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1、 全方位资料下载全方位资料下载 Prepared by:Vicky HsuehFebruary 3rd,1999Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc2台湾媒体环境的诡谲多变台湾媒体环境的诡谲多变,让媒体人头晕目眩让媒体人头晕目眩,让广告人雾里看花让广告人雾里看花会喘会喘.But免惊免惊! 全方位资料下载全方位资料下载 Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc3与其站在门外与其站在门外不如进得门里瞧瞧不如进得门里瞧瞧 全方位资料下载全方位资料下载 全方位资料下载全方位资料下载 Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc5JTo familiarize you with the

2、 basic concepts and terminology used in mediaJTo demonstrate how terms can be applied to media planningRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc6J Audience&TargetJ Media MixJ RatingJ SOV&SO$J GRPJ GIJ CPRP&CPMJ HUT&PUTJ ShareJ TV DaypartJ Reach&FrequencyJ Reach CurveJ Effective Reach&FrequencyJ SchedulingJ Reach Patt

3、ernRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc7-Circulation-Primary readers,Pass-along readers&Readership-Readers per copy-Split-run-ROS(run of schedule)-Zipping&Zapping-Back to back&RoadblocksRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc8JThe number of Target individuals or households likely to be exposed to a media vehicle.It could be-Hou

4、seholds viewing a TV program in the average minute-Persons listening to a Radio station during a certain quarter hour-Readers of an average issue of a special MG or NPRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc9JThe audience that you want to see your advertising message-Usually defined by age and gender-For example:For

5、 Oil of Olay:Female 20-39For H&S:M&F 15-49Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc10-The value of each medium must be considered regarding its ability to achieve the overall objective-Factors to be considered:*Amount of use by target*Potential Reach vs Frequency*Communication strengthens/weakness*Competitive use *Cl

6、utter*Cost *CreativeRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc11JThe audience expressed as the percent of a universe-Reported by syndicated sources-Whenever the term rating is used,the universe must be clearly understood-For example:If 26%of all Female 15-39 in Taiwan watched TTV Evening News,this program would have a

7、 26 rating.Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc12JSOV:Percent of total advertising spending or weight within a product category that is held by a particular brand at a given timee.g.BrandTARP SOVOlay5,00050%Ponds4,00040%Others1,00010%Total10,000100%Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc13-Total number of exposures against a ta

8、rget audience expressed as a percent-1 GRP=1%of universe-Dont look at audience duplication-GRP is a measure of the heaviness of the campaign-Other commonly used terms:TRP(Target Rating Point)&TARP(Target Audience Rating Point)Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc14JAdditive across programsProgramFemale 20-39TTV E

9、vening News25CTV Drama Serials20CTS Foreign Film2065 GRPsJ Each of above shows achieved an individual rating and combined,the schedule delivered 65 GRP with an avg.rating of 21.6 for a program in the schedule.Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc15J Thousands of viewers of a given program that are in your target

10、audience,also known as impressions-The summation of the number of people reached by the campaign.So,Thousands(impressions)=Rating x Universe-Gross impressions,like GRP,is the sum of all the impressions,or(000)ProgramF20-39Universe#Viewers(000)TTV News 20%4,000,000800,000Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc16JCos

11、t of a spot or total package delivered by the GRP received-Used to measure rating points in relation to dollar investmentProgram Cost/10 GRP/F20-39CPRCTV News 30,000152,000Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc17J Cost of a spot or total package divided by the thousands(000)of viewers in your target audience-The d

12、ollar figure used to evaluate the relative costs of various media within selected audience-Used to compare the efficiency of reaching your target among different programs or vehicleMedia VehicleUnit CostF20-39(000)CPMTV(Top 50 avg.)90,000 612.5$146.94MG(Top 10 avg.)60,000497.0$124.20Ref:TN/MEDIA/JME

13、DIA1/rc18JThe number of TV household or persons in those household with TV sets on at the time being measured-Shows how much TV usage occurs at a particular time-Are remarkable predictableRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc19JDivides the day into clusters of hours with similar viewers-06:30 am-14:00 pm :daytime

14、-14:00 pm-19:00 pm :early fringe-19:00 pm-22:00 pm :prime time-22:00 pm-24:00 pm :late fringeRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc20JThe unduplicated number of households or persons exposed at least once to an advertisement or advertising schedule-A person/household is only counted once even if exposed two or mor

15、e times(1+net reach)-Key element-net or unduplicated number of people exposed-Important in determining advertising effectivenessRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc21J The average number of times a household or person exposed to an advertisement or advertising schedule in a given period of time-Key element-avera

16、ge no.of times exposed-Some will see more than others but,to be reached,one must see the ad at least once-Usually are concerned with average frequency-Important in determining advertising effectivenessRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc22JGRP =Reach x FrequencyF20-39 =Reach x Avg.Frequency400 GRP =80%x5Viewers

17、countedonce%Average no.of times they viewedRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc23JFor example1+80%1 5%2+75%2 25%3+50%3 2%4+48%4+48%1+80%Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc24JPrinciples about how reach builds-Reach generally builds very quickly at first-Over time,it becomes difficult to increase reach because you have alread

18、y reached the frequent media users-Increasing GRP tends to increase frequency while reach increases at a slow rate(see next page for the example)Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc25JThe amount of frequency or repetition necessary for advertisements to be effective-Three bit theory by Herbert Krugman1st bit :Wh

19、at is it?2nd bit:What about it?3rd bit:I know it.(complex message needs higher frequency)Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc26J The percent of a target audience exposed to an advertising within a range of times sufficient to produce a positive change(e.g.build awareness,image,strengthen perception.)Frequency%Re

20、ached at each frequency level1+60%2+40%3+20%(effective reach is 20%at 3+)4+5%Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc27JA pattern of times when advertising will appear before the consumeryFactors need consideration when developing scheduling strategiesxSeasonalityxPurchase cyclexBrand awarenessxCompetitive activityx

21、Promotional event xBudgetRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc28JContinuity-Even and continuous advertising supportJProvides an on-going presence for the product with the consumer week after weekyThe ads work as a reminderyEntire purchase cycle is coveredyReach consumers both when they are purchasing and when the

22、y are notyRealistic only for large budgetsRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc29JFlighting-Advertising schedule separated by hiatuses of no advertising supportJCan break through competitive noise by concentrating advertising at higher levels during fewer weeksyStretch limited budgetsyProvide higher awareness lev

23、els during on-air periodyMaximize impact when on-airyTime your advertising according to the seasonalityRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc30JPulsing-Consistent support with varying weight levelsJProvides higher concentrations of weight at scheduled intervalsJ Can be accomplished by:yScheduling base weight and h

24、eavy-up the same mediumyScheduling base weight for one medium and heavy up on a different mediumyAlternating media yCoordinating bursts with promotionsRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc31Reach Pattern-BlitzJ全面攻击闪电战全面攻击闪电战Start1 YrPlanning PeriodReach Expenditure Pattern:Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc32Reach Pattern-B

25、litzJ The ideal pattern for a new product or service,if you can afford it,consists of a“blitz”of continuous advertising for the first year.J But,it is virtually impossible to over-advertise a new product or service during its introduction.The blitz pattern will maximize the first-mover advantage if

26、your brand is the first in the category.J However,It appears that blitz level spending is also necessary if a later-entering brand hopes to overtake the market leader.Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc33Reach Pattern-BlitzJ Important Note:yThe advertiser will need a fairly large“pool”of advertising executions,

27、built around the same positioning strategy,to prevent advertising wearout.yFor informational products,a resonably safe estimate is 2 4 executions.yFor transformational products,where ad likability is relevant,4 6 executions may be needed to sustain a blitz.yFor introductory promotions,to gain trial,

28、would usually occur only for the first six months because that is the length of time for which a product or service can legally use the description“new”.Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc34Reach Pattern-WedgeJ契形分裂契形分裂Start1 YrPlanning PeriodReach Expenditure Pattern:Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc35Reach Pattern-Wedge

29、J The wedge pattern can be considered as an alternative to a blitz when launching a regularly-purchased product or service.J Not only high reach but heavy frequency is needed initially to create brand awareness for the new product and to enable prospective triers to learn the new products benefits(i

30、nformational advertising)or acquire its intended image(transformational advertising)Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc36yNo.of copies of publication sold or distributedyReaders who didnt purchase their own copy of a publication but read the copy of someone elseyBoth primary and pass-along readersyAverage no.of

31、 readers of a publication per copy of circulationRef:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc37yRun of Press refers to positions in a magazine or newspaper where the ad is placed where the publication choosesyDivide the circulation of a publication into groups that will receive different editorial and/or 全方位资料下载全方位资料下载

32、Ref:TN/MEDIA/JMEDIA1/rc38yBroadcast media where units or a schedule may appear at any time in the schedule of the stationyUsing a remote control device to skip ahead of commercial or to change TV channelsyTwo or more commercials run one immediately following the otheryPurchasing commercials on several stations during the same commercial break(which is the best for Reach) 全方位资料下载全方位资料下载


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