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3、f(e)为v,再加-es。leafleaves,knifeknives,lifelives,shelfshelves,wolfwolves,thiefthieves6.不规则变化:(1)把a改为e;(2)把oo改为ee;(3)其他。(1)manmen,womanwomen,policemanpolicemen(2)footfeet,toothteeth,goosegeese(鹅)(3)mousemice,childchildren续表续表特特殊殊点点7.特殊的f(e)结尾的词:(1)直接加-s;(2)直接加-s或变f(e)为v,再加-es。妙妙记 首领在海湾爬上屋顶死了(+-s);拿着手帕、裹

4、着围巾怎么死都行(两种复数形式)。(1)chiefchiefs(首领),gulfgulfs(海湾),roofroofs(屋顶)(2)handkerchiefhandkerchiefs/handkerchieves(手帕),scarfscarfs/scarves(围巾)续表续表特特殊殊点点8.“名词(作定语)+名词”结构的复数形式:(1)只变后名词(大多数);(2)前名词和后名词同时变(当前名词为man或woman时);(3)前名词只能用复数(当前名词为sport时)。(1)a boy studenttwo boy students,a shoe factorythree shoe factor

5、ies(2)a man teacherten men teachers,a woman nursemany women nurses(3)a sports capthree sports caps续表续表特特殊殊点点9.表示“某国人”的名词的复数形式变化形式:(1)直接加-s;(2)中、日、瑞士不变;(3)以man和woman结尾的把里面的a改为e(但German与human相同,直接加-s)。(1)an Americanfour Americans,a Germanfive Germans(2)a Chinese/Japanese/Swisssix Chinese/Japanese/Swis

6、s(3)an Englishmanseven Englishmen,a Frenchmantwelve Frenchmen10.单复数同形:Chinese,Japanese,fish(指鱼的条数,如果指鱼的种类加-es,指鱼肉则为不可数),deer,sheep。(两种人、三种动物)a fisheight fish(8条鱼),a deera lot of deer,a sheeptwenty sheep二、可数名词的用法二、可数名词的用法基基本本点点1.可数名词单数前可用a,an或one修饰,可数名词复数前可用two,three,many等表复数数量的词修饰。a boy,an orange,an

7、 hour,one desk,five men,many teachers 2.只修饰可数名词复数的常用词或短语有these,those,many,how many,a(large/great)number of,dozens of,(a)few,a couple of等。A number of foreigners have a few friends in China.很多外国人在中国有一些朋友。续表续表基基本本点点3.主语是可数名词单数时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;主语是可数名词复数时,谓语动词用复数形式。A boy is here now.现在一个男孩在这里。A bird flies

8、 here every day.一只小鸟每天飞到这里来。Four houses are new in our school.在我们学校,四间房子是新的。提提升升点点4.有些物质名词和抽象名词也为可数名词,如noodle,cake,mistake,suggestion等。I often make mistakes.Please give me some suggestions.我经常犯错误,请给我一些建议。续表续表提提升升点点5.“个别行为动词+-ing”可表示事物名词,有单复数变化,如building(=house),feeling,meaning等。There are many buildi

9、ngs in the town.这镇上有好多房子。She has a lot of feelings.她感情丰富。What are the meanings of the words?这些单词是什么意思?6.个别抽象动词作名词时常用复数形式,如thanks,wishes等。Best wishes to you!最美好的祝福送给你!续表续表提提升升点点7.集体名词people,police总是表示复数概念,因此不能说a people,a police,但可以说a person(一个人),a policeman(一位男警察)。A person cant do the thing.一个人做不了这事。

10、The police are going to help us when we are in trouble in our country.在我们国家,当我们处于困境时警察将会帮助我们。8.集体名词(family,class,team,group,row等)作句子主语时,如果表示整体概念,谓语动词则用第三人称单数形式;如果表示其中的所有成员时,谓语动词则用复数形式。My family is warm.我的家庭很温馨。My family are watching TV now.我的家人正在看电视。续表续表提提升升点点9.Chinese,Japanese,fish,sheep,people等表示单

11、个时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;表示许多时,谓语动词用复数形式。There is a sheep in the yard.院子里有一只绵羊。There are some sheep in the yard.院子里有一些绵羊。10.news,politics,physics等虽然有s结尾,但不是复数,因此谓语动词仍用第三人称单数形式。The news is very exciting.这个消息非常令人兴奋。续表续表提提升升点点11.glasses,shoes,socks,trousers,gloves,goods,pants,clothes,shorts,scissors等名词往往用复数形式,

12、故谓语动词也用复数形式。但如果被表示数量的短语“数词+名词(量词)+of”修饰时,谓语动词的单复数形式由短语中的名词决定。These trousers are very cheap and I want to take them.这些裤子很便宜,我想买它们。My shoes are broken.我的鞋子破了。A pair of shoes is on the desk.一双鞋子在桌子上。Two bags of shoes are on the desk.两袋鞋子在桌子上。12.由连字符构成的形容词,里面所含的名词用单数。a ten-year-old boy 一个十岁的男孩()1.They v

13、isited the farm on Childrens Day,and they saw many _ there.A.bird B.duck C.sheep D.rabbit()2.Some new _ will come.One of them is my brothers classmate,Jack.A.man doctors B.woman doctorC.men doctors D.women doctors考考点点演演练练C CC C()3.To our surprise,we found nothing but three _,two _ and five _ in the

14、room.A.tomatoes;radios;photos B.tomatos;radios;photos C.tomato;radio;photos D.tomatoes;radio;photos A A()4.Im told your class has three newcomers.Yes.One is a _,the other two are _.A.Japan;AmericanB.Japanese;AmericanC.Japanese;AmericansD.Japanese;America()5.Your _ are too long.Youd better change ano

15、ther pair.A.trousersB.glassesC.sockD.shortC CA A基基本本点点1.不可数名词不能直接与不定冠词或数词连用,没有复数形式。fun,news,information,advice,bread,work,homework,paper,weather,water,air,milk,meat,time,money,music,traffic,knowledge,progress考考点点精精讲讲续表续表基基本本点点2.只修饰不可数名词的常用词和短语有much,how much,(a)little,a bit of,a great deal of,a large

16、 amount of 等。The poor have little money to buy houses.穷人几乎没钱买房子。特特殊殊点点3.不可数名词若要表示具体的数量,则必须与表示数量的短语“数词名词(量词)of”连用,作主语时谓语由短语中的名词决定。A piece of bread is in the bag.一块面包在包里。Two cups of coffee are ready.两杯咖啡准备好了。续表续表特特殊殊点点4.不可数名词一般不与“the”连用,但表特指时前面可加“the”。We use water every day,but we cant use the water,b

17、ecause it is dirty.我们每天使用水,但我们不能使用那些水,因为它很脏。附附 1 有些表示数量的词或短语既可修饰可数名词复数,又可修饰不可数名词,如all,some,any,enough,a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a(large)quantity of等。此外,this,that既可修饰可数名词单数,又可修饰不可数名词,the 则接可数名词单数和复数或不可数名词均可。附附 2 有些名词既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,常考的有:change变化零钱;找头chicken小鸡鸡肉exercise习题锻炼fish鱼鱼肉glass玻璃杯玻璃orange橘子;

18、橙子橙汁paper报纸;试卷纸room房间空间time次;倍时间work著作;作品工作附附 3 少数不可数名词的复数形式表示特殊的意义:food食物foods各种食物fruit水果fruits各类水果hair头发hairs几根头发sand沙子sands沙滩time时间times时代wood木材woods树林()1.I am thirsty.I need _.A.a bookB.an umbrellaC.a cup of teaD.a piece of bread()2.Its very hot in Hainan this summer.On June 5th,the _ reached 41

19、.9.A.temperatureB.informationC.development D.experience考考点点演演练练C CA A()3.I dont know what I should do next.Could you please give me some good _?A.ideaB.adviceC.suggestD.suggestion()4.A kilo of apples _ ten yuan.Two bags of milk _ 9 yuan.They are 19 yuan together.A.is;areB.is;isC.are;isD.are;areB BA

20、A基基本本点点1.-s所有格:有生命的名词以及表示时间、距离、国家等的名词,常用s属格表示所有关系(即:“As B”为“A的B”)。(1)不以-s结尾的名词在其后加-s。Mothers Day母亲节Childrens Day 儿童节todays newspaper今天的报纸(2)以-s结尾的复数名词在其后加-。girls school女子学校the Smiths car史密斯家的小汽车考考点点精精讲讲续表续表基基本本点点(3)词尾带-s的名词单数在其后通常仍加-s。the bosss plan 老板的计划 the hostesss worry 女主人的担心(4)并列名词所有格:表示共同所有时,

21、则在最后一个名词后面加-s;表示各自所有时,则在每个名词后面都要加-s。Tom and Jims room 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间Toms and Jims rooms 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间续表续表基基本本点点(5)有时表示某人的家、医务室或店铺时,所有格后面经常不出现它所修饰的名词。at Toms在汤姆家at the doctors在医务室(6)表示时间、长度、重量、价格、路程和国家的所有格。three days holiday三天的假期fifty kilometers journey五十公里的旅程five tons food五吨的食物five dollars apples五美元的苹果

22、the countrys plan国家的计划续表续表基基本本点点2.of所有格(即:“A of B”为“B的A”)。(1)无生命的名词所有格要用of所有格表示。the main idea of the story故事的主要意思(2)有时也可用于有生命的名词,尤其是有较长定语时。the books of the students sitting near the window坐在窗户附近的学生们的书续表续表提提升升点点3.双重所有格(即:某人的中的其中一个或多个)。结构:-s所有格与of 所有格相结合,即:数词(或a/an)+名词+of+名词性物主代词=数词+of+形容词性物主代词+名词复数a

23、classmate of my fathers=one of my fathers classmates我爸爸的一位同学two cars of mine=two of my cars我的两辆小汽车续表续表提提升升点点4.特殊所有格:常见的为含to的所有格。常见的中心词有:key,answer,ticket,way,solution,secret等。the key to the room 这个房间的锁匙the answer to the question问题的答案the way to the station去车站的路a solution to the problem问题的一个解决办法the se

24、cret to language learning语言学习的秘诀()1.Knowledge can help open up the _ eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.A.students B.students C.students D.student()2.Jimmy is a friend of _.A.Jacks uncles B.Jacks uncle C.Jack uncles D.uncles of Jack考考点点演演练练A AA A()3._ mothers cant go to the

25、 class meeting because they have gone to Shanghai.A.Tom and Kates B.Toms and Kates C.Tom and Kate D.Toms and Kate()4.What did you learn from _?A.the storys book B.the book of the storyC.the books story D.the story of the bookB BD D()5.The _ office is next to the classroom.Its only _ walk.A.teachers;

26、2 minutes B.teachers;3 minutesC.teachers;2 minute D.teachers;3 minutesD D名词主要在语法选择、完形填空和短文填空中考查。具体如下:1.语法选择:考查可数名词单数和复数的用法、不可数名词以及名词所有格的用法。针对此类试题,考生要熟记名词单复数变化的规则、不可数名词以及-s所有格、of所有格和双重所有格的用法规则,并结合前后语境来选择正确选项。2020年广东省英语中考试卷的语法选择题没有考到名词。但名词在语法选择中最常考的形式如下:He went to the _ office and handed in his homewo

27、rk.A.teacherB.teachersC.teachersD.teachers解析解析:“教师办公室”的表达方式是:the teachers office。因为办公室不是一个老师的,所以用名词复数,再加上这里表达的是“老师的办公室”,所以是复数名词的名词所有格。答案选D。2.完形填空:完形填空考查的是词汇的辨析,而对名词的考查主要是同类名词词义辨析及不同类名词辨析。同类名词辨析涉及抽象类、动物类、身体部位类、职业类、地点类等。针对此类试题,考生要熟记单词的词义,并结合前后语境来选择正确选项。对于语境辨析类试题,首先要掌握各个选项的意思,再根据语境的逻辑来确定正确答案。如:However,

28、the _48_ in the face and fingerprints brought him much trouble.(2020广东)AsmileB.changeC.colorD.kiss解析解析:本题主要考查名词意义的区别。根据上下文意思,他脸上和指纹的改变给他带来很大的麻烦。所以答案选B。3.短文填空:主要考查可数名词的单复数形式、不可数名词及专有名词。针对该题型,考生需首先确定空处填的词为名词,再结合句意确定单词词义,最后考虑是否为可数名词。可数名词结合空前的词看要用单数形式还是复数形式,不可数名词则填原形,或是名词的固定搭配或专有名词。如:One morning Jane sa

29、w some elder kids selling lemon juice by the street.They wanted to raise _70_ to help their friends.Then she came up with an _71_.(2020 广东)解析:解析:根据上下文意思,可知“他们想筹钱来帮助他们的朋友。然后,她想到了一个好主意。”所以70题的答案是money,money是不可数名词,只需填原形。71题由于前面有一个an,所以答案填单数名词idea。一、语法选择(专练)一、语法选择(专练)Last year,I was invited to attend a

30、party.It was held by _ organization that helps children with special diseases.At the party,they had all kinds of small _.I got into a special one.In this room,anyone could paint a certain shapea square,a _ and so on.There are paints in different colors to choose and they 1 12 23 3asked the kids to p

31、aint the shape beautiful.As I looked around at all the shapes,I saw the _ were all bright,except one.The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart,but it was dark,empty and lifeless.It did not have the bright colors as other _ paintings.I asked him why and he told me that his mother was very sick,

32、too.He looked straight into my eyes and said,“There is nothing for anyone to do to help.”From the 4 45 5_ words,I could feel his dark heart and lifeless life.I told him I was sorry that his mother was sick and I could certainly understand his sadness.I hugged him for a long _ and after that,I asked

33、him if he felt any better.He said he did.But he was still very sad and that could not be changed.I walked away feeling sad.6 67 7As I was getting ready to head home,I heard a _ calling“Sir”from behind.I looked around and saw the little boy standing there with a smile on his face.“The _ my heart is c

34、hanging.It is getting brighter,”he told me.At that time,I was very happy.Though I couldnt kill the disease of the boys _,I tried my best to make him feel better.8 89 91010()1.A.aB.anC.theD./()2.A.roomB.roomsC.roomsD.rooms()3.A.heartB.heartsC.heartsD.hearts()4.A.pictureB.picturesC.picturesD.pictures(

35、)5.A.childB.childsC.childrenD.childrensB BC CA AC CD D()6.A.boyB.boysC.boysD.boys()7.A.timeB.timesC.timesD.times()8.A.voiceB.voicesC.voicesD.voices()9.A.colorsB.color ofC.colorsD.colors of()10.A.motherB.mothersC.mothersD.mothers B BA AA AB BC C二、完形填空二、完形填空(专练专练)Yesterday at the Minnesota Fashion Wee

36、k,the 15-year-old designer(设计者)Rachel amazed the fashion world when she showed her clothes for the first _.Everyone agreed that they looked fantastic.Rachel taught herself to make _ when she was just 7.“I didnt like my own clothes and wanted to make _,so I usually added things like pockets or ties.M

37、y mom used to get a bit worried about 111112121313all the scissors and pins lying around,”laughed Rachel.Then one year,she decided to have a summer _ at a fashion and design school,where she learned many _ from her teacher Joan.When Rachel was 12,Joan invited a few _ to join her at the famous Toront

38、o Fashion Week.“I loved it,”said Rachel.“It was just amazing and I knew that I wanted to be there.”141415151616At the Minnesota Fashion Week,Rachel looked especially beautiful in her smart jacket with a decoration(装饰)of a small blue butterfly on it.People at the event were admiring her skills and _.

39、“I did all my work on the clothes after _,as I always had a busy timetable at school and much _ as well.But it was worth it.”Rachel felt proud.171718181919Rachel sold all of her works and the _ went to a local childrens hospital.“I know that the hospital needs it to make the childrens stay as comfor

40、table as possible,”she said.2020()11.A.sightB.timeC.lookD.plan()12.A.handbagsB.hatsC.clothesD.shoes()13.A.changesB.researchesC.notesD.money()14.A.courseB.vacationC.sportD.travel()15.A.waysB.skills C.messagesD.hobbiesB BC CA AA AB B()16.A.teachersB.adultsC.teenagersD.parents()17.A.designsB.rewardsC.s

41、ecret sD.inventions()18.A.breakfastB.lunchC.teaD.dinner()19.A.homework B.houseworkC.informationD.cleaning()20.A.jacketB.decorationC.moneyD.butterflyC CA AD DA AC C三、短文填空三、短文填空(专练专练)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在横线上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.My name is Lisa.Im very glad to st

42、and here and share my future _ with you.I want to be a teacher when I grow up.2121As we know,education is very important because it can change our _.Teachers seem to be very important.So I want to be a _ when I grow up.You may ask me,“What will you do if you are a teacher?”To start with,I will show

43、passion(激情)to my _ in my class.I will try my best to make my class interesting and lively.At the same _,I 2222232324242525will not only teach them how to get knowledge in the classroom,but also how to get knowledge outside of the _.Secondly,as a teacher I will pay much _ to teaching my students how

44、to be a true person as well as how to learn well.If I am a teacher,I want to be a book.It can give my students _ good influence in their early lives.262627272828Finally,I have a _ for my dear listener,“Do you think its meaningful to become a teacher?”At least,I believe,I hope and I strive(奋斗)for my _.Thats all.Thank you.2929303021._22._ 23._ 24._25._26._27._ 28._29._30._jobjobliveslivesteacherteacherstudentsstudentstimetimeclassroomclassroomattentionattentiona aquestionquestiondreamdream


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