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1、 英语写作复习课英语写作复习课以书面的形式进行信息沟通、再现生活经历、以书面的形式进行信息沟通、再现生活经历、描述周围事物、发表意见和观点。注意要求:描述周围事物、发表意见和观点。注意要求:完成试题完成试题规定的规定的任务;覆盖任务;覆盖所有内容要点所有内容要点;句型和词汇的句型和词汇的多样化多样化;具有较强的;具有较强的语言运用语言运用能力;能力;有效使用语句间的有效使用语句间的连接成分连接成分,使结构紧凑、语言,使结构紧凑、语言规范。书写时,要注意规范。书写时,要注意大小写大小写以及以及书写书写工整。工整。在能熟练使用简单句式的前提下,尽在能熟练使用简单句式的前提下,尽量换用能正确使用的复

2、杂高级句式,量换用能正确使用的复杂高级句式,如:如:分词、倒装、强调句式、复合句分词、倒装、强调句式、复合句式式等。等。要求考生要求考生根据提示进行书面表达。根据提示进行书面表达。考生应能:考生应能:1 1)准确使用)准确使用语法和词汇;语法和词汇;2 2)清楚、连贯地清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达意思。传递信息,表达意思。(有效运用所学语言知识)(有效运用所学语言知识)写作前写作前(Pre-writing)(Pre-writing)写作中写作中(Writing)(Writing)复写复写(Rewriting)(Rewriting)步骤步骤审定列连美改抄1 1、审审仔细阅读写作要求及注意事项;仔细

3、阅读写作要求及注意事项;2 2、定定确定体裁,人称和时态及篇章结构;确定体裁,人称和时态及篇章结构;3 3、列列列出要点,重要词组及句型;列出要点,重要词组及句型;4 4、连连整理成篇,行文连贯;整理成篇,行文连贯;以以“My English Teacher”为题写一篇为题写一篇100100字左字左右的英语短文,提示如下:右的英语短文,提示如下:1.1.孙老师,孙老师,2525岁,岁,1.651.65米米,打扮入时。打扮入时。2.2.关心热爱学生关心热爱学生 。3.3.教学方法生动有趣。教学方法生动有趣。4.4.与学生关系融洽,深受同学欢迎;与学生关系融洽,深受同学欢迎;1.1.审:审:“My

4、 English Teacher”“My English Teacher”为题写一篇为题写一篇100100字作文字作文2.2.定:定:记叙文,第三人称,一般现在时记叙文,第三人称,一般现在时篇章结构:三段式篇章结构:三段式首段:个人简历首段:个人简历正文:教学特色正文:教学特色尾段:作者的评价尾段:作者的评价 be fashionable love students,and care about the students be lively and interesting get on well with,be popular with3.3.列列1.1.打扮入时打扮入时2.2.热爱学生,关心

5、学生热爱学生,关心学生3.3.生动有趣生动有趣4.4.相处融洽,深受欢迎相处融洽,深受欢迎My English Teacher Miss Sun is our English teacher.She is 25 years old.She is 1.65 meters tall.She is very fashionable.She loves her students.She cares about us.Her lessons are interesting and lively;Miss Sun gets on well with us.She is very popular.We al

6、l love her and her teaching!4.4.连:连词成句,连句成篇连:连词成句,连句成篇6.6.改改查错改错查错改错7.7.抄抄修改无误后,认真规范地修改无误后,认真规范地誊写在规定的地方。誊写在规定的地方。5.5.美美润色丰富要点;润色丰富要点;写作策略写作策略1.1.开头开头 BeginningBeginning2.2.正文正文 Main bodyMain body3.3.结尾结尾 EndingEnding书面表达(书面表达(15分)采用的题型有分)采用的题型有根据提示的要点根据提示的要点,写一篇写一篇8080词左右的短文。词左右的短文。根据所给的图画和提示用语根据所给

7、的图画和提示用语,写一篇写一篇8080词左右的短文。词左右的短文。根据所给的图画和英文开头提示根据所给的图画和英文开头提示,写一篇写一篇8080词左右的短文。词左右的短文。根据对话或短文的要求根据对话或短文的要求,写一篇写一篇8080词左右的短文。词左右的短文。文章续写文章续写,80,80词左右。词左右。20192019年南京市中考指导书年南京市中考指导书 英语英语P5P5根据提示的要点根据提示的要点,写一篇写一篇8080词左右的短文。词左右的短文。假设你是李雷,今天早上,你们班去参观了神奇博物馆(Amazing Museum)。请根据以下提示写一篇80词左右的英语短文。1.早上8点,在校门口

8、集合,乘公共汽车前往神奇博物馆。2.在神奇博物馆,你了解了很多神奇的事情,如3.你对这次旅游的感受。2019年南京市中考指导书年南京市中考指导书 英语英语P49根据所给的图画和提示用语根据所给的图画和提示用语,写一篇写一篇8080词左右的短文。词左右的短文。初三的学习生活是忙碌的。越是忙碌,越应该学会劳逸初三的学习生活是忙碌的。越是忙碌,越应该学会劳逸结合,适度放松。请以结合,适度放松。请以“Learn to relax ourselves”为题写一篇为题写一篇短文。短文。要求:要求:1.文章要包含上图内容,并再自拟一种放松方式;文章要包含上图内容,并再自拟一种放松方式;2.结合自己的实际,谈

9、谈学习与放松之间的关系;结合自己的实际,谈谈学习与放松之间的关系;3.语言通顺,条理清楚,书写规范,可适当发挥;语言通顺,条理清楚,书写规范,可适当发挥;4.词数词数80左右。左右。Learn to relax ourselves_20192019年南京市中考指导书年南京市中考指导书 英语英语P135P135根据所给的图画和英文开头提示根据所给的图画和英文开头提示,写一篇写一篇8080词左右的短文。词左右的短文。阳光中学正在学生中征集新学期校服的颜色,请根据表格中的信息,结合自身喜好,写一篇80词左右的短文,说明推荐相关颜色的理由。As we all know,colors can influ

10、ence our moods._20192019年南京市中考指导书年南京市中考指导书 英语英语P115P115 根据对话或短文的要求根据对话或短文的要求,写一篇写一篇8080词左右的短文。词左右的短文。20192019年南京市中考指导书年南京市中考指导书 英语英语P159P159假如你是李华,你的美国好友Daniel 想了解你的英语考试情况、暑期安排和对新学校生活的期待。请根据Daniel电子邮件的内容,用英语给他写一封回信。From:Daniewde.ac.usHi,How are you?I know youre busy with your English exam right now.

11、How is it?Anyway,itll be allover soon.What are you going to do during the summer vacation?What do you look forward to about yournew school life?Please e mail me and let me know.DanielFrom:Li HHi,Glad to hear from you!_ _ Hope you have a nice time!Li Hua文章续写文章续写,80,80词左右。词左右。根据下面故事的前半部分,续写故事。要求:情节合理,

12、生动有趣。词数根据下面故事的前半部分,续写故事。要求:情节合理,生动有趣。词数80左右。左右。Many years ago,there was a small village at the foot of the mountains.There lived a simple,good young man named Rip in the village.He was kind and ready to help anyone,Everyone in the village liked him.The children in the village shouted with joy whenev

13、er theysaw him because he played with them.He taught them to fly kites and told them long stories.The only problem with Rip was that he was very _20192019年南京市中考指导书年南京市中考指导书 英语英语P123P123Main body正文简洁性简洁性 conciseness连贯性连贯性 coherence整洁性整洁性 tidiness多样性多样性 variety1.1.避免重复避免重复In my opinion,I think your pl

14、an is feasible.The desk is round in shape and red in color.2.句子结构简洁句子结构简洁 Do you know the man who is speaking at the meeting?Look out for cars while you are crossing the street?Do you know the man speaking at the meeting?Look out for cars while crossing the street?练习改写下列句子练习改写下列句子,使其更简洁使其更简洁 1.Do yo

15、u know the girl who is dressed in red?Do you know the girl _.2.We finally reached home at 10 pm,and we were tired and hungry.We finally reached home at 10 pm,_.in redtired and hungry 连贯性的要求是:连贯性的要求是:恰当使用过渡语,句子与句恰当使用过渡语,句子与句子之间的过渡要符合逻辑,不能造成歧义或矛盾。子之间的过渡要符合逻辑,不能造成歧义或矛盾。过渡词的使用过渡词的使用1:1.表联合或选择关系:表联合或选择关系

16、:2.表转折关系:表转折关系:3.表顺序:表顺序:4.表因果关系:表因果关系:5.表解释说明:表解释说明:6.表递进关系:表递进关系:7.表总结:表总结:8.强调强调:and,bothand,eitheror,not onlybut also等等but,yet,while,however等等for,so,because of,thanks to first,second,later,finally,at last等等such as,for example,and so on等等whats more,besides等等in short,in brief,in a word,in general等

17、等indeed(确实确实),above all(尤其尤其),even so等等过渡词的使用过渡词的使用2:1)表示并列的关联词)表示并列的关联词 notbut as well as,neithernor not onlybut also bothand2)表示转折的关联词表示转折的关联词 but,otherwise,nevertheless,while though,unluckily ,fortunately,instead,on the contrary,in other words 3)表示递进的关联词表示递进的关联词 besides,in addition Whats more/bet

18、ter,To make matters/things worse,furthermore,4)表示结果的关联词表示结果的关联词 as the result ,as a consequence therefore,thus 5)表示目的的关联词表示目的的关联词 in order that/to so that/so as to6)表示先后顺序的关联词表示先后顺序的关联词firstly,secondly,next,then,finally,at last,in the end,first of all,above all,last but not least,most importantlyon

19、the one hand,on the other hand;for one thing,for another thing7).发表见解发表见解 in ones opinion,in my viewpoint,in terms of8).表示归纳总结表示归纳总结 in a word,all in all,in all,as a whole,altogether,to sum up,in conclusion9).其他其他to ones surprise/joy ,much to ones satisfactionsurprisingly,to tell you the truth,gener

20、ally speaking,especially,particularlyin fact,as a matter of fact,in reality,virtually,eventually 连贯性练习:连贯性练习:1.适当使用一些主从复合句来代替简单句或并适当使用一些主从复合句来代替简单句或并列句列句.The meal was very nice.We all enjoyed it very much.The meal was nice we all enjoyed it very much.sothat连贯性练习:连贯性练习:2.We had a short rest.Then we b

21、egan to play happily.We sang and danced.Some told stories.Some played chess.have fun doing sthAfter a short rest,we had great fun singing,dancing,telling stories and playing chess.字迹清晰,书写规范。字迹清晰,书写规范。1.避免重复使用某一单词或短语。如避免重复使用某一单词或短语。如:I like reading while my brother likes watching television.I like re

22、ading while my brother watching television.enjoys2.运用高级词汇或短语运用高级词汇或短语a)Because the weather was good,our journey was comfortable.Thanks to the good weather,our journey was comfortable.b)She doesnt like sports.She cares nothing for sports3.3.运用复杂结构:运用复杂结构:a)a)改变时态改变时态The bell is ringing now.The bell i

23、s ringing now.There goes the bell.b)b)适当运用分词或介词结构适当运用分词或介词结构He graduated from Beijing University,he He graduated from Beijing University,he taught politics in a middle school.taught politics in a middle school.After graduating from Beijing University,he taught politics in a middle school.4.4.练习使用练习使

24、用词组词组来代替一些单来代替一些单词,以增加文采。词,以增加文采。a)She likes sports very much.She shows great interest in sports.She is very fond of sports.She is crazy about sports.She goes in for sports.优秀作文的特征优秀作文的特征一篇好的作文,一般具有以下几个特性:一篇好的作文,一般具有以下几个特性:1 1)条理性)条理性指的是合理布局文章结构。指的是合理布局文章结构。首先,根据需要,安排好段落,各段之间首先,根据需要,安排好段落,各段之间要层次分明,

25、重视每一段的开头的总起句。要层次分明,重视每一段的开头的总起句。其次,在文章思路、组织材料、叙述顺序其次,在文章思路、组织材料、叙述顺序等方面等方面 有一定的条理性。有一定的条理性。2 2)准确性)准确性指要求写出语法正确的句子,包括时态、语态、用指要求写出语法正确的句子,包括时态、语态、用词和句法等词和句法等.要准确、地道地表达要准确、地道地表达,必须要牢牢掌握必须要牢牢掌握一些常用句型或习惯表达,避免汉化英语。一些常用句型或习惯表达,避免汉化英语。3 3)流畅性)流畅性指根据整篇文章思想的需要,有效采用不同的连接手段,指根据整篇文章思想的需要,有效采用不同的连接手段,使文章层次清楚、行文连

26、贯。使文章层次清楚、行文连贯。4 4)美观性)美观性指的是卷面书写规范、清楚、干净、整洁。指的是卷面书写规范、清楚、干净、整洁。PracticeWritingMy English Teacher Miss Sun is our English teacher.She is 25 years old.She is 1.65 meters tall.She is very fashionable.She loves her students.She cares about us.Her lessons are interesting and lively;Miss Sun gets on well

27、 with us.She is very popular.We all love her and her teaching!Rewriting:5.5.美美 6.6.改改 7.7.抄抄Beginning Miss Sun is our English teacher.She is 25 years old.She is 1.65 meters tall.She is very fashionable.She loves her students.She cares about us.Miss Sun,our English teacher,is 25 years old,and 1.65 me

28、ters tall.She is very fashionable.Since she loves us and cares about our needs,she is very helpful in our school life.Not only is she helpful in life,but also her teaching methods are unique.For example,she knows how to make her lessons lively and interesting and we are crazy about her lessons;Besid

29、es,Miss Sun gets on well with us and she is very popular among students.Main bodyHer lessons are interesting and lively;Miss Sun gets on well with us.She is very popular.EndingWe all love her and her teaching!In a word,Miss Sun is a unique teacher,and we all love her and her teaching!My English Teac

30、her Miss Sun,our English teacher,is 25 years old,and 1.65 meters tall.She is very fashionable.Since she loves us and cares about our needs and desires,she is very helpful.Not only is she helpful in life,but also her teaching methods are unique.For example,she knows how to make her lessons lively and

31、 interesting and we are crazy about her lessons;Besides,Miss Sun gets on well with us and she is very popular among students.In a word,Miss Sun is a unique teacher,and we all love her and her teaching!Rewriting:5.:5.美美6.6.改改7.7.抄抄根据杂志根据杂志KIDVOICE的内容的内容,以以“Kids and Learning”为题为题,用英用英语写一篇短文语写一篇短文,发表你的

32、看法。发表你的看法。注意:1.对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥。2.词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。3.文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。Kids and LearningAll kids want to be good at learning._ KIDS HAVE AN OPINION TOO!Hi!Im Sigmund Friend,the editor(编辑)of a new magazine KIDVOICE.We like hearing from kids.We know youve got things to say.We want to he

33、ar from you.Here is a topic you might have an opinion about.All kids want to be good at learning.Some kids dont want to work hardly.They can play happily every day.I dont want to learn them.I think if you want to balance learning and playing,you should know what should you do first.I think you found some good mehtods to finish homeworks quickly.You can play good things,you can learn and play together.I think you must agree with me.


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