2021年冀教版中考英语专题复习:中英文思维差异 ppt课件.ppt

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1、 本课目的:本课目的:通过本节课的汉译英练习,我们了通过本节课的汉译英练习,我们了 解汉语和英语两种文化互相交流的过程。解汉语和英语两种文化互相交流的过程。同时,为了帮助我们更好地学好英语,同时,为了帮助我们更好地学好英语,本节课重点了解中英文思维方式的差异。本节课重点了解中英文思维方式的差异。哪一种语言更难,英语还是汉哪一种语言更难,英语还是汉语?为什么?语?为什么?2.我们中学生为什么必须学好英语我们中学生为什么必须学好英语?a.为了更加了解世界为了更加了解世界 。b.为了将来得到更好的工作。为了将来得到更好的工作。c.为了更好地教好我们自己的孩子学英语。为了更好地教好我们自己的孩子学英语

2、。d.为了让世界更好的了解中国。为了让世界更好的了解中国。e.为了教世界人民说汉语。为了教世界人民说汉语。事实事实 越来越多的外国人能越来越多的外国人能说好汉语。因为中国越来越说好汉语。因为中国越来越强大,他们愿意更多的了解强大,他们愿意更多的了解中国。这就是他们学汉语的中国。这就是他们学汉语的原因。原因。3.以下中国式英语已变得流以下中国式英语已变得流行行:Chinglish 1)Just so so!马马 马马 虎虎 虎虎Horse horse,tiger tiger.How is your English going?Horse,horse tiger tiger.2)You ask m

3、e,but whom should I turn to for help?你你 问问 我,我我,我 问问 谁?谁?You ask me,me ask who?3.Work hard and make progress every day.Good good study,day day up.好好 好好 学习,天学习,天 天天 向上。向上。Long time no see.4)Its a long time since I saw you last.很长时间没见你了很长时间没见你了。Hello.long time no see.Hello.Give you color see see.5)I w

4、ill give you a lesson.给你点颜色看看。给你点颜色看看。信不信由你:信不信由你:这些汉语已经成为这些汉语已经成为流行英语了!流行英语了!tofukongfulitchitaichityphoon 但是但是我们必须学好标准的英我们必须学好标准的英语。汉语与英语究竟在思维方式语。汉语与英语究竟在思维方式上有哪些差异?为什么英语如此上有哪些差异?为什么英语如此难学?让我们一起找出答案吧!难学?让我们一起找出答案吧!一一 单词单词Have=有有?vI have(_)a good friend named Jane.v She has(_)big eyes and a small m

5、outh.vShe has(_)long black hair.vShe likes to have(_)fish for lunch and supper.vShe often has(_)a walk after supper.vShe has(_)a dog named Wangwang.vShe often has(_)Wangwang dance for us.vTomorrow she will have(_)her hair cut.vI wonder what she will be like with short hair.vHave(_)you seen her befor

6、e?有有长着长着留着留着吃吃助动词助动词,无意义无意义让;使得让;使得让;使得让;使得养活养活进行进行 结论结论 一个汉字一个汉字=多个单词多个单词一个单词一个单词=多个汉词多个汉词 当你在学习英语单词时,尽量把当你在学习英语单词时,尽量把它放在句中理解意义。它放在句中理解意义。Think and write Try to find out the meanings as many as you can.1.I get a letter from my friend.2.Where did you get that skirt?3.When spring comes,the weather g

7、ets warmer and warmer.4.My mother gets me to study hard.5.I got my hair cut yesterday.6.Can you get a cup of tea for me?收到收到买买去拿去拿到达到达使;让使;让变得变得使;让使;让7.I was the first one to get to the school.1.乘坐乘坐=by or take?我乘坐公交车上学。我乘坐公交车上学。I a bus to school.I go to school by bus.因为因为今天今天有很多客人,有很多客人,所以所以我们很激动。我

8、们很激动。Because therere many guests today,so we are excited.Because therere many guests,were excited.Therere many guests,so were excited.()理解意义,学习规则。理解意义,学习规则。1 To my surprise,he passed the exam.2 The man is looking at me in surprise.3 Our teacher gave us a big surprise.4 We were surprised to read the

9、story.5 We were surprised at the film.6 The film made us surprised.7 The film surprised us.三三 句子句子我我 需要需要 浇花。浇花。花儿花儿 需要需要 浇了。浇了。I need to water the flowers.The flowers need watering.1 I have a garden filled with beautiful flowers.2 China is a country with a long history.3 I know a girl named Mary.4

10、There is a dog alive.5 The girl in red clothes is my sister.6 The boy sitting beside me is my friend.7 I have a lot of homework to do.8 Have seen the pen that I lost?1 那个长头发的女孩是我的朋友。2 你读过Tom 翻译的小说吗?3 我不喜欢听他唱的歌。The girl with a long hair is my friend.Have you read the story translated by Tom?I dont li

11、ke to hear the songs sung by him.4 你认得坐在树下的那个孩子吗?5 当今最伟大的人是谁?Do you know the boy sitting under the tree?Who is the greatest man alive?aliveare not always the same朗读背诵固定句式,消化朗读背诵固定句式,消化吸收成自己的语言。吸收成自己的语言。中考仿真写作训练中考仿真写作训练My English LearningEllen 看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待感到特别高兴为看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待感到特别高兴为了鼓励大家学好英语他准备出

12、一期英语经验交流专刊。了鼓励大家学好英语他准备出一期英语经验交流专刊。请根据以下内容写一篇小短文:请根据以下内容写一篇小短文:When did you start learningEnglish?(in years ago)What is difficult to learn?(listening grammar)How do you learn English?(listen carefully,the differences between and,study with a group,read English every day What other helpful ways do yo

13、u know to learn English well?(Watch English movies,sing English songs)写作训练写作训练:English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old.But at the beginning,listening seems a little difficult for me.So I have been doing a lot of practice,such as listening to tapes,w

14、atching English TV programs .I pay attention to the differences between Chinese and English in thinking.And I found it really helped a lot.In fact,there are some more helpful ways to learn English well.For example,I enjoy singing English songs and I read English every day;I study with a group .I bel

15、ieve that nothing is impossible if you put you heart in to it.My English LearningMy English Learning总结总结 通过本节课的汉译英练习通过本节课的汉译英练习,我们学到我们学到一一 听说读写,提高技能。听说读写,提高技能。二二 英汉互译,英汉互译,学习规律。学习规律。让我们在歌声中感受英语带来的快乐吧!让我们在歌声中感受英语带来的快乐吧!阿拉木汗阿拉木汗阿拉木汗什么样?阿拉木汗什么样?身段不肥也不瘦。身段不肥也不瘦。阿拉木汗住在哪里?阿拉木汗住在哪里?吐鲁番西三百六。吐鲁番西三百六。她的眉毛像她的眉毛像弯月弯月。她的腰身像她的腰身像细柳细柳。她的小嘴很她的小嘴很多情多情,眼睛能使你发抖。眼睛能使你发抖。Whats Alamuhan like?Neither too fat nor too thin.Where does Alamuhan live?Miles to west of Tulufan.Her eyebrows are the half moon.Her waist is like a willow,Her red mouth is full of love,Her big eyes make you shake.


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