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1、句型运用解题句型运用解题技巧技巧 Our country has developed rapidly.Let us learn about its changes.The changes of food tastelessdeliciousThe changes of education boringvariousThe changes of roads inconvenientconvenientThe changes of house shabbyluxuriant0101命题趋势 句型转换题常有两种形式。一种形式是要求考生在各题B句的每个空格里写上一个单词,使句子意思与A句相近;另一种形

2、式是句型间的转换。结合近几年的考题,今后的命题趋势为:1.注重对深层次的理解 句型转换在中考试题中属于语法性强的题型,为了避免学生死记硬背语法规则,出题人会变该题型的基础性、典型性和单一性为多样性、复杂性和综合性。2.题量与分值趋向减少 如:广东中考题中句型转换与完成句子的小题数由原来的10道减少到8 道,分值由原来的20分减少到16分。3.重点考查学生对一些重要短语、句型的熟练程度和它们之间的相互转换。4.所考查的知识点都依纲扣本,突出了学生所学知识的重点和难点,源于课本,注重能力的训练。【突破妙招】1.加强对课本知识点的理解和学习,做到灵活运用,举一反三。2.在学习过程中注意新旧知识的联系

3、,以旧带新,构建知识体系。3.系统训练,强化巩固。例如:(1)肯定句变否定句训练;(2)肯定句转化为疑问句训练;(3)同义句转换训练。命题趋势句型转换的题型1.肯定句变否定句或一般疑问句(1)Miss Gao came into the classroom.(改为否定句)Miss Gao _ _into the classroom.(2)Davids mother works in a shop.(改为一般疑问句)_Davids mother _ in a shop?【答案】(l)didnt come (2)Does;work句型转换的题型【解题技巧】(1)变否定句的规律:如果句子的谓语含有助

4、动词(be,will/shall,have/lias),其否定形式便是在这些助动词后加not。如果句子的谓语含有情态动词(can,may,must等),其否定形式是直接在情态动词后加not。如果句子的谓语是实义动词,变为否定形式时要加助动词do/does/did 的否定形式。用了助动词后,其后面的谓语动词要用原形。句型转换的题型(2)变一般疑问句的规律:如果句子的谓语含有助动词(be,will/shall,have/lias),若改为一般疑问句便是把这些助动词提到主语的前面,若主语为第一人称,要把第一人称换成第二人称。如果句子的谓语含有情态动词(can,may,must等),若改为一般疑问句便

5、是把这些情态动词提到主语的前面,若主语为第一人称,要把 第一人称换成第二人称。如果句子的谓语是实义动词,若变为一般疑问句,要加助动词 do/does/did.用了助动词后,其后面的谓语动词要用原形,若主语为第 一人称,要把第一人称换成第二人称。句型转换的题型2.对画线部分提问(1)There are three people in my family._ _ people are there in your family?(2)My uncle stayed in Beijing for a week._ _did your uncle stay in Beijing?【答案】(l)How m

6、any (2)How long 句型转换的题型【解题技巧】对句子的画线部分进行提问时先确定特殊疑问词,常见的结构有:(1)特殊疑问词(不作主语)+一般疑问句语序。What do you want?你要什么?When did you get up this morning?你今早什么时候起床的?(2)特殊疑问词(作主语)+陈述句语序。Who is dancing over there?谁在那边跳舞?Which is yours?哪个是你的?句型转换的题型3.同义句转换(1)Li was born in 1993.So was Li Lei.Li is _ old _ Li Lei.(2)Mr.S

7、mith took a bus to work last year.Mr.Smith _ _ _ by bus last year.【答案】1.as;as 2.went to work句型转换的题型【解题技巧】所谓同义句转换,是指用不同的词汇、短语及句型表示相 同或相近的意思。它是中考命题的一大热点。现将常见的同义句型转换形式归纳如下,希望对同学们的中考复习有所帮助。句型转换的题型(1)用同义词(组)或近义词(组)改写 The children are wearing beautiful clothes.The children are _ beautiful clothes.Mr.Smith

8、 is working.Mr.Smith is _ _.【答案】inat work简析:英语中有不少同义、近义词(组),在平时的学习中要注意归纳总结。句型转换的题型(2)用反义词(组)改写 Chinese is more popular than Japanese.Japanese is _ popular _ Chinese.The runner couldnt catch up with the others in the race.The runner _ _ the others in the race.【答案】less;than fell behind简析:此类转换应注意有时需要改变

9、主语的位置,并注意归纳总结反义词(组)。句型转换的题型4.改为同义句(1)Ann spent two weeks getting ready for the exams.It _ Ann two weeks to _ ready for the exams.(2)She spent 30 dollars on the English-Chinese dictionary.The English-Chinese dictionary _ _ 30 dollars.【答案】(1)took;get (2)cost her简析:此类转换题必须弄清每个句型的构成特点,注意句型的固定搭配。例如:give

10、sb.sth.与give sth.to sb.的转换,spend some time(in)doing sth./on sth.与It takes sb.some time to do sth.的转换等。句型转换的题型5.两句并一句转换为简单句(1)Jim doesnt like noodles,and Jack doesnt,either._ Jim _ Jack likes noodles.(2)Mrs.Smith is my teacher.She is also my good friend.Mrs.Smith is _ _ my teacher _ _ my good friend.

11、【答案】(1)Neither;nor (2)not only;but also句型转换的题型【简析】英语中常用“not only.but also.,either.or.,neither.nor.”,“both.and.”等连词把两个意义相关的简单句合并成一个简单句。解题过程中要注意连词的选用和主谓一致原则。除此之外,还可用“too.to.”,enough to”等把两个简单句合并成另一简单句。例如:Tom is young.He cant go to school.Tom is too young to go to school.句型转换的题型6.用派生词或多义词改写The snow was

12、 heavy last night.It _ _ last night.【答案】snowed heavily简析:句中名词snow和形容词heavy转化成了动词snowed和副词heavily。句型转换的题型7.并列句与复合句互换Go on planting trees for two more years and the hill will be covered with green trees.If we go on planting trees,the hill will _ _ in two _.【答案】turn green;years筒析:含有祈使句的并列句,可转化为含if条件句的复

13、合句。句型转换的题型8.简单句与复合句的互变Do you know how you can get the kite down from the tree?Do you know _ _ get the kite down from the tree?【答案】how to句型转换的题型简析:复合句转化为简单句一般侧重于将从句变化为短语或词组,使句意简单明了。常见的转换方法有:(1)用不定式、介词短语、名词短语、分词性短语替换;(2)将宾语从句简化为“疑问词+不定式”;(3)将含有“so.that./such.的复合句简化为含有 too.to./enough to”的简单句;(4)if引导的状语

14、从句简化为“祈使句,and/or+句子”。句型转换的题型9.主动语态与被动语态互换The fanners use tractors for farm work.Tractors _ _ for farm work.【答案】are used简析:当作主语的人或物是动作的承受者时,谓语动词用被动语态。注意掌握被动语态的构成。句型转换的题型10.直接宾语与间接宾语位置互换His mother bought him a new pen.His mother bought a new pen _ him.【答案】for简析:如果将表示物的直接宾语放在及物动词后面,则表示人的间接宾语前要加介词。句型转换的

15、题型11.感叹句相互转换That is a delicious cake._ delicious that cake is!_ a delicious cake that is!【答案】How;What 筒析:感叹形容词或副词时用how,感叹名词时用what。句子翻译题【解题技巧】要明确命题意图,做到有的放矢。一般说来,句子翻译都有明显的考查意图,要么是考查某个词的用法或习惯表达,要么是考查某个句型的结构或搭配,或者是考査某条语法规则的具体运用等。在做题时若能明确命题者的考查意图,那么便可加强做题的针对性,从而做到有的放矢。句子翻译题一、判断句子结构,搭好句型框架。一般来说,汉译英的句型可分为

16、三大类:简单句;并列句;复合句。同时我们也要注意非谓语动词及其他一些特殊结构。例如:1.昨天我的电脑坏了。_ _ _ _with my computer yesterday.【答案解析】There;was;something;wrong本题考查了:There be结构;wrong的用法;中英文表达的差异。句子翻译题2.遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是互相帮助。_【答案解析】When we have difficulties,what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other.本题考查了:复合句:when引导的

17、状语从句;what引导的主语从句;not.but结构;“彼此埋怨”的英文翻译。句子翻译题二、定位时态语态,注意前后呼应。时态一直是英语考试中的重点。在英语翻译中,每句一般都含有二三个动词或动词词组,因此,正确的思路应该是首先浏览全句中文,要能够根据句中的时间状语和字里行间所给出的提示来定位一个基本时态,即主句的动词时态,而其他动词必须与之呼应。【例】当我不在家时,吉姆总是帮助我照看我的宠物。Jim always _ the pets for me while I _.【答案】takes care of/looks after;am away/am not at home/stay out【解析

18、】由语境逻辑和副词always,判断主句要用一般现在时态。从句动词必须与主句相呼应,所以从句也要用一般现在时态。句子翻译题与汉语比较,英语中的被动语态用得较多。例如:Im sorry you cant go in now,because _(房间没有打扫)yet.【答案】hasnt been cleaned【解析】由语境逻辑和副词yet,可判断空白处应填入现在完成时的被动语态形式。句子翻译题三、了解文化差异,避免汉语思维。作为中学生,在学习英语时,特别应该注重中英文表述习惯的不同之处,克服母语造成的潜在障碍,在做汉译英题时,切忌将两种语言对等地进行交换。例如:因为我起晚了,所以我上学迟到了。【

19、答案】Because I got up late,I was late for school./I got up late,so I was late for school.【解析】汉语中“因为.所以.”常连用,但英语中Because和so 不可同时使用,但可以相互转换。同样汉语中“虽然.但是.”常连用。但英语中although和but不可同时使用,但可以相互转换。句子翻译题【总结】如何做句子翻译题:1.读懂句意。要浏览整个句子,根据所缺失部分大致判断要选择的词语、结构、搭配等方向,这是解题的首要环节。2.分类筛选。掌握句意后,就开始寻找答案,并将不同词性的单词分层细化,分类选择。3.书写整洁

20、。在选好答案之后,还要整洁书写。4.复查核对。当作答完毕后,将所填词语放入句子,整体浏览.从时态、语态、词形、数的一致性等方面检查。句子翻译题【范例】1.当他听到这个好消息时,激动得说不出话来。He was _ when he heard this good news.【解析】此题易误填 too excited not to say anything或very excited that he couldnt say anything.这是受汉语思维的影响造成的。too.to.结构本身己有否定的意义,不定式符号to前面不能再用not。so.that.是一个固定句型,其中so不能改为very或qu

21、ite.正确答案为too excited to say anything或so excited that he couldnt say anything或so excited that he could say nothing.句子翻译题2.我不知道他喜欢什么。I dont know _.【解析】此题易误填what does he like.这是由于句式不分引起的。单独说What does he like?肯定没错,可是这个句子在这里充当know的宾语,是一个宾语从句。凡是从句都要用陈述语序。正确答案为what he likes.句子翻译题3.花应该经常浇水。Flowers _.【解析】此题易

22、误填should often water.这是受汉语思维的影响造成的。汉语中很少使用被动句,而英语中使用频繁,这里应该使用被动语态。正确答案为should often be watered.句子翻译题4.他父亲曾经是司机。His father _.【解析】此题易误填once was driver.这是受汉语思维的影响造成的。汉语中没有“冠词”,因此很多同学漏掉了单数可数名词前面的不定冠 词。正确答案为used to be a driver.02021.The comic book cost Tom 22 yuan.(改为一般疑问句)_the comic book _ Tom 22 yuan?【

23、答案】Did;cost【解析】句意:这本漫画书花了汤姆22元钱。主语The comic book是第三人称单数形式,如果是一般现在时态,cost要用三单形式costs,由此判断cost是过去式形式,变一般疑问句时要借助助动词did,故答案为(1).Did (2).cost.2.Everything will be all right in a few days.(对划线部分提问)_ _will everything be all right?【答案】How soon【解析】句意:几天后一切都会好的。in a few days是表示将来的时间状语,对“in+一段时间”提问用how soon,故答

24、案为(1).How(2).soon.3.It will be warm and sunny tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)_will the weather _ like tomorrow?【答案】What;be【解析】句意:明天将会是温暖和晴朗的。warm and sunny是描述天气的形容词,对天气状况提问用“What.be like?”这一句型。句子的时态为 一般将来时,will后跟动词原形,故答案为(1).What (2).be。4.Maybe he feels afraid when he sees a tiger far away.(同义句转换)He _ _ afraid w

25、hen he sees a tiger far away.【答案】may feel【解析】句意:也许当他看到远处的老虎时会感到害怕。may情态动词,可以表示推测,意思是“可能”,后跟动词原形,结合句意可知,答案为(1).may (2).feel 5.This book is not as interesting as that one.(保持句意基本不变)This book is _ interesting_ that one.【答案】less than【解析】句意:这本书不如那本有趣。not as.as意思是“不如”,属于原级比较的否定句,也可以用降级比较来表达,interesting的降级

26、比较级为less interesting,连词than来连接比较的对象,故答案为(1).less (2).than 0303一、将下列句子改为否定句和一般疑问句。1.He is a good teacher.He _ _ a good teacher.(否定句)_ _ a good teacher?(一般疑问句)2.She has already finished her homework now.She _ _finished her homework _.(否)_ she finished her homework _?(疑)3.It will rain tomorrow.It _ _ra

27、in tomorrow.(否定句)_ _rain tomorrow?(一 般疑问句)【答案】1.is not;Is he 2.has not,yet;Has,yet 3.will not;Will it4.I like apples.I _ _ apples.(否定句)_ _ like apples?(一 般疑问句)5.My father watches TV every evening.My father _ _ TV every evening._ your father _ TV every evening?(疑)6.Ann went to London last week.Ann _

28、_ to London last week.(否定)_Aim _ to London last week?(一般疑问)【答案】4.dont like;Do you 5.doesnt watch;Does,watch 6.didnt go;Did,go7.Sit down,please._ sit down,please.(否定句)8.Li Mings father can drive the car.Li Mings father _ _ drive the car.(否定)_ Li Mings father drive the car?(一般疑问)【答案】7.Dont 8.can not;C

29、an 二、句型转换:1.She has no brother or sister.(改为肯定句)She has _brother _ a sister.2.Youd better not ask your teacher.(改为否定祈使句)_ _ your teacher,please.3.Your domiitory(宿舍)is very bright._ _ your domiitory is!4.The meat is delicious._ delicious meat it is!【答案】1.a;and 2.Dont ask 3.How bright 4.what5.My broth

30、er has lunch at the school eveiy day._ your brother _lunch at the school every day?6.We are going to learn French next year._ you_ to learn French next year?7.Mr Hu taught her maths last year._ Mr Hu _ her maths last year?8.At the age of five,Martin weighed(重)25 kilos._ _did Martin weigh at the age

31、of five?【答案】5.Does;have 6.Are;you 7.Did;teach 8.How much9.The hospital is about 300 meters away._ _ is the hospital?10.Bill met the twins last night._ did Bill _ the twins?11.Jane jumps farther than any of the other girls.Jane jumps _ _ all the girls.12.She studies more carefully than any other stud

32、ent in her class.She studies _ _ in her class.【答案】9.How far 10.When;meet 11.farthest of 12.most carefully 13.The foreigners want to know how they can learn Chinese kungfii well.The foreigners want to know _ _learn Chinese knng fu well.14.When he saw me in the street,he was suiprised(惊奇).He was surpr

33、ised _ _ me in the street.15.Where does he live?I dont know.(合为一句)I dont know _ _ _.16.Mary visited the new school.Mary visited the new school,_ _?【答案】13.how to 14.to see 15.where he lives 16.didnt she 三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空限填一词。1.我的爷爷习惯早起。My grandpas _ _ getting up early.2.过度使用手机对身体有害。Using mobile phones

34、_ _ for your health.3.今天我以学校为荣,明天学校以我为傲。Today Im _ of school and tomorrow my school will take _ in my success.【答案】1.used to 2.too much 3.proud;pride.4.如果时间再多一点,我将能做地更好。If more time _ _,I will do it better.5.即使是最简单的日常活动也会对环境造成影响。Even the simplest _ _ can make a difference to the environment.【答案】4.is

35、given 5.daily activities.0404一、句型转换1.We keep in touch with each other by email.(改为否定句)We _ _in touch with each other by email.2.Our school organizes an English speech contest once a year.(对划线部分提问)_ _ does your school organize an English speech contest?3.The beach is a nice place for tourists.(改为感叹句)

36、_ _ nice place the beach is for tourists!4.Are there any new markets in Asia?The sales manager wants to know.(合并 为一句)The sales manager wants to know _ there _ any new markets in Asia.5.The university will invite many graduates to celebrate its 100th birthday.(改 为被动语态)Many graduates will _ _ by the u

37、niversity to celebrate its 100th birthday.6.We shouldnt talk loudly in the theater.We shouldnt smoke there,either.(合 并为一句)We should _ talk loudly _ smoke in the theater.7.Dave sometimes helps in the house at the weekend(改为一般疑 问句)_ Dave sometimes _ in the house at the weekend?8.Many visitors will com

38、e to our city in July.(对划线部分提问)_ _many visitors come to our city?9.Maria asked me to go to her birthday party yesterday.(改为否定句)Maria _ _me to go to her birthday party yesterday.10.The nurse does all the housework in my home eveiy day(改为一般疑问句)_ the nurse _ all the housework in your home every day?11.

39、We broke two teeth when playing football.(改为单数)_ broke a _ when playing football.12.Lets go and help the old man to cross the road.(改为反意疑问句)Lets go and help the old man to cross the road,_ _?13.Jane will learn a new dance in the gym.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Jane learn a dance?14.“Why do you stay at home?my fath

40、er asked.(把直接引语改为间接引语)My father asked _ I _ at home.15.I spend half an hour doing morning exercises every day.(改为同义句)It _ me half an hour to _ morning exercises every day.16.餐厅在右边,挨着后门。The dining hall is on the right,_ _ the back gate.17.解决此类问题对我来说很容易。Its _ _ me _ solve this kind of problem.18.你每天花多

41、长时间做作业?How long does _ _ you to do your homework every day?19.每天早上,我爸爸喜欢读报。My father likes _ _ every morning.20.我过去常在课堂上说话,现在不那样了。I _ _talk in class,but now I _ _do that.二、翻译下列句子。21.学习英语最好的方法就是尽可能多读。22.这些方法主要是针对英语学习的。23.有些年轻人不知道如何节约资源。24.大理一年四季都很温暖。【答案】一、1.dont keep 2.How often 3.What a 4.if;are 5.b

42、e invited 6.neither;nor 7.Does;help 8.Wlien will 9.didnt ask 10.Does;do 11.I;tooth 12.shall we 13.Where will 14.why;stayed 15.takes;do 16.next to 17.easy for;to 18.it take 19.reading newspapers 20.used to;no longer二、21.The best way to leam languages is to read as much as possible.22.These ways are mainly aimed at English study.23.Some young people dont know how to save energy.24.The weather in Dali is warm all year round.谢 谢 观 看


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