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1、 What should we do?Do you have any skills?一、通读全文,了解大意。一、通读全文,了解大意。二、仔细推敲,综合判断。二、仔细推敲,综合判断。三、检查修正,敲定答案。三、检查修正,敲定答案。题号题号 考点考点技巧技巧 46Once upon a time,there was a king.He was famous for his kindness.His people 46 him and were proud of him.A.visited B.left C.loved D.hated动词动词1.1.善用语境推断善用语境推断题号题号 考点考点技巧技巧

2、 42During the winter holiday,I did a part-time job as 42 at my aunts restaurant.A.a pilot B.a scientist C.a farmer D.a waiter名词名词1.1.善用语境推断善用语境推断 Because my mother had promised to donate(捐献捐献)her body.“The greatest present you can give is a part of 45 .If we can make a persons life better after we d

3、ie,our death will have meaning.A.itself B.yourself C.herself D.themselves题号题号 考点考点 技巧技巧 45反身代词反身代词 1.1.善用语境推断善用语境推断题号题号 考点考点 技巧技巧 37But Mr.Brown was afraid Tom couldnt remember this,he 37 these words on a piece of paper and asked Tom to look at it every now and then.A.write B.wrote C.rewrite D.rewro

4、te动词过去时动词过去时 2.2.熟记语法知识熟记语法知识题号题号 考点考点技巧技巧 43I was greatly sad.At the 43 of 14,I couldnt understand why people would take a part of a person that I loved.A.week B.day C.age D.month固定词组固定词组2.2.熟记语法知识熟记语法知识 Last Monday,a strong man growing a beard(胡须胡须)arrived at Mr.Lis gold shop by taxi.He told the d

5、river to 46 .He went into the shop and said,“Hand over your money!”The strong man jumped into the waiting taxi as Mr.Li shouted,A.drive away B.look out C.help him D.wait for him题号题号 考点考点 技巧技巧 46动词词组动词词组3.3.寻找上下文线索寻找上下文线索 In fact,adults also love the story a lot.For them,Monkey King has become a very

6、 43 part in the memory of their childhood.The clever and humorous monkey 44 the hearts of many Chinese people.43.A.unhappy B.comfortable C.forgettableD.unforgettable 44.A.beats B.wins C.hurts D.breaks 题号题号 考点考点 技巧技巧 43 44形容词形容词3.3.寻找上下文线索寻找上下文线索动词动词3.3.寻找上下文线索寻找上下文线索 题号题号 考点考点 技巧技巧 47Once,the king d

7、ecided to build a palace on the river bank.In a few days the palace was ready.And the minister(大臣)(大臣)decided to take a final look 47 he brought the king to show the palace.47.A.before B.after C.since D.until连词连词4.4.领悟前后逻辑关系领悟前后逻辑关系题号题号 考点考点 技巧技巧 52 Some people like visiting big cities 52 there are

8、many famous buildings,theaters,stores and some places of interest for tourists.52.A.because B.or C.so D.but连词连词4.4.领悟前后逻辑关系领悟前后逻辑关系 考点考点 答题技巧 1.1.善用语境推断善用语境推断2.2.熟记语法知识熟记语法知识3.3.寻找上下文线索寻找上下文线索4.4.领悟前后逻辑关系领悟前后逻辑关系动词动词名词名词形容词形容词连词连词动词时态动词时态固定词组固定词组三、检查修正,敲定答案。三、检查修正,敲定答案。一、通读全文,了解大意一、通读全文,了解大意二、仔细推敲,综

9、合判断二、仔细推敲,综合判断 A When I was in high school,I wasnt good at my schoolwork at the beginning.41 I really wanted to go college.I went to talk with my teacher.He told 42 that there might be no chance for me to go to college.It made me very 43 .But I still did my best.I might not be able to get into 44 ,b

10、ut I wouldnt stop 45 .Then I found that my problem in the past was spending too much time 46 science.I was not good at my schoolwork,because I wasnt working hard on all 47 .So in the next term I 48 my plan.I spent more time in studying English,geography and other subjects.I worked hard by listening

11、to the teachers 49 in class and doing more exercises after class.Now I am studying at college.If you are not good at schoolwork at the moment,dont 50 .Forget the past years and restart now!I believe all your dreams can come true.A When I was in high school,I wasnt good at my schoolwork at the beginn

12、ing.41 I really wanted to go college.I went to talk with my teacher.He told 42 that there might be no chance for me to go to college.It made me very 43 .()41.A.Or B.And C.ButD.So()42.A.I B.me C.my D.mine()43.A.upset B.tired C.gladD.relaxed考点考点技巧技巧CB连词连词领悟前后逻辑领悟前后逻辑A人称代词人称代词熟记语法知识熟记语法知识形容词形容词善用语境推断善用

13、语境推断 .41 I really wanted to go college.I went to talk with my teacher.He told 42 that there might be no chance for me to go to college.But I still did my best.I might not be able to get into 44 ,but I wouldnt stop 45 .Then I found that my problem in the past was spending too much time 46 science.I w

14、as not good at my schoolwork,because I wasnt working hard on all 47 .I spent more time in studying English,geography and other subjects.()44.A.hospital B.college C.trouble D.water()45.A.speaking B.spending C.payingD.trying()46.A.onB.inC.atD.by()47.A.sportsB.subjectsC.dreamsD.chances考点考点技巧技巧B名词名词找上下文

15、线索找上下文线索D动名词动名词善用语境推断善用语境推断A介词介词熟记语法知识熟记语法知识B名词名词找上下文线索找上下文线索 So in the next term I 48 my plan.I spent more time in studying English,geography and other subjects.I worked hard by listening to the teachers 49 in class and doing more exercises after class.Now I am studying at college.If you are not go

16、od at schoolwork at the moment,dont 50 .Forget the past years and restart now!I believe all your dreams can come true.考点考点技巧技巧()48.A.changedB.keptC.followedD.realized()49.A.carefulB.carefully C.carelessD.carelessly()50.A.keep up B.pick upC.look upD.give upA动词动词善用语境推断善用语境推断B副词副词熟记语法知识熟记语法知识D动词词组动词词组

17、善用语境推断善用语境推断B One day Tom was hit by a car.He was taken to the 1 at once.In the hospital the doctor told his parents,“He will wake up very soon,or maybe he will never wake up.”Toms parents 2 him day and night,but Tom just slept.They were very 3 .One day Toms father said,“Tom,lets 4 home and play wit

18、h Cody.”Cody is Toms 5 .When Toms father said“Cody”,Tom moved his arm.Then his parents thought of a(n)6 idea.They asked the doctor,“We want to bring Toms dog to the hospital.Is it OK?”The doctor agreed.The next day,Toms 7 brought Cody to the hospital.They put the dog on Toms bed.To their surprise,To

19、m 8 his eyes.A few days later,when Cody jumped onto Toms bed and touched his arm,Tom said 9 first words,“Bad dog!”After several weeks,Tom got well.He and his parents went home 10 with Cody.What an unusual experience Tom had!(柳州2018年中考真题)()1 A.shopB.school C.hospital()2 A.looked afterB.looked forC.lo

20、oked through()3 A.boredB.worried C.satisfied()4 A.goB.arriveC.leave()5 A.cat B.dogC.pig()6 A.badB.oldC.good()7 A.classmatesB.parentsC.teachers()8 A.openedB.washedC.closed()9 A.myB.yourC.his()10 A.happilyB.carefully C.quickly考点考点 技巧技巧名词名词寻找上下文线索寻找上下文线索动词动词词组词组善用语境推断善用语境推断善用语境推断善用语境推断形容词形容词动词动词寻找上下文线索寻找上下文线索名词名词寻找上下文线索寻找上下文线索形容词形容词善用语境推断善用语境推断名词名词寻找上下文线索寻找上下文线索动词动词善用语境推断善用语境推断人称代词人称代词 善用语境推断善用语境推断副词副词寻找上下文线索寻找上下文线索CABABCBACASummary1.1.学会判断完形填空的考点学会判断完形填空的考点2.2.学习完形填空的解题技巧学习完形填空的解题技巧


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