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1、非谓语动词(一)xx老师Lemon T TreeIm _ here in the boring roomIts just another rainy Sunday afternoonIm wasting my timeI got nothing _ _Im hanging aroundIm _ for youBut nothing ever happens and I wonderIm driving around in my carIm driving too fast Im driving too farId like _ _ my point of viewI feel so lonel

2、y歌曲欣赏sittingto dowaitingto change 同学们,刚刚所填之空有没有非谓语动词呢?目录目录1.非谓语动词的定义2.非谓语动词的分类3.非谓语动词的用法4.常考要点区别我喜欢吃辣条我喜欢吃辣条!我讨厌我讨厌学学习习!同学们,你能找出句子中真正的谓语吗?什么是谓语?谓语:用来说明主语做了什么动作或 处于什么状态,一般放在主语后面。谓语的判断技巧:找动词,主语发出的第一个动作就是谓语。所以所以,以上两个句子中以上两个句子中“喜欢和讨厌喜欢和讨厌”分别是每个句子真正的谓语分别是每个句子真正的谓语。知道了什么叫谓语,非谓语又是什么意思呢?PART 01非谓语动词的定义非谓语动词

3、的定义非谓语动词的定义:不做谓语的动词。eg:He likes eating Latiao.I want to see a movie.PART 02非谓语动词的分类非谓语动词的三大分类to do(动词不定(动词不定式式)doing(现在分词或动名词)(现在分词或动名词)done(过去分词)(过去分词)判断下列句型所包含的非谓语动词种类判断下列句型所包含的非谓语动词种类1.I saw the boy eating an apple.2.Learning is important in modern(现代的)life.3.All the tasks were finished.4.She has

4、 a lot of housework to do.5.The girl sitting behind the door is my sister.(doing)(doing)(done)(to do)(doing)PART 03非谓语动词的用法to do的用法2.2.考试常考试常用,用,其后只能其后只能加加to do的动词的动词三个希望两答应两个要求莫拒绝设法学会做决定不要假装在选择wish/hope/want agree/promisedemand/ask refusemanage learn decidepretend choose1.1.定义:定义:动词不受限定的形式,用to do来表

5、示。中考重要考点能量补给wish:表强烈而又难以实现的:表强烈而又难以实现的“愿望愿望”。hope:可实现或达成的:可实现或达成的“希望希望”。I hope to see you again.(我希望再次见到你。)I wish him to make progress.(我希望他取得进步。)练一练练一练1.The boss asked Tim _ outside if there was anyone else absent.A.to go B.going C.go D.went2.-The old woman wants us _ her with the housework.-I thin

6、k we should help her.A.help B.to help C.helps D.helping3.The boy refuses _ the qyestion.A.answer B.to answer C.answering D.to answeringABB1.1.定义:定义:充当名词作用的动词。2.2.考试常考试常用,用,其后只能其后只能加加doing的动词的动词考虑建议盼原谅承认推迟没得想避免错过继续练否定完成停欣赏禁止想象去冒险不禁介意弃逃亡动名词doing的用法consider suggest look forward to forgiveadmit put off

7、recall/fancyavoid miss keep practicedeny finish quit/stop appreciate/enjoyprevent imagine riskcant help mind give up escape小试牛刀小试牛刀1.Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer.We must _ down too many trees.A.keep people from cutting B.prevent people from cuttingC.stop people from cutting D.all th

8、e above2.Our teacher is coming.Please stop _ and keep quiet.A.talking B.to talk C.talked D.talks3.I really enjoy _ around the town.A.walking B.to walk C.walked D.walks4.We are looking forward to _ the following vacation to UK.A.spend B.to spend C.spends D.spending DAAD“常常常常喜欢喜欢”与与“偶尔喜欢偶尔喜欢”有些动词后边既可以

9、加to do也可以加doing结构,平时做题要小心哦,用错可就尴尬啦I like watching TV.我爱好看电视。I like to watch TV.我偶尔看看电视。PART 04常考要点区分既可以既可以加加to do也可以也可以加加doing的常考动词汇总的常考动词汇总动词动词to dodoingforget忘记将要做某事忘记做过某事remember记得将要做某事记得做过某事regret后悔将要做某事后悔做过某事stop停下来去做另外一件事情停止正在做的事情continue继续去做另外一件事情继续正在做的事情go on继续做另外一件事继续做正在做的事情try 努力做某事尝试做某事me

10、an 打算做某事意味着做某事记忆技巧:to do表将要/目的;doing表正在/做过综合练习综合练习1.The doctor advisesd my father _ smoking.A.stop B.to stop C.stops D.stopping2.My daughter asked me _ about her study.A.to bother B.dont bother C.bothering D.not to bother3.Mary,if you promise _ quiet in my office,you can stay here.A.keep B.to keep C.keeps D.keeping4.Everyone in my class _ the poor boy without parents.A.want to help B.want helping C.wants helping D.wants to help 5.Keep _ and never give up,and your dream will come true one day.A.to try B.trying C.try D.triesBDBDB谢谢!


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