2022年中考英语语法不规则动词的过去式 ppt课件.pptx

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1、1)He _(choose)another way to get to the station2)We _(be)surprised when he _(come)to school3)She _(be)tired after work4)A dog _(dig)a big hole in the garden5)We _(begin)learning Spanish6)He _(become)a pilot 2 years ago7)A dog _(bite)a postman8)My grandparents _(do)a lot of housework9)My friend _(dra

2、w)a picture of mine,she is an artist10)I didnt bring a book,it _(blow)out of my mindchosewerecamewasdugbeganbecamebitdiddrewblew11)When I _(be)10 years old,I _(dream)to be a musician12)In a final game,I _(catch)a ball13)She _(cut)her finger 1 hour ago14)I _(burn)leaves in my backyard at the weekends

3、15)That phone _(cost)me a lot16)They _(beat)each other with pillows 17)My cat _(break)a vase that was on the windowsill18)They _(bring)a present to me on my birthday19)A builder _(build)a house last summer 20)We _(buy)products in the supermarket yesterdaywasdreamtcaughtcutburntcostbeatbrokebroughtbu

4、iltbought1)We _(drink)a lot of water last week2)Yesterday I _(get)an invitation from my pal 3)She was nervous and _(fall)over stairs4)I _(have)a lot of housework yesterday5)We ordered pizza and _(eat)it at once 6)My friend _(go)shopping at the weekends7)I _(feel)awful at the concert8)We _(fight)with

5、 my brother 2 days ago9)Girls _(hang)out at the party on Friday night10)Children _(grow)too fast drankgotfellhadatewentfeltfoughthunggrew11)Children _(hide)under the desks in the classroom12)A man _(hold)a door for me 13)I _(forget)the date14)My brother _(drive)me to the market15)Water_(freeze)in pu

6、ddles last night16)I _(find)out a lot of interesting stories in one magazine17)My family _(eat)spaghetti with omelette this morning18)They _(go)shopping at the weekends19)I _(feed)my dog 3 times yesterday20)They _(fly)to Beijing 3 days ago hidforgotdrovefrozefoundatewentfedflewheld1)He _(rise)his ha

7、nd and asked a question 2)I _(leave)my keys on the table3)The torch _(light)the way home4)Yesterday we _(run)4 km 5)The doorbell _(ring)and there was a guest 6)A seller _(sell)a house 1 month ago7)He didnt tell me the answer,but he _(know)it8)Last Halloween children _(retell)horror stories9)I dont r

8、emember what he _(say)to me 10)I _(see)my teacher in the shopping centre roseleftlitranrangsoldknewretoldsaidsaw11)My mother _(read)a science-fiction book12)My friends and I _(ride)the bikes yesterday13)I _(put)the book on the table,but _(cant)find it14)I can rely on her,because she _(keep)my secret

9、15)Jane _(make)a cake in the evening 16)A cat _(lie)on the bed all day 17)They _(learn)a verse by heart 18)We _(pay)the bill by credit card 19)A couple _(meet)each other in the park20)A sportsman _(lose)2 kg readrodeputcouldntkeptmadelaylearntpaidmetlost1)My father_(write)an essay yesterday2)I _(win

10、)the big prize at the competition3)A burglar _(steal)money from my friend 4)Last evening I _(send)a message to her5)I _(shake)a can of fizzy drinks before opening6)Two children _(swim)in the river without parents7)My aunt _(show)me a photo album8)I _(take)photos of a squirrel in the park9)My first t

11、eacher _(teach)me a lot and Im grateful to her 10)Two years ago I _(sing)in a choir 11)My cat is naughty and it _(sit)on the table yesterdaywrotewonstolesentshookswamshowedtooktaughtsangsat12)A teacher _(tell)his mother about cheating on exam 13)He _(dream)about a big house 14)The speaker didnt have

12、 a microphone and _(speak)loudly to people15)They _(think)it was a good idea to go for a walk 16)A girl _(understand)the text 17)People _(wear)warm clothes,because it was+3C18)A robber _(stand)still after the police _(come)19)I _(wake)up at 9 a.m yesterday 20)Babies _(throw)their toys on the floor 2

13、1)A teacher _(cant)pronounce a surname and _(spell)it tolddreamtspokethoughtunderstoodworestoodcamewokethrewcouldntspeltTRY AGAINTRY AGAINTRY AGAINTRY AGAINTRY AGAINTRY AGAINTRY AGAINTRY AGAINName irregular verbs and make up sentencesbewas/werebeen是是comecamecome来到来到fallfellfallen落下落下成长成长growgrewgrow

14、nbecomebecame become变成变成costcostcost花费花费feedfedfed喂喂悬挂悬挂hanghunghungbegin beganbegun开始开始cutcutcut切断切断findfoundfound发现发现有有havehadhadbreakbrokebroken打破打破digdugdug挖挖feelfeltfelt感觉感觉握住握住holdheldheldbring broughtbrought 带来带来dodiddone做做fightfoughtfought打架打架隐藏隐藏hidehidhiddenbuildbuiltbuilt建造建造drawdrewdrawn

15、画画flyflewflown飞飞听见听见hearheardheardburnburntburnt燃烧燃烧dreamdreamt dreamt做梦做梦forgetforgotforgotten忘记忘记 保持保持keepkeptkeptbuyboughtbought买买drink drankdrunk喝水喝水getgotgot得到得到知道知道knowknewknowncatchcaughtcaught抓住抓住drivedrovedriven开车开车givegavegiven给予给予学习学习learnlearntlearntchoosechose chosen选择选择eatateeaten吃吃gow

16、entgone去去离开离开leaveleftleftlielaylain躺躺ringrang rung按铃按铃sitsatsat坐坐telltoldtold告诉告诉lightlit lit点亮点亮riseroserisen上升上升sleepsleptslept睡觉睡觉throwthrewthrown扔掉扔掉lose lostlost失去失去runranrun跑步跑步speakspokespoken说说thinkthoughtthought认为认为makemademade制作制作saysaidsaid说说spellspeltspelt拼写拼写understandunderstoodunderst

17、ood理解理解meet metmet 遇见遇见seesawseen看见看见spendspentspent花费花费wakewokewoken醒来醒来paypaidpaid支付支付sellsoldsold出售出售standstoodstood站站wearworeworn穿穿putputput放放sendsentsent发送发送stealstolestolen偷偷winwonwon赢赢readreadread阅读阅读shakeshook shaken摇晃摇晃swimswamswum游泳游泳writewrotewritten写写retellretoldretold复述复述show showedshown展示展示taketooktaken拿拿riderode ridden骑骑singsangsung唱歌唱歌teachtaughttaught教教


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