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1、471. _(好的)morning, Eric!2. _(你好),Lingling!3. Good _(下午), boys and girls!Good afternoon, Mr. Li!4. Good _(晚上),Alice!5. _(怎样)are you?Im OK.6. How_you?Im fine, thanks.7. Are _(你们)students?8. How are you?Im f_,thanks.9. S_it, please. M-A-P.10. Whats this in E_?Its a key.11. Is it an _ (橙子)?Yes, it is.12

2、. Toms _(夹克衫) is old.13. Theres a _(被子) in the bed.14. What_ is your pen?Its red.15. His favorite color is _ (黄色的), but my favorite color is purple.16. The mans coat is _ (绿色的)17. What_ is your pen?Its red.18. What color is the sky (天空)?Its _. Its a good day today.19. We are Chinese. We have _ eyes.

3、20. Alices cat is _(白色的)21. What color is it?Its _ (紫色的).22. She is from Cuba. Her hair is _(棕色的).23. Its five in the afternoon _ (现在).1. Whats_(你的)English name?2. Whats his _name(姓)?3. This is my_(电话).4. Nice to_(见到)you!5. Count(数)from_(零)to ten,please.6. _(I)kite is red.7. _(he)name is Bob.8. My b

4、rother has two English_(friend).9. Hi, Linda!Whats_(you)last name?10. Is this_(she)computer?11. Tim and Tom are good boys. They are my _(朋友).12. Whats her_(第一)name?Alice,13. Whats this in English?Its a map of _(中国).14. Green is his _(最后的)name.15. Whats your _(电话)number?Its 381-4586.16. Whats his pho

5、ne _(号码)?626-78906.17. Whats three and four?Its _(七).18. 他们是谁?是我的叔叔们。_ are _? _ my _19. 你姓什么? 布莱克。-What _ _ _ name? -Black.20. 这儿有一本英语书。_ _ _ English book.21. 这两个女孩是我的妹妹。_ _ _ are my sisters.22. 他的名字是迈克。_ _ _ Mike.23. 我的电话号码是5558028。_ _ _ is 5558028.24. 你姓什么?_ your _ name?25. 见到你很高兴!_ to _ you!她叫什么名

6、字?_ is _ name?1. Is the girl your _(妹妹)?2. This is my _(爸爸)and that is my _(妈妈). They are my parents.3. -Are they your father and mother?-Yes, theyre my p_.4. Alice is my sister. I am her b_.5. This is Tonys_ . Tonys father is her son.6. My fathers father is my g_.7. His grandfather and grandmother

7、are his _ (祖父母).8. Mr. Wang is a friend of my _(家庭).9. _ (那) three boys are my friends. They are reading.10. -W_ is she? -Shes my grandmother.11. _(这些)are my friends.12. -Are these your friends? -Yes, t_ are.13. Youplayedveryw_(好).14. They_(玩的开心)atschool.15. Anyway,Id betterletyouhaveyour dinner.B_(

8、再见).16. G_(爷爷)wasnot yetbackfromthe war.17. Areyoulistening,M_(妈妈)?18. My_(奶奶)losther brotherinthewar.19. Myd_ (爸爸)tookmetothe circus.20. Thep_(照片)wasprintedinall thenationalnewspapers.21. Here is a photo _(属于)my family.22. Thisg_(女孩)was a bitstrange.23. -_(度过,经历)a good day!-Thank you.24. How many _

9、(天)are there in a week? Seven days.25. Peter is my father. I am Peters s_ .26. Lily and Jane are my c_. They are my aunt s daughters.27. My _ (姑母) is my fathers sister.28. Bruce is my _ . He is my fathers brother.29. Mr. Green is Jennys father and Jenny is his_ .30. My father isnt_ (在这里). He is in S

10、hanghai.31. Who is_ (下一个)?32. Whats your _(狗)name? Its name is Coco.A nice _(图画)is on the wall.1. How muchisthiskind of_ _(铅笔盒)?2. Heputh_(他的) handsover hisears3. Nobodyunderstandsm_(我).4. _ _(打扰一下),could youletmethrough?5. _ _(怎么样)tryingagain?6. _ _ _(为.而感谢)chattingwithme!7. _ _ _(别客气)tostaythe nig

11、hthere.8. Itwasatoughbutcleang_(游戏).9. Thebirthdayc_(卡片)arrivedthreedayslate.10. Pleaseshowmeyour_ _(身份证).11. There was nothinginherb_(袋).12. Hearrivedi_(在.里)LondoninNovember1939.13. Imthinkingabout howto_ my mother_(请求)money.14. Im_(在) hometonight.15. The tablewas s_(一套)forsixguests.16. Ibought_ _

12、_(一套)thenewstampson the dateofissue.17. These are my _(铅笔).18. Is this your English b?19. I have an e_. I use(使用) it to correct(改正) the words.20. Two beautiful _(盒子)are on the table.21. There are many books in my _(书包). Its very heavy.22. The d_(字典) is very useful.23. Is this your ruler? Yes, it is

13、_(我的).24. Is this Ginas green pencil?No,that black pencil is h_.25. Eme,may I know your name?26. The books are in the _ (图书馆)27. Please_ (询问) the teacher for help.28. Here are_ (一些) oranges.29. I _ (丢失) my school ID card.30. This is our _ (教室)31. My parents are_(老师) in a middle school.32. _(感谢) you

14、for your map.33. The book is_(关于) UFOs.34. Can you_(帮助) me?35. Is this dictionary_(你的)?36. I_(必须) go to school on weekdays(工作日).37. - Thank you for your advice, Jenny.- Youre w_.38. I like playing _(棒球).39. Is this your _(手表)?40. - I like playing c_ games. What about you?- Me, too.41. Whats this in

15、English?Its a_(笔记本).42. My mother has many_(戒指).43. Do you have an_(电子邮件)?44. I cant_(找到)my pencil.45. Please_(打电话)me.My telephone number is 366-8899.I_(必须) go to school on weekdays(工作日).1. The book layopenon thet_(桌子).2. Thes_(沙发)alsofunctionsasa bed.3. Whois in the c_(椅子)today?4. Fromnowo_youcanwo

16、rkon your own.5. _ _(快点儿),its time togo home.6. Thiswasthe onlyr_(房间)available.7. T_(他们的)relationshipflowered.8. Yougot married,right?Y_(是的), thats it.9. Weheardit overther_(收音机).10. This_ _(磁带播放机) is already obsolete.11. Ishemakinga_ _(飞机模型)?12. B_(但是)hisdeathwassoneedless.13. W _is the baseball? I

17、ts on the sofa.14. My books are on the b_.15. Kates tapes are in the _ (书柜)16. My watch is _ (在下) the chair.17. Mom,can you _(来)to my school?18. Wheres your ruler? Its on the _ (课桌).19. I _ (认为) his book is in his schoolbag.20. The h_ is on your head.21. Look ! Your hat is on Toms h_22. Do you _ (知道

18、) her name?23. This is my _ (钟表)24. I like these _(录像带).25. The _ (模型) planes are on the desk.26. Is this your tape _ (播放机)?27. Look!A p_ is flying in the sky(天空).28. Her room is _ (整洁的)29. This is _(我们的)school.30. “Wheres my schoolbag?”Gina _(总是)asks.Jims books are _(到处都是)on his bed,on the sofa and

19、 under the chair.1. Whose_(英式足球)isthis?2. H_(嘿),hands off!Thatsmydrink!3. Dontl_(让)themgrindyoudown.4. Didyoug_(去)anywhereinteresting?5. Wedidntwinbut_(我们) came close6. Shes reallyf_(乐趣)to bewith.7. HedirectedvariousT_(电视)shows.8. The childrenareallowedto_(看电视)after school.9. Iespecially_(喜欢)sweet t

20、hings.10. The _(班级)burstoutlaughing.11. Dont be _(迟到) for class again.12. I really love the song. It _(听起来) wonderful.13. They are good friends. They like the _ (相同的) things.14. Talk with your _(同班同学).15. She likes to play _(排球).16. He thinks this picture is _(令人放松的).17. I dont like math because the

21、y are very _(难).18. This is a(n) _(有趣的) game.19. - How old is your cousin? - Hes _(仅仅) three.20. Lucy can play _(网球) well, but Betty cant.21. D_ he have a soccer ball?22. Lucy can play _(网球) well, but Betty cant.23. I have a pair of ping-pong b_?24. Thanks for helping _(我们).25. My brother _(有)a ping

22、-pong bat.26. Can you _(去取)a pencil for me?27. My father has a g_ sports collection.28. Gina doesnt play sports. She only w_ them on TV.29. I play soccer _(和在一起)my friends.30. I _(爱)my parents very much.31. I have a ping-pong ball and two bats. Great. Lets p_!32. The son has five b (球), nine soccerb

23、alls and many baseballs. 33. She loves soccer but she doesnt play (乒乓球).34. I dont have a s(英式足球) ball,too.35. Yi Jianlian plays b_ well.36. L_ play volleyball.37. Lin Tao has a computer . He often p_ games .38. Mike doesnt like math. He thinks its b_.39. Whatsyourfavourite_(体育运动)?40. Its not_(容易的)

24、toquitsmoking.Illdomy homework_(在.之后)supper.1. Can Ihelpyoutosome more_(沙拉)?2. Sorry,were freshoutof_(牛奶).3. What didyou_ _(思考)theidea?4. Youcanhavea _(汉堡包),butyou canthavefries as well.5. Hetookanotherbiteof_(苹果).6. WatchwhatIdo,_(然后) youtry.7. The_(鸡蛋) tartis very delicious.8. Weeat_(米饭)every sing

25、le day.9. It allhappened_(那么)suddenly.10. Itll_(变成)asnack.11. My mothers_(生日)party is next week.12. I think you are _(正确的).13. What_(水果)do you like?14. Their parents play sports every day, so they are very _(健康的).15. Sports stars eat _(好).16. Lets have_(草莓) and apples.17. My daughter has a _(汉堡包) fo

26、r breakfast every day. Its not good for her.18. Can I ask you a q_?19. Its a good h_ to eat vegetables every day.20. There are many s_ in the sky.21. -What does Jim like for b_ in the morning?-He likes rice and eggs.22. In the evening I have d_ with my parents at home.23. Lucy has some _(香蕉).24. Gin

27、a loves_ (西红柿) and carrots.25. My brother likes _(冰淇淋). What about you?26. My grandmother likes eating _(梨).27. Ms. Brown only has some_ (面包) every morning.28. There are four _(周)in a month.29. Lets think about the _(食物).30. Can you help me? _(当然).31. How a_ playing basketball this afternoon?32. Eat

28、ing more fruits and v_ is good for your health.33. My rabbit(兔子)likes eating c_34. Tina doesnt like eating _(鸡肉)for breakfast.35. The boy has chicken and eggs for l_ at 12 oclock.36. He doesnt want to e_ eggs.37. This is Anns room.Its _(真正地) tidy.38. Cindy is a_(肥胖的) girl.Apples, pears and bananas a

29、re all _ (水果).1. Idont have_(很多)freetime.2. _(多少钱)doesshebring innow?3. _(给你).Thisiswhatyouwere askingfor.4. Tickets cost_(十)dollarseach.5. _(先生)Ryanis confidentofsuccess.6. _ (所有的) my friends like this game.7. Mom,where is my _ (T恤衫)?8. Tom _ (卖) books in the store.9. Come here,Jack!I _ (需要) your h

30、elp.10. I think it is_ (很) relaxing to watch TV.11. The red bag is small, but that blue one is b_.12. How much are the _(袜子)? _ two dollars.13. He needs a red_(毛衣).14. How much are the_(裤子)?15. I want black _(shoe).16. Lucy bought two_(裙子) for her mother.17. The blue hat is seven d_.18. This apple i

31、s _. I want a big one.19. These socks are too s_Can I have a long pair?20. Look! Here are _(十三) hats.21. Which one do you like?You can buy some clothes in the s_.22. This dress l_ nice.23. I want to buy_ (一双) white shoes for school.24. Ill_(买下)two T-shirts.25. There are t_ months in a year.26. Eight

32、 and five is t_.27. Sue has_(三十) books.28. My mother likes to go to that c_ store to buy trousers.29. Lily buys all her books at very good _(价格).30. The black _(短裤)are Sams.31. -_(我能帮您吗), sir?一Yes, I want a T-shirt, please.32. I want to buy _(十一) watermelons.33. Look! Here are _(十八) hats. Which one

33、do you like?34. We always buy clothes from this s_.35. I need _(buy)a pair of shoes.36. All the hats in the store are on _(特价销售).37. For_ (boy),we have blue trousers and shorts.This p_of socks is nice.She likes it.1. _(什么时候) is your mothers birthday?2. There are twelve_(月份) in a year3. I havent hear

34、d from him since last_ (一月).4. F_ is the second month of the year.5. M _ 8th is Womens Day.6. June comes after M_.7. Childrens Day is on _ 1 .8. ChineseGhostFestivalis on J_ 14.9. A _ is the eight month of a year.10. Teachers Day is on S_ 1011. The school volleyball game is in _(十月).12. December com

35、es after _(十一月).13. D _ is the last month of a year.14. My brothers b_ is on November 10th.15. _ are your parents?16. When is Lilys birthday p_?17. March is the_month of the year18. September is the n_ month of the year19. December is the t_ month of the year.20. Today is my t_birthday. I am twenty

36、years old today.21. I dont pass the math t_ , Im so sad.22. When is the school_ (旅行)?23. When do you have an art_. (节日)24. Mike and Ann are my d_ friends.25. Who is your history teacher this t_(学期).26. Where is John?He is _(在那里) under the tree.27. The baseball game is in _(四月).28. We have an _(艺术)festival every year.29. Our head teacher is really_ (忙碌的)every day.30. Whats the _(时间)? Its 7: 30 am.31. Are these your _(东西)?32. The s_ month in a year is February.33. As we all know Thursday is the f_ day of a week.34. To


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