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1、冠冠 词词冠冠 词词冠词用在名词之前,它不能脱离名词独立存在,不能单独充当句子成分。定冠词the零冠词a辅音开头可数名词单数前an元音开头的可数名词单数前目录目录有无冠词的意义区别不定冠词a/anPART.01PART.01不定冠词不定冠词a/ana/anan eggan applean orangean old mana booka tablea womana teachera panda is a lovely animal.a/an用于首次提到的人或物,表泛指表示类指,指一类人或事物用在序数词前,表示“又一,再一”表示“每一”,用于时间、重量、长度等单位名词前用于固定短语中用于某些物质名

2、词或被具体化的抽象名词前,表示“一场,一次,一杯”等不定冠词不定冠词a/ana/an不定冠词不定冠词a/an的用法的用法1.1.用于首次提到的人或物,表泛指用于首次提到的人或物,表泛指I saw I saw a mana man in the darkness,but i couldnt make out who it was.in the darkness,but i couldnt make out who it was.我在黑暗中看见一个人,但是辨认不出是谁。我在黑暗中看见一个人,但是辨认不出是谁。2.2.表示类指,指一类人或事物表示类指,指一类人或事物A doctorA doctor

3、is a person who saves peoples lives.is a person who saves peoples lives.医生就是挽救人们生命的人。医生就是挽救人们生命的人。3.3.表示表示“每一每一”,用于时间、重量、长度等单位名词前,用于时间、重量、长度等单位名词前Take three pills Take three pills a daya day and you will get better soon.and you will get better soon.每天吃三片药,你很快就会好的。每天吃三片药,你很快就会好的。4.4.用在序数词前,表示用在序数词前,表

4、示“又一,再一又一,再一”I want I want a seconda second cup of coffee.cup of coffee.我想再要一杯咖啡。(我想再要一杯咖啡。(暗含已经喝过一杯)暗含已经喝过一杯)5.5.用于某些物质名词或被具体化的抽象名词前,表示用于某些物质名词或被具体化的抽象名词前,表示“一场,一次,一杯一场,一次,一杯”等等An unexpected rainAn unexpected rain fell this morning in this small town.fell this morning in this small town.这个小镇今天早上突然下

5、了一场雨。这个小镇今天早上突然下了一场雨。His new book was His new book was a great successa great success.他的新书获得了(一次)巨大的他的新书获得了(一次)巨大的成功。成功。have a lookhave a look :看一看看一看have a talk have a talk:谈话谈话have a rest have a rest:休息一下休息一下have a good time have a good time:玩得开心玩得开心make a decision make a decision:做出决定做出决定in a wor

6、d in a word:总而言之总而言之for a while for a while:一会儿一会儿as a result as a result:结果结果6.6.用于固定短语用于固定短语中中PART.02PART.02定冠词定冠词thethe特指上文提到过的、特定的人或事,或谈话双方都知道的人或事用于单数可数名词或形容词前,表示类指用于姓氏的复数形式前表示一家人用于世界上独一无二的事物前用于某些专有名词前或固定短语中用于序数词、最高级或表特指的比较级前用于表示方位或演奏的乐器前定冠词定冠词thethe定冠词定冠词the的用法的用法1.1.特指上文提到过的、特特指上文提到过的、特定的人或事,或

7、谈话双定的人或事,或谈话双方都知道的人或事方都知道的人或事I have a cat.The cat is white.TheThe girl in red in red is my sister.Pass me thethe book,please.I have a cat.TheThe cat is white.2.2.用于单数可数名词或形容词前,表示类指用于单数可数名词或形容词前,表示类指The wheelThe wheel is perhaps the simplest invention of all.is perhaps the simplest invention of all.轮

8、子或许是所有发明中最简单的一个。The richThe rich should help should help the poorthe poor.富人应该帮助穷人。3.3.用于世界上独一无二的事物前用于世界上独一无二的事物前the Sunthe Moon the EarthThis was This was the firstthe first time I was on a train.time I was on a train.这是我第一次坐火车。4.4.用于序数词、最高级用于序数词、最高级或表特指的比较级前或表特指的比较级前He is He is the tallerthe talle

9、r of the two children in his family.of the two children in his family.他是他家两个孩子中较高的那个。He is He is the tallestthe tallest student in our class.student in our class.他在我们班个子最高。5.5.用于表示方位或演奏的乐器前用于表示方位或演奏的乐器前In every country,the sun rises in In every country,the sun rises in the eastthe east.太阳不分国别,永远升自东方

10、。play the pianoplay the violinplay the guitar6.6.用于姓氏的复数形式前表示一家人用于姓氏的复数形式前表示一家人The SmithsThe Smiths are having dinner together.are having dinner together.史密斯一家正在共进晚餐。the Yellow Riverthe Great Wall7.7.用于某些专有名词前或固定短语中用于某些专有名词前或固定短语中in in thethe morning morning:在早上在早上at at thethe same time same time:同时

11、:同时all all thethe time time:一直:一直on on thethe way to way to:在去在去的的路上路上at at thethe beginningbeginning:开头:开头in in thethe end end:终于,最后:终于,最后in in thethe middle of middle of:在:在中间中间on on thethe left left:在左边:在左边with with thethe help ofhelp of:在:在的帮助的帮助下下by by thethe way way:顺便说一下:顺便说一下PART.03PART.03零冠

12、词零冠词零冠词零冠词下列情况应免冠,专有名词不可数;复数名词表类指,学科球类三餐饭;代词限定名词前,星期月份两节前;称呼头衔及短语,交通工具连着by。1.1.表示泛指意义的不可数名词和专有名词表示泛指意义的不可数名词和专有名词前前juicejuiceChinaChina2.2.表示类指的表示类指的复数名词复数名词前前Human beings love nature.人类爱大自然。3.3.表示学科、球类及三餐表示学科、球类及三餐名词名词前前Chinese is my favorite subject.语文是我最爱的科目。语文是我最爱的科目。My brother likes playing bas

13、ketball.我哥哥爱打篮球我哥哥爱打篮球He usually has breakfast at 7 oclock.他经常他经常7 7点吃早饭。点吃早饭。语文语文4.4.已有限定词,如指示代词、物主代词、名词所有格的已有限定词,如指示代词、物主代词、名词所有格的名词前名词前 This is my pen.There are some students.5.5.表示星期、月份、季节、表示星期、月份、季节、节日名词节日名词前前Today is Sunday.We all like Childrens Day.The long March started in October,1934.Autum

14、n is the harvest season of the year.6.6.在称呼语、头衔前以及固定短语在称呼语、头衔前以及固定短语中中Stay where you are,girl!姑娘,别动!Mr.Li is chairman of the meeting.李先生是本次会议的主席。day and night日日夜夜in surprise惊讶地face to face面对面地at noon在中午7.7.与与by by连用的交通工具名词前连用的交通工具名词前Now many people want to travel Now many people want to travel by pl

15、aneby plane.现在很多人想坐飞机旅行。PART.04PART.04有无冠词的有无冠词的意义区别意义区别in hospital 因病住院in the hospital 在医院里(不一定是病人)go to sea 出海(是海员)go to the sea 到海边去in office 执政,当权in the office 在办公室里go to school 去上学(是学生)go to the school 到学校去(不一定是学生)go to bed 就寝,上床睡觉go to the bed 向床走去(不一定是去睡觉)sit at table 吃饭sit at the table 坐在桌旁课

16、堂检测05用用a,an,the填空填空1.Does Jim have a ruler?Yes,he does.2.There is an old bike.The old bike is Mr Jones.3.I have a book.Thats an English book.4.The Great Wall is the longest wall.5.I can play the piano.()1.There is _“A”on his paper.A.aB.anC.the()2.At that time Tom was _ one-year-old baby.A.a B.an C./BA()3._ woman over there is _ teacher in our school.A.A;A B.The;a C.The;theB()4.There is _ old bike._old bike is Mr.Zhaos.A.an;The B.the;An C.a;The()5.It took me _hour to get home.A.a B.an C.twoBATHANKS


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