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1、专题十九专题十九 书面表达书面表达中考英语语法专题本专题内容适用于7-9年级学生本专题一般共需5课时第三课时 书面表达步骤和技巧(二)一、英语写作六步法:连句成文二、英语写作六步法:查错改错三、英语写作六步法:誉写四、巩固练习英文写作六步法:四、连句成文正确使用过渡词,使行文流畅。并注意段与段的衔接。表示列举和顺序用表示列举和顺序用 firstly,secondly,last,then,finally,next,such as,after that b.表示意义增补和引申用表示意义增补和引申用also,besides,above all,whats more/whats worse c.表示结

2、果用表示结果用 so,therefore,as a result,sothatd.表示意义转折用表示意义转折用 instead,however,buta.e.表示解释说明用表示解释说明用 in other words,that is to say1.过好行文逻辑关过好行文逻辑关f.表示概括和总结用表示概括和总结用 then,in all,as we knowg.表示时间顺序用表示时间顺序用 now,at first,when,afterh.表示并列关系用表示并列关系用 or,and,also,too,i.表示条件关系用表示条件关系用 as(so)long as,if,unless j.表示举例

3、用表示举例用 for example,for instance,such ask.表示让步关系用表示让步关系用 though,even if,however,as 2.用活语言,准确生动使用常用高级语法:非谓语动词,with复合结构,虚拟语气,强调句,倒装句,感叹句,定语从句,状语从句等The meal was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much.a.The meal was very nice.We all enjoyed it very much.(sothat/sothat/suchthat)c.My brother was riding a

4、 bike.I sat on the seat behind him.(with sb.doing)My brother was riding a bike with me sitting on the seat behind him.Not only is he a famous singer but also he has Not only is he a famous singer but also he has written some interesting books.written some interesting books.b.He is a famous singer.He

5、 has also written some interesting books.(not onlybut also)Not having received his letter he decided to write to her again.d.He hadnt received a letter.He decided to write to her again.(not having done)e.We are glad to see such great changes in our school life.(how)How glad we are to see such great

6、changes in our school life.英文写作六步法五、查错改错注意时态、标点和拼写是否正确,词数是否符合要求等。请你当老师请你当老师 Bicycle are still popular on the streets in Beijing.Its easy to by bike go to school or go to work.Now more and more people plan to buy cars instead of bike.But I think that running cars make air dirty.It was harmful to our

7、health.Riding bicycles can help people keep healthy,and energy can be save.Because riding bikes will always make me happy,so I prefer to go to school by bike.Please read it carefully,then find the mistakes and correct them.Bicycles are still popular on the streets in Beijing.Its easy to go to school

8、 or go to work by bike.Now more and more people plan to buy cars instead of bikes.But I think that running cars makes air dirty.It is harmful to our health.Riding bicycles can help people keep healthy,and energy can be saved.Because riding bikes will always make me happy,I prefer to go to school by

9、bike.规范三写规范三写:大小写大小写,拼写拼写,书写书写英文写作六步法六、誊写修改无误后,认真规范地誊写在规定的地方。卷面不工整要扣分!自从实施教育新政,中学生有了更多自主支配的时自从实施教育新政,中学生有了更多自主支配的时间,但有些同学不知如何利用好这些时间,针对这间,但有些同学不知如何利用好这些时间,针对这种现象,你校广播室种现象,你校广播室“校园英语之声校园英语之声”栏目就栏目就“如如何更好地利用课余时间何更好地利用课余时间”进行征文。请你用英语给进行征文。请你用英语给该栏目写一篇广播稿。内容要点包括:该栏目写一篇广播稿。内容要点包括:不良现象和行为不良现象和行为 (至少(至少3点)

10、点)1.花太多时间在兴趣爱好上花太多时间在兴趣爱好上2.迷恋网吧,上网打游戏迷恋网吧,上网打游戏3.看法看法我认为我认为 建议(至少建议(至少3条)条)合理安排时间合理安排时间参加兴趣小组参加兴趣小组 注意注意:100词左右,广播的开头已给出,不计入总词数词左右,广播的开头已给出,不计入总词数主题主题体裁体裁人称人称结构结构时态时态字数字数已知信息已知信息未知信息未知信息以一般现以一般现在时为主在时为主Step 1:审题Problemsbe crazy about(7B4)play computer games(7A1)watch too much TV(8A1)spend too much

11、time on their hobbies(9A3)refuse to do homework(9A3)spend-on(7A2)Opinionsnot good for our health and study(7A2)focus on(9A3)Pay more attention to(9A1)Suggestionsplan time carefully(9A3)achieve a balance between study and bobbies(9A3)take part in different after school activities(7A2)join interest gr

12、oups(8A2)do some sports(7A4)do some housework(7B5)Step 2:抓要点、列提纲 List some keywords about problems.Phrases:_ _2.List some keywords about opinions.Phrases:_ _ 3.List some keywords about suggestions.Phrases:_ _ not good for study and health,Spend-on,hobbies,be crazy about,-Step 2:抓要点、列提纲Introduction M

13、ain body Conclusionproblemsopinionssuggestions花太多时间在兴趣爱花太多时间在兴趣爱好上好上 迷恋网吧,打电脑游迷恋网吧,打电脑游戏戏-合理安排时间合理安排时间 参加兴趣小组参加兴趣小组-Step 2:抓要点、列提纲-Make sentences with the keywords about problems.Sentences:_ _2.Make sentences with the keywords about opinions.Sentences:_ _3.Make sentences with the keywords about sugg

14、estions.Sentences:_ _Some students spend too much time on their hobbies and cant finish their homework on time.I dont think its good for our study and health.Step 3:连词成句There are many things we can do.we can plan our time carefully and try our best to achieve a balance between our study and hobbies.

15、can set up and join different kinds of interest groups,take part in some good social activities.we can do some sports.If we have time,we should help parents do some housework.However,how can we make better use of our spare time?For exampleBesides these,And alsoWe注意添加主题句,注意添加主题句,连接词!连接词!Step 4:连句成文范文

16、展示范文展示Hello,everybody!Its time again for our English Broadcasting Program.Todays topic is“How to Make Better Use of Our Spare Time”.Nowadays,we students have much more free time than before.But quite a number of students dont know how to use the time properly.They spend so much time on their hobbies

17、 that they cant finish their homework on time.Also some of them watch too much TV,Whats worse,some students often go to the net bar and are crazy about playing computer games.We dont think its good for their study and health.However,how can we make better use of our spare time?There are many things

18、we can do.For example,we can plan our time carefully and try our best to achieve a balance between our study and hobbies.And also we can set up and join different kinds of interest groups,take part in some good social activities.Besides these,we can do some sports.If we have time,we should help pare

19、nts do some housework.Lets make better use of our free time and make our life rich and colorful!据报道,中学生的身体素质有所下降,这一情况已经引起了全据报道,中学生的身体素质有所下降,这一情况已经引起了全社会的关注和教育部门的高度重视。请你根据下面的要点和要求社会的关注和教育部门的高度重视。请你根据下面的要点和要求,用英语写一篇,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。词左右的短文。要点:锻炼身体的好处:to be strong,healthy,energetic.锻炼身体的方式:playing ball games,running,swimming.对学校开展体育锻炼的看法和建议(至少写两点)要求:内容必须包括以上全部要点,课适当发挥;开头已给出,不计入总词数;语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清晰,字迹工整;文中不得出现真实校名及姓名 Health is very important to us teenagers.课时总结英语写作中用好“四心”1.精心审题,沉着写稿2.耐心修改,提炼句子3.细心检查,消灭错误4.虚心抄写,一丝不苟。


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