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1、2022年贵州省黔东南州中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Judy read _ unusual report from Kaili Evening on June 10. _ report was about the doctors and nurses assisting(援助)Shanghai in the fight against COVID-19.Aa; ABan; TheCa; TheDan; An2Ms. Huang, what would you like _ your afternoon tea? Just a cup of coffee _ any

2、 sugar or milk.Afor, withoutBto; withoutCfor, withDto; with3The Internet makes _ lives easier, but it sometimes brings trouble to _ students.Awe; usBus; weCour; usDours; we4_ is the population of Guizhou? It has more than _ people.AHow much; thirty-eight millions ofBHow many; thirty-eight million of

3、CWhat; thirty-eight millionDHow large; thirty-eight millions5The journey to Congjiang is a great _ for Steve to learn more about the magic places that he has known from books and pictures.AintroductionBcompetitionCpressureDchance6Have a try, _ you will never know what you can achieve.AorBwhileCtillD

4、and7An old man _ on the side of the road was found _, and he was sent to the hospital by the bus driver and passengers immediately.Alies; diesBlay; diedClain; deadDlying; dying8Mr. Liu checked his papers _, so he passed the exam again.AcarefullyBpolitelyCthankfullyDcarelessly9Wheres Mr. Yang? He _ L

5、ongquan Mountain in Danzhai. He _ there three times because he enjoys the local scenery. Ahas gone to; has beenBhas gone to; has gone toChas been to; has goneDhas been to; has been to10There is no doubt _ Harry Potter is worth _.Awhether, readBif; to readCthat; readingDas; being read11_ crowded Zhen

6、yuan was during holidays! Luckily, to solve the problem, the government has provided visitors with a lot of parking convenience since three years ago.AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a12Have you written anything on Chinese traditional food so far? _ Ill work on it next Monday.AYes, of course.BLucky you.CThats f

7、or sure.DNot yet.13When our parents become too old to take care of themselves one day, they _ be looked after well by us.AshouldBshouldntCmayDmay not14If you go out for a party with your dad and he wants to drive after drinking, what should you do? _ATell him to drive carefully.BAsk him to wear his

8、seat belt.CStop him from driving.DPrevent him from meeting the traffic police.15In our school library, there _ a number of books on art. The number of the books _ still growing larger and larger.Ais; isBare; isCis; areDare; are二、完形填空The Development of Electric CarsElectric cars may seem like a recen

9、t invention, but they have been around for years. In the early 1900s, there were _16_ electric cars on the road than gasoline(汽油)cars, because at that time, gasoline was expensive compared with other fuels(燃料), electric cars were more popular. When gasoline _17_ dropped and new technologies on gasol

10、ine cars were developed, electric cars were out of date. Gasoline cars became more popular _18_, because they could go farther without stopping. During the 20th century, gasoline cars got bigger, heavier and faster. They needed more fuel, and it _19_ more air pollution. For years, the car makers did

11、nt worry about pollution. They didnt worry about how much gasoline cars used, either. But when people began to _20_ that there was not enough oil on the earth, they asked car makers to produce more efficient(高效能的)and less polluting cars. One _21_ of solving the problem was a “hybrid” car(混合动力车), one

12、 that ran partly on gasoline and partly on electricity. Hybrid cars became popular in the 2000s because gasoline prices went up while prices of hybrid cars went _22_.An all-electric car uses no gasoline. The problem, however, is that car batteries(电池)need to be recharged(再充电). That makes electric ca

13、rs not so _23_ for long journeys. Many people are not pleased with it. The government and car makers are working together to _24_ safe, cheap and useful electric cars. When more and more people have these electric cars in the future, a gasoline station may _25_.16AfewerBmoreCfasterDbigger17ApricesBp

14、lacesCstationsDkeepers18AinsteadBstillCyetDforever19ApushedBcontrolledCcausedDwasted20AimagineBstartCkeepDrealize21AmethodBpersonCarticleDstyle22AoutBupCawayDdown23AdifferentBsuitableCdeliciousDcalm24AdescribeBdevelopCforgetDprotect25AdiscoverBdesignCbuildDdisappear三、补全对话7选5A: Hi, Wu Jing! Did you w

15、atch the live broadcast(现场直播)on CCTV this morning? B: Yes, I did. I was so excited when I saw the crewed(载人)spaceship Shenzhou-14 rising.A: Me, too. I think China is playing a leading role in many ways. _26_ B: Yeah, for six months. They will come back in December. _27_ A: I agree. Im also proud of

16、them and I make up my mind to be a man like them. B: _28_ A: I want to be an engineer when I grow up. B: _29_ A: Im going to study harder and get more knowledge. B: Where do you want to work after you graduate from university? A: I want to work in our hometown. As a member of Qiandongnan, we should

17、do what we can to make our hometown better and better. B: _30_ A: Thank you. I also hope more and more teenagers can learn science and technology better to serve our motherland. AWhat do you want to be when you grow up?BThey are Chinese astronauts.CDo you still remember how long the three astronauts

18、 will stay in the space station?DI hope your dream can come true.EHow are you going to do that?FIts my pleasure.GI think they are the pride of Chinese.四、阅读单选One-day Bus Tour of BeijingBeijing, the capital city of China, is willing to welcome friends from all over the world. The charming city has bee

19、n the political, economic and cultural center of China for over 800 years since the Yuan Dynasty. There are lots of cultural and historical attractions waiting for you. Here is one of the most popular ways to travel around Beijing. Time: 10 hoursAttractions and Activities: Tiananmen Square, the Forb

20、idden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace7:00 a.m. Meet at the hotel lobby(大堂). 7:30 a.m. Arrive at Tiananmen Square. 8:00 a.m. Visit the Forbidden City, the largest ancient imperial(皇家的)palaces group with 500 years history in the world. 11:00 a.m. Drive to the Temple of Heaven. On your wa

21、y there, you can visit the Chinese Traditional Medicine Culture Center. 11:30 a.m. Visit the Temple of Heaven where the ancient Emperors prayed for peace and harvest. 12:30 p.m Have lunch at a famous Beijing roast duck restaurant. 2:30 p.m Walk around the Summer Palace, the largest and most beautifu

22、l Chinese imperial garden. 5:00 p. m. Return to your hotel. Price:Adults(per person)Kids under 3Kids from 3 to 12Elderly people over 70500FreeHalf priceFreeNo Shopping.Tips:Wear comfortable shoes because there will be a lot of walking. We will pick you from the hotel and drive you back to the hotel!

23、 Contact Information:If you have any questions, please contact us. We work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phone: +86-10-2234567831In the trip, tourists will travel around the city _.Aby busBby carCon footDby bike32What will tourists do during the whole trip? Visit Tiananmen Square. Go to the Forbidd

24、en City. Drive cars. Walk around the Temple of Heaven. Have lunch. Go to the Summer Palace. Go shopping.ABCD33If Jane and her husband take the trip with their 72-year-old aunt and 10-year-old son, they should pay _.A750B1000C1250D150034The passage is probably from _.Aa history bookBa science magazin

25、eCa story bookDa travelling guide35Which is TRUE according to the passage?ATourists will have lunch at 11:30 a. m.BIt tells us a one-day tour of Shanghai.CThe tour company doesnt work on weekends.DIf you have questions about the trip, call +86-10-22345678.Wang Hua is a twenty-year-old young man. Two

26、 years ago, he finished middle school and found a job in a shop. Usually he works until 9 oclock at night. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper, he always goes to bed quietly. His grandma who lives downstairs is happy with this. One day, on his way home, he happened to meet Zhou

27、Weilun. They were both happy because they hadnt seen each other since graduation. They talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future. They couldnt stop and went to Wang Huas house together with some fruit and drinks. They went on talking there.“Have a look at your watch, Wang Hua.

28、 I left mine at home,” Zhou Weilun said. “What time is it? Maybe I should go home.”“Sorry, but there is something wrong with my watch,” said Wang Hua. Wang Hua thought for a while and began to stamp(跺)his foot on the floor. “Bang! Bang! Bang!”The sound woke up his grandma. The old woman shouted, “It

29、s twelve oclock at night, Wang Hua. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”36How old was Wang Hua when he finished middle school?ASixteen.BEighteen.CTwenty.DTwenty-two.37The old woman is happy because Wang Hua _.Ais her grandsonBis cleverCcan always keep quiet at nightDgets home on time after work38Fro

30、m the story, we can know that Zhou Weilun is Wang Huas _.AclassmateBteacherCuncleDcousin39Wang Hua didnt know the time because _.Ahe left his watch at homeBhe had no watchChis watch was lostDhis watch didnt work40Wang Hua stamped his foot on the floor in order to _.Aask his grandma to buy them some

31、more fruit and drinksBmake his grandma happyCknow the time from his grandmaDget a watch from his grandmaSleep is a physical and mental(精神的)need. We all need to sleep, though the sleep hours are different from person to person. Doctors do not know why we need sleep, but they all agree that sleep is v

32、ery important to us. Without enough sleep, the body may be weak. One-third of adults have sleeplessness. There are over 80 kinds of sleep-related disorders(失调). However, other adults are lucky and have no sleeping problems. They sleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows. Do you sleep well? If you

33、 have sleeplessness, here are a few suggestions. 1. Make a timetable, and stick to it. We need to sleep at regular times. If your bedtime and wake-up time change from day to day or on weekends, your sleep rhythms(节奏)arent predicted and the body doesnt know how to act. So its important to have a regu

34、lar wake-up time, even on weekends, vacations or after a night of poor sleep. 2. Dont lie in bed awake. “The best sleep tip you can give somebody is to get updont lie in bed awake,” sleep expert Grandner said. “Whether its the beginning of the night or the middle of the night, if youve been awake fo

35、r 20 or 30 minutes, get up and reset(重新调整). Maybe you just need five minutes to get sleepy, or maybe an hour, but dont spend that time awake in bed.”3. Change your thinking about sleep. “Many people regard sleeping as the final thing they have to do for daily activities. They would like to work or w

36、atch TV very late rather than sleep on time. That thinking needs to be changed.” Grandner said. “Dont see your sleep as the time you have left in your day,” he advised. “See your sleep as the time you need in order to prepare yourself for an energetic(精力充沛的)tomorrow.”“It may sound like a small chang

37、e in thinking, but its an important one.” Grandner added.41What may happen to the body without enough sleep?AThe body may be weak.BThe body may be heavy.CThe body may be awake.DThe body may be strong.42The first suggestion in the passage tells us _.Aits not necessary to sleep regularlyBits not neces

38、sary to wake up regularlyCwe should always sleep and wake up regularlyDwe should sleep and wake up regularly on weekdays43If youve been awake for 20 or 30 minutes at night, the best sleep tip is _.Aclosing your eyes and lying on the bedBgetting up and resettingCdrinking some hot teaDusing a smart ph

39、one and turning off the light44Which suggestion is NOT mentioned in the passage?AMake a timetable, and stick to it.BDont lie in bed awake.CListen to bedtime stories.DChange your thinking about sleep.45The best title of the passage may be _.ASleep Hours Are Different from Person to PersonBSleep-relat

40、ed DisordersCOne-third of Adults Have SleeplessnessDThe Importance of Enough Sleep and SuggestionsTo Borrow Arrows with Thatched BoatsOne day, Zhou Yu ordered Zhuge Liang to make 100,000 arrows(箭)in ten days. Zhou Yu thought it was impossible, but Zhuge Liang said, “Give me three days.” Then he aske

41、d Lu Su to lend him 20 boats, and the soldiers put some scarecrows(稻草人)in line on the boats. He reminded Lu Su not to tell Zhou Yu what was happening. When Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang, he found nothing unusual. Nothing happened on the second day, either. In the small hours(凌晨)of the third da

42、y, Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together with strong ropes. Zhuges fleet went towards the camp of Cao Cao. The surface of the river was covered with thick mist(雾)all over. People could hardly see each other on the river. When Zhuges fleet got close to the Cao cam

43、p before dawn(黎明), Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums heavily to pretend an attack. But Zhuge and Lu Su only sat inside one boat drinking wine to enjoy themselves. As soon as the Cao camp heard the shouting and drum beating, they mistook it for a surprise attack by the Zhou Yu

44、camp. Since they could see nobody on the river, they had to order 3,000 soldiers to shoot arrows to stop the unexpected attack. The front of the scarecrows was quickly full of arrows. After a while, Zhuge Liang had his fleet turned around to get the other side of the scarecrows to face the Cao camp.

45、 When both sides were full of arrows, the day broke. Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to return. The soldiers shouted in excitement, “Thank you, Cao Cao, for your arrows.” After they got back to their camp, they collected more than 100,000 arrows in total from the scarecrows.46How many days did Zhug

46、e Liang need to make 100,000 arrows?AOne day.BTwo days.CThree days.DTen days.47The underlined word “feet” probably means _ in Chinese.A船帆B甲板C船桨D船队48Who created the idea to get the arrows?AZhou Yu.BZhuge Liang.CLu Su.DCao Cao.49The soldiers in the Cao camp shot arrows because _.Athe Zhou Yu camp star


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