/单句改错) 12019 山西五地市高三联考While some Florida go

27、vernment officials doubt whether the climate will become hotter or colder, the people _ (live) in these locations are certain of the need to protect their communities. living 考查非谓语动词。 分析句子成分可知, 设空处修饰主语 the people, 且与 the people 之间是逻辑上的主动关系, 故用现在分词作定语, 故填 living。 22020 安徽名校模拟As the researchers expect

28、ed, 30% of the chefs _ (survey) said that their best meal as a kid was still what they liked the most as an adult. surveyed 考查过去分词。chefs 和动词 survey 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表 示“被调查的厨师”,故用过去分词作后置定语。 32020 昆明调研Along the Silk Road route, Xian and Gansu are suitable to visit all year round. The best time _ (visit) X

29、injiang is from May to October because the weather is mild. to visit 考查非谓语动词。the best time to do sth.的意思是“做某事的最好 的时间”,其中的动词不定式作后置定语,修饰前面的 the best time, 所以填 to visit。 42019 惠州第二次调研Not long ago,I was touched by the reply from Tsinghua University to Wei Xiang,which aroused a heating discussion._ heati

30、ngheated 考查形容词。 从句句意: 那引起了一场激烈的讨论, 故 heated“激 烈的”符合语境。 5 2019 山西八校第一次联考Besides, there is a long holiday waits for me after the Gaokao. And I can travel anywhere I like then._ waitswaiting 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词, wait 与其逻辑主语 holiday 之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。 考点三 非谓语动词作状语 1不定式作状语 (1)原因状语多用在某些表示喜、怒、哀、乐等的

31、形容词后。 Im very glad to be invited to attend the meeting. 我很高兴被邀请参加这个会议。 (2)目的状语可与so as to/in order to替换,但so as to一般不可置于 句首。 He works hard in order/so as to pass the college entrance examination. In order to pass the college entrance examination he works hard. 为了通过高考他努力学习。 (3)结果状语常表示意想不到的结果,常用only to

32、do。 He hurried to the station only to find that the train had left.他匆匆赶 到车站结果却发现火车已经离开了。 【名师指津】 熟记固定结构: (1)only/just to.;too. to.;so. as to.;. enough (for sb.) to. (2)beadj.to do sth. As far as Im concerned, the book is very hard to learn. 就我个人而言,这本书很难理解。 2分词作状语 (1)v.- ing形式:现在分词作状语,用来表时间、条件、让步、原 因、

33、伴随、结果等。现在分词所表示的动作与句子主语之间构成逻辑 上的主动关系,且含有进行之意。 2015 天津卷单项填空Having worked for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule. 已经忙活了两天,史蒂夫设法按时完成了他的报告。 Having been laughed at for his mistakes,the boy was ashamed and embarrassed. 那男孩因犯错而被嘲笑,因此既羞愧又尴尬。(强调非谓语动词 的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前且此动作与逻辑主语boy是被动关 系) (2)

34、v.- ed形式:过去分词作状语,用来表时间、条件、让步、原 因、伴随等。过去分词所表示的动作与句子主语之间构成逻辑上的被 动关系,且含有完成之意。 Offered an important role in a new movie,Andy has got a chance to become famous. 由于在这部新电影中担任重要角色,安迪有了出名的机会。 (3)源于系表结构的部分过去分词作状语,表示句子主语所处的 一种状态。不表示被动关系,其前不用being,常见的有:seated(坐着 的)、hidden(躲着)、devoted(专注的)、lost/absorbed in(沉溺于)、

35、born in(出身于)、dressed in(穿着)、tired of(厌烦了)等。 Absorbed in his book, he didnt notice me enter the room. 他专注于读书,没注意到我进入房间。 【名师指津】 (1)把握分词与句子逻辑主语之间的关系;区别 现在分词与过去分词:现在分词表示主动或正在进行,过去分词表示 被动或完成。 (2)现在分词的完成式having done表示分词的动作和句子主语之间 是主动关系,同时分词动作先于句子谓语动词发生。 Having driven all day, we were rather tired. 开了一天的车,

36、我们相当累。 (3)不定式作结果状语为主观上意想不到的结果,现在分词作结 果状语为客观上顺其自然而产生的结果。 More highways have been built in China, making it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. 中国又建了很多高速公路,这使人们的出行变得更容易了。 3有些分词或不定式短语作状语,构成独立结构,其形式的选 择不受上下文的影响。常见的有: generally speaking 一般来说; frankly speaking 坦白地说; judging from/by

37、 根据来判断; considering./taking. into consideration 考虑到; to tell the truth 说实话; compared to/with 与相比较; to begin with 首先; seeing. 鉴于/由于; supposing 假设,如果; assuming 假使; given 考虑到,鉴于; provided(that.) 如果; concerning 关于 Judging from what he said just now, he must be very satisfied with your performance. 根据他刚才

38、说的话判断,他一定对你的演出很满意。 即学即练(单句语法填空/单句改错) 12020 河北唐山第一次调研Whats worse, his wife abandoned him, _ (leave) him alone with his six- year- old younger son. leaving 考查非谓语动词。句意:更糟糕的是,他的妻子离他而去,留下 他自己和 6 岁的小儿子。 设空处作结果状语, 是 his wife abandoned him 自然而然产生的结果,故填 leaving。 22020 浙江宁波九校联考I like staying up late _ (watch)

39、 TV, surfing the Internet or doing something Im fond of. watching 考查非谓语动词。逻辑主语 I 与 watch 之间为主动关系,表示伴 随,故填现在分词 watching。 32020 河南豫南九校质量考评Finally I refused to attend classes, _ (shut) myself in my room for hours. shutting 考查非谓语动词。句意:最后,我拒绝去上课,把自己关在房间 几个小时。refused 和 shut 之间没有并列连词,故可判断设空处应为非 谓语动词作状语。主语

40、I 与 shut 之间为逻辑上的主动关系,且 shut 与 refused 同时发生,故设空处表示伴随,故填 shutting。注意 shut 的现 在分词形式需要双写“t”再加- ing。 42020 江西五校第一次联考The World Health Organization (WHO) has made an appeal to scientists, drug manufacturers and governments.The WHO wants them to work together _ (develop) drugs to fight 12 bacteria. to devel

41、op 考查非谓语动词。此处是不定式作目的状语,故填 to develop。 52020 江西宜春中学第一次诊断_ (compare) with the western medicines high fees, TCM has a reasonable price that ordinary people can afford. Compared 考查非谓语动词。句意:与西药的高额费用相比,传统中药的价 格合理,普通人能够承担得起。compared with.为固定结构,在句中 作状语,意为“与相比”。 62020 福州八中质检_ (realize) it was our last high s

42、chool sports meeting, we decided to make it an unforgettable experience for all of us. Realizing 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格所处的部分为非谓语 动词作状语,realize 与主语 we 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故填 Realizing。 72020 蚌埠二中模拟Greatly _ (encourage), the team conducted another experiment, this time with water that contained bacteria. encoura

43、ged 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格所处的部分为非谓语 动词作状语,encourage 与主语 the team 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故 填 encouraged。 82020 江西五校第一次联考Locating in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood, the house is big enough to enable you to have a room of your own._ LocatingLocated 考查非谓语动词。be located in.意为“坐落于”,为固定短 语,在句中作状语,省略了 be 动词,故把 Locatin

44、g 改为 Located。 92018 全国卷Everyone was silent, wait to see who would be called upon to read his or her paragraph aloud._ waitwaiting 考查非谓语动词。 主语 Everyone 与 wait 之间为逻辑主谓关系, 故 用现在分词作状语,因此把 wait 改为 waiting。 考点四 掌握非谓语动词的几种句型公式 1不定式作宾语补足语 tell/order/persuade/force/warn/encourage/ask/invitesb.to do sth. Id l

45、ike to invite you to take part in the activity. 我想邀请你参加这项活动。 2后用省“to”的不定式作宾语补足语的动词:“五看;三 使;二听;一感觉”。 五看:look at/watch/notice/see/observe sb.do sth. 三使:make/have/let sb. do sth. 二听:listen to/hear sb. do sth. 一感觉;feel sb.do I like the film because it can make me laugh. 我喜欢这部电影,因为它能让我笑。 3用于it形式主语结构中 Itb

46、e名词或形容词(no good, no use, a pleasure, worthwhile, useless)动词- ing Itbe形容词(difficult/kind/clever等)for/of sb. to do sth. Ittakessb.some timeto do sth. As is known to us, its no use complaining without taking action. 众所周知,只抱怨不采取行动没用。 only to do结构表示出乎意料的结果 He hurried to the station only to find the train

47、 had left. 他匆忙赶到车站结果却发现火车已经开走了。 4with复合结构中补足语的比较 with sb./sth. doing表主动、进行 sth. done表被动、完成 sth. to do表将来 With so many people looking at him, he felt very nervous. 那么多人看着他,他感到很紧张。 With the problem solved, the quality has been improved. 问题解决了,质量也提高了。 5有些非谓语动词形式的固定结构 considering that 鉴于;考虑到 judging by/from 从来看 supposing/providing/provided/assuming that. 假定,假设 compared with/to 与相比 Michaels new house is like a huge palace, compared with his o


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