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1、1/102023 届淮北市高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷参考答案第一部分:听力15ACCBA610 CBACB1115 CBABA1620 BBCCA第二部分:阅读理解第一节第一节2125 CBCDA2630ADCAD3135 BCBDA第二节第二节3640 CGBFD第三部分:语言知识运用第一节第一节4145 CDABC4650 DAACD5155 BAACD第二节第二节56.features57.regions58.with/including59.to be screened60.who61.strengthening62.the63.various64.Held65 jointly第四部分

2、:写作第一节:参考范文第一节:参考范文Dear Steve,Thank you very much indeed for the wonderful lecture you gave on continuation writing.Ivelearnt really a lot,because you helped me overcome the bottleneckhow to increase the reading andwriting speed.However,I am still puzzled by some difficulties in it.For example,I fin

3、d it hard to grasp the gistof the passages,and I also feel it hard to continue when confronted with new words.What can I do?Would you please give me some advice?I would be really grateful if you could help me out.Thank you very much again.Your earliest reply would be appreciated.Yours,Li hua第二节:书面表达

4、 参考范文第二节:书面表达 参考范文Seven months into the school year,when the contest day finally arrived,the kids feltready to take on the world!They warmed up,listened to my talk,and made their way to theperformance area.As my choir mounted the risers,I looked at the three judges andremembered how improbable this

5、scenario had seemed at the beginning of the school year.“Smile!”I mouthed.They looked confident.I took a deep breath,and we began.Theyperformed masterfully.We finished our songs,and I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs,“YOU DID IT!”After all the choirs had performed,we waited in our assigned ro

6、om for the results.Whilewaiting for the judges scores,the kids gazed at the clock,went for snacks,gazed at the clock,drew on the chalkboard,gazed at the clock.Two very long hours later the results wereposted.I stood frozen,staring at the list in disbelief.There was our name at the very top:aFirst Pl

7、ace award with the highest marks of all.All around kids were squealing andembracing.Warm tears wet my cheeks.And I realized that I was surrounded by kids who had2/10a dreamkids who refused to give upkids who taught me to never doubt the possibility ofsuccess.附 读后续写评分建议:1.本题总分为 25 分,按 5 个档次给分。2.评分时应关

8、注续写内容的完整性、衔接性、连贯性和合理性;关注语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性。3.评分时还应注意,词数较少,书写较差,酌情扣分。附 读后续写评分建议:1.本题总分为 25 分,按 5 个档次给分。2.评分时应关注续写内容的完整性、衔接性、连贯性和合理性;关注语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性。3.评分时还应注意,词数较少,书写较差,酌情扣分。部分解析部分解析Passage A语篇解读语篇解读本文是一篇应用文,主题语境是人与自我生活与学习,文章源于清华大学官网,介绍了校园食堂用餐的相关信息,让学生对即将到来的大学生活有所了解,鼓励他们努力编织梦想。21.C 细节理解题,题干问:哪些学生可将 IC

9、卡作饭卡使用?原文第一个小标题下对此进行了具体说明:The degree-program students,including the undergraduate and graduate students,shallapply for a student IC card which can be used as the dining card,由此选择答案 C.Undergraduatestudents。22.B 细节理解题,题干问:学生在哪可以找到充值机给 IC 卡充值?原文第二个小标题下对此进行了具体说明:The recharging machines are located aroun

10、d Taoliyuan Dining Hall,ZijingyuanDining Hall,Guanchouyuan Dining Hall,teaching building No.6 as well as the Student ServiceCenter,由此选择答案 B.Around Guanchouyuan Dining Hall。23.C 细节理解题。题干问:如果有人想吃披萨,下列哪一个是最佳的用餐时间建议?原文图表中对各个餐厅的用餐时间进行了说明,找到 Qingqing Pizza 一栏,锁定时间 10:30-20:30,通过比对得出选项 C.18:0019:00 在披萨店的用餐

11、时间内,故选 C。原文链接:https:/ B语篇解读语篇解读本文是一篇人物自述,主题语境是人与自我做人与做事。文章节选自阿根廷足球运动员迪马利亚的自述,讲述了他辉煌背后鲜为人知的故事。通过阅读文章,引导学生学习迪马利亚及家人为梦想奋斗的决心和毅力;教导学生面对事情不要只看表面,要多思多想多学,亦不要为他人的光鲜所迷惑,学会沉静蛰伏,厚积薄发,等待破茧而出的那一天;同时也希望学生从迪马利亚父母身上看到自己父母的影子,体谅并珍惜父母陪自己一同奋斗的时光。24.D 推理判断题。题干问:作者家的墙壁为什么变成了黑色?文章在第一段第三句话中说到家中墙壁起初是灰的后来变黑了 At first they

12、were grey,then turning black,紧接着在其后解释到他父亲在家制作木炭 He made charcoal in our house,并在这段末尾强调 it s a very dirty business这不是件干净活儿,由此可推断是父亲在家制碳把墙壁弄脏了,故选 D。25.A 细节理解题。题干询问关于 Graciela 的信息,Graciela 出现在第三段末尾和第四段。选项原文A.Graciela was a yellow bicycle witha basket.(正确)Graciela was an old yellow bicycle.It had a litt

13、lebasket in the front.B.GracielawasnamedaftertheGraciela.that my mother would use to drive me to3/1026.A推 理判 断题,题 干问:Autho作者和其父母有什么相同的优秀品质?公众号:高中试卷君rI thought to myself:At some point,everything is going to change.Iplayed so much football that every two months,my boots wouldbreak apart.DeterminedFath

14、erMy dad stayed out there working,all day.If he didnt sell that day,maybe we wouldnt have enough to eat.MotherA woman biking through town with a little boy on the back and abag in the basket with his boots.Up hills.Down hills.Through thedangerous27.D 推理判断题,考查学生对文章的整体理解,从而进行深层含义的领悟和推断。A 选项 In time of

15、 test,family is best.直译为在面对考验时,家人才是最好的;意译为患难见真情,强调经历磨难时家人陪在身边的可贵。文中虽提到父母亲的辛苦,但同时也描述了作者本人不向命运低头、努力实现理想的决心和毅力,更关键的是全文的文眼在于文章后半部分的四个 they dont know“they dont know the journey.They dont know about.They dont know about.They dont know about.”这四个反复的句型表现出作者迫切地希望大家知道他作为世界杯冠军队运动员成长的艰辛,渴望大家了解到成功背后的不易,而非单一地停留在亲

16、情层面。B 选项 Happiness is a choice,not a result.幸福是一种选择,而不是结果。C 选项 One who fears failure limits his activities.害怕失败的人会固步自封(,唯有勇敢尝试才会成功)。D 选项 Behind every glory there is always a story.每一段辉煌的背后都有不为人知的故事。太阳背后有无数的黑暗,成功的背后也隐藏着很多挫折与失败。任何一个人成功,别人看到的都是表面的光芒,却看不到他背后付出的巨大艰辛。原文链接:https:/ mother.(错误)training文中只说到G

17、raciela是妈妈载我去训练的自行车,未提及姓名由来。C.Graciela was born when the authorwas nine.(错误)When I was seven.That year.that is whenGraciela was born.D.Graciela got the family whereverthey wanted to go.(错误)Graciela got us where we needed to go.4/10Passage C语篇解读语篇解读本文是一篇新闻报道,主题语境是人与社会科学与技术,主题语境内容为年度最佳发明之纸电池。28.C 细节理解

18、题,题干问到研究者们发明纸电池的目的,通过关键词定位到文章第二段最后一句话 They developed the paper battery aiming to reduce the environmental impact of single-useelectronics by turning to more environmentally friendly materials 他们开发纸电池,旨在通过转向(使用)更环保的材料来减少一次性电子产品对环境的影响,故选 C。29.A 细节理解题,题干问:研究者们如何增长纸电池的电力?文章第二段详细描述了研究者们对纸电池性能的检测分析。纸电池由两种

19、含有不同矿物质的墨水作正负极。在检测中,研究人员往纸电池上滴两滴水,20 秒内,纸电池开始工作。一小时后,随着纸变干,缺少水导电,纸电池的电力明显下降。此时研究者们又加了两滴水,使纸再次湿润,纸电池的电力又延续了一小时。故选 A。30.D 细节理解题,题干问到 Gustav Nystrm 口中研究人员们的下一步计划,通过关键词定位到第四段的最后两句话.EMPAs Gustav Nystrm,the inventor.He told TIME magazine theywanted to improve the efficiency of the battery in the future an

20、d get it working for longer,故选 D。31.B 主旨大意题,考查学生对文章整体意义的把握。本文为新闻报道,文章第一段就介绍了纸电池入选时代周刊年度最佳发明,并在最后一段再次提到年度发明的评选,故选 B。原文链接:https:/www.swissinfo.ch/eng/sci-tech/water-activated-paper-battery-named-among-world-s-best-inventions/48049560#:text=Water%2Dactivated%20paper%20battery%20named%20among%20worlds%2

21、0best%20inventions,-EMPA&text=%E2%80%9CIt%20sounds%20impossible%3A%20Just%20add,years%20%E2%80%9CExperimental%E2%80%9D%20invention%20category.Passage D语篇解读语篇解读本文是一篇科普说明文,主题语境是人与自然自然生态,主题语境内容为冻5/10成冰块冬眠的木蛙。这种具有超强耐冻能力的动物在冬眠时甚至连呼吸、心跳都停止了,看起来就像被冻死了,但一到春天,它们也会像其他冬眠动物一样苏醒过来。木蛙这种冬眠的方式的确对人类很有启发,比如在医学上应用于对人体

22、器官的低温保存,让病人可以顺利进行器官移植,从而有更大几率存活下来。大自然无时无刻不在给人类以启迪,本文引导学生培养对自然生态的敬畏与好奇,重视对自然生态的探索和保护。32.C 推理判断题,题干问到作者的大学老师为什么带只青蛙去上课。根据关键词定位到第一段可知,该教师将一直冻硬的木蛙带到课堂,并假意将木蛙摔碎,实际摔出时已将木蛙换成了冰块,借此来向同学们展示木蛙过冬时确实将自己冻得像冰块一样硬。通过文章,可了解到教授是想讲授关于木蛙的知识,所以选 C。33.B 猜测词义题,考查学生根据上下句推测单词的含义的能力。解答此题需先弄清划线词thaws 前的代词 it 指代什么,据上文可知 it 指代

23、的是结冰冬眠的木蛙,故选 B,指木蛙过完冬后在春天苏醒。34.D 细节理解题,题干问:是什么使木蛙结冰却不至冻死?通过关键词回到文章第二段最后一句话the frogs liver pumps out incredible amounts of glucosea sugary liquid that acts like antifreeze forvital organsthat flows everywhere including the insides of cells to keep them from dying,木蛙的肝脏会泵出数量惊人的葡萄糖一种糖状液体,对重要器官起到防冻作用渗入各

24、处,包括细胞内部,以防止细胞死亡,故选 D。35.A 推理判断题,题干问到据Shannon Tessier 所说,谁将有可能从木蛙的生存原理中受益。根据关键词定位到最后一段引号部分 So were trying to use the principlesfrom wood frogs with high amounts of glucose and freeze a whole heart or other organ,keep it insuspended animation,safely awake it,and transplant it 因此我们正试图利用木蛙借大量葡萄糖过冬的原理,冷

25、冻整个心脏或其他器官,使其处于假死状态,安全地复活并移植,可知 ShannonTessier 准备将木蛙原理运用到器官移植的技术中,故选 A。原文链接:https:/ 承接下文。设空后半句话为“which was confirmed in a study of Pediatric Obesity.”直译为“这在一项关于儿童肥胖的研究中得到了证实。”因而此处应该填写半句话且是实验结论。因而正确选项为 C,直译为“欺凌可能会产生持续的后果。”37.G 承接上文。设空上句话为“To assess the link between teasing and weight gain,theauthors

26、recruited 110 children and young teens who were either overweight themselvesor who had two parents with overweight.”直译为“为了评估取笑和体重增加之间的联系,作者招募了 110 名儿童和青少年,他们要么自己超重,要么父母都超重。”讲述的是研究对象的特点。备选项应当描述相关特点。因而正确选项为 G,直译为“超重的父母使孩子面临超重风险”来解释选择此研究对象的原因。38.B 承上启下。设空上句话为“Among participants with overweight,62%repor

27、ted theyhad been teased at least once,while 21%of straight-size,at-risk participants6/10reported they had been.”直译为“在超重的参与者中,62%的人表示自己至少被戏弄过一次,而在身材笔直、有风险的参与者中有 21%的人表示曾经被戏弄过”;设空下句话为“Whetherthey had overweight at the studys start or not,those who reported being teased oftenfor their weight gained 33%

28、more body mass,on average,and 91%more fat per year thantheir peers who werent teased.”直译为“无论他们在研究开始时是否超重,那些经常因体重而被取笑的人平均每年比没有被取笑的同龄人多增 33%的体重,多增 91%的脂肪。”前后都提到了实验的具体细节。所以此处选项是关于实验的具体细节。正确选项为 B,直译为“研究人员随访了约 8.5 年。”39.F 承接下文。设空下句话为“But we can say weight-based teasing was significantlylinked with weight

29、 gain over time,she says.”直译为“但我们可以说,基于体重的嘲讽与随着时间的推移体重增加有着显著的联系,”她说。”是对实验结论的描述。所以正确选项 F,直译为“研究表明,戏弄可能会增加体重。”下文是对上文的补充解释。40.D 主旨大意题。设空应为本段话的概括。设空后两句的语义为“嘲笑也会导致应激激素皮质醇水平升高,这会刺激食欲,并增加抑郁和焦虑的风险,这两者都会导致饮食紊乱。这也可能会让孩子们远离体育活动,比如体育课和健身课,在那里他们可能会因为自己的体型而被取笑。”正确选项 D 直译为“其他人表现出羞耻感可能会导致过度进食。”原文出处:Teasing And Bull

30、ying Kids About Their Weight Is Linked To Increased Weight Gain:Shots-Health News:NPRhttps:/www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/05/30/728111494/teasing-kids-about-their-weight-may-make-them-gain-more完型填空:语篇解读完型填空:语篇解读 孩子不慎落水,幸得家中爱犬相救,这次经历,让绝望中的作者感悟到家人安康,是人生幸事。答案与解析答案与解析41 题:考察名词。选 C。下文提到 The year

31、 before,Carl had lost his job,and now our42situation was serious,so we had finally put our home on the43.可以推断出,作者家庭出现经济危机,需要将房子卖掉。42 题:考察名词。选 D。上文提到 The year before,Carl had lost his job 可以推断出,作者家庭出现经济危机,另外从上下文卖自家房子也能推断出。43 题:考察名词。选 A。上文提到 The year before,Carl had lost his job 可以推断出,作者家庭出现经济危机;上文 My

32、 husband,Carl,had just cleaned up the pool in preparation forselling our41.可以推断出,需要将房子卖掉,即“放到市场上”。44 题:考察名词。选 B。B 作者家庭出现经济危机,需要将房子卖掉。卖房换钱这件事令作者很难过,难过到绝望。45 题:考察动词。选 C。从下文可知,孩子落水,因此狗在喊叫示警。46 题:考察动词。选 D。上文提到 Nana,began45violently and running back and forth,overlooking our pool,狗在嚎叫,作者跑去看发什了什么。47 题:考察动

33、词短语。选 A。上文提到作者跑去看发什了什么,令作者惊恐的是,她看见(caughtsight of)孩子的黄色睡衣在水池里。48 题:考察副词。选 A。作者的两条狗,一只在示警,另一只在水池中抢救作者的孩子,可以看出狗的勇敢。干扰项 fiercely 英文释义为 violently and angrily情感色彩并不合适。49 题:考察形容词。选 C。孩子对于父母来说是宝贵的(precious)。50 题:考察名词。选 D。上文提到,I realized Forrest wasnt breathing,孩子没了呼吸,作者感到震骇。此处考察 shock 的用法,例如:The news of hi

34、s mothers death was a terrible shock to7/10him.他母亲去世的噩耗使他非常震骇.51 题:考察动词短语。选 B。作者陷入震骇,幸亏丈夫及时赶到,接手(take over)对孩子的急救。52 题:考察名词。选 A。孩子没了呼吸,丈夫正在抢救,此时作者应当十分担忧。短语 onesheart was in ones mouth(throat)可以译为某人的心提到了嗓子眼了,符合此处作者的心理感受。53 题:考察动词。选 A。上文中提到 I realized Forrest wasnt breathing,作者的丈夫曾经接受过 CPR 训练(Carl,who

35、 was trained in CPR),将孩子抢救了回来,孩子重新有了呼吸。54 题:考察动词。选 C。上文提到 The thought of losing our beautiful home was almost morethan I could bear.可以看出作者对于卖房这件事十分难过。此处 almost losing Forrestandthen getting him back54any despair I might have had about losing our home 可译为,孩子的“失而复得”、家人平安的经历,让作者感悟到家人团圆是人间幸事,这种想法减轻了作者的难

36、过。本题 erase 用法比较灵活,再如:She couldnt erase the incident from hermemory.她难以忘却那次事故.55 题:考察名词。选 D。孩子不慎落水,幸得家中爱犬相救,孩子的“失而复得”。这次经历,让绝望中的作者感悟到家人安康,是人生幸事(blessing:thing that one is glad of;thing that bringshappiness,例如 What a blessing you werent hurt in the accident!你在这次事故中没有受伤,真是幸运!)。语法填空语法填空语篇解读语篇解读主题语境为“人与社

37、会-艺术,介绍了海南国际电影节,体现了中国影视国际影响力。语法填空语法填空56.features,考查动词时态,从下文 Eighty to 100 films are expected59(screen)during thefestival;the film festival is65(joint)hosted by the China Media Group and the Hainanprovincial government 等处可以看出,作者在介绍海南国际电影节的基本信息时多选择一般现在时。(注意 The fourth Hainan Island International Film

38、Festival opened Sunday,此句有自己独立且特定的时间状语,且开幕式在周六举办过了,这句用了一般过去时介绍过去的事)57.regions,考查名词单复数,116 countries and regions。8/1058.with/including,考查介词,分析此句时需注意 over 80 percent of the films from overseas,并不是 over 80 percent of the films are from overseas,不要误以为是考查从句。59.to be screened,考查非谓语动词,本句谓语结构为 are expected

39、to do。60.who,考查定语从句。61.strengthening,考查非谓语,解答此题时需注意 the festival is committed to 是介词 to。62.the,考查冠词。63.various,考查形容词。64.Held,考查非谓语,本句谓语结构为is hosted by。65.jointly,考查副词,联合举办,修饰动词 hosted。原文链接:https:/ 1 在图书馆借书W:Excuse me.I really need this book for my research.Can I check it out,please?M:Sorry,books in

40、the reference section cannot be borrowed.But I can find a similar book foryou.W:Thats great!Thanks!Text 2 谈论即将召开的家长会M:There will be a parent-teacher meeting in our class this Friday.Im a bit worried about it.W:Why?We can leave school earlier that day.M:I didnt do well in the last exam.Text 3 滑雪运动员M:

41、Eileen made it!She turned the tables with a 94.5 final run!She won the game!W:What an unbelievable flying leap she made in the air!She was like dancing in a snow world!Nowonder she calls herself“Frog Princess”.Text 4 网上了解神州十四号载人飞船信息M:Karen,what are you doing?W:Im searching for information about Chin

42、as Shenzhou-14 crewed spaceship.M:Do you need to write a school paper about it?W:No.My brother is very interested in it,and then we can have something to talk about.Text 5 工作面试W:So how would you describe yourself?M:Im very hard-working and responsible.I also like learning new things.W:Well,do you mi

43、nd taking business trips to China sometimes?M:Not at all.Actually I am quite looking forward to it.Text 6 购物消费M:Amy,that skirt looks wonderful on you!Where did you buy it?W:AtAngel City near our neighborhood.M:Oh,Ive been there with Anna,and she paid$200 for a dress.It wasnt exactly cheap.How muchdi

44、d it cost you?W:The price tag said$300,and there wasnt a discount.M:Dont you think its too much for a skirt?9/10W:I think so,but I got a jacket for free.I was also given a coupon.I can save$40 if I shop thereagain.M:In that case,the skirt isnt so expensive.Text 7 旅游计划W:Mark,what about going to the R

45、edwoods next weekend?M:Is there anything interesting to see or do?W:Well,when you step into a redwood grove,its like youve immediately been transported back toJurassic times because of the plants there.M:Sounds great.How can we get there?W:Well take a train ride to San Jose.There we can rent a car a

46、nd drive all the way to theRedwoods.M:Why dont we just take a coach there?W:Well,its not very convenient.I really look forward to camping for two nights in redwood groveswith some friends.It will be more amazing than living in a hotel.M:It seems we have to prepare a lot of things for the trip.I gues

47、s we need to visit somestores in San Jose.W:My thoughts exactly.Text 8 灰狼再次被列入美国濒危物种名单M:Did you watch the new TV program on channel 12 last night?W:No.I read some online news about gray wolves in the US.The news says they are goingback on the endangered-species list.M:Its hard to believe.I read an a

48、rticle about it in the newspaper.The United States Fish andWildlife Service removed the gray wolf from the endangered-species list just in early 2021.W:Yes.On February 10th,2022,a decision was made that the wolves still need protection.M:So does the decision affect all the states in the US?W:No.It j

49、ust affects most of the continental US.It will not apply in Montana,Idaho,andWyoming.Also,the wolves are already protected inArizona and New Mexico.M:I hope a good plan will be made for the speciesrecovery.Do you have any good ideas about it?W:Yes.While I was reading the news,I was thinking about ho

50、w we could help the speciesrecover better.M:Im all ears.Go ahead,please.Text 9 学习法语的经历W:Henry,youre a writer in both French and English,and you do professional translations.Whendid you come to France?M:I first came here in my third year in university thanks to an exchange program.I studiedin a unive


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