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1、连词I.Do you know the following famous sayings?II.Share the sayings you collected about adverbial clauses.0103neithernor既不也不(就近原则)not onlybut(also),不但而且(强调后者,就近原则)bothand两者都 (两者都强调,谓语动词为复数)as well as,with,together with 也(强调前者,就远原则)and,连接并列部分,用于肯定句,否定句把and 变or表示连接两个同等概念表示连接两个同等概念表示选择的并列结构表示选择的并列结构 a.or

2、 或者b.eitheror 或者或者(就近原则)Either you or I am right.表示转折或对比表示转折或对比a.but表示转折,while表示对比。Some people love cats,while others hate them.b.notbut 不是而是.表示因果关系表示因果关系a.for是并列连词,不能置于含两个并列分句的句 子的句首,只能将其放在两个分句中间。b.so,therefore例题精讲例题精讲【例1】Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friends,QQ _ MSN?A)and

3、B)but C)or D)so【例2】_ Tony_ Frank likes the CD.They think the music is too noisy.A)Neither.nor B)Either.or C)Both.and D)Not only.but alsoas soon as,till,until 主将从现,主情从现,主祈从现As soon as I finish the job,Ill give you a call.You mustnt watch TV until your homework is finished.Hurry up,or you will be late

4、.when主将从现:主句是一般将来时,从句是一般现在时When Susan goes to town,she will visit her grandparents.When the earthquake took place,they were watching TV.since主句:现在完成时,从句:一般过去时I have been here for five years.=It is five years since I came here.=It has been five years since I came here.例题精讲例题精讲1.Please call me as soon

5、 as he _(finish)his work.2.I _(not understand)the problem until the teacher explained it.3.Mike _(write)a report when I telephoned him yesterday.4.We _(be)good friends since we met at school.5.When she comes next time,I _(tell)her everything.6.As soon as he got home,he _(drink)a glass of cold water.

6、7.The shop assistant was arguing with the customer when I _(go)into the food section.8.The criminal _(capture)when he tried to escape from the city.KEYS:1.finishes 2.didnt understand 3.was writing 4.have been 5.will tell 6.drank 7.went 8.was capturedbecause与与so不能连用不能连用1.Even a drop of water _ becaus

7、e it is so important to all the living things.A.must wasteB.must be wasted C.mustnt waste D.mustnt be wasted2.We can talk with friends on the Internet _ its easier and cheaper.A.thoughB.as C.or D.but 3.I wont see the film this evening because I _ it already.A.will see B.saw C.have seen D.had seen4.L

8、inda often has a poor memory _ she receives most of her knowledge in a passive way.A.though B.so C.because D.so that5.The firemen cant go into the room because the door _ by someone.A.locks B.was locked C.has locked D.lockedWork hard,and you will succeed.1.If it _ this Saturday,we _ for a picnic.A.w

9、ont rain;shall go B.doesnt rain;will go C.isnt rain;go D.Doesnt rain;go2.If it rains heavily,we _some indoor activities instead of playing football.A.do B.will do C.did D.have done3.I wont go to the party _ Im invited.A.if B.when C.unless D.after 4.The passage is hard to understand _ there are no new words in it.A.when B.though C.because D.unless5._ you improve your writing,youll lose marks in the exam.A.Before B.Because C.Unless D.Although1.When others say sorry to you,what can you say?Think answers as much as possible.2.When he won the game,you congratulated him.How can he answer you?


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