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1、xx老师宾语从句中考考点三要素:连接词、语序和时态中考宾语从句的常考点是什么?宾语从句的定义01宾语从句的连接词02宾语从句的语序03宾语从句的时态04宾语从句的定义(一)宾语:动作的_,由_,_,_,_等来担任。承受者名词动名词代词不定式(1)英语当中的词性成分 主谓宾定状补(2)及物动词+宾语 不及物动词+介词+宾语(3)五大基本句型 主谓 主谓宾 主谓宾宾 主谓宾宾补 主系表要点补充要点补充找出下列句子中的宾语She has a schoolbag and a book.I love you.He wants to go to the park tomorrow.We like play

2、ing basketball.作主语 To study hard is a students duty.作宾语 I decide to buy the book.作宾补 The girl invites him to attend the meeting.作状语 Im happy to see you again.作定语 I have some questions to ask you.作表语 It seems to be a good idea.要点补充to do的用法(二)从句:处于从属地位的句子。PS:从句是句子而非单词或短语;从句需要被主句引导,不能独立存在。eg:We will ha

3、ve a picnic if it doesnt rain tomorrow.Zi Zi told her students that they should go at once.(三)宾语从句:充当宾语,且处于从属地位的句子。PS:宾语从句是句子;宾语从句充当宾语的作用句式结构:主句+连接词+简单句eg:Zi Zi dont know that she is the most handsome in the class.Zi Zi told her students that they should go right now.找出宾语从句。1.See you later.2.We beli

4、eve that he is right.3.She wanted to go home.4.He asked why he had to go alone.5.I will go out if it doesnt rain tomorrow.6.I wonder if its large enough.PS:if-状语从句-“如果”if-宾语从句-“是否”一起来组合我们确定。我们队会赢。我们确定,我们队会赢。We are sure.Our team will win.We are sure that our team will win.that在本句中是什么意思,为什么要用that?提问环节

5、宾语从句的连接词 主句:Everybody knows.从句:He loves her.组合:Everybody knows that he loves her.(一)当从句是陈述句时总结:当宾语从句是陈述句时,引导词用that。PS:that没有实际意义,只起连接作用。随堂练习:翻译句子李焕英说贾晓玲是对的。李焕英说贾晓玲迟到了。李焕英说贾晓玲喜欢英语。李焕英说贾晓玲是最棒的。Li Huanying says that Jia Xiaoling is right.Li Huanying says that Jia Xiaoling is late.Li Huanying says that

6、Jia Xiaoling likes English.Li Huanying says that Jia Xiaoling is the best.我认为我妈不会回来。I think that my mom will not come back.()我不认为我妈会回来。I dont think that my mom will come back.()技巧总结:否定前移即主句主语为第一人称(I/we),且主句谓语为think,believe,guess,suppose,expect,imagine等词时,从句部分的否定要前移至主句部分。能量供给站“挑三拣四”我认为他们不是“化肥三少”。我认为他

7、们不是好人的。我认为他们不是一个好组合。I dont think they are Hua Fei San Shao.I dont think they are nice.I dont think they are a good team.主句:I wonder。从句:Will she come?组合:I wonder whether/if she will come.(二)当从句是一般疑问句时PS:当从句部分有“or not”结构时,引导词只能用whether总结:总结:当宾语从句为一般疑问句时,引导词用if/whether,翻译成“是否”,不能省略。0102主句:I want to kno

8、w.从句:Where are you from。组合:I want to know where you are from。总结:当宾语从句为特殊疑问句时,引导词用对应的特殊疑问词,不能省略。(三)当从句是特殊疑问句时1.Could you tell me _?A.when shall we start B.who are you waiting for C.where the bus station is D.why were you late2.Do you know if _ back next week?If he _ back,please let me know.A.he comes

9、,will come B.will he come,comes C.he will come,comes D.will he come,will come 3.Some of my friends are interested in science,but none of them can tell _.A.when UFOs will appear next time B.why do horses know the way C.where was this kind of plant found D.how do elephants communicate 小试牛刀小试牛刀CCA脑筋大转弯

10、主句:I want to know.从句:Where are you from。组合:I want to know where you are from。有童鞋质疑过老师刚刚的句子吗,尤其是标红的位置?宾语从句的语序 大招来袭大招来袭宾语从句的从句部分宾语从句的从句部分永远陈述句语序永远陈述句语序补充句子补充句子1.但是,你想知道狗是怎么打招呼的吗?But do you wonder _ _ _ _.2.我想知道是否我们老师会来参加我们的毕业聚会。I wonder _ _ _ _ _ to our graduation party.3.麻麻的生日到了。我正在考虑给她买什么礼物。Mothers

11、birthday is coming.Im thinking about _ _ _ _ _.how dogs say hello if our teacher will comewhat to buy for her宾语从句的时态I think she is a Japanese.I think you were wrong yesterday.I think he will come to see me one day.观 察 主 从 句 时 态 总 结 规 律观 察 主 从 句 时 态 总 结 规 律总结:当主句用一般现在时,从句用任意时态 (主现从随意)。I thought she w

12、as a Japanese.I thought you had been to Beijing before.I thought he would come to see me one day.观察主从句时态总结规律观察主从句时态总结规律总结:当主句用一般过去时,从句一定用过去时态 (主过从必过)PS:从句可以用表过去的任意时态而非仅仅是一般过去时!He told me that light travels faster than sound.He often says the earth goes around the sun.观察主从句时态总结规律观察主从句时态总结规律总结:从句描述客观真

13、理时,从句只用一般现在时态 (真理永一现)。主现从随意主过从必过真理永一现宾语从句的时态使用规律宾语从句的时态使用规律(总结版)(总结版)1.-Could you tell me _?He is wanted by the head teacher.-Sorry,Ive no idea.But he _ here just now.A.where Tim;was B.where is Tim;was C.where Tim is;was D.where Tim is;is 2.-Did Mrs.King leave a message?-Yes.She wanted to know _ this Sunday.A.who you would go shopping B.if you would go shopping with her C.that you will go shopping D.when will you go shopping with her 3.-I wonder _ without water.-About a week.A.how long man can live B.how long can man live C.when man can live D.when can man live综合练习综合练习CBA


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